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The Running of the Leaves (2024) Race Event!

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As the race was going on, a certain pink earth pony with a poofy mane and tail was preparing up ahead. This mare in particular was the super duper party pony of Ponyville, Pinkie Pie. "Ooooh~! I'm super duper excited to give everypony some cake and participate in the race at the same time!" Pinkie exclaimed, continuously preparing cake batter and confection into a giant party cannon. "Just a bit of chocolate here, some edible confetti there. Just a little more and it'll be perfect!" Pinkie smiled as she added more and more to the cannon. The moment that she had heard about the Running of the Leaves, she knew she had to plan ahead. After receiving the list of who would be participating, the pink mare knew that she had to go bigger than any party she had ever planned before. "It's a good think I brought Big Bertha with me. Otherwise, I'd probably need more than one party cannon for the occasion. Although, that does sound like fun, but maybe I can plan for that for next year." Pinkie giggled, recalling the times that she had party cannons stashed around everywhere in Ponyville. In case of party cannon emergencies, of course. She even recalled the time that she had placed party cannons inside Twilight's castle. She didn't manage to find them all, but that's what added to the surprise of finding one. Besides being blasted with confetti and the surprise factor, of course.

"Maybe I'll even add in those teeny tiny cannons just like when Twilight opened up the School of Friendship!" Pinkie grinned with a squee, feeling nostalgic as she baked. Once everything had come together, the mare rubbed her hooves together as she knew the time was upon her. "Okie Doki Artichoki! Now to lay and wait for everypony to make their presence and then the surprise can begin!" Pinkie whispered, hiding behind the trees so as not to be seen. Even Big Bertha was hidden without a trace, so that nobody, not even the racers or even Starlight and Trixie could see it. The idea was thought out by the planning committee and Pinkie was on board the moment she and the mention of cakes were brought on board.

The plan was for Pinkie to jump out to surprise the racers, while launching a giant pile of cake batter for the racers to enjoy. At the same time, they would have to traverse a slippery sliding path to continue on with the race, or end up in a triple decker chocolate cake mess. She thought it was a win win as they get to party with cake and eat it too. For the moment, everything seemed quiet. The tension was very thick, you could almost slice it with a knife. Her focus was cut short as she heard what was the sound of rustling from the pathway that lead to the race. Thinking it was the racers, it was time for her to make her move. "SURPRISE!!!!!!" Pinkie exclaimed, jumping out as she pulled the string to launch the cake batter sky high. However, the presence of the rustling was nowhere to be seen as there was nobody on the pathway. "Huh. That's weird. I know for sure I heard something. I hope I didn't miss the timing." Pinkie started, before suddenly breaking out into shivering and shaking. This was her tried and true Pinkie Sense and from her numerous combos, anything could happen. This shivering and shaking, however, could only mean one thing and one thing only. Whatever was about to happen was going to be a doozy.

Suddenly and without warning, the ground on the racetrack had begun to rumble and crack. Almost as if an earthquake and a stampede were taking place at the same time. "W-W-W-Whoa-oa-oa! T-Th-This is g-g-g-gonna be a b-b-b-big d-d-d-d-dooozyyyyyyyy!" Pinkie managed to say, before a good portion of the ground had given way into a sinkhole. The hole itself was a little deep, but it was still enough to climb out of. The rumbling itself had caused some of the leaves around the trees to give way and fall themselves. Effectively sending them into the sinkhole. The rumbling had soon stopped as soon as it had started and thus Pinkie's shaking and shivering had soon ceased. "Whew! Now that's what I call a doozy!" Pinkie started, before the massive amounts of cake batter had started plummeting towards her location. The batter itself had littered the ground before and after the sinkhole, while a good portion of it had landed within the sinkhole. Blending together evenly with the leaves, while some of the cake mix had landed on Pinkie. "I knew I was almost forgetting about something." Pinkie giggled, while using her tongue to lick the chocolate off of her with a hum. "Now that's the making of my best cake yet! I can't wait for everypony to enjoy it! Uh oh!" Her celebration was short lived as she had realized that the racers would soon be here.

