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You just got kissed by your favorite pony. What do you do?

Vocal Symphonie

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If Pinkie Pie kissed me?


I would explode:




and then explode a couple more times:




If we somehow managed to survive the explosion(s) it would be time for le hugs.

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If I got kissed by Fluttershy.....?


I really do not know what I would do next. I'd probably ask her what she was doing in the real world, how she knows me, why she even got the idea to kiss me. Most probably I would just end up with a friggilly-fruggelly-enormous pile of questions. Should I tell her she's my favourite pony? Should I tell my girlfriend I kissed another girl, even if she were a pony? How do I explain to her it really was a pony? She knows I'm a brony and she thinks it's rather cute, but to actually tell her I kissed a pony? What if she went to the authorities? What if... What... Wha...


My brain just farted.



Get kissed by her, never speak about it again but still offer her a spot in 'that-one-closet-nobody-uses-in-your-house', just to keep her close until we find a way to get her ass back to Equestria álá MLD.


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Edited by Noctix
  • Brohoof 1
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First, I would kiss her back for as long as I can. And I'm talking big and sloppy with tongue here.


Then I would faint because I just realized that I have reached my life goal and become a pony in Equestria and been kissed by one on top of that.


After regaining consciousness I would marry her and live a happy life as a pony. :wub:

Edited by CloudsdaleCompanion
  • Brohoof 1
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Uh, me... I'd probably shy away. Being kisses by Nightmare Moon would be too much for my mind to cope, maybe after some time I'll find the courage to kiss her back. Just take it slow and easy, eternal night I can live with as long as its with her.

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If Pinkie Pie kissed me, I would probably become her girlfriend because I'm a girl. If I was a pony it would be a normal relationship, if I was a human it would be FORBIDDEN ANIMU RELATIONSHIP UGGU. But like most people, I would be a bit weirded out.

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My reaction?


It would be blank. I'd be too happy to even know what's going on. I would be overwhelmed by an explosion of epicness that would flood me in a sea of awesome.


Then I'd realize I'm in Equestria, and I would be forever truly happy in a place where dreams come true.





  • Brohoof 1
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Hm... I guess I'd be like: "Well, that's nice." and about ten seconds later, I would be like: "Wait... What the hay just happened?". That or I would go into a state of shock. (Has never gotten kissed by anyone)

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Turn to her with a shocked expression and exclaim, "Wait, how did you go through the TV- Oh wait, that's right. You're Pinkie Pie. You can do that kind of stuff."

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Hm... let me think...

If I were kissed by Dashie, I'd kiss her back of course and say something very romantic ^^

Meanwhile in my mind:

"omaigoshdashiekissedmeiamso happymydreamcometrue"

  • Brohoof 1
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If Fluttershy kissed me I'd probably be stunned and just as shy as her. I'd probably talk a bit with her and then kiss her back eventually and cuddle, probably no clopfic stuff though if she doesn't want it, hehe ;) I'd do all that because I'd obviously be in a lucid dream where that sort of stuff can happen, and I'd be a pony too. IRL it would probably happen if I were drugged out in a horse barn and It'd be a real horse, and that's a no-no

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If I was a pony? I would totaly go all out on Dissy (He counts right :( )


If I was me...I think I would run screaming from my house becuase a giant chaos monster just licked the inside of my mouth. B)



If it was Pinkie on the other hand.. I would just stand there and be like :huh: Because I don't swing that way.


If it was Pinkie and I was a person I would probably do the exact same thing. Then I would beg her to take me back with her.

Edited by ThatBronyGirl
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I would freak the fuck out if Octavia came and kissed me!!!! I would then either go back to Equestria with her, or have her stay here and we would make music together for the rest of eternity!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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