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On 2023-06-18 at 9:57 PM, Props Valroa said:

@Shiny Silvermoon @Skylight Scintillate @Princess Silky @TBD

Carnelian's eyes narrowed as she looked to Skylight, "Oh, you little insolent brat! You DARE attack a crystal noble with a pie?! How undignified! When we are finished here, I'll make sure pies never exist again, just for that!" she shouted, and Carnelian's body seemed to fade into black, with her entire body flickering like a TV screen with monochromatic colors. "Time for you to see what you are messing with!" she shouted, as a black portal erupted from underneath her - a dark shadowy figure emerged from it. It was a humanoid figure with a box like head - it was very distorted and ghostlike. The figure flies towards @Skylight Scintillate and with it's fingers, it grabs multi-colored strings that were now visible - in an attempt to pull on the very strings of reality.

"Oh my gosh, not that, that's horrible!" Skylight exclaimed, attempting an Overselling Flourish as she collapsed on the ground in fake horror. "Why would you do this to me? I was just trying to pie you in a really wholesome way..." Skylight cried.

8 hours ago, Princess Silky said:

Silky's hair would blow in the wind as she'd look up to face an uncannily familiar figure with a single wing blowing gusts her way. "What the heck?!!?" Her ears would pin back with shame as if something of a guilty pleasure was being called out so loud in the open. "HEY! .. is that... me?!!? But it's an alicorn!" 

"Wait, did he say something about a nightmare?!" She'd wince upon hearing what Dawn Break had to say as Silvermoon was within ear shot and then she'd call to her friends to huddle. @Saturn Ring you did an amazing job keeping our friend Silvermoon safe, can you help @GeneralDirectionto find the remaining crystals for the ship to finally take off? @Shiny Silvermoon@Ghostie boi Silky would look around and call out for her good friend @Dynamo Pad "Don't listen to the being that is trying to imitate me, it must be taken down!" She'd blush, "For.. reason... and keep the chocolate milk safe! They shall not take a drop away from us, nor our croissants!" And with that, Silky would fly up and swing some round-belly vials which were explosive. "Here's your CHOCOLATE MILK, you foul being!" they would fling in the direction of whatever was causing that illusion and do AEO damage to surrounding areas from the fumes. "Speaking of croissants... hey @Skylight Scintillate!" She'd call, "got any more pastry weapons to toss at these insolent oxygen thieves?!"

"Oh, yeah, I got a croissant boomerang!" Skylight exclaimed, pulling out a croissant and throwing it at Carnelian.



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@Props Valroa The battle was at it's paroxysm, louder than ever the noises of magic being heard from distances. However, Shiny Silvermoon was still standing there, witnessing Carnelian desperatly trying to win a war that has already been lost without her knowing it. The unicorn finally said to her with a loud voice "I hoped you'd change your mind and decide to join us instead! Since it's not the case, you leave me no choice but to show you what true power is..."

Shiny placed the piece of Nightmare Moon's armor on herself and used it's power, combined with the love given by Cadence and Shining Armor, the magic of friendship from Izzy Moonbow and all her own magic, to shoot an incredible beam of energy toward the sky. As a reaction, the Supermoon came back to it's full size.

Once again, the body of the mare transformed because of the Supermoon but this time it was different... Like the last time, the mane and the tail of the unicorn began to magically float and transphased into a silver and icy blue starry sky. Just after her cutie mark began to shine slightly. A pair of translucent silver wings also appeared on her back.

Suddenly, the eyes of Shiny shifted black completely except for her iris which was now white and glowing but also reshaped into a line, like a cat. Her whole body started to grow taller until it reached the size of a full grown alicorn, like Celestia. Sharp fangs also appeared in her mouth. To complete the transition, the piece of armor she was wearing turned into an entire armor, like the one of Nightmare Moon.