OOC: Welcome everyone to your first obstacle! The path has been flooded with chocolate cake batter and a sink hole that has opened up. To overcome this obstacle, you must roll a D20 to decide your fate! A roll of 10 or lower will result in a penally. A 25% decrease on your next roll when racing down the track! An 11 to a 16 will proceed as normal. If you manage to roll a 17 or higher, than a reward will be presented to you! A 50% increase on your next roll when racing down the track! The effect of your roll will go into effect once you get through this obstacle. Good luck to you all and may the roll be in your favor!

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1 hour ago, Pinkie Pie said:

As the race was going on, a certain pink earth pony with a poofy mane and tail was preparing up ahead. This mare in particular was the super duper party pony of Ponyville, Pinkie Pie. "Ooooh~! I'm super duper excited to give everypony some cake and participate in the race at the same time!" Pinkie exclaimed, continuously preparing cake batter and confection into a giant party cannon. "Just a bit of chocolate here, some edible confetti there. Just a little more and it'll be perfect!" Pinkie smiled as she added more and more to the cannon. The moment that she had heard about the Running of the Leaves, she knew she had to plan ahead. After receiving the list of who would be participating, the pink mare knew that she had to go bigger than any party she had ever planned before. "It's a good think I brought Big Bertha with me. Otherwise, I'd probably need more than one party cannon for the occasion. Although, that does sound like fun, but maybe I can plan for that for next year." Pinkie giggled, recalling the times that she had party cannons stashed around everywhere in Pomyville. In case of party cannon emergencies, of course. She even recalled the time that she had placed party cannons inside Twilight's castle. She didn't manage to find them all, but that's what added to the surprise of finding one. Besides being blasted with confetti and the surprise factor, of course.

"Maybe I'll even add in those teeny tiny cannons just like when Twilight opened up the School of Friendship!" Pinkie grinned with a squee, feeling nostalgic as she baked. Once everything had come together, the mare rubbed her hooves together as she knew the time was upon her. "Okie Doki Artichoki! Now to lay and wait for everypony to make their presence and then the surprise can begin!" Pinkie whispered, hiding behind the trees so as not to be seen. Even Big Bertha was hidden without a trace, so that nobody, not even the racers or even Starlight and Trixie could see it. The idea was thought out by the planning committee and Pinkie was on board the moment she and the mention of cakes were brought on board.

The plan was for Pinkie to jump out to surprise the racers, while launching a giant pile of cake batter for the racers to enjoy. At the same time, they would have to traverse a slippery sliding path to continue on with the race, or end up in a triple decker chocolate cake mess. She thought it was a win win as they get to party with cake and eat it too. For the moment, everything seemed quiet. The tension was very thick, you could almost slice it with a knife. Her focus was cut short as she heard what was the sound of rustling from the pathway that lead to the race. Thinking it was the racers, it was time for her to make her move. "SURPRISE!!!!!!" Pinkie exclaimed, jumping out as she pulled the string to launch the cake batter sky high. However, the presence of the rustling was nowhere to be seen as there was nobody on the pathway. "Huh. That's weird. I know for sure I heard something. I hope I didn't miss the timing." Pinkie started, before suddenly breaking out into shivering and shaking. This was her tried and true Pinkie Sense and from her numerous combos, anything could happen. This shivering and shaking, however, could only mean one thing and one thing only. Whatever was about to happen was going to be a doozy.

