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MLP: FiM's Impact on your Personal Relationships


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Not online. In person. Even if it's subtle, is there anything about the show that's made you do or think about altering the way you act to certain other individuals in your life? Whether that be friends or family. I got the idea from a very emotional Luna and Celestia video that I shared in the master video thread. I chatted with it on an individual basis with Hayze, of which she had already seen. We briefly talked about it.


So what about everyone else? What sort of impact has it made on you? Do you have any siblings that you've thought about thanks to the shows' several pairs of siblings, or maybe the outgoing personalities of some of the character have gotten you to do the same. Anything at all, as long as it has to do with your interactions with others, irl.


Lastly, if a topic like this already exists, can the moderator kindly merge the topics, and edit my post to have all the text after this paragraph, instead of just locking this thread? I searched but didn't find anything directly related to this.


Here's my little story:



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To me, the unspoken surrogate sister relationship between Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash best fits mine with my sister, for a multitude of reasons. She's ten and I'm nineteen in a few weeks. Sometimes it's hard to find things we enjoy doing together because of the bizarre kid to young teenage-adult age difference, but there are some things. She's always looked up to me, and is always interested in what I'm doing, and if there are times she can simply hang out. Sometimes she even likes to come in and draw while I lazify myself and play video games. In that admiring sense, she is a lot like Scootaloo.


In the past, I on the other hand, often forget that, and end up ignoring or brushing her off. Like Rainbow tends to take Scootaloo for granted. Or at the very least, treating that time she wants to do something as not that important. It doesn't help that we have very different personalities. She's outgoing, I'm not in the least.


However, I've been trying a lot more in the last two months to try and acknowledge that time more, and do the offering myself, not just waiting for her to come to me. I feel I could do more, and I want to, so we'll just have to wait and see what else I can come up with.


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Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 2


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It actually gives me and my mum something to do together, since we don't talk much (I'm a pretty antisocial person IRL, since I'm really picky about friends and trust) so it's strengthened our realtionship :)


Edited by PinkieDaShy
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Most of my friends and people I know already consider me weird in a good way, like that weird kid that you can't help liking. My Little Pony is just another one of my quirks and it really doesn't affect my social life with others all that much, though it is always good for a few debates and conversations.

  • Brohoof 3



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

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Hm...I don't know....


Well, in the, oh say, the last few years of the 90's when my little sister was just born and growing up, I lived with her. I can't really remember much, but that's beside the point. In 2000, when I moved to the place that I live in up to this day, I hadn't had much more interaction with my sister anymore. I went to her parties, she went to mine, we had playdates, we met with eachother when relatives visited, but that pretty much it. Like any younger sibling, she looked up to me as to what I assume would be a moderate role model.


But the sad part is that lack of interaction. I don't think I remember exactly what it was like to be an older sibling, because I never grew up with a younger one...and I feel very inexperienced with that...


Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle represent me and my sister almost in a sense. It had been a good while since we've seen eachother, like....a long while. And beign the big brother, there's no doubt I've received many letters from her nowadays, yet through my irresponsibility, I ignorantly brushed them off, but not until recently.


On my birthday, I received a birthday card from her saying how much she really, really missed me. And I felt that was familiar... She even reminisced about what we did in the past when we were with eachother. Heck, she even wrote down word for word, and I quote: “I remember when we were little we did everything together!”, and that's when it hit me. It resembled the two siblings just way too much.


One of these days, I have to once again gain the relationship that I have slowly been losing with her these many years. And I have a good example, a 44-minute long example, of why I should.


Just my $0.02.

  • Brohoof 2


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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It helped me greatly. Helped me meet new friends, be less shy, get over depression, learn to use Photoshop, learn to draw better, got me back into guitar, and the list goes on and on. The forums had a bigger impact though. ;)

  • Brohoof 3



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Utter and complete sincerity. I might not always tell the truth, but thanks in part to this show, I seem to always be able to perfectly explain whats on my mind. If I'm complimenting someone, they get it, and people don't get offended unless I'm genuinely insulting them or maybe pushing on their nerves. It's very liberating, and my friends seem to like me a lot more.

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Friendship is magic has helped me open up my eyes and realize I've been living apathetically from everything. I'm still far away from what most would call a healthy, normal life, but I've seen that I'm so different than six months ago.


It also helped me (re)gain a passion for writing, as beginning a fic for this fandom is what has sparked several projects and my goal of becoming a pro writer.


That's about it, for the time being :3



Fluttershy's Fan through and through

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It helped me to learn a few things about myself that I did not know before. It also made me a more positive and confident person which was good for the relationship with my friends. I feel I like them more because of their differences and learned to accept them the way they are.