"Everypony is afraid of something, Carnelian... You'll be afraid of me by the end of this battle. MWAHAHAHA!!!" She evilly laughed at her with lighnings in the background, which was quite scary. However, she soon started to laugh like a normal pony having fun. "Hahahaha! I know it's not the right time but I just remembered of a good joke I heard... Hahaha! Ha... Ha... Anyway. Where were we? Oh I remember! I was going to show you the real power... The magic of Friendship combined with the power of the Moon!"

An intense wave of energy escaped Nightmare Shiny's horn and wiped all the members of the Tartarus, including Carnelian, off the boat. Then, a giant icy blue anvil formed right above them with the Moon and the Tree of Harmony drew on it. It felt on them and caused 14 points of damage.

Edited by Shiny Silvermoon
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The ghostling suddenly appeared beside Carnelian throwing a blow to their left check whilst coating his paw in Magik to amplify to blow, Causing a shockwave
around them knocking everyone else with it...all with a burning fire in his eye's. Dealing 15Pts of damage to all

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@Skylight Scintillate @Kujamih @Princess Silky @Shiny Silvermoon

Seeing the writing on the wall, Carnelian would stare up at the ship hovering above her after she had been attacked by @Shiny Silvermoon @Skylight Scintillate. With the certain defeat surely before her, she seemed to realize something. Instead of pursuing further attacks she would sit there and let out a laugh. The laugh was something otherwordly. It was a genuine laugh - as if she hadn't laughed her whole life. Her laugh echoed throughout the scenes of the battle, her eyes transfixed on the ship ahead.

"Tartarus is destined to lose, but that doesn't mean that I have to fall with it..." she coughed, standing up as she stared at @Shiny Silvermoon "I yield to you, do what with me you will..." Carnelian would suddenly bow before her, a shameless grin coming across her face. That ship - that was her salvation! Sure, she had to suck in her pride for these moments! How couldn't she realize this before?! Hah! How little these ponies knew what was in her mind...they'll see it someday...

"I'm coming with you..." she would rise - offering her hooves in the open air as a sign of surrender. Her true plan has just begun...




MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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6 minutes ago, Props Valroa said:

@Skylight Scintillate @Kujamih @Princess Silky @Shiny Silvermoon

Seeing the writing on the wall, Carnelian would stare up at the ship hovering above her after she had been attacked by @Shiny Silvermoon @Skylight Scintillate. With the certain defeat surely before her, she seemed to realize something. Instead of pursuing further attacks she would sit there and let out a laugh. The laugh was something otherwordly. It was a genuine laugh - as if she hadn't laughed her whole life. Her laugh echoed throughout the scenes of the battle, her eyes transfixed on the ship ahead.

"Tartarus is destined to lose, but that doesn't mean that I have to fall with it..." she coughed, standing up as she stared at @Shiny Silvermoon "I yield to you, do what with me you will..." Carnelian would suddenly bow before her, a shameless grin coming across her face. That ship - that was her salvation! Sure, she had to suck in her pride for these moments! How couldn't she realize this before?! Hah! How little these ponies knew what was in her mind...they'll see it someday...

"I'm coming with you..." she would rise - offering her hooves in the open air as a sign of surrender. Her true plan has just begun...


@Props Valroa Looking at hoof being stretched to her, "Nightmare Shiny" responded with a calm tone of voice "If you are trying to trick me, you'll regret it but if you honestly want to accept my help to save your world I can't deny. If you want to use kindness against myself, you'll be decieved. If you want to change the destiny of your realm by choosing another path, you're welcome."

With that being said, she took the hoof of Carnelian and helped her up before giving her a comforting hug.

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@Princess Silky

There was something about the way his bestie smiled at him that brought a certain warmth to his heart, even amidst all the chaotic fighting that surrounded them. He also couldn’t help but feel a bit concerned as they went their own ways, but Silver recognized that this is what was needed of him in this moment.

“Understood.” He replied with a nod. “I will take care of these two crystals. Please stay safe, Silky.”