Suddenly and without warning, the ground on the racetrack had begun to rumble and crack. Almost as if an earthquake and a stampede were taking place at the same time. "W-W-W-Whoa-oa-oa! T-Th-This is g-g-g-gonna be a b-b-b-big d-d-d-d-dooozyyyyyyyy!" Pinkie managed to say, before a good portion of the ground had given way into a sinkhole. The hole itself was a little deep, but it was still enough to climb out of. The rumbling itself had caused some of the leaves around the trees to give way and fall themselves. Effectively sending them into the sinkhole. The rumbling had soon stopped as soon as it had started and thus Pinkie's shaking and shivering had soon ceased. "Whew! Now that's what I call a doozy!" Pinkie started, before the massive amounts of cake batter had started plummeting towards her location. The batter itself had littered the ground before and after the sinkhole, while a good portion of it had landed within the sinkhole. Blending together evenly with the leaves, while some of the cake mix had landed on Pinkie. "I knew I was almost forgetting about something." Pinkie giggled, while using her tongue to lick the chocolate off of her with a hum. "Now that's the making of my best cake yet! I can't wait for everypony to enjoy it! Uh oh!" Her celebration was short lived as she had realized that the racers would soon be here.

OOC: Welcome everyone to your first obstacle! The path has been flooded with chocolate cake batter and a sink hole that has opened up. To overcome this obstacle, you must roll a D20 to decide your fate! A roll of 10 or lower will result in a penally. A 25% decrease on your next roll when racing down the track! An 11 to a 16 will proceed as normal. If you manage to roll a 17 or higher, than a reward will be presented to you! A 50% increase on your next roll when racing down the track! The effect of your roll will go into effect once you get through this obstacle. Good luck to you all and may the roll be in your favor!

*When she arrived on the scene of the disaster, Shiny stopped herself and gasped at the sinkhole filled with leaves and cakes. Then, whe spotted @Pinkie Pie with a gigantic cannon and, after doing some complexe maths in her head, the mare understood what happened. Instead of focusing on how she would traverse such a big obstacle, she decided to head toward the pink pony, in order to make sure she was okay.* "Pinkie Pie! Are you alright? Who knew that handling such a massive cannon wouldn't be... A piece of cake!" *After her punchline, a drum rimshot came out from seemingly nowhere.* "Mmmh... If we extended the race by a few days, we could build a bridge over the sinkhole for everypony to pass it... Misfortunately, we can't survive that long with a diet only consisting of cakes! I would have still liked to help everypony make it safely to the other side..." *She said to Pinkie, with some regret in her voice.*

Edited by Shiny Silvermoon
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*Shiny Silvermoon then dropped @Silverspark184 off her back, after remembering that she was there. She lowered herself to be at the same level as the filly.* "I'm sorry, Silverspark, but that leap over the sinkhole is impossible with you on my back. I would have loved to make it to the other side with you but I'm not even sure it's possible... So, as the official leaper of the race, I'll sacrifice myself to see if it is possible! If I don't make it, tell @Ice Princess Silky <3 that she's the best sister ever!" *Shiny then standed up and backed up from the sinkhole filled with cakes. When far enough, she began to rush toward the huge obstacle. Arrived at the edge of the hole, she recalled of all those leaps she made during the race, those intense 30 minutes of training to masterize the ancient art of leaping and she heard the voice of Sun Tzu as if he was using telepathy to talk to her, during this critical moment...*



*Sun Tzu was right... Shiny then bounced off the ground, she flied above the sinkhold with the grace of a ballerina, before landing onto her hooves on the other rim. Little that she knew that the leap she just performed would be unbeated for generations. The mare waved at her friends.*

"It's safe, guys! You can make it!"

Roll : 17/20

Edited by Shiny Silvermoon
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//two dice rolls since I missed yesterday, also haha 69 total steps


The effects of sprinting naturally caught up to Azure as well, who slowed down to a halt to take a break... Just in time to watch the sinkhole form on the path ahead. She carefully tried to step around it, and...
Made it past without a hitch. Still, she watched out for anypony else struggling with the obstacle, it  would be easy to slip and slide right into that hole, or crash into a tree considering the speed some of the racers were going.

