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Ice Princess Silky

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Silky's gaze only slightly widened with surprise. Having expected much more resistance but instantly handing the crystals over to @Saturn Ring and @GeneralDirection. "Here you are, lovelies! The last two gems." She'd gently pour some of the remaining liquid of the elphenite necklace unto them and they'd have a gentle glow of life before she'd now look back to Carnelian. "It is peculiar to me that, for someone who seeks so much power, you're not very familiar with friendship. Teamwork... " with a curious tilt to her head. "Love?" She seemed genuinely perplexed. "Do you not see. how these things hold power, as well?" She'd now look around to the flickering embers of light which seemed so symbolic of their victory from @Shiny Silvermoon's defeat of the meteor.

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@SharpWit The pony we could now call "Nightmare Shiny" landed on the ship again next to the weakened Nightmare Moon. She was looking quite spooky in this new form but it was obvious that it was the same pony : "Did you see that guys?! I just blew a meteor by myself! This form is awesome!"

The mare was leaping from excitment but she eventually stopped bouncing and found her seriousness. "But I guess this armor belongs to you..." She said to Nightmare Moon with sad eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want me to keep it? I look fabulous in it! Plus, it would make a great disguise for the Nightmare Night! Pleeeeeease..." The temporary alicorn used her adorable eyes to convince her.

Edited by Shiny Silvermoon
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It was only now that Skylight noticed the mysterious one-winged alicorn Silky in the background. "Wait, what... ?" Skylight exclaimed, glancing back and forth between the two Silkys. "Should we be concerned about her?" Skylight asked to anypony nearby. She glanced towards Carnelian, but kept her distance as she was still a bit skeptical of her. 

9 minutes ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"Are you sure you don't want me to keep it? I look fabulous in it! Plus, it would make a great disguise for the Nightmare Night! Pleeeeeease..." The temporary alicorn used her adorable eyes on her to convince her.

Skylight walked over to Silvermoon to see what she was up to. "Woah, you're secretly an alicorn? Cool! We got so many secret alicorns around here now! I mean, probably not so secret now..." Skylight giggled. She also giggled at Silvermoon's antics. "You know, I think you're pretty cute too..."

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@Princess Silky

Carnelian's eyes seemed to almost explode at the mention of love, and she lept forward with a seething stare across her face. "You do not DARE discuss love with me! Love is an absolute and vicious lie!" she spat with disgust. It was an explosive reaction to be sure, though it contained a lot of hidden pain. 

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1 hour ago, Kujamih said:

Kali slowly vanishes as her host have died. But seeing the chaos released in the world, she sees that this will not be the last that this world will see of her.

Both Kali and the one winged alicorn said in unison before they completely vanished:

"I will never be.... A memory....."

The enclosing approach of the meteor that was set to doom this planet was put to a halt, and was postponed.... Until further notice.....

The friendship has won but at what cost?

The world contaminated with changeling shards. Equestria infested with monsters from Tartarus and a meteor orbiting around it, waiting for its inevitable collision.

40 minutes ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

@Princess Silky @Props Valroa @SharpWit @Dynamo Pad @CocoCody @Ghostie boi @Silverspark184

"We cannot leave this world like this... The battle isn't over! This war has caused many collateral damages and we must fix them the better we can! I shall solve the first one with the remaining magic of friendship and the power of the moon!" Shiny declared before opening her translucent silver wings to fly up.

When she was high enough, she threw an oversized ray to the meteor like when Twilight Sparkle was fighting Tirek with the magic of all the princesses. The giant rock didn't have any other options but to blow entirely.

13 minutes ago, Princess Silky said:

So much had happened since Silky had sent @Saturn Ring to help @GeneralDirection with the crystals, but there was just too much happening at once for her to keep track -- and now, the door where she had kept @Silverspark184 and @Pandorasafe had now opened and the two little fillies had somehow gotten out. "Oh no!" 

Silky would then watch the collapse of a colossal being with one wings in the form of herself...in nightmare form... with @Dynamo Padscreaming at it, "Silky, no! PLEASE... we're friend. You don't have to turn to the dark side...." Silky was confused but very touched upon seeing her friend try to convert what she felt was merely an illusion, but his emotional investment tugged at her heart as his voice seemed wrought with distress from her dying form. She's walked up to him from behind and hug him as he sobbed. " @Dynamo Pad it's me.. Silky," closing her eyes and nuzzling his back, "relax, silly. You know I wouldn't ever go evil.... so long as there's chocolate milk." She'd offer a playful wink before suddenly turning over to see the fillies escaped the safety of the Captain's Cabin.

