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Hey Fluttershy may not be real, there isn't anything wrong in finding her attractive. Well it's isn't normal, but Fluttershy is sapient and share far more Human aspects than an animal, so as long as you just like MLP FIM Ponies I have no problem  with you.


Plus if the multiverse theroy is true, she is in fact real.


But don't count on meeting her though, unless you get a trans dimensional portal up and running.






This song is good to listen to if you feeling guilty about being a Clopper. XD



Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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Of course it's ok! The way I see it, it's probably because you see all the things you like about humans in them, but they almost completely lack the things you HATE about them!

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I'm pretty sure most of the people here on this site find it okay. I have to agree, it is just a liiittle bit weird, but then again, im kind of in love with rainbow dash. And im a straight girl.

Anyways, I would advice you not to talk about it that much irl, as many people would probably take it very wrong

  • Brohoof 1



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I swear a thread like this comes out every day now. But it's okay because I like to reassert that it is definately okay to be attracted to characters in a show. It doesn't matter what species they are. They are all personified at least in personality enough that your brain doesn't care what the difference is.


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Of course! I mean, we're all human, and we each have our own unique interests. It's only natural, and even if some people don't agree with it, the vast majority should understand and respect it.

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Nah, it's not weird. A lot of fans like the characters in that way, and the way I see it, that just goes to show how well-written they are.


I'd go gay for Goku.  As for myself, I don't really have a fictional crush. Not at all......

  • Brohoof 1



"I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta

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It is normal to be attracted to a cartoon character, as long as it does not interfere with real life and get out of hoof. It is defiantly the personality and amazing character writing for this reason, I mean they are ponies meant to look cute for a young audience.  


P.S: After reading "Anthropology" a couple of days ago I have got a bit of a crush on Lyra :/

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Quite the opposite of wierd, it's healthy. Not only are you exploring new ideas to do with your romantic (and sexual?) interests, but because it's a personified character it shows that you are more attracted to a personality than a body. Assuming its not the fact that its horses that gets you going. Because that's just a fetish, and isn't particularly good or bad.


Anyway, I forget the name of the thing, but it basically means that you are more attracted to the personality and character of somebody than what they look like. You're less likely to objectify and be inconsiderate to women, and you'll probably end up (if you're not already) as a wonderful husband and father. Or wife and Mother.

Edited by Etreo
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There are quite a few threads on here called "most attractive pony" and most of them have over 500 posts so you are not alone. You definitely are not the first person to fall for somepony you can never be with *sigh* I can quite comfortably say that rainbow dash means more to me then my ex ever did. The mane 6 have the personaltys of near perfect people they are caring kind generous sweet loyal happy and awesome. So its pretty inevitable that people will develop feelings for them and lets face it your imagination doesnt hurt anyone so why should anyone else give a damn. wow I didnt mean to rant sorry :D

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Sucks of Lauren Faust to put the characters that grown men are going to find attractive into the one show that grown men love. Or maybe that's why it's so popular? Adventure Time is great, but I've never net anyone who had feelings for Finn or Jake. Perhaps that's why it's not as universally loved as MLP?

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Is it OK to be attracted to an MLP Pony?  That's asking an opinion and opinions vary from person to person. 


A better question to ask would be is it normal or commonplace?  The answer to this is yes.  :)  Plenty of people have cartoon crushes and they don't have to have a humanoid form. 

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I personally think it's fine, I love Fluttershy as well (mainly because of the scene of Twilight first meeting her and the "yay" scene). I always liked Rarity's voice and her hair though ._.

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I'm attracted to Fluttershy. I don't know why, my mind knows she's a fictional character, but my heart says otherwise. I'm torn between the two. I often imagine while I'm lying on my bed about to go to sleep, that there is a knock on my bedroom door. It opens and there stands Fluttershy in all her perfection. I read a fan-fiction story about Fluttershy and Big Macintosh getting married. I actually felt... jealous. I need to know if this is normal or not. PLEASE HELP.  :(

I prolly read the same fiction as you did.  Buuuut luckily for me, alot of my friends associate me as Big Macintosh, so the jealousy count went down :3


Regardless, No it ain't weird.  I'm emotionally attracted to Luna(especially after Luna Eclipse Dx).

