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Even Odds Space Bar


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Thanatos would look towards Yarin, raising an Eyebrow, who does he think he is? And either way why talk to him? He never asked for this. "Where I am from? Is that no obvious?", he chuckled mockingly wondering if the stranger had not drunk a bit too much.

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Yarin turned a pensive shade of orange. "It does not work like that yours is a wholly unknown brain configuration could you understand a language you had never heard before?"

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Thanatos laughs again, his whole body moving. He went and sat down by the bar, "I would not. I would not try even.. Nor would I boast about how I can if actually I can not." he would then look back at the Bartender.

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Thanatos was about to tell something to the Bartender, but Yarin was quicker. He would look back at him, "Stories? Tales?", he raised an eyebrow. It was clear that he was mocking him again as he did not think highly of the stranger. "Why would I tell such things to someone who did not even take the time to present himself. But fear not, nothing is lost.", he then added, "Yet."

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(in it)


Parker ran to his spaceship. He searched inside for only a minute when he found it. Then he ran over to doc "here it is"


Doc inspected the device and said "No no no, this will not do at all! This is clearly supposed to house a a positive to negative polarity swapping adaptive field mask meant to stabilize the Tetryon particles in FTL. It would require us to enhance the Flexatrinial linearity by 5.4kilohertz with baryon strata in temporal shift. It'll take me weeks to make those modifications!"


Frustrated by the discovery Emmet kicks up some dust and scratches his head going through his options.

"That Yarin Fellow back at he bar, he said he knows theories of time-travel, perhaps he has components or blueprints that would save us time and effort Parker. We better head back and see! Besides I still want to discuss about the uncomfortable influence timetravel has to ones directional sense. Jumping to another planetary temporal magnetic field arrangement all of the sudden is like taking a bucket of cold water straight on your brains."

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Doc inspected the device and said "No no no, this will not do at all! This is clearly supposed to house a a positive to negative polarity swapping adaptive field mask meant to stabilize the Tetryon particles in FTL. It would require us to enhance the Flexatrinial linearity by 5.4kilohertz with baryon strata in temporal shift. It'll take me weeks to make those modifications!"


Frustrated by the discovery Emmet kicks up some dust and scratches his head going through his options.

"That Yarin Fellow back at he bar, he said he knows theories of time-travel, perhaps he has components or blueprints that would save us time and effort Parker. We better head back and see! Besides I still want to discuss about the uncomfortable influence timetravel has to ones directional sense. Jumping to another planetary temporal magnetic field arrangement all of the sudden is like taking a bucket of cold water straight on your brains."


"alright." Parkerr said as he ran towards the bar a bit disappointed.
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Emmet arrived to the bar a little after Parker, with the device in his hands and hailed Yarin who was at the moment discussing with Thanatos. He then budded in to their conversation as if completely oblivious to it "Mister Yarin... Actually, I am not sure if your species even has misters and ladies, but for the sake of conversation and lack of official titles let me call you that... and before I veer further off, you said earlier you are familiar with time travel theories, Perhaps even know engineering so you may assist me to jury rig this ...Thingamagadget from Parkers ship to fulfill a duty much more marvelous than subspace particle tackler and actually broaden its range to temporal nexuses so DeLorean can again operate?"


After saying that Doc Brown raises his brow at Thanatos "Yet another human here? Is this location somehow near the temporal trajectories of earth or what can explain these odds?" Doc then shakes his head and says to himself "Too many distractions! As fascinating this is, DeLorean matters now more so that Parker get's back to home and I can retrieve the missing transistor from 1920's and repair the time line!"

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"I am a male actually my species is sexually domorphic much like yours but that is neither here nor there now please, show me to your time ship,"

* * *

"So it turns out he was a 10000 year old immortal who got bitten by this creature and now he turns into it every lunar cycle." Yarin said.

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Thanatos nodded, "Yes I'm Human.", he then felt the disappointment in his voice but still raised the question, "You say, another human?"