"Silverspark!" Silky was far too distracted and concerned, grabbing both of the mischievous fillies as @Pandora tries to smack some of the baddies with some bamboo, particularly @Kujamih. "Meep! Enough, little ones, you've done plenty! Please... retreat!" Then, she'd see @Saturn Ring being guided by @GeneralDirection "Over here, lovelies!" She'd look over now to @Props Valroa Carnelian who had been healed/purified and still held the crystals. "We'll need those, please. They help to boost the ship to ensure all of our safety." Her tone was firm and her gaze narrowed. She had so much to say. She really missed @Shiny Silvermoon she was shaking from Dynamo's trembling words as he clung to SephiSilky but she urgently needed the crystals from @Props Valroa's Carnelian. She extended her hoof to receive it. 



As the battles had come to an end and every villain had been defeated, it looked like everyone from the Union of Moon and Friendship had been victorious. Lowering his key blade, Dynamo sighed as he was glad that they were able to work together and that everyone was okay. Looking up momentarily, his eyes widened as a portal had been ripped open in the sky. From within the portal, it looked as if creatures from Tartarus had escaped and had begun running rampant. Not only that, but a giant meteor had begun to orbit around Equestria. Looking around, he gasped as he saw Silkywrath had been laying next to @Kujamih Khali, before making his way over towards the two. As he got close, he took notice of Silkywrath, while seeing it did indeed look almost like the Silky he knew. As he heard the words from both her and Khali, Dynamo could only shake his head. "S-Silky? I-it's me, Dyny. I don't know where this version of you came from, or what had happened to you, but you know you don't have to turn to the dark side. I'll always be here for you as you're one of my best friends." He would say, gasping at the sight of Silkywrath and Khali beginning to disappear. "No! Khali! Silky! You won't be just a memory. You won't be just a memory to me. It's like I said before that you're my friend and I'll always be here for you." His words fell on deaf ears as Silkywrath had vanished within his arms. Whether she was an illusion or from an alternate universe, she still felt real to him. Trembling slightly, he felt his eyes glisten with tears as they started to cascade down his face.

To him, it was like he lost a dear friend. Feeling a warmth upon his back, his eyes widened slightly as he could hear @Princess Silky's voice from behind. Taking a shaky breath and chuckling, he turned around and hugged Silky back with relief. At the same time, tried to understand the situation before them. "Y-Yeah...you're right. As long as there's chocolate milk, everything will always be awesome. It's just like I told her that you are an amazing friend, Silky and I'll always have your back, no matter what." He smiled as he wiped away any stray tears he had. Lowering his ears from the sudden sound of an explosion, Dynamo looked up to see that the meteor that surrounded Equestria had been destroyed by @Shiny Silvermoon. The embers that had fallen from the stray meteorites looked almost like fluttering fireflies. Such a view was almost breathtaking to the gaming unicorn. Letting her go from the hug, he watched as she made her way towards @Props ValroaCarnelian to demand the gems.

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@Princess Silky

Silver would hear the unmistakeable sound of his bestie’s voice and immediately changed course. Soon he was by her side and felt relieved to see she was ok.

“Silky! I got the two crystals placed in their sockets and they are now active.” He reported.

The kirin would watch as Silky would receive the last two crystals and poured some sort of restoring liquid onto them, purifying them and returning them to their original colours. Silver would take the crystals from Silky and then turned to Saturn Ring.

@Saturn Ring

“We got them now, let’s go!” He announced to the pink unicorn.

He took off to the room where the other two sockets were located. Here, Silver would place one of the crystals in the corresponding socket, and then look to Saturn.

“Here, you can put the last one in.” He said, smiling as he offered the crystal to her.

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So many intense moments and emotions at once. She looked from Dynamo pad as he registered the whole scenario to @GeneralDirection and then @Saturn Ring as her bestie took the gems. "Always so reliable," she'd mutter under her breath and raise her hoof as if to ruffle his hair playfully before he'd run off. She had narrowed her eyes with a fond smile, it was too clear she was so grateful to be around such loving friends... but now... a giant shadow would cast overhead as giant, elegant violet wings would now expand to encase the small scene.

