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Ice Princess Silky

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6 hours ago, Ghostbit/Angel said:

Ghost stayed with his @Pandora Wondering where this ship was but made sure to be with them whilst they ate their Bamboo treat's, As He was also there ready to protect anypony that were planning to harm other's or the ship, along with Resisting against the effect's of Changeling crystal's.

hey ghost, i think i'm gonna step out <3 pan just doesn't fit in here very much y u y

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Hunting for scorpions — High Country News – Know the West

@Kujamih Above the scuttling crew of ponies, the Scorpion in a diminutive state scuttled itself across the top of the airship, searching for a worthy target. At last, the white pony came into sight with the overheated crystal in hoof. It watched the strangeness of it all, too primitive a form to understand but cataloguing the information nonetheless.

When the time felt right, it leapt down gracefully, landing perfectly atop the stallion's face, and only giving him enough time to stare cross eyed, plunged its stinger down, initiating a paralysis spell.

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21 hours ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

But the impact never came, when @Dynamo Pad opened his eyes, Shiny was carrying him, with the basic telekinesis spell that every unicorns must learn, while trotting at a never seen speed for a unicorn. She dodged all the crystals on her way and took her friend to safety with Princess Twilight Sparkle and others. "You're safe now, Dynamo! But we really need a plan because the situation is going out of our control! May the Blood Moon continue to bless me with it's speed so I can save more friends!"

20 hours ago, Kramathia said:

Chatterbox asks.gif Of course you lovely one! Silky has bring a ship and she gave me the instructions to make sure everyone is entering to the ship, no problems! You can help me by making sure everyone is safe and ready to board!


Chatterbox thinking.gif Another thing is that, we better be careful of unfriendly faces, I got @Shiny Silvermoon @Princess Silky mostly but I could use your help too!


As he slowly opened his eyes, Dynamo had noticed that none of the crystals had gotten him. In fact, he felt as if he was lighter than air for some reason. Taking in his surroundings, he noticed that he was being levitated, while seeing a mare he hadn't seen before. Upon arrival with Princess Twilight and the others, he was placed back on his hooves upon the ground. As the mare spoke to him, he noticed that she looked familiar to him. There were a few differences like the color in her mane and her eyes, but he was able to recognize the mare in front of him. @Shiny Silvermoon "S-Shiny? Is that you? What in Equestria is going on?" He asks, listening to his friend's words, before shaking his head. He had a lot of questions, but Shiny was right. "You're right, Shiny. I just don't understand what is going on. What were those crystal pillars? My only guess is that someone is trying to stop us from taking on this mysterious pony and the bell." He says, nodding at her mentioning of saving more friends. "I just hope that everyone will be okay. We all need to work together if we're going to stop Team Tartarus."

Looking over, he smiled in relief as he was glad to see that @Princess Silky @Kramathia Chatterbox, and the others were here, as well. "Thank you, Chatterbox. I don't know how much help I can be, but I want to do my best to make sure that all of our friends are safe. So, I'm ready to help in any way I can." He says, wanting to help make sure that everyone would get on board the ship. However, he remembered about the crystal. "I guess the only plan of action is how we're going to get our ship back. Those crystals from before were after everyone and it almost got me. I was really thankful that Shiny was able to save us, before we were trapped." He says, giving Shiny a thankful expression. "There might be others that could use our help, but we'll also need to get back to the ship and avoid the crystals." He says, trying to think of an idea to help them out of this situation. 

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22 hours ago, Nightmare Moon said:


@Props Valroa

Nightmare Moon’s Serpent would be the first to pick up on the opposing creatures. With the flick of a tongue it would turn sharply to confront them in no time at all. Slithering with such speed, it began to lift off of the ground, avoiding the rocks below. It phased through the occasional boulder as it picked up in pace, its body stopped coiling, straightening out and glowing brighter like a meteorite refusing to land. It was coming in towards another boulder, but it needn’t phase through this time.

