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Mane 6 favorites in order

Twi Rubix

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1. Rainbow Dash (Cause she's awesome)

2. Fluttershy (Cause she's cute =D)

3. Twilight (Cause she's smart and a nerd =P)

4. Pinkie Pie (Cause she's random)

5. Rarity (Huh, I'm not the artistic type)

6. AppleJack (Since somepony has to be on the bottom, NEED MORE AJ EPISODES)

  • Brohoof 1

"Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works"

I would love to learn how to shuffle. Just like this

Sneak peak to my next Fanfic (First Chapter WILL be prone to editting): http://www.fimfictio...cles-of-Harmony

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  • Applejack :huh: (The accent and her sarcasm makes her great.)
  • Rainbow Dash :wub: (Cocky, and funny, yet loyal. Shes just really cool.)
  • Twilight ^_^ (She's just the normal one of the group, and I like her.)
  • Fluttershy :angry: (The shy ones are always liked... I guess.)
  • Rarity :D (Not much too her, but funny when she gets dramatic. Also the prettiest looking.)
  • Pinkie Pie :blink: (Party lover, but not much of a wide personality.)

Almost the same as OP.

  • Brohoof 1

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<p>1) Applejack-She is really awesome and I like her accent

2)Rainbow Dash- She is very energetic and she is very speedy

3)Fluttershy- I've always liked shy ponies

4)Twilight Sparkle- I kinda like bookworms

5)Pinkie Pie- PARTY ANIMAL

6)Rarity- .... she is ok I guess

Edited by Applejack
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1. Fluttershy (she's soooo cute ;) and is so much like me)

2. Rarity (she cracks me up! I swear I laughed for a full five minutes while watching the whining episode, and I can totally relate to the artistic-ness and people driving you crazy)

3. Pinkie Pie (she's just... endearing and cute and lovable)

4. Rainbow Dash (is 20% cooler)

5. Twilight Sparkle (I can relate to her... but she's not as funny and adorable as everypony else ^^")

6. Applejack (still love her, but... meh)


~Scarlet Shimmer made with generalzoi's Pony Creator~

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1. rainbow dash- to put it simply she makes our school football team seem like an epic fail

2. pinkie pie- i don't know why but i still don't hate pinkie pie even after reading cupcakes

3. twilight- not a bad character but could be putting her knowledge to better use if you ask me

4. apple jack- athletic yes but when she gets tricked (or really trolled) by discord all that happened was she lied and it was because she didn't what to loose her friends witch as you can tell backfired

5. fluttershy- relies too much on kindness unlike rainbow dash who solves her problems by kicking them in the face as the dragon in dragonshy had to learn THE HARD WAY

6. rarity- she is the exact opposite of the element she represents and seems to be proud of it sometimes and the problems she had to solve was that night mare ( haha night mare nightmare) moon shaved off his hair i could have used common sense and tried to find a way around the river it's not like the elements of harmony are going anywhere anyways

  • Brohoof 1

"if this proves anything it is that i am superior to you in all ways that matter"

"yeah, to a red neck "

Gorge Hagger and Terrence Sweetwater respectively

battlefield bad company 2

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1. Pinkie Pie. Like I always say, I was born a Pinkie man. While I do like all the ponies, one of the great things about the show, nopony clicked with me quite like Pinkie has. Right away I got what she is about, and I love every bit of it. We're both the "random" people in our groups of friends, we like to spread joy, laughter is one of the most precious things to us, and we both sing. Plus, I also feel like a living cartoon from time to time, and she is most definitely the "cartoon character" in this show. Her logic-defying tampering with time and space is exactly my cup of tea. Let me put it this way: Anypony who gets around by bouncing like Pepé le Pew is alright in my book. She's an off-the-wall pony who could only have been the product of a boring fillyhood on a rock farm (fits her perfectly) and a sonic rainboom, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Additional note: We're both crazy about sweets. Hay, I love sugar in general. Everytime I visit a place with those raw sugar packets I take 3 to use throughout the day.