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@Princess Silky

"...Even though my everything hurt's still, At least I can still move and know that I saved My panster." He told them after dropping behind them, Having burnt out his magik so it was unusable at this point, So He would stuck on the side-line's and try to help anyway he can with what he can do... But He'd also suddenly give her a hug 

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25 minutes ago, Princess Silky said:

Silky's gaze only slightly widened with surprise. Having expected much more resistance but instantly handing the crystals over to @Saturn Ring and @GeneralDirection. "Here you are, lovelies! The last two gems." She'd gently pour some of the remaining liquid of the elphenite necklace unto them and they'd have a gentle glow of life before she'd now look back to Carnelian. "It is peculiar to me that, for someone who seeks so much power, you're not very familiar with friendship. Teamwork... " with a curious tilt to her head. "Love?" She seemed genuinely perplexed. "Do you not see. how these things hold power, as well?" She'd now look around to the flickering embers of light which seemed so symbolic of their victory from @Shiny Silvermoon's defeat of the meteor.

14 minutes ago, Props Valroa said:

@Princess Silky

Carnelian's eyes seemed to almost explode at the mention of love, and she lept forward with a seething stare across her face. "You do not DARE discuss love with me! Love is an absolute and vicious lie!" she spat with disgust. It was an explosive reaction to be sure, though it contained a lot of hidden pain. 


As @Princess Silky was discussing about friendship and love to @Props Valroa Carnelian. Dynamo began making his way over toward's one of his best friend's. At firsts it was a walk, before he began to quicken his step. Almost as if he was running over towards the two, before taking a giant leap into the air. Soon enough, he tackle hugged/glomped Silky into a hug from behind and chuckled. "Sorry about the sudden hug, Silky, but I thought a hug could help with what you were talking about." He says, smiling as he looked over towards Carnelian. While they did betray the team, he could understand that she may have had her reasons. He may not have known them all that well, but he could still call them a friend. "It's just like what Silky said, Carnelian. Friendship and love really do go hoof in hoof." He would say, before looking up to take notice of giant, elegant violet wings expanding across the sky.

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"You didn't actually believe that I'd disappear and leave such a powerful relic such as Grogar's bell for all sorts of random beings to snatch it up, did you?" She'd giggle softly. "Such silly fillies you all are."

She'd gently cast her gaze upon each and every individual.

@Dynamo Pad "you've shed tears for a friend. And the enemy version of your friend.. while putting your keyblade to the side, holding no hatred but pure friendship love. You truly walk the path of friendship."

@GeneralDirection "You're not a fighter and yet you kept so calm and cool when needing to help your friend during the harshest of time to set the boat in both protection and motion... you are truly a noble being of light and guidance."

@Saturn Ring "Your willingness to defend @Shiny Silvermoon and follow the guidance of new friends like @GeneralDirectionis a gift of friendship that shall bless you wherever you go."

@Silverspark184 "You truly are a little silly filly but even then, you've contributed even in the smallest of ways help to make this battle a victory"

@Pandora "Your bravery to defend your friend... even if all you had was a small stick of bamboo to play a part to discourage corruption was admirable in deed." 

@Skylight Scintillate "Your fighting methods... remind me of a certain bubbly pink pony friend of mine." *She'd chuckle*

@Kramathia "You arrived only to do your job, faithful little career filly and yet... here you are.. standing amongst the heroes.. so much more than just a mere reporter."

@Princess Silky "You've brought everyone together.. and that's what friendship is truly about..."

@Hugs of Sir Manys "While you nearly nourished the enemy with chocolate milk it only further confirms you nature of dedication and generosity."

@Props Valroa "Even though you seek power and strong will, you'd be surprised by the treasure that you find in the power of friendship..."

@SharpWit * she'd lean in and whisper * "Good to know you decided to join us instead of the dark side... We've got chocolate milk," with a playful wink.

And like this, Twilight began listing off more and more people and reciting what she had recalled in those events that unfolded. Handing each and every one of them a shiny badge that said "world cup 2023."

But now, she stood before another being, almost as large as she is. In the shape of @Shiny Silvermoon. "Well, well, well..." she'd now smile. "Haven't you grown quite a bit." She'd pause, "Both... figuratively and... literally," adding a playful wink, "it takes getting used to, I know." After a bright smile and a soft pause, she'd smile warmly before continuing her point. "Tartarus almost won... even if it meant imitating the real bell, their power was surely doing an incredible advancement. And because you managed to follow my instructions of union, friendship and ties in order to lead to victory... School of friendship AND Team Moon are the official winners of this magnificent event! Truly showing that when differences are put aside, the power of friendship can truly rise!"  

OOC: Thank you to @Kujamihfor being such an amazing sport, adding and thickening the plotline as well as some amazing illustrations and comedy. @SharpWit your enthusiasm and investment into storyline and roleplay was phenomenal and inspiring! @Props Valroa and @TBD as the amazing RP Moderators who kept this thing alive in Silky's absence as I she tended to some real life matters. Thank you @Rikifivefor making The World Cup chart for 2023 on short notice! And a shout out to the MLPF Event Coordinators: @ChrysalisM @Ganondorf8
 @Skylight Scintillate @Aticus the Adequate

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5 minutes ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

"You didn't actually believe that I'd disappear and leave such a powerful relic such as Grogar's bell for all sorts of random beings to snatch it up, did you?" She'd giggle softly. "Such silly fillies you all are."