Silver would not get too far before he heard the voice of one of the villains, followed by a dark magic attack on Silky. Thankfully, her elphenite shielded her from the attack, but the impact would cause her to drop the crystals, absorbing some of the dark magic in the process. Silver looked back and would nod in agreement as Silky told him to run, noting that she would quickly fly off to collect the crystals, and then fling them towards the enemy moments later. Where those went, Silver hadn’t the slightest clue. He would have to worry about that a bit later. For now, he returned his attention back to the task at hoof.

The kirin would make his way to the front of the ship, utilizing his adventuring experience to remain undetected as he dropped below deck. Here, inside a protected area, two sockets for the crystals were housed. Silver removed the crystals from his saddlebag and placed them in the corresponding slots, remembering Silky’s instructions from earlier about the colours matching. The crystals glowed and gave off a low hum, indicating that they were place correctly and were now powering the ship. However, this was only half of the power that they needed to take off. Now, he would need to find the other two.

@Saturn Ring

He poked his head up from below deck and surveyed the scene around him. All sorts of ponies he has never met before were running about frantically every which way. Using his superlative powers of observation, he spots a pink unicorn mare who appeared to be searching for something.

“Hey!” He called over to her, waving a hoof. “What are you looking for?”

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@Shiny Silvermoon

Carnelian would not resist the hug, but she would not hug back either. Then for a moment, she would hold the sides of Shiny Silvermoon's head with her two hooves. "Then allow me to give you a vision of what remains." she said with a dark tone, and Shiny Silvermoon's vision would blurr before a scene would present itself to her.

Shiny Silvermoon would now witness a great scene present itself to her, and her alone. She would see a massive machine - looking a lot like a drill placed atop a mountain. The machine itself was silver with many glowing blue parts. It was an otherworldly construct constructed by the finest of engineers. The various ponies in the scene were all crystal ponies. They had massive, almost comically sized keys they slid into various slots around the massive machine.

To say it backfired, was an understatement. In an instant, the entire scene and that mountain was vaporized in a massive flash that would be blinding, if it wasn't a vision.

Then Shiny SilverMoon would see what remains, years later. Nothing. Destroyed countrysides, by many years of war. Rivers running dry, and wasted forests. With only smog and death reigning in the air. Then she would see that there were many ponies fleeing into what looked like white gateways - and vanishing. Carnelian was the last one, and looked back at the ruined world without a second glance.

There was nothing left. There was no fixing this. Carnelian didn't want to fix her world. She wanted to escape it. Evidently, her followers were scattered across many worlds. Never again to re-unite. 



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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5 minutes ago, Props Valroa said:

@Shiny Silvermoon

Carnelian would not resist the hug, but she would not hug back either. Then for a moment, she would hold the sides of Shiny Silvermoon's head with her two hooves. "Then allow me to give you a vision of what remains." she said with a dark tone, and Shiny Silvermoon's vision would blurr before a scene would present itself to her.

Shiny Silvermoon would now witness a great scene present itself to her, and her alone. She would see a massive machine - looking a lot like a drill placed atop a mountain. The machine itself was silver with many glowing blue parts. It was an otherworldly construct constructed by the finest of engineers. The various ponies in the scene were all crystal ponies. They had massive, almost comically sized keys they slid into various slots around the massive machine.

To say it backfired, was an understatement. In an instant, the entire scene and that mountain was vaporized in a massive flash that would be blinding, if it wasn't a vision.

Then Shiny SilverMoon would see what remains, years later. Nothing. Destroyed countrysides, by many years of war. Rivers running dry, and wasted forests. With only smog and death reigning in the air. Then she would see that there were many ponies fleeing into what looked like white gateways - and vanishing. Carnelian was the last one, and looked back at the ruined world without a second glance.

There was nothing left. There was no fixing this. Carnelian didn't want to fix her world. She wanted to escape it. Evidently, her followers were scattered across many worlds. Never again to re-unite. 