A ways off, Carnelian’s creatures marched towards their target, but stopped when a rock fell before them. The Eagle hadn’t felt the need to fly ahead, nor had it cried out any warning of an enemy approaching. Each of the Hydra’s heads scanned a direction, looking for anything that could have thrown the stone. Their heads rose with the sound of an explosion, rearing up while the Hornet buzzed aggressively. A half dozen more rocks fell before them, the largest bounced up and passed over the Mantis having ducked it’s head, curiously turning it about 180 degrees. The rock continued to roll, partway through one of the Hydra’s feet. It lifted it to inspect, but it was nothing more than a rock. The Eagle screeched from above, and the Hydra could see a cloud of dust on the horizon. There was the sound of another explosion, closer this time, followed by a brief flicker of light. The sound of rushing air grew louder and louder, when a far off rock suddenly burst into a bajillion pieces, and the glow of the Serpent streaking towards them like a missile was dangerously visible. The Hydra braced itself while the Hornet flew forward to meet the enemy. WHAM! The nearest boulder erupted and before the landscape behind it was even visible, the Serpent swept passed the Hornet with a near miss, sending it into an uncontrollable spin, and straight into the Hydra’s gut with a flash, compressing inward until the snake like head tapped what would’ve been the behemoth’s spine had it actually had one. The First hit had landed, and so did the Hydra with a great crash on its back.

The Serpent settled to the ground in a neat coil, shaking its head from the impact. It held itself high, proud to have knocked over something so many times larger than itself. It slid over to examine its work, only for a large head to suddenly slam into it. The Serpent recoiled, shaking its head in surprise. The Hydra wasn’t done for, for it’s magical origin meant it wasn’t your average monster. The Serpent struck back with a fierce fight, but it’s fangs refused to sink in. The fellow reptilian incantation was immune to it’s animalistic attacks. It struck again out of anger, but the large head simply smiled. With every head growling, it began to turn itself over to stand back upright, the Serpent narrowly avoiding being squished under its massive heel. It turned to put a safe distance between themselves when a sharp pain enveloped its lower half. The Mantis had snuck up on it and grasped it within its pincers. The Serpent furiously hissed and pulled but the pincers only dug in deeper. It raised its head to strike the smaller foe when it felt a piecing sensation in the back of its skull. The Serpent hissed once more but it was drowned out by the Hornet’s buzzing wings overhead.

High above a flaming blue streak would cry out, drawing every creature’s attention. The Hydra stepped away as the untimely Hornet flew up only to be smacked off to the side by the Hydra’s tail. The Mantis would drop the Serpent limply to the ground, when all of the sudden it would also experience a sharp pain in it’s own lower half. Turning its head 180 degrees again, it saw the Timberwolf clenching down on its abdomen, and frantically began to scratch at it with its pincers. This did little to deter the spectral canid, and it fervently shook its head back and forth, the insect attaining a ragdoll effect.

The Hydra not knowing the carnage occurring behind it, watched as the Phoenix and Eagle flew past each other, ghostly whisps of flame and magic trailing behind one another. Occasionally one would land a nip or wing beat on the other, but they’d shrug it off and correct their course. Finally they both veered off and back directly at each other, clashing with purple sparks shooting outwards in a wide burst, talons tearing at each other until locking up in a vice grip. The two birds swirled round, their quick descent hastily broken off just before hitting the ground. The Phoenix managed to fly off and back up to watch from above, as the Eagle flew past the Hydra just beside the bedraggled mantis, and begins shaking its head back and forth with great enthusiasm. The Eagle gives out a brief though harsh squawk before being silenced.