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image.thumb.png.16f9b6e16878075ee58bc7c2c9bf455e.png  2 Steps for Kramathia = 90

image.png.a9e0a2d2a24660fa6b99270828ed0f25.png Leaves : 3

gifmaker_me(71).gif.1f32f7bad294e95e9a213bd31fac065a.gif *As chocolate started to fill the area, Kramathia got part of the chocolate in her circuits affecting her speed, she was singing in a strange electronic voice that went slower and slowe * DaIsY, dAiSy, GiVe Me yOuR aaaaaaaaaaNsWeeeeeeR Doooo....



image.png.aadb2878b8514d98fbe33f8373bbbeaa.png 14 steps for Chatterbox: 104 steps


image.png.58d9c2cc25ec9f738c6f5c83d35f64f8.png 4 leaves

gifmaker_me(7).gif.e59328fd3d17b0a94840c84cfb3a1b99.gif *Chatterbox was nervous, she was fast enough to jump the hole that was open and luckly kinda avoided the chocolate, not for win the race but... Her Mane was just done!! Dx

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Titanium comes rushing around the corner, spotting the strange brown substance all over the trees. 'What happened here?' She wonders, as more and more of the brown batter can be seen. She notices a strange smell '...Ch-chocolate?' she wonders. As more and more comes into view, she see's a large patch in the ground that is a different shade of brown to the rest of the track, with pure instinct for avoiding dangers, she darts to the side, around a couple tree's, and back onto the track on the other side. She looks back, seeing something pink amongst the trees, before suddenly being smacked in the face by a tree branch covered in chocolate. "AH! Chocolate attack!" She yells as she snakes through the track, trying to lick off the chocolate from her face. "Oh wow, that's a nice cake!" She says in surprise, shaking off the excess.


(Does this get counted to our steps? If so... 138 steps)

Edited by Wizard
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[Animated banner by Rethajni] My Art page My twitter

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22 hours ago, Moonlight Wane said:

"But I like having you close. This way I don't need to shout to talk to you."

Moonlight turns around to look at Samurai. His hoof hurts a little, but not enough to slow him down. The stallions are far apart, and he doesn't want to get too far from Titanium or slow her down. "I'll be fine, thanks!"

(Steps: 86)


Samurai salutes once he knows Moonlight is all right, glad to hear it.


D20: 19
D10: 3
TOTAL: 28 steps, 3(?) leaves.

(I hope it's okay if I just post this in text form. Posting pictures over and over is a little monotonous.)

Deciding to take a chance, Samurai speeds up instead of slowing down, adding the speed he gained from earlier in his attempt to help a pony in need. "Not sure if I can catch up at this point, but I refuse to use magic to give me an edge."



I'll wait until next time to have Samurai react to Pinkie's sudden obstacle. Pretty sure he's too far behind right now to worry about it.


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Moonlight's hooves start slipping on the chocolate covering the ground. He tries to move how he thinks ice-skaters do, except he has no experience in ice-skating.

With his eyes being focused on his hooves, he doesn't notice the subtle drop, where the sinkhole begins. He yelps in surprise as his forehooves immediately sink into the chocolate goop, and his entire front half follows, leaving his back legs kicking above the surface.

It takes him a moment to roll forward, and when his head and torso come up, covered in cake batter and leaves, he looks like a very sweet mud monster.

His big, blinking eyes are the only recognizable part of him as he looks at the hole he's in. He licks his hoof and smiles with content. "I might stay here for a moment," he thinks as he lets himself fall on his back with a splat.

(Steps: 88)


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Make yourself happy with a mango.

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(OOC: I now realize that I have been forgetting to add steps to my running and now due to this everyone else is far into the double digits and maybe even the triple digits. It's literally impossible for me to catch up since I'm only rolling a D12 for steps and I can only make one roll per day. So, I am withdrawing from the competition. I wish the best of luck to the rest of you, and bid you all farewell.)