@Props Valroa Shiny reemerged from the vision with wide eyes from what she saw. "The death of your world was caused by it's ponies... But why?"

Edited by Shiny Silvermoon
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5 minutes ago, Props Valroa said:

@Shiny Silvermoon

"Wars that had origins centuries ago, far before my time. Allow me to come with you, and I'll never bother you. I wish to live out a simple life. Among my kind." Carnelian smirked.

@Props Valroa "Your request is accepted. My world is living in peace and friendship is the key for amazing adventures and good memories in it. You shall live happy there if you accept my help to become a better pony. Leave your power and in exchange we will grant you with happiness. Seems like a fair deal to me."

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1 minute ago, Props Valroa said:

@Shiny Silvermoon

"I will be left alone, thank you." Carnelian said with a bit of a harder gaze. She wasn't willing to go for the friendship thing, of course, but preferred to simply just be alone in peace.

" But you are an ODT( other dimensional trespasser).

"You are not allowed to contaminate other worlds..... Hence why the fail safe is made... To wipe ODTs like you."

Kali would continue to attack both Carnelian and Chrysalis.


Her chains continue to strangle and drag the queen into another dimension,


while her spear stabs Cornelian into the heart.


"Silkywrath assist me." She commanded her as if she controls her.

But strangely enough she follows and striked everyone with one swift blow of her very long blade.Screenshot_2023-06-20-12-12-15-953_com.lifetap.thumb.jpg.0d51c5e4424b671015bc8d33be4cc967.jpg

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Ghost appeared behind Kali, Landing a kick onto their neck whilst coating his foot in the same magik used for his punch, Dealing 20 points of damage!   

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Grogar HP: 100 -15 -14: 71

Carneilan HP: 59 -11 -15 -12 -14: 7

Queen Chrysalis HP: 41-14 -15 -9 -14: 0

King Sombra HP: Dead

 Cosmos HP: Dead

Tirek HP: dead

Daybreaker HP: dead

white light: super dead


Heroes HP: 630-15 -14:  611

new enemy: one winged alicorn, Silkywrath.

HP: 129 -15 -20: 94

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Kali would not flinch but the nightmare Silkywrath dropped to her knees and recieved the damage instead.

" Bunny... I am not bound by their rules here...."

She'd fling the bunny by an invisible force.



Grogar HP: 100 -15 -14: 71

Carneilan HP: 59 -11 -15 -12 -14: 7

Queen Chrysalis HP: 41-14 -15 -9 -14: 0

King Sombra HP: Dead

 Cosmos HP: Dead

Tirek HP: dead

Daybreaker HP: dead

white light: super dead


Heroes HP: 605

new enemy: one winged alicorn, Silkywrath.

HP: 129 -15 -20: 94

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19 minutes ago, Kujamih said:

" But you are an ODT( other dimensional trespasser).

"You are not allowed to contaminate other worlds..... Hence why the fail safe is made... To wipe ODTs like you."

Kali would continue to attack both Carnelian and Chrysalis.


Her chains continue to strangle and drag the queen into another dimension,


while her spear stabs Cornelian into the heart.


"Silkywrath assist me." She commanded her as if she controls her.

But strangely enough she follows and striked everyone with one swift blow of her very long blade.Screenshot_2023-06-20-12-12-15-953_com.lifetap.thumb.jpg.0d51c5e4424b671015bc8d33be4cc967.jpg

@Props Valroa @Kujamih "NOOOOOO!!!" Shiny yelled as loud as she could before blasting both Kali and Silkywrath with an high-intensity ray which cause 19 points of domage. The two enemies harmed by the energy felt the anger charging it so much that it could melt a rock but, hopefully for them, it only scratched them.

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@Saturn Ring

“Yep, that’s me!” Silver shouted back. “Come over here!” He waved her over to the steps that went below deck.

“What is your name?” He inquired once the unicorn could hear him at a normal conversational tone. “And since you’ve found me, was there something you needed? Did Silky send you here, by chance?” He asked somewhat hopefully. They would often have each other’s backs, even in the worst of situations.