2. Fluttershy. Continuing to base this a lot on being relatable, I've always been a bit of a chill guy. Nothing really gets to me. This is a trait in Fluttershy I greatly admire. Sure she can be spooked fairly easily, but she's otherwise calm and collected. Fluttershy's gentle way and genuine care for everyone around her already have me on her side, and her potential to take charge and put things in order (like in Dragonshy) make me love her even more. Even when she's not so successful to the point of frustration (Best Night Ever) is lovable. Even as an absolute jerk in her Discord form I couldn't stop laughing about every little thing she did. There's really no point with Fluttershy I don't consider her cute or lovable, and that's a feat in itself. Well, maybe I want to strangle her neck in "Suited For Success," but that's a minuscule gripe. Whenever Pinkie would get to be too much to handle, I'd love to just sit by Fluttershy's cottage and hear her sweet singing to the animals.


Afterthought: My top 2 characters happen to be voiced by Andrea Libman. Fancy that.


3. Applejack. To call this pony "salt of the earth" wouldn't even do her justice. She's frank, honest (her element), responsible and just. While her sometimes stubborn work ethic can be problematic in cases like Applebuck Season, it's one of her best attributes. She has no true desire for fame, glory or the like, only the welfare of herself and those she loves. When somepony like Rainbow Dash is on their high-horse (pun totally intended), you can count on AJ to knock her down a few pegs and then be just as ready to support her when she's down. While she can't organize a Winter Wrap-Up like Twilight can, she can guide a team of her friends to form a giant Katamari ball of parasprites. She's never had a central episode, outside of ones involving the Apple Family, that painted her in a positive light, but hopefully this changes sometime next year. She deserves it.


4. Rarity. This one certainly came as much as a surprise to me as anyone who found themselves enjoying her. In the earlier episodes, there was really nothing to like about Rarity. Vain, condescending, a painful perfectionist, highly concerned with material and status, opposed to getting dirty or overexerting herself. Until "Suited for Success," the only true evidence of charity was the act w/ Steven Magnet shoehorned in. However, comparing this to what she's accomplished since is a testament to how much she's grown as a pony. From doing a race covered in mud for her sister, Sweetie Belle (my favorite CMC), to standing up for her friends in "Sweet & Elite." Even going from using Spike's crush to genuinely appreciating it more than the ruby she received from him, our favorite marshmallow has come a long way. As a musician I can understand her from an artistic perspective, putting one's self into their work to ensure what the artist hears from their client is positive. And let it be said that Rarity is no pushover. Kicking a manticore straight in the face, shaking frosting into Prince Blueblood and even infamously using her seemingly fragile femininity to con some mangy mutts, Rarity's got spunk. While I don't consider her my no. 1, it could be said she is the most well-rounded and complex.


5. Rainbow Dash. Okay, I have a thing for characters with 'tude. Coming from a family rooted in the early LA punk scene, I like to space out the periods of mellow groove I mentioned in my Futtershy evaluation with the occasional raising of hay. Studying opera, sometimes I get the urge to interrupt an act that goes on too long with a quick rendition of "Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue." She lives loud, she flies high, dives deep and causes the hair on your mane to stand on end. She doesn't always make claims her body can cash, but she pulls off amazing feats that only prove her dedication to flying. She trains hard, she pulls off a Sonic Rainboom, end of story. She loves flying with all her being and couldn't picture herself doing anything without it. While she can get carried away with her competitive nature or need for attention, she ultimately values her friends just as highly (demonstrated in "Griffin the Brushoff"). Too, this can lead to "fun things" like the athletic rivalry between her and Applejack, and knowing she can crack under incredible pressure gives her that extra layer of reality we bronies love so much.


6. Twilight Sparkle. She may be last, but I still enjoy her time on screen a lot. Her magical abilities can be applied to jaw-dropping extents, her studiousness, while sometimes ridiculous, is a strength, and her "adorkable" moments are always appreciated. She actually reminds me a lot of my own sister, especially when she dressed like Starswirl the Bearded on Nightmare Night. Incidentally, my sister also has a lot more personality. While at times her social awkwardness results in a good chuckle, it mainly amounts to being bland. It's fitting that she's the central glue of the friendship circle and narrator, because her shortcomings as a character are covered up nicely by those roles. Being a Pinkie fan, it should come as no surprise that "normal" isn't exactly what I'm looking for. I gladly welcome it, but I don't go actively looking for it.