*Slipstream realized he had fallen far behind, and decided that if he wanted to keep playing fair, he should probably withdraw. A being with god-like speed probably shouldn't have been in a race for others without god-like speed anyways. He left the track and flew away.*

  • Sad 1

SlipStream :D 

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7 hours ago, Rethajni said:
  Reveal hidden contents

image.thumb.png.16f9b6e16878075ee58bc7c2c9bf455e.png  2 Steps for Kramathia = 90

image.png.a9e0a2d2a24660fa6b99270828ed0f25.png Leaves : 3

gifmaker_me(71).gif.1f32f7bad294e95e9a213bd31fac065a.gif *As chocolate started to fill the area, Kramathia got part of the chocolate in her circuits affecting her speed, she was singing in a strange electronic voice that went slower and slowe * DaIsY, dAiSy, GiVe Me yOuR aaaaaaaaaaNsWeeeeeeR Doooo....

*Anarchylight notices an obstacle ahead. She moves closer and sees that Kramathia is stuck in chocolate cake batter.
"Who spilled the batter here and why? I need to help Kramathia."
*Anarchylight walks over to her and pulls her out of the batter. She casts a spell and cleanses Kramathia of the batter.
"Kramathia, how are you?"


Steps +11

(Total steps completed: 74)
(Total leaves knocked down: 31)


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Total Steps = 60
Total Leaves = 8

Felis is attempting to pass the obstacle.
Instead of running, she picks up her pace, and she moves her hooves quickly, but maintains a walking position.
It looked very comical.
'This is a technique of Yakyakistan! keeping a walking posture while walking at top speed. Ergo I can keep my body stable without losing speed.' Felis stated 



And yet she failed.

Edited by Felis Amafeles
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14 hours ago, Ice Princess Silky &lt;3 said:

Silky was too focused to see what was going on. 

(for now) 

She was becoming tired and slightly slowing down. (why do I roll so poorly LOL) 


*Because she was too focused on being faster than her special somepony, @Ice Princess Silky <3 didn't notice the sinkhole filled with chocolate cakes on the track. On the other side of the obstacle, Shiny tried to warn her but it was too late. As Silky was falling into the pit, the pony with a silver mane rushed toward her, before landing on her tummy and sliding on the chocolate-covered dirt, until she was on the edge of the hole. With her hooves stretched forward, she catched her sister's at the last second. The other participants of the race that were also falling into the sinkhole splashed chocolate all over the pink pegasus but at least she didn't fall into it like them. Misfortunately, Shiny couldn't do anything for her other friends, since magic was against the rules of the race. She pulled Silky with all of her strength onto the other rim.* "Gotcha, Sis!"

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@Rethajni @Nitobit @Felis Amafeles

*After saving Silky from whatever would have happened if she fell into the sinkhole, Shiny Silvermoon was too focused on helping others to care about the opportunity of taking the lead of the race, or almost. She could have used her advantage to run faster than all those who were sticky with chocolate but, instead, she decided to kick some trees to make a glorious amount of leaves drop into the sinkhole. By doing so, the mare created a path of leaves on the slippery chocolate-covered walls of the pit to allow her friends at the bottom of it to climb easily.*


Leaves roll : 19 x 50% (bonus) = 29

Total steps : 68 (85 if we count the 17 roll for leaping over the sinkhole)

Total leaves : 61

Edited by Shiny Silvermoon
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4 hours ago, Anarchylight said:

*Anarchylight notices an obstacle ahead. She moves closer and sees that Kramathia is stuck in chocolate cake batter.
"Who spilled the batter here and why? I need to help Kramathia."
*Anarchylight walks over to her and pulls her out of the batter. She casts a spell and cleanses Kramathia of the batter.
"Kramathia, how are you?"