She'd gently cast her gaze upon each and every individual.

@Dynamo Pad "you've shed tears for a friend. And the enemy version of your friend.. while putting your keyblade to the side, holding no hatred but pure friendship love. You truly walk the path of friendship."

@GeneralDirection "You're not a fighter and yet you kept so calm and cool when needing to help your friend during the harshest of time to set the boat in both protection and motion... you are truly a noble being of light and guidance."

@Saturn Ring "Your willingness to defend @Shiny Silvermoon and follow the guidance of new friends like @GeneralDirectionis a gift of friendship that shall bless you wherever you go."

@Silverspark184 "You truly are a little silly filly but even then, you've contributed even in the smallest of ways help to make this battle a victory"

@Pandora "Your bravery to defend your friend... even if all you had was a small stick of bamboo to play a part to discourage corruption was admirable in deed." 

@Skylight Scintillate "Your fighting methods... remind me of a certain bubbly pink pony friend of mine." *She'd chuckle*

@Kramathia "You arrived only to do your job, faithful little career filly and yet... here you are.. standing amongst the heroes.. so much more than just a mere reporter."

@Princess Silky "You've brought everyone together.. and that's what friendship is truly about..."

@Hugs of Sir Manys "While you nearly nourished the enemy with chocolate milk it only further confirms you nature of dedication and generosity."

@Props Valroa "Even though you seek power and strong will, you'd be surprised by the treasure that you find in the power of friendship..."

@SharpWit * she'd lean in and whisper * "Good to know you decided to join us instead of the dark side... We've got chocolate milk," with a playful wink.

And like this, Twilight began listing off more and more people and reciting what she had recalled in those events that unfolded. Handing each and every one of them a shiny badge that said "world cup 2023."

But now, she stood before another being, almost as large as she is. In the shape of @Shiny Silvermoon. "Well, well, well..." she'd now smile. "Haven't you grown quite a bit." She'd pause, "Both... figuratively and... literally," adding a playful wink, "it takes getting used to, I know." After a bright smile and a soft pause, she'd smile warmly before continuing her point. "Tartarus almost won... even if it meant imitating the real bell, their power was surely doing an incredible advancement. And because you managed to follow my instructions of union, friendship and ties in order to lead to victory... School of friendship AND Team Moon are the official winners of this magnificent event! Truly showing that when differences are put aside, the power of friendship can truly rise!"  

OOC: Thank you to @Kujamihfor being such an amazing sport, adding and thickening the plotline as well as some amazing illustrations and comedy. @SharpWit your enthusiasm and investment into storyline and roleplay was phenomenal and inspiring! @Props Valroa and @TBD as the amazing RP Moderators who kept this thing alive in Silky's absence as I she tended to some real life matters. Thank you @Rikifivefor making The World Cup chart for 2023 on short notice! And a shout out to the MLPF Event Coordinators: @ChrysalisM @Ganondorf8
 @Skylight Scintillate @Aticus the Adequate

Ghost would've smiled even though he was away from everyone, hidden as He felt He would've ruined the event, picking up a small changeling crystal to inspect before tossing it away, and off he went, as to not ruin everyone's moment of happiness.

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@Princess Silky @Skylight Scintillate @Dynamo Pad @Saturn Ring @Ghostie boi @GeneralDirection

Carnelian would look away from the scene up at the sky. In the darkness of the sky, she could have sworn she saw two parent figures looking down at her with disapproval. The thought made her shut her eyes, and turn back to the scene. While the others were all celebrating - she felt a sense of eerie content in the way things turned out. Oh well.

Could be worse...

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20 minutes ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

"You didn't actually believe that I'd disappear and leave such a powerful relic such as Grogar's bell for all sorts of random beings to snatch it up, did you?" She'd giggle softly. "Such silly fillies you all are."

She'd gently cast her gaze upon each and every individual.

@Dynamo Pad "you've shed tears for a friend. And the enemy version of your friend.. while putting your keyblade to the side, holding no hatred but pure friendship love. You truly walk the path of friendship."

@GeneralDirection "You're not a fighter and yet you kept so calm and cool when needing to help your friend during the harshest of time to set the boat in both protection and motion... you are truly a noble being of light and guidance."