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(I just want to say that I made a rule about only controlling one character at a time you might not have been there for that but I don't want people talking to themselves or have someone talk to one when they meant to talk to another it gets confusing so you can finish the interaction with doc brown but you l have to have your human leave before Neikos the pony can show up.)

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(I just want to say that I made a rule about only controlling one character at a time you might not have been there for that but I don't want people talking to themselves or have someone talk to one when they meant to talk to another it gets confusing so you can finish the interaction with doc brown but you l have to have your human leave before Neikos the pony can show up.)


Okay! Even though I wouldn't have done that ( There is no point ) I respect your rules and edited my last post! Neikos will have to wait then.

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"I am a male actually my species is sexually domorphic much like yours but that is neither here nor there now please, show me to your time ship,"

* * *

"So it turns out he was a 10000 year old immortal who got bitten by this creature and now he turns into it every lunar cycle." Yarin said.


"My Time vessel is parked behind this fine establishment," Doc Brown replied and walked out through the door patting Parker on the side guiding him right back out too while handing to him the component with a short request "hold on to this piece, it may come in handy yet after all"

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Through the door entered a man dressed in a dark blue uniform, adorned with valiant four gold stripes on his right shoulder, a slightly peaked cap and a heartily amiable red beard that lengthed half way down his neck. He eyed the establishment comfortably, with some kind of present knowledge as if he'd been in such an establishment before, standing still as his eyes adjusted to the level of light. He presently sat down at a stool in front of the bar, tapping the counter gently with his middle and ring finger together, ushering a coaster to be sent his way. He removed his hat, resting it on one knee that sat idly under the occlusion of the counter, showing his slightly curly hair that matched his beard immaculately, and dark marine eyes.


"Scotch please, something seasonal." he said. His voice was worn and toned, having been used for so many years to demand authority and obedience through patience, politeness and example.



Arthur C. Nordal

Age: 51

Height: 5 ft 8 in

Build: Above average, athletic for his age

Race: Human

Commanding officer (Captain) of the space-faring frigate A.N.E.C. Bluenose, a commissioned and well-experienced Federal Pirate-Hunter with a crew of 35.

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Yarin examined the craft, the vehicle portion was fairly self explanatory, but the mechanism which moved it along the time stream were a whole other matter. "Have you tried reversing the polarity of the neutron flow?" he asked.

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Parkerr looked at the piece as he followed doc. He wanted to leave. Something in the back of his mind was tempting him to stay, and it was starting to push through.

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Yarin examined the craft, the vehicle portion was fairly self explanatory, but the mechanism which moved it along the time stream were a whole other matter. "Have you tried reversing the polarity of the neutron flow?" he asked.


Doc Brown put his finger in front of Yarins face and said "There won't be much polarity to switch it the flux capacitor is flooded by tetryons decaying all over the place. The Polyhedral module compartment cracked when I fell out of the temporal alignment into here. I do not know if your vessel is actually designed to leave temporality altogether but mine sure hasn't!"


Emmett then opens up the chamber with several cylinders in it and tanks out a thick wire almost crudely and nods at Yarin "This is what I need to plug into Parkers device and then make sure the emission range matches the specifications required to redirect the Tachyons and tetryons into the outer limits of the temporal bubble. This is why I need your help!" After finishing his plea Emmett hands the wire to one of Yarins hands and Finishes with "Now, let's get started with re-establishing the polarity projection, I'll take the readings with my data pad, you keep making adjustments in increments of 1.5% range to overall output peak, Parker, hand me that gadget of yours and we'll plug it in."

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Yarin slowly made the adjustments. "So what's your story Doctor Brown, I assume that title is not honorary is this your first experience outside your multiverse?" he said making conversation.

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Thanatos returns from what he had believed the exit. It turned out to be the rest rooms. Either way he now looked around, searching for anyone or anything that reminded him of where he came from. He wasn't particularly keen on sharing the fact that he was stuck here. So right now he was checking out everything in the bar, mostly just walking around and watching.

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