Another swing of its head, and the Timberwolf is knocked back as the Hydra sees what it has done. Scrambling back to its feet, it charges the now roaring heads while growing larger in size. Leaping forth, it takes a hold of one of the heads mid-air, the others reeling in shock. Pulling it back and over as they come to the otherside of the Hydra, the Timberwolf lets go, and we see that the head’s nearly been torn off. It lifts itself back up swaying with great pain, when the Phoenix swoops down and takes hold with its talons, tearing it the rest of the way off, and dropping the snarling maw with a thump. The Timberwolf charges again, but the other heads seeing what happened, swing themselves with one hitting, and send the hound tumbling. It suspected this might happen, and neatly stops the rolling motion upright, facing its opponent. The Timberwolf paws the ground, ready to charge again but adjust the angle of attack. It’s about to pounce when a searing pain writhes up one of its rear legs. With a yelp it snaps back to see the Hornet, stinger fully embedded. Another snap and it flies off, but the Hydra is moving towards them. The Timberwolf takes a step forward but the pain is too great, and it collapses, shrinking back to its normal size. Soon the Hydra shadows over it. The Phoenix seeing this dives down but it’s too late. With a single step, the Timberwolf is crushed.

Alarmed, it gets low to the ground, flying around and encircling its remaining adversaries within a wall of fire. The Hornet tries to flee over this entrapment, but the flames rise and swiftly eliminate it.

The Hydra tries peering through the flames and is predictably struck from above. The Phoenix digs its talons so deep into its head of choice, it successfully dispatches it. Releasing its grip, it flies up to repeat the motion, only for the newly grown head to take revenge, intercepting the second strike and chomping down on the Phoenix’s tail. It drags the flailing avian down towards the gathering of toothy grins, as the flames begin to close in and grow higher still, with both beasts being mutually consumed.



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They wiped each other out, but the Scorpion was never there! :ooh:

Serpent is taken out by Mantis and Hornet, Mantis is taken out by Timberwolf, Eagle is taken out by Phoenix and Timberwolf, Timberwolf is taken out by Hornet and Hydra, Hornet is taken out by Phoenix, Phoenix and Hydra take each other out.


(I PREDICTED IT!!! I told you that it would end up like an episode of Jojo's bizarre adventure! There are already STANDS fighting!)

Edited by Shiny Silvermoon
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51 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:

Looking over, he smiled in relief as he was glad to see that @Princess Silky @Kramathia Chatterbox, and the others were here, as well. "Thank you, Chatterbox. I don't know how much help I can be, but I want to do my best to make sure that all of our friends are safe. So, I'm ready to help in any way I can." He says, wanting to help make sure that everyone would get on board the ship. However, he remembered about the crystal. "I guess the only plan of action is how we're going to get our ship back. Those crystals from before were after everyone and it almost got me. I was really thankful that Shiny was able to save us, before we were trapped." He says, giving Shiny a thankful expression. "There might be others that could use our help, but we'll also need to get back to the ship and avoid the crystals." He says, trying to think of an idea to help them out of this situation. 

Cleaning her Glasses.gif Crystals, huh? I guess we better be careful, if there is anything I can be useful to you, am in

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1 hour ago, Dynamo Pad said:

As he slowly opened his eyes, Dynamo had noticed that none of the crystals had gotten him. In fact, he felt as if he was lighter than air for some reason. Taking in his surroundings, he noticed that he was being levitated, while seeing a mare he hadn't seen before. Upon arrival with Princess Twilight and the others, he was placed back on his hooves upon the ground. As the mare spoke to him, he noticed that she looked familiar to him. There were a few differences like the color in her mane and her eyes, but he was able to recognize the mare in front of him. @Shiny Silvermoon "S-Shiny? Is that you? What in Equestria is going on?" He asks, listening to his friend's words, before shaking his head. He had a lot of questions, but Shiny was right. "You're right, Shiny. I just don't understand what is going on. What were those crystal pillars? My only guess is that someone is trying to stop us from taking on this mysterious pony and the bell." He says, nodding at her mentioning of saving more friends. "I just hope that everyone will be okay. We all need to work together if we're going to stop Team Tartarus."