Steps +11

(Total steps completed: 74)
(Total leaves knocked down: 31)


Untitled-Frame0.thumb.png.fbe5908d1795d10b48e912ff3637e053.png*Kramathia breathe some air to cool down her engine releasing a bit of steam but she was fine* System reestablished, interface restored. *then she turns around to Anarchylight* Thank you for cleaning my unit, initiation appreciation protocol *she turns on pink LEDS on her cheeks*



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1 hour ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

@Rethajni @Nitobit @Felis Amafeles

*After saving Silky from whatever would have happened if she fell into the sinkhole, Shiny Silvermoon was too focused on helping others to care about the opportunity of taking the lead of the race, or almost. She could have used her advantage to run faster than all those who were sticky with chocolate but, instead, she decided to kick some trees to make a glorious amount of leaves drop into the sinkhole. By doing so, the mare created a path of leaves on the slippery chocolate-covered walls of the pit to allow her friends at the bottom of it to climb easily.*


Leaves roll : 19 x 50% (bonus) = 29

Total steps : 68 (85 if we count the 17 roll for leaping over the sinkhole)

Total leaves : 61

gifmaker_me(7).gif.e59328fd3d17b0a94840c84cfb3a1b99.gif Thank you Shiny! You are the best!

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Last three roll results to catch up here:




Silver suddenly came to a halt as he and the other racers came across a giant sinkhole, blocking their progression along the path.

Roll to avoid the obstacle:


Silver would slip on one of the many piles of cake batter littered all over the path, and rather unceremoniously land at the bottom of the hole. Sadly, today just didn't seem to be Silver's day. Tripping on a root earlier, and now sliding in cake batter puts him down in a pit. He wipes chocolate frosting from his face and looks over to see @Nitobit who also fell down in the hole.

"Oh, hey there! I don't believe we've met yet, I'm Silver. Did you want a boost up out of here?" He asked. 

The fall will set him a bit further back as opposed to the ponies who did manage to avoid the obstacle and find a way around it.

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9 hours ago, Slipstream said:

(OOC: I now realize that I have been forgetting to add steps to my running and now due to this everyone else is far into the double digits and maybe even the triple digits. It's literally impossible for me to catch up since I'm only rolling a D12 for steps and I can only make one roll per day. So, I am withdrawing from the competition. I wish the best of luck to the rest of you, and bid you all farewell.)

*Slipstream realized he had fallen far behind, and decided that if he wanted to keep playing fair, he should probably withdraw. A being with god-like speed probably shouldn't have been in a race for others without god-like speed anyways. He left the track and flew away.*

(OOC: You can just roll for the days you've missed, just don't roll more than how many days have passed. Besides it's not really about winning, more like a forum-wide little RP session for fun.)

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Silverspark:seeing a big puddle of cake batter she licks it up for a taste seeing how big the sink hole is she looked back where Bright and Silky might before "no magic no flight and here I am with cake batter Oooh I wonder if could use of course "she pulled off her saddle bag brought out her dragon friend Sapphire Crust "blue fire is hotter then what most dragon fire Alright Sapphire see that cake batter see if you can use your fire to bake the cake batter "she told her 

Sapphire Crush :"what do you take me for Kid I am not your oven You Brat "she growled 

Silverspark:"I will give you a huge basket of Sapphires besides it's not just for me there are ponies who will love to get across without getting messy and a snack for their energy too "she said



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(oh my gosh, it's almost midnight and I've missed so much but I'm just gonna make my daily required post before calling it a night. @Sir Hugsalot did you make your post yet? Dx Sorry ;~; )

Silky remains focused and determined despite all of the chaos going on and even the ..cake disaster.. that happened. What?! She attempts to keep going. (rolls the dice and hopes not to fail D: )


Woohooo! She is hit with a surge of determination - perhaps to avoid the chaos -- and KEEPS DASHING through. 

60 + 20 = 80 steps! 