@Saturn Ring "Your willingness to defend @Shiny Silvermoon and follow the guidance of new friends like @GeneralDirectionis a gift of friendship that shall bless you wherever you go."

@Silverspark184 "You truly are a little silly filly but even then, you've contributed even in the smallest of ways help to make this battle a victory"

@Pandora "Your bravery to defend your friend... even if all you had was a small stick of bamboo to play a part to discourage corruption was admirable in deed." 

@Skylight Scintillate "Your fighting methods... remind me of a certain bubbly pink pony friend of mine." *She'd chuckle*

@Kramathia "You arrived only to do your job, faithful little career filly and yet... here you are.. standing amongst the heroes.. so much more than just a mere reporter."

@Princess Silky "You've brought everyone together.. and that's what friendship is truly about..."

@Hugs of Sir Manys "While you nearly nourished the enemy with chocolate milk it only further confirms you nature of dedication and generosity."

@Props Valroa "Even though you seek power and strong will, you'd be surprised by the treasure that you find in the power of friendship..."

@SharpWit * she'd lean in and whisper * "Good to know you decided to join us instead of the dark side... We've got chocolate milk," with a playful wink.

And like this, Twilight began listing off more and more people and reciting what she had recalled in those events that unfolded. Handing each and every one of them a shiny badge that said "world cup 2023."

But now, she stood before another being, almost as large as she is. In the shape of @Shiny Silvermoon. "Well, well, well..." she'd now smile. "Haven't you grown quite a bit." She'd pause, "Both... figuratively and... literally," adding a playful wink, "it takes getting used to, I know." After a bright smile and a soft pause, she'd smile warmly before continuing her point. "Tartarus almost won... even if it meant imitating the real bell, their power was surely doing an incredible advancement. And because you managed to follow my instructions of union, friendship and ties in order to lead to victory... School of friendship AND Team Moon are the official winners of this magnificent event! Truly showing that when differences are put aside, the power of friendship can truly rise!"  

OOC: Thank you to @Kujamihfor being such an amazing sport, adding and thickening the plotline as well as some amazing illustrations and comedy. @SharpWit your enthusiasm and investment into storyline and roleplay was phenomenal and inspiring! @Props Valroa and @TBD as the amazing RP Moderators who kept this thing alive in Silky's absence as I she tended to some real life matters. Thank you @Rikifivefor making The World Cup chart for 2023 on short notice! And a shout out to the MLPF Event Coordinators: @ChrysalisM @Ganondorf8
 @Skylight Scintillate @Aticus the Adequate

post-18984-0-34415100-1382229464.png *Chatterbox cries, too much emotion on her, Princess Twilight recognized her and also she was excited for the recognition*

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12 minutes ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

"You didn't actually believe that I'd disappear and leave such a powerful relic such as Grogar's bell for all sorts of random beings to snatch it up, did you?" She'd giggle softly. "Such silly fillies you all are."

She'd gently cast her gaze upon each and every individual.

@Dynamo Pad "you've shed tears for a friend. And the enemy version of your friend.. while putting your keyblade to the side, holding no hatred but pure friendship love. You truly walk the path of friendship."

@GeneralDirection "You're not a fighter and yet you kept so calm and cool when needing to help your friend during the harshest of time to set the boat in both protection and motion... you are truly a noble being of light and guidance."

@Saturn Ring "Your willingness to defend @Shiny Silvermoon and follow the guidance of new friends like @GeneralDirectionis a gift of friendship that shall bless you wherever you go."

@Silverspark184 "You truly are a little silly filly but even then, you've contributed even in the smallest of ways help to make this battle a victory"

@Pandora "Your bravery to defend your friend... even if all you had was a small stick of bamboo to play a part to discourage corruption was admirable in deed." 

@Skylight Scintillate "Your fighting methods... remind me of a certain bubbly pink pony friend of mine." *She'd chuckle*

@Kramathia "You arrived only to do your job, faithful little career filly and yet... here you are.. standing amongst the heroes.. so much more than just a mere reporter."

@Princess Silky "You've brought everyone together.. and that's what friendship is truly about..."

@Hugs of Sir Manys "While you nearly nourished the enemy with chocolate milk it only further confirms you nature of dedication and generosity."

@Props Valroa "Even though you seek power and strong will, you'd be surprised by the treasure that you find in the power of friendship..."

@SharpWit * she'd lean in and whisper * "Good to know you decided to join us instead of the dark side... We've got chocolate milk," with a playful wink.

And like this, Twilight began listing off more and more people and reciting what she had recalled in those events that unfolded. Handing each and every one of them a shiny badge that said "world cup 2023."