Looking over, he smiled in relief as he was glad to see that @Princess Silky @Kramathia Chatterbox, and the others were here, as well. "Thank you, Chatterbox. I don't know how much help I can be, but I want to do my best to make sure that all of our friends are safe. So, I'm ready to help in any way I can." He says, wanting to help make sure that everyone would get on board the ship. However, he remembered about the crystal. "I guess the only plan of action is how we're going to get our ship back. Those crystals from before were after everyone and it almost got me. I was really thankful that Shiny was able to save us, before we were trapped." He says, giving Shiny a thankful expression. "There might be others that could use our help, but we'll also need to get back to the ship and avoid the crystals." He says, trying to think of an idea to help them out of this situation. 

@Dynamo Pad @Silverspark184 @Kramathia @Princess Silky @Twilight Sparkle @CocoCody "Fear not my friends because I have a plan! Get yourself ready to run! When I'll give the signal, everypony must rush to the ship and get aboard! When everypony will be on, you'll have to make the ship take off no matter what!" Shiny said with a grin that she used to reassure her friends. She seemed so brave all of a sudden like a slight change in her personnality.

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1 minute ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

@Dynamo Pad @Silverspark184 @Kramathia @Princess Silky @Twilight Sparkle @CocoCody "Fear not my friends because I have a plan! Get yourself ready to run! When I'll give the signal, everypony must rush to the ship and get aboard! When everypony will be on, you'll have to make the ship take off no matter what!" Shiny said with a grin that she used to reassure her friends. She seemed so brave all of a sudden like a slight change in her personnality.

post-18984-0-02307300-1381856818.png Oh dear....! am so nervous! I am not very good runner! what If I fall??? my glasses are fragile than they look! @Shiny Silvermoon


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7 minutes ago, Kramathia said:

post-18984-0-02307300-1381856818.png Oh dear....! am so nervous! I am not very good runner! what If I fall??? my glasses are fragile than they look! @Shiny Silvermoon


@Kramathia Shiny Silvermoon approached Chatterbox and pulled her into an hug before whispering in her ear "Chatterbox... I. Believe. In. You."

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Moments ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

@Kramathia Shiny Silvermoon approached Chatterbox and pulled her into an hug before whispering in her ear "Chatterbox... I. Believe. In. You."

@Shiny Silvermoon  post-18984-0-37273000-1381962303.png *Chatterbox was smiling and shedding a tear, not even her boss from the press office has telling her something so sweet*  Okay, I will ... I wont desapoint you

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4 hours ago, Nightmare Moon said:

Hunting for scorpions — High Country News – Know the West

@Kujamih Above the scuttling crew of ponies, the Scorpion in a diminutive state scuttled itself across the top of the airship, searching for a worthy target. At last, the white pony came into sight with the overheated crystal in hoof. It watched the strangeness of it all, too primitive a form to understand but cataloguing the information nonetheless.

When the time felt right, it leapt down gracefully, landing perfectly atop the stallion's face, and only giving him enough time to stare cross eyed, plunged its stinger down, initiating a paralysis spell.

Instead of piercing flesh, it ended up breaking Lights face like it was glass.

" Tsk how bothersome..."

He swats the bug and ended up making his crack even bigger..

" Tsk this is not the spot i want to be... But this will do."

Light would explode and more shards of changeling crystal would blast across everyone.

The ship either powered by magic or not would be heavily affected by the damage caused by the explosion.

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31 minutes ago, Kujamih said:

Instead of piercing flesh, it ended up breaking Lights face like it was glass.

" Tsk how bothersome..."

He swats the bug and ended up making his crack even bigger..

" Tsk this is not the spot i want to be... But this will do."

Light would explode and more shards of changeling crystal would blast across everyone.

The ship either powered by magic or not would be heavily affected by the damage caused by the explosion.

Ghost would've began to float upward to the sky, Having went straight back into his Spectral veil: Phantom phase but was already pushing it, Since everytime He tapped into this state, It consumed Alot of Magik and concentration to maintain it, Along with it leaving him drained more and more everytime He uses it.

