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private Equestrian School of Gifted Children


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Gearbox woke up and looked at the clock. "Hmmm shouldnt the bell have rung already?" He got up and stretched. He trotted around the corner and looked into thickets room. "Where are the kids?"

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The real reason mr.snow left was so he could pack, this was only his temperary room

He picked up the test papers and went back to packing


(good night yall)

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"They should be on the 6th floor, if I remember correctly" she said responding to Clayre, taking the small bottle out of her mouth and poking her head from the teacher's desk, she put the bottle back on her mouth as she continued on her next prank

Edited by Pinkazoid
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Musical put a bookmark in her book and put it away, then she wondered what to do next. Finally she took another book out of her bag and read it. All she wanted to do then was read and hum, right there, on the chair.

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Gear walked up the steps to the maitenance room, and saw that one of the gears for the bell was stuck. He pushed it into funtion again, and the sound of the bell was nearly deafening to him. "Ah Geez. Shouldve seen that coming."

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Quillusion rushed into the classroom for 2nd period late. "Hey sorry i'm late... And the teachers not here." She said aloud, while sitting down at one of the desks, blushing from embarresment at being late the first day.

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"Yeah you got to second period just in time for third period" KrystaI giggled "Oh well I'll go to the library later" Krystal said as she grabbed her saddelbag and flew on to third period

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Pinstrype had just landed in front of the library when the 3rd Period bell rank. "BUCK!" he yelled, then began to fly towards the next classroom.

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"Thank goodness the teacher's not here..." Musical said to Quillusion. "If he were here he might be mad at you for being late." Musical sighed, then went back to reading her book.


Then she put a bookmark in her book instantly and teleported into 3rd period with magic, shaking in half fear, half hope.

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''RUN FAST!'' Yelled Splinter as jumping out of the classroom. He appeared In the 3rd Period Room in Less than a minute. ''Hello!'' Said Splinter as opening the door.

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"The one I tripped over and almost broke my wing? Yeah it's across the hall right in front of Dr. T's door" Krystal said as she sat down.

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"Hey, Mr. Caffeine," Pinstrype said sarcastically to Splinter. "You feel like another drink?" He pulled out a Monster Energy Drink from his bag and held it in front of him.

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''YES.'' Screamed Splinter as grabbing the drink and smashing it open with his head. He Emptied the Can and then Hopped out of his seat running around the room rapidly. ''LOOK AT ME, MA!'' Yelled Splinter as smiling.

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