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I'm attracted to Fluttershy. I don't know why, my mind knows she's a fictional character, but my heart says otherwise. I'm torn between the two. I often imagine while I'm lying on my bed about to go to sleep, that there is a knock on my bedroom door. It opens and there stands Fluttershy in all her perfection. I read a fan-fiction story about Fluttershy and Big Macintosh getting married. I actually felt... jealous. I need to know if this is normal or not. PLEASE HELP.  :(


Trust me, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this at all. When you are attracted to any character or person your interests exist for important, very real reasons. I am head over heels for Rainbow Dash and it doesn't interfere with my day to day life at all, you are fine.

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You know, I'll be damned if there's not a single brony, or fan of ANY good tv series/movie series in general that doesn't have a crush on any of the characters. Unless you're getting the crap beaten out of you for it and you can't focus during the day at all from mooning over her, there's nothing wrong with it.


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Actually where it can give the most insight is probably when you have the Gah, she is like a sister to me, I could NEVER have a relationship with that pony.  OR where you actually have some attraction but the pony is nothing like you.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Sure it's ok! Many other threads pretty much about the same so you can read more in them. I don't really know if you're talking about psychical or physical attraction, but anyway both are ok. for example  "Are ponies sexy" thread ... more about physical side.. but many many more you can also read.


Oh man to give my full insight about it I would have to repeat everything what I've said in other topic and it would take 2.5-4 char I suppose.


Yes it's ok they make you happy, apparently even more than humans so it has to mean something. It's very common and you're not alone so don't worry about that. If that's good for you keep that and cherish if it's not get rid of it :)



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Thank you everyone for answering back, and in such numbers. I really do appreciate the words you have said, I no longer feel like I'm the only one who is attracted to a Pony nor feel bad about liking one. Again, thank you everyone  :lol:

  • Brohoof 1
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I thought I was the only one. I love fluttershy too, SHES DUH BEST sexy hawt MANE 6 PONY! I swear, I thought I was the only one with this imagei n my head, So... I'm not crazy?

  • Brohoof 1


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Well, it really depends on what you are attracted to. I think most of it is fine, just as long as you don't take it too far. I mean, look at me, I <3 Derpy, but I don't take it to any extreme measures. 


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I don't know, are you happy with the amount you are dating in real life? These girls have great personalities but they aren't real. The thing I hate the most about "nice guys" is that they fall in love with the "idea" of the girl they like, without really loving the girl for who she is, thus, why they never get her in the end. It's wrong to expect a girl to behave the way you want all the time, but it's fine for fiction and fantasy. I say this because when you apply the feelings you have for a fictional character to real people, you are placing unfair expectations on them. I get this vibe from every guy who says he likes Fluttershy (maybe unfair because I never discussed it with them, but comparing it to guys who like similar girls IRL...it's just messed up because she is on a pedestal and can do no wrong...so what happens when she does mess up? she's only human. Their friendship becomes false because they only see something they want to see, not the real her.) I also have this beef with Manic Pixie Dreamgirls in television and movies, the newest and a subtle form of sexism.


I mean, yes I have had my share of cartoon and fictional crushes, but also grew out of them once I couldn't get past the staticness of their characters. But I do feel like I have found true love in real life. Now another problem is, is this just "ew, funny feelings for this cartoon character, I think I have a crush" or is it something you pursue so much that it hurts the relationship you already have with a real special someone? Like you are less attracted to someone you really had a connection to at some point because this fiction is so much better? 


Those are really some worse case scenarios. I really believe that mostly, it's normal, weird, but not wrong, because you really can't control your feelings. But yes it is weird, and know what, deja vu is weird too. So are dreams. A lot of normal things are weird  ^_^

Edited by bunnybuzki
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