Last but not least interacting with Bronies helped me with my English a lot :)

  • Brohoof 1


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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I haven't became more confident or more social like the posters have before me. But I have learned not to judge some people as harshly as I use to, and my family thinks I'm part of a weird internet cult, but they're cool with it.

Edited by Veiled Enigma


"Pain Is our Teacher.
Fear Is our Motivation
Sadness Is our Neglect.
If you take those away, all you have left is a boring life."
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It has actually made me fascinated with wanting to understand perspectives/points of view, and to strive for understanding with other people.


I have become a very accepting and understanding individual ever since getting into this show, not that the show has taught me how to be more understanding, but actually getting into the show really made me question a lot of my preconceived notions and views. I judged the show and its fans harshly before knowing them, and ever since seeing just how wrong I was (and how much I've come to love the show itself), it has driven me to go further into the subjects of study that I was already fascinated with, sociology and psychology, opening up whole avenues of thinking that I wouldn't have considered before.


I've become a little bit of a philanthropist due to this, and I really have the fandom, not just the show, to thank.

  • Brohoof 1
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It made me more accepting/happier, strive to be better, made me more sociable/laid-back/more likeable, strive to understand others and to go out of my way to help, and to not procrastinate.


It's not just a show, it's crafted me into a much better person, how many other shows do more than that? Whoever dosen't wan't/tried to watch thos shpw, it's trul their loss. If they try it and don't like, it at least they tried.

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My sister watches the show, and my parents found out a few months ago after she gave me a Rarity toy. (Nerr... I still keep it in its original packaging.) My parents don't seem to care, but maybe it's since I'm a grown man, and they already know I watch things like Hamtaro, Teenage Robot, and Powerpuff Girls.


However, I hide it from most people IRL.

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I've stopped judging everyone I used to hate:

...grown men who are into pokemon

...fox news pundits


...gay people

...my neighbors


No wait, I still hate Kanye West.

I'll have to grow up a bit more to stop judging him.

  • Brohoof 2
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It doesn't really make an impact on my relationships in real life. Not much bother about my bronism and I don't really show or flaunt it. However, I made a huge presentation in my cooking class in school on how Pinkie Pie makes cupcakes and muffins. (The presentation wasn't really accurate but who gives a flying feather?)


Edgeworth: "This world has clear contradictions."

Phoenix: "My past, is like my logic. Straight and true. Nothing has changed. All I did is point the finger of justice in the right direction."

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I guess the show has especially, personally, made me come to value my sister even more than I already did! We've always had a very close relationship, being only 2 years apart in age, so we're probably most like Shining Armor and Twilight! In fact, the last episode of Season 2 made me really, really sad, since I can relate to it a lot. I'm going into my senior year in college, and my sister just graduated from high school and is about to start her freshman year in college, so I know that in a few short years we, like Twilight and Shining Armor, will definitely not be getting to spend as much time together as we used to. Heck, we already don't since I'm gone at college for 3/4's of the year. But, in many ways, knowing that, we've both become close to each other, and spend more time together, because we've come to value the time we do have together even more. Sometimes we'll play video games, watch a movie, or maybe a sporting event; and now, thanks largely to that episode, we have something else that we get to share together. MLP!!! After I got back for the summer, my sister was the first person that I told in person about my bronyhood, and since then, we've been making our way through Season 1, and let me tell ya, she loves it!!!!! I'm very happy that this show has become something that we can share together, and has further enriched my already close relationship with my LSBFF!!!!!!! Thank you MLP: FiM!!!! :)


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Personally, ponies have allowed me to bond more with my brother, who'se constantly abrasive towards me. I made him a brony, so he enjoys the pony stuff I like now. It also helped me bond with my parents more as well, considering that they are okay with me being a brony.


The thing that helps probably is that I've come to realize that most of my life I've been bottling up everything that I've experienced, from positive to negative emotions, and MLP had somehow unlocked that and I've been more openly emotional than I ever have been in my life. It's that allowance of emotion that I think boosted my relationships and respect for others.

  • Brohoof 1

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I don't think ponies have had too big of an impact on me, although I was thinking of Twilight and then her obsession with books and then I decided to get a library card so there we go.

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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As Chaotic Discord has stated we briefly went over this before and this show made me closer to my sisters. Before I started watching this I was distant from my sisters, and moving out of the home only made me even further from them. But after some reviewing of my own life, how I've impacted others and etc; I discovered that I had neglected my sisters, I thought it was them when in reality it was me.


Things are better between my sisters and me now. And I do get all emotional when I see Celestia/Luna sad/happy moments because it makes me think of me and my sisters. The PMV he has in his OP always gets me crying for both sadness and joy. Just because of how I relate to the song and the characters from the show that we all watch together now.


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