But now, she stood before another being, almost as large as she is. In the shape of @Shiny Silvermoon. "Well, well, well..." she'd now smile. "Haven't you grown quite a bit." She'd pause, "Both... figuratively and... literally," adding a playful wink, "it takes getting used to, I know." After a bright smile and a soft pause, she'd smile warmly before continuing her point. "Tartarus almost won... even if it meant imitating the real bell, their power was surely doing an incredible advancement. And because you managed to follow my instructions of union, friendship and ties in order to lead to victory... School of friendship AND Team Moon are the official winners of this magnificent event! Truly showing that when differences are put aside, the power of friendship can truly rise!"  

OOC: Thank you to @Kujamihfor being such an amazing sport, adding and thickening the plotline as well as some amazing illustrations and comedy. @SharpWit your enthusiasm and investment into storyline and roleplay was phenomenal and inspiring! @Props Valroa and @TBD as the amazing RP Moderators who kept this thing alive in Silky's absence as I she tended to some real life matters. Thank you @Rikifivefor making The World Cup chart for 2023 on short notice! And a shout out to the MLPF Event Coordinators: @ChrysalisM @Ganondorf8
 @Skylight Scintillate @Aticus the Adequate

@Twilight Sparkle "It was an honor to fight in the name of friendship! Also, writting a treaty was fun! However, I'd also like to thanks two creatures! @Ghostie boi has been the most brave warrior I've ever seen! He didn't stop fighting for what he believed in : His friends. With the few powers he had, he still did as much as me with all my transformations. @CocoCody has helped me to gather the Friendship School and the Team Moon under the Union of Moon and Friendship. He made a legendary speech for which he needed to find his courage." Shiny said to the purple princess.

@SharpWit "But do I reeeeeally need to give you back the armor, Nightmare Moon?"

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23 minutes ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

"You didn't actually believe that I'd disappear and leave such a powerful relic such as Grogar's bell for all sorts of random beings to snatch it up, did you?" She'd giggle softly. "Such silly fillies you all are."

She'd gently cast her gaze upon each and every individual.

@Dynamo Pad "you've shed tears for a friend. And the enemy version of your friend.. while putting your keyblade to the side, holding no hatred but pure friendship love. You truly walk the path of friendship."

@GeneralDirection "You're not a fighter and yet you kept so calm and cool when needing to help your friend during the harshest of time to set the boat in both protection and motion... you are truly a noble being of light and guidance."

@Saturn Ring "Your willingness to defend @Shiny Silvermoon and follow the guidance of new friends like @GeneralDirectionis a gift of friendship that shall bless you wherever you go."

@Silverspark184 "You truly are a little silly filly but even then, you've contributed even in the smallest of ways help to make this battle a victory"

@Pandora "Your bravery to defend your friend... even if all you had was a small stick of bamboo to play a part to discourage corruption was admirable in deed." 

@Skylight Scintillate "Your fighting methods... remind me of a certain bubbly pink pony friend of mine." *She'd chuckle*

@Kramathia "You arrived only to do your job, faithful little career filly and yet... here you are.. standing amongst the heroes.. so much more than just a mere reporter."

@Princess Silky "You've brought everyone together.. and that's what friendship is truly about..."

@Hugs of Sir Manys "While you nearly nourished the enemy with chocolate milk it only further confirms you nature of dedication and generosity."

@Props Valroa "Even though you seek power and strong will, you'd be surprised by the treasure that you find in the power of friendship..."

@SharpWit * she'd lean in and whisper * "Good to know you decided to join us instead of the dark side... We've got chocolate milk," with a playful wink.

And like this, Twilight began listing off more and more people and reciting what she had recalled in those events that unfolded. Handing each and every one of them a shiny badge that said "world cup 2023."

But now, she stood before another being, almost as large as she is. In the shape of @Shiny Silvermoon. "Well, well, well..." she'd now smile. "Haven't you grown quite a bit." She'd pause, "Both... figuratively and... literally," adding a playful wink, "it takes getting used to, I know." After a bright smile and a soft pause, she'd smile warmly before continuing her point. "Tartarus almost won... even if it meant imitating the real bell, their power was surely doing an incredible advancement. And because you managed to follow my instructions of union, friendship and ties in order to lead to victory... School of friendship AND Team Moon are the official winners of this magnificent event! Truly showing that when differences are put aside, the power of friendship can truly rise!"  