The ling would've tried his best to deflect a few of the shard's but some still went past him.
"Gotta figure them out!" He repiled to himself, awaiting for him to sense Light the instant He reappeared and act fast.

  • Brohoof 2
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1 hour ago, Kujamih said:

Instead of piercing flesh, it ended up breaking Lights face like it was glass.

" Tsk how bothersome..."

He swats the bug and ended up making his crack even bigger..

" Tsk this is not the spot i want to be... But this will do."

Light would explode and more shards of changeling crystal would blast across everyone.

The ship either powered by magic or not would be heavily affected by the damage caused by the explosion.

With the explosion, the Scorpion would smash against one of the ship's masts, itself pierced by a few crystal shards embedded in the wood. It flailed it's many limbs for a moment, then seemed to melt and sink like a fog, spreading out into nothingness across the deck. The arachnid was no more.

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@Kujamih @SharpWit Shiny Silvermoon dashed again with her supernatural speed given by the Blood Moon and passed so close to White Light that he felt a strong wind lift his mane. Rainbow Da-... I mean Shiny, was heading in the direction of Nightmare Moon and when she reached the alicorn she simply said to her "I don't have time to explain! You must turn this Blood Moon into a Supermoon! Trust me..."

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11 hours ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

@Kujamih @SharpWit Shiny Silvermoon dashed again with her supernatural speed given by the Blood Moon and passed so close to White Light that he felt a strong wind lift his mane. Rainbow Da-... I mean Shiny, was heading in the direction of Nightmare Moon and when she reached the alicorn she simply said to her "I don't have time to explain! You must turn this Blood Moon into a Supermoon! Trust me..."

post-18984-0-88451000-1380566302.png Ohhhh jumping jellybeanz! *Chatterbox was impressed by @Shiny Silvermoon supernatural speed* Girl whatever that made you run in supernatural speed it must be really powerful! I haven't ran that fast since I saw Celestia walking by and I left the camera on my office!! 

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13 hours ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

@Kujamih @SharpWit Shiny Silvermoon dashed again with her supernatural speed given by the Blood Moon and passed so close to White Light that he felt a strong wind lift his mane. Rainbow Da-... I mean Shiny, was heading in the direction of Nightmare Moon and when she reached the alicorn she simply said to her "I don't have time to explain! You must turn this Blood Moon into a Supermoon! Trust me..."

2334208 - safe, screencap, nightmare moon, alicorn, pony, the cutie  re-mark, ethereal hair, ethereal mane, female, folded wings, glowing horn,  helmet, horn, jewelry, mare, night, peytral, reaction image, regalia,  shocked, shrunken pupils,

Nightmare Moon was traveling back along in the clouds, only half formed herself when the familiar mare suddenly popped up beside her. Her legs became solid and created contrails as she came to a sudden halt, the condensation forming beneath her making a cloud to stand on. Her creations were originally intended to fan out but had mostly gathered in one space. Having just been able to make out the beastly battle, she was going to investigate the awful ruckus only to be shocked by @Shiny Silvermoon speedy interception.

"I suppose I can arrange that." She said quizzingly. Her horn lit and the moon enlarged by nearly 8% and was considerably brighter. From above, the crystals could be seen reflecting the moon's rays, creating a sparkling landscape to match the bejeweled sky. She smiled at the beauty of it all, but felt the urge to do something more, as well as the absence of,,, her creations! They and the others had wiped each other out. She had no real attachment towards them, but she didn't think they'd be defeated so soon, and nonetheless they were hers.

The kettle hadn't blown, but the water was beginning to simmer.

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2 hours ago, Nightmare Moon said:

2334208 - safe, screencap, nightmare moon, alicorn, pony, the cutie  re-mark, ethereal hair, ethereal mane, female, folded wings, glowing horn,  helmet, horn, jewelry, mare, night, peytral, reaction image, regalia,  shocked, shrunken pupils,

Nightmare Moon was traveling back along in the clouds, only half formed herself when the familiar mare suddenly popped up beside her. Her legs became solid and created contrails as she came to a sudden halt, the condensation forming beneath her making a cloud to stand on. Her creations were originally intended to fan out but had mostly gathered in one space. Having just been able to make out the beastly battle, she was going to investigate the awful ruckus only to be shocked by @Shiny Silvermoon speedy interception.