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10 hours ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

(Oh gosh! The most powerful weapon in Doom? What kind of Changeling are you? :ButtercupLaugh:)

(The kind that breaks the 4th wall when appropriate)


Cimex tried to see what crazy thing pops to his mind for offensive purposes and, 

I've got nothing.

"Come on, @ChrysalisM. You run out of ideas NOW???" Sorry. Sheesh never seen her mad enough to break the 4th wall that bad.

Cimex kicks a random stone out of frustration, which ricochets off a tree, and beans Carnelian upside the head for:


The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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The queen was wrapped in chains and was sucked into the void.

" .... Now that i think about it.... Almost everyone of you do not belong in  this dimension ..   this world is infested with ODDITIES.....Since we got what we came for.... Its time to destroy this world." Khali snaps her finger and a giant meteorite appeared from the sky.

Charging..... Now at 15%( dice roll at 15)

As she charges for the finishing blow the gravitational pull of the meteor caused the weather to become violent and unpredictable. Gravity shifts everywhere.


Grogar HP: 100 -15 -14: 71

Carneilan HP: -7 Dying

Queen Chrysalis HP: ponynapped

King Sombra HP: Dead

 Cosmos HP: Dead

Tirek HP: dead

Daybreaker HP: dead

white light: super dead


Heroes HP: 605

new enemy: one winged alicorn, Silkywrath./ Khali

HP: 73

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@Saturn Ring

“Good to meet you, Saturn.” He said with a smile. “Unfortunate that it couldn’t be under better conditions. Please, follow me down here for a moment.”

Silver led Saturn to the room he has previously been in with the sockets for the crystals. “Just so you know what they look like.” He explained before heading back upstairs. “Now then, I’m not sure what you’ve seen, did you happen to see the direction the crystals went? This could help us narrow down their location, but it’s ok if you missed it. I was too far away at the time to tell, and I have not seen them on my way to this end of the ship. I assume they must be at the other end. I think our best bet is to split up so we can cover more ground. If you find either of them, bring them to Silky. She will know of a way to either cleanse them or find somepony who does. Then we can get out of here.” He says hopefully.

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8 minutes ago, Kujamih said:

The queen was wrapped in chains and was sucked into the void.

" .... Now that i think about it.... Almost everyone of you do not belong in  this dimension ..   this world is infested with ODDITIES.....Since we got what we came for.... Its time to destroy this world." Khali snaps her finger and a giant meteorite appeared from the sky.

Charging..... Now at 15%( dice roll at 15)

As she charges for the finishing blow the gravitational pull of the meteor caused the weather to become violent and unpredictable. Gravity shifts everywhere.


Grogar HP: 100 -15 -14: 71

Carneilan HP: -7 Dying

Queen Chrysalis HP: ponynapped

King Sombra HP: Dead

 Cosmos HP: Dead

Tirek HP: dead

Daybreaker HP: dead

white light: super dead


Heroes HP: 605

new enemy: one winged alicorn, Silkywrath./ Khali

HP: 73

Ghost stared up in the sky in horror, shaking from both his body at his limit for hour's and fear of such power, But He'd hold his paw up to the sky, slowly forming a orb of Magik to counter-attack the Giant mass of space-rock, Starting at 17% "EVERYONE!!!, WE HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER TO WIN THIS!, COMBINE YOUR MAGIK WITH MINE AND WE'LL BEAT THIS!!!"


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@Props Valroa @Kujamih Shiny stared at Khali, then at Carneilan dying, then at Chrysalis being taken by the void and finally at the meteor before yelling at Khali "You can flee if you want, since I have more important concerns, but the changeling stays with us!"

The mare striked the chain that was restraining @Chrysalis with a minor spell to break it before sending her real spell to the meteor, along with @Ghostie boi and @Grogar.

20 points of damage on the meteor

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