OOC: Thank you to @Kujamihfor being such an amazing sport, adding and thickening the plotline as well as some amazing illustrations and comedy. @SharpWit your enthusiasm and investment into storyline and roleplay was phenomenal and inspiring! @Props Valroa and @TBD as the amazing RP Moderators who kept this thing alive in Silky's absence as I she tended to some real life matters. Thank you @Rikifivefor making The World Cup chart for 2023 on short notice! And a shout out to the MLPF Event Coordinators: @ChrysalisM @Ganondorf8
 @Skylight Scintillate @Aticus the Adequate

(OOC: I'm an event coordinator???)

Cimex felt slightly overwhelmed. She never was the most social, so he just hung back, listened to the laughter, and eventually found the wanderlust to be too much. She had a few loose ends in Zamora to tie up.  

Out of the view of those assembled, the odd, one winged black and white changeling seemed to vanish like dust on the wind, but not without snagging a small sample of the changeling crystal as a souvenir...

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@SharpWit @Princess Silky @Props Valroa

As she would beg Nightmare Moon to let her keep the armor so she could turn into Nightmare Shiny whenever she wanted, Shiny glanced at the ground and saw something shine on it. It was a piece of the meteor that she destroyed. The amber was shaped like a star.

"That will make a great souvenir! It's special like the adventure I had with my friends!" She declared while holding it carefully.

Edited by Shiny Silvermoon
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28 minutes ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

@Twilight Sparkle "It was an honor to fight in the name of friendship! Also, writting a treaty was fun! However, I'd also like to thanks two creatures! @Ghostie boi has been the most brave warrior I've ever seen! He didn't stop fighting for what he believed in : His friends. With the few powers he had, he still did as much as me with all my transformations. @CocoCody has helped me to gather the Friendship School and the Team Moon under the Union of Moon and Friendship. He made a legendary speech for which he needed to find his courage." Shiny said to the purple princess.

@SharpWit "But do I reeeeeally need to give you back the armor, Nightmare Moon?"

The Ghostling would've suddenly sneezed aloud outside still hiding himself away from everyone, Either his battle made him sick, Burnt out magik made him sick, He has a cold, or somepony is talking about him!

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And Then There Was None


15 hours ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

The mare was leaping from excitment but she eventually stopped bouncing and found her seriousness. "But I guess this armor belongs to you..." She said to Nightmare Moon with sad eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want me to keep it? I look fabulous in it! Plus, it would make a great disguise for the Nightmare Night! Pleeeeeease..." The temporary alicorn used her adorable eyes to convince her.


"You have excelled in your duties and performed valiant acts that inspire excellence and awe little one. For that, your team and myself are most thankful. Alas, I do require the return of my armor."


She would raise a hoof to @Shiny Silvermoon chest, and both would teleport back to the desolate ground, while the armor rescinded back into a spear like shard.

"Fret not, for you are deserving of more than praise, Here!"

Nightmare Moon with her magic having restored, whisked dust up from the battlefield, spinning it before Shiny like she had materials for the cream cheese, only this time she heated and refined raw elements to form a silver medallion. At first it seemed to glow from behind, but when Nightmare Moon lowered it, the light was clearly the moon brightly restored in all of its glory, shining down upon the victors.

"I would like you to have this, in honor of leading the charge where I could not, and the alliances you made all around, with the magic of friendship. Should you need protection, you need only press a hoof to it, and you will be granted a fraction of the night's power, much like you've experienced this evening."

She summoned a ribbon for the pony to bear her gift for all to see, and acknowledge all that was accomplished, great and small thanks to her.

"Now then, go enjoy the good beverage and company at present. I've heard a rumor they produce it via clouds of cotton candy." :ithastolookpretty:

Upon sitting around Shiny's neck, the mare would teleport back to where she had been on the ship, no one the wiser in part to the sheer amount of celebratory antics happening aboard.


Nightmare Moon was nowhere to be seen, destined for greater things, following a source of energy, weak in resonance, but beyond what any ought to handle. She smiled having come to the spot, and with a few nudges of her hoof, revealed Grogar's bell having split in half with his defeat.

"Can't let this go to waste."

She grinned, her mind drooling at the possibilities as she garnered her newfound strength to meld the bell halves with the shard to form a new artifact.


She swung the makeshift dagger through the air and cut through the fabric of reality. The torrenting hole much like the one she had come through to be here instantly appeared, only she had complete control over it. She stepped in, the seam shutting behind her, and she found herself nowhere and everywhere all at once. A beautiful world in-between all the rest, much like the dreams she walked, and she had the winner's pick to go anywhere she wanted. She watched as the team members returned to their respective homes, unable to detect her watching eyes, unable to stop her from simply stepping through and knocking on the doors of each one's humble abode. Completely and utterly defenseless. Her options were endless, it only begged the question of where to start.

noctilucent fountain

14 hours ago, Props Valroa said:

Could be worse...