Edited by Vinyl Scratch
  • Brohoof 2



"YEAH! I'm the mayor of Jam City!" - Director Bullock (Patrick Stewart), American Dad!

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Fluttershy (I sometimes look at her as my female/pony self)

Rarity (Don't get me wrong, I always love a good over-dramatic character)

Pinkie Pie (The randomness of her I love)

Rainbow Dash (20% Cooler... 10 seconds flat)

Twilight Sparkle (Still a great character)

Apple Jack (Good character too)


Really, the last 3 are like 80% liked from me, Pinkie and Rarity are 90%, and Fluttershy is 100%.

Edited by Diamond Dash


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1.) Rainbow Dash, She is simply awesome and describes me the best.

2.) Pinkie Pie, I'm simply good with the parties and music.

3.) Rarity, She simply has a good fashion sense like me.

4.) Apple Jack, Describes my honesty.

5.) Fluttershy, I like some animals, not all.

6.) Twilight, I like to research, not all day, but when I hear something I haven't, I'll research something.

  • Brohoof 1


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To quantify them for myself is to make distinctions between characters I rate between 7 and 6 on a scale of 1-10. There is very little difference in likeability for me in them.


1: Twilight ^_^ (Sensible, although the inability to cope with stress is a but.. er... concerning)


2: Applejack :huh: (Down to earth and practical. My kind of thinker, although the stubbornness (a symptom of a lack of self-honesty) has irony being tied to the Element of Harmony)


3: Rarity :D (The only downside to her is how reserved she is in regards to flaw, danger or filth. Rather petty, that.)


4: Fluttershy :angry: (No comment.)


5: Rainbow Dash :wub: (Also no comment.)


6: Pinkie Pie :blink: (Obfuscating inductive reasoning by absurd behaviour loses its charm after the tenth episode in a row.)

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1.- Twilight Sparkle

2.- Rarity

3.- Rainbow Dash

4.- Applejack

5.- Pinkie Pie

6.- Fluttershy

Sorry if my english is bad, i'm a mexican brony :P



im gonna make a sig when i fix the problems with my photoshop ._.

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1. Pinkie (Shes just so random! And that fourth wall can only take so much...)

2. Rainbow Dash (Does it need to be explained? She pretty much is the shows embassidor for bronies!)

3. Twilight Sparkle (Seeing her crazy face on 'Lesson Zero' pretty much turned me brony)

4. FlutterShy (Love the moments where she goes crazy but shes never really that different)

5. Rarity (Needs to be about 20% cooler... I like her poshness, but shed never be willing to give up her freinds for it, Thats nice.)

6. AppleJack ( Would probaly go up if she had more screen coverage)


In fairness this is just what i think about them now. This will probaly change in future episodes and has changed in the past and i dont think bad of any of them :) I love them all equaly!

  • Brohoof 1
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1. Applejack. I can't decide whether I like her or Rainbow Dash more, but she's so underrated, I just had to make her my number one.

2. Rainbow Dash. She's just... awesome.

3. Fluttershy. Cute one, she is, and well, I tend to be as unsure of myself as she is in some situations.

4. Rarity. I brag about my hatred for her all the time but episodes with her and her problems are entertaining.

5. Twilight - well, she is... I dunno... boring? It's not that I dislike her but I can't grow any enthusiasm towards her.

6. Pinky Pie - I don't know why, she's kinda awesome with those sharp replies of hers and I also sometimes act like her but... oh well. She's sixth, that's all.

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Don't get me wrong, I like all of the characters, but...

1) Applejack

2) Twilight - She's a noticeable speck behind Applejack.

3) Pinkie Pie

4) Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash - I can't really decide.

5) Rarity

"There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination. Living there you'll be free, if you truly wish to be."

Intelligence is both knowladge and logic. If you don't have either knowladge or logic, you don't have intelligence.

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