"I suppose I can arrange that." She said quizzingly. Her horn lit and the moon enlarged by nearly 8% and was considerably brighter. From above, the crystals could be seen reflecting the moon's rays, creating a sparkling landscape to match the bejeweled sky. She smiled at the beauty of it all, but felt the urge to do something more, as well as the absence of,,, her creations! They and the others had wiped each other out. She had no real attachment towards them, but she didn't think they'd be defeated so soon, and nonetheless they were hers.

The kettle hadn't blown, but the water was beginning to simmer.

The changeling shards was there for a reason and a reason that bare fruition. At first the fools used they're magic not knowing that it was being absorbed ever so slowly. They do not know what they are powering and slowly but surely making them ever so weaker in the process.

From bellow where the changeling shards have sprout and have scattered across Equestria, there a white pony stands.

" Cast more magic so that the crystals i have planted would grow and spread!"

Meanwhile @Shiny Silvermoon has not properly disposed the shard she dug up and started to grow and swallow her up.

the white pony showed a sign of weakness and was worried for a bit for the strange pony... But was able to hold back.

" Foolish pony.... I told her to give back the shard... Hmmm this might've became a good thing in the end." He doubted himself.


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2 hours ago, White Light said:

The changeling shards was there for a reason and a reason that bare fruition. At first the fools used they're magic not knowing that it was being absorbed ever so slowly. They do not know what they are powering and slowly but surely making them ever so weaker in the process.

From bellow where the changeling shards have sprout and have scattered across Equestria, there a white pony stands.

" Cast more magic so that the crystals i have planted would grow and spread!"

Meanwhile @Shiny Silvermoon has not properly disposed the shard she dug up and started to grow and swallow her up.

the white pony showed a sign of weakness and was worried for a bit for the strange pony... But was able to hold back.

" Foolish pony.... I told her to give back the shard... Hmmm this might've became a good thing in the end." He doubted himself.


Ghost would've suddenly appeared launching a kick toward's the Crystal hoping to shatter it before f=Dashing toward's White light with the Same Magik attack He used on them before, Using his amount of speed to react quickly so they couldn't think of a way to Counter-attack, Seemingly almost at the same speed of @Shiny Silvermoon...Almost.

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11 minutes ago, Ghostie boi said:

Ghost would've suddenly appeared launching a kick toward's the Crystal hoping to shatter it before f=Dashing toward's White light with the Same Magik attack He used on them before, Using his amount of speed to react quickly so they couldn't think of a way to Counter-attack, Seemingly almost at the same speed of @Shiny Silvermoon...Almost.

Normally Light wouldn't be able to follow or counter the speed that the bunny could produce. But a mistake was made by the bunny. Light easily catches the bunny as his speed reduces as he got near Light.

" I highly respected you bunny... But your action just now greatly disappoints me. You know the shards absorbs magic yet you fuel it and drain yourself. And even if you are able to fatally wound me you know this body would just be a fake. Is your hatred towards me have blinded you?"

Lights body starts to glow.

" Vanish into Light...."

A laser would blast the bunny towards @Shiny Silvermoon . This caused the crystal engulfing shiny to break and freeing her.

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8 hours ago, Kujamih said:

Normally Light wouldn't be able to follow or counter the speed that the bunny could produce. But a mistake was made by the bunny. Light easily catches the bunny as his speed reduces as he got near Light.

" I highly respected you bunny... But your action just now greatly disappoints me. You know the shards absorbs magic yet you fuel it and drain yourself. And even if you are able to fatally wound me you know this body would just be a fake. Is your hatred towards me have blinded you?"

Lights body starts to glow.

" Vanish into Light...."