See you in 2027 my little ponies, Mwahahahahahaha!

Nightmare moon eyes


Edited by SharpWit
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7 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

As the battles had come to an end and every villain had been defeated, it looked like everyone from the Union of Moon and Friendship had been victorious. Lowering his key blade, Dynamo sighed as he was glad that they were able to work together and that everyone was okay. Looking up momentarily, his eyes widened as a portal had been ripped open in the sky. From within the portal, it looked as if creatures from Tartarus had escaped and had begun running rampant. Not only that, but a giant meteor had begun to orbit around Equestria. Looking around, he gasped as he saw Silkywrath had been laying next to @Kujamih Khali, before making his way over towards the two. As he got close, he took notice of Silkywrath, while seeing it did indeed look almost like the Silky he knew. As he heard the words from both her and Khali, Dynamo could only shake his head. "S-Silky? I-it's me, Dyny. I don't know where this version of you came from, or what had happened to you, but you know you don't have to turn to the dark side. I'll always be here for you as you're one of my best friends." He would say, gasping at the sight of Silkywrath and Khali beginning to disappear. "No! Khali! Silky! You won't be just a memory. You won't be just a memory to me. It's like I said before that you're my friend and I'll always be here for you." His words fell on deaf ears as Silkywrath had vanished within his arms. Whether she was an illusion or from an alternate universe, she still felt real to him. Trembling slightly, he felt his eyes glisten with tears as they started to cascade down his face.

To him, it was like he lost a dear friend. Feeling a warmth upon his back, his eyes widened slightly as he could hear @Princess Silky's voice from behind. Taking a shaky breath and chuckling, he turned around and hugged Silky back with relief. At the same time, tried to understand the situation before them. "Y-Yeah...you're right. As long as there's chocolate milk, everything will always be awesome. It's just like I told her that you are an amazing friend, Silky and I'll always have your back, no matter what." He smiled as he wiped away any stray tears he had. Lowering his ears from the sudden sound of an explosion, Dynamo looked up to see that the meteor that surrounded Equestria had been destroyed by @Shiny Silvermoon. The embers that had fallen from the stray meteorites looked almost like fluttering fireflies. Such a view was almost breathtaking to the gaming unicorn. Letting her go from the hug, he watched as she made her way towards @Props ValroaCarnelian to demand the gems.

Good ending..... As they vanished, silky wrath would give a smile to him.

True ending:

Shed attempt to stab him with her blade but it would just go through...

"What happened to me, You ask?.... You happened." Her final words that would forever haunt him.

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That concludes our 2023 World Cup!!! Thank you all for participating and for making this fun RP and OOC experiences for everyone and hope to see you all again for our next World Cup 2027!!

credit: to @Rikifive for making this wonderful World Cup chart!

This thread will be open still for those who wish to continue to RP!

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11 hours ago, Princess Silky said:

So many intense moments and emotions at once. She looked from Dynamo pad as he registered the whole scenario to @GeneralDirection and then @Saturn Ring as her bestie took the gems. "Always so reliable," she'd mutter under her breath and raise her hoof as if to ruffle his hair playfully before he'd run off. She had narrowed her eyes with a fond smile, it was too clear she was so grateful to be around such loving friends... but now... a giant shadow would cast overhead as giant, elegant violet wings would now expand to encase the small scene.

Silverspark: seeing everything that is happening seeing Silky and all these ponies talking about having  @Princess Silky back she ran straight for the pink Pegasus  yet being smaller then other ponies she needs a place others will see her so she hovered in the air "Silky before I met you I was a lost filly never understanding why I was alone but then a pink Pegasus came to my sight at first I was not sure about

you until that day I fell right on top of you and you kind of fell on top of @Skylight Scintillate  due to my art project on a castle wall  and that is when  things start to change then you took me to a party well that was meant for adults but  I ended up with my first friend and that time you held me I was a bit confused due that first time you held me ever since that day you changed me I thought I would never trust

adults again after what I been through after losing my family to a bunch cannibals things were a mess for me but after getting to know you I thought maybe you would adopt me but when you mentioned you weren't ready for kids I took the other option of being your honorary little sister not by blood but by heart.Silky I want you to know that I love you and we are family according to Applejack and PinkiePie that even the greatest friends are like family." as she did that she wrapped her front hooves around Silky "you have to go through this little filly to get to my honorary big sister "she shouted  "  @Twilight Sparkle   it is an honor to be part of team School of friendship "she smiled 

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