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*After saving Silky from whatever would have happened if she fell into the sinkhole, Shiny Silvermoon was too focused on helping others to care about the opportunity of taking the lead of the race, or almost. She could have used her advantage to run faster than all those who were sticky with chocolate but, instead, she decided to kick some trees to make a glorious amount of leaves drop into the sinkhole. By doing so, the mare created a path of leaves on the slippery chocolate-covered walls of the pit to allow her friends at the bottom of it to climb easily.*

Felis looked around, she stated
'I didn't want to leave this chocolate sinkhole, but the race continues, And thanks to @Shiny Silvermoon!' :muffins:
'No, I must eat more chocolate before I run.' :derpy-party:
So Felis stopped and started eating the chocolate, then took a few slow steps and licked around chocolate again :derp:
Total Step = 60 + [7 - (7 * 25 / 100)] = 65.25 
≈ 65
Total Leaves = 8 + [5 - (5 * 25 / 100)] = 11.75 ≈ 11


Edited by Felis Amafeles
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14 hours ago, Rethajni said:

Untitled-Frame0.thumb.png.fbe5908d1795d10b48e912ff3637e053.png*Kramathia breathe some air to cool down her engine releasing a bit of steam but she was fine* System reestablished, interface restored. *then she turns around to Anarchylight* Thank you for cleaning my unit, initiation appreciation protocol *she turns on pink LEDS on her cheeks*



*Anarchylight reacts to this like this:o. She hugged Kramathia.
"We must continue the race."
*Anarchylight ran.


Steps +14

(Total steps completed: 88)
(Total leaves knocked down: 31)



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16 hours ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

@Rethajni @Nitobit @Felis Amafeles

*After saving Silky from whatever would have happened if she fell into the sinkhole, Shiny Silvermoon was too focused on helping others to care about the opportunity of taking the lead of the race, or almost. She could have used her advantage to run faster than all those who were sticky with chocolate but, instead, she decided to kick some trees to make a glorious amount of leaves drop into the sinkhole. By doing so, the mare created a path of leaves on the slippery chocolate-covered walls of the pit to allow her friends at the bottom of it to climb easily.*

Moonlight sees leaves dropping all over the sinkhole. He lifts himself up to see Shiny bucking trees. It takes him a moment to realize she's trying to help. 

10 hours ago, Silver Slate said:

Silver suddenly came to a halt as he and the other racers came across a giant sinkhole, blocking their progression along the path.

Silver would slip on one of the many piles of cake batter littered all over the path, and rather unceremoniously land at the bottom of the hole. Sadly, today just didn't seem to be Silver's day. Tripping on a root earlier, and now sliding in cake batter puts him down in a pit. He wipes chocolate frosting from his face and looks over to see @Nitobit who also fell down in the hole.

"Oh, hey there! I don't believe we've met yet, I'm Silver. Did you want a boost up out of here?" He asked. 

The fall will set him a bit further back as opposed to the ponies who did manage to avoid the obstacle and find a way around it.

"Hey Silver! I'm Moonlight. Sure, I could use some help." He reaches his hoof to Silver, and the two ponies climb out of the hole, stepping on leaves to avoid sliding on the slippery slope, and catching each other whenever one is about to slip.

After climbing out, Moonlight shakes as much chocolate and leaves off of himself as he can, which doesn't make his coat any less brown. If Shiny is still here, he thanks her for making their escape easier. He then makes a mental note to give Titanium a big hug before washing the chocolate off, and continues running.

(steps, including 25% penalty: 101)


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Make yourself happy with a mango.

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Samurai runs peacefully, ready to keep his eye open for dangers.

However, he soon sees the path ahead covered in chocolate cake batter. "Eh?! Nandarou?! Son'na..." Samurai closes his eyes and tries to grind to a halt on the batter, but he just ends up slipping and sliding, until he goes into a tumble. With each toss and roll, he becomes more covered in the batter, until he is practically crying out in agony. And then finally, he falls into the sinkhole, where he falls in a very specific way...




However, Samurai soon pops his head up, bewildered. "...Oh. It's not that bad. I thought it was water for a second there." Picking himself up, Samurai leaps out of the sinkhole, uses his magic to clean his armor off, and keeps running like nothing happened!

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