A laser would blast the bunny towards @Shiny Silvermoon . This caused the crystal engulfing shiny to break and freeing her.

But... Ghost just smirked "That's where you are wrong, I'm not just a Bunny. I'm a Ghostling!" He exclaimed Hiding the fact that his body was in pain, But his drive to protect other's kept him fueled.

He'd Recover himself and continued his assault on Light, trying to throw a blow to the back of Light. Along with appearing and disappearing randomly to throw a attack or two at them.

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4 hours ago, Ghostbit/Angel said:

But... Ghost just smirked "That's where you are wrong, I'm not just a Bunny. I'm a Ghostling!" He exclaimed Hiding the fact that his body was in pain, But his drive to protect other's kept him fueled.

He'd Recover himself and continued his assault on Light, trying to throw a blow to the back of Light. Along with appearing and disappearing randomly to throw a attack or two at them.

Surprisingly, Light wouldn't bother blocking the bunny's attack.

The bunny would notice his strike would somewhat hit something and yet at the same time nothing... Its like he is also.... Hitting a ghost.

"In a way... I too am somewhat like a ghost... Me randomly showing up somewhere? Me randomly possessing machines and exploding? Don't you see..." He would grab the ghost rabbit.

" But im no ordinary ghost... Im a nightmare that lurks in the abyss, ever illuminating. Guiding everyone to the bottom. You lost soul... You should be dragged to the bottom..."

White Light would shine ever so bright and drains the ghost of its energy.

A portal would reveal from the bottom where White Light would drag him in.

".... I am the white Light that you should not go to."


" Say goodbye to your brother."




Will the bunny escape the grasp of the light that send the dead to the abyss? Or will the adorable pan release the box and save his brother?

Tune in next time on drago.... The world cup 2023!

To be continued...

Edited by Kujamih
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Carnelian would scoff at the results. Her magical creations managed to destroy Nightmare Moon's own at the cost of themselves. At the very least this was a somewhat acceptable result. Carnelian began to charge up some power within the bell to recoup some of the power she lost in creating her creatures. She was expecting something.

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@Shiny Silvermoon "Excuse me." She said before poofing away.

3 hours ago, Props Valroa said:


Carnelian would scoff at the results. Her magical creations managed to destroy Nightmare Moon's own at the cost of themselves. At the very least this was a somewhat acceptable result. Carnelian began to charge up some power within the bell to recoup some of the power she lost in creating her creatures. She was expecting something.

Before Carnelian, a bolt of lightning would strike the ground, scorching the earth and kicking up a dust cloud, having caught the heightened rays of the Supermoon to act like a spotlight. Within this glow stood the tall silhouette of an Alicorn with flowing hair. The cloud dissipating with a flourish of her wings, but the light bright as ever, Nightmare Moon smiled.

“So, you really think you’ve ascended as some higher being? Your little stunt has pried these ponies from their homes, costing my subjects, and thus me!" A scowl spread across her face.

"Perhaps it's time we put that immortality of yours to the test.”


Edited by SharpWit
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It's gotten late, so short is this poem.

Here's some Cheesecake, for those who roam,

The world of dreams, and our team beyond.

Join us and I'll give you one, but For now I'm off, with a yawn. :LunaMCM:

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1 hour ago, Nightmare Moon said:


@Shiny Silvermoon "Excuse me." She said before poofing away.

Before Carnelian, a bolt of lightning would strike the ground, scorching the earth and kicking up a dust cloud, having caught the heightened rays of the Supermoon to act like a spotlight. Within this glow stood the tall silhouette of an Alicorn with flowing hair. The cloud dissipating with a flourish of her wings, but the light bright as ever, Nightmare Moon smiled.

“So, you really think you’ve ascended as some higher being? Your little stunt has pried these ponies from their homes, costing my subjects, and thus me!" A scowl spread across her face.

"Perhaps it's time we put that immortality of yours to the test.”


".... What in tartarus are you doing here? You do know you are in the fields of changeling crystals."

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