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What would your reaction be if one of the mane 6 was killed off?


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If I learned that the mane six was killed off, I don't what I'd do...probably be super duper depressed, and my heart would defintely be shattered. D:


Thankfully in reality the show would never do that. But the fanfics....I don't know. I hate it when they make the mane six die! So sad! So unfair! :( I would pretend it never happened, probably even hope that I was just seeing or hearing things.


Well, thankfully that won't happen, and I hope it never does!

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Well, first my mind would blow up, as the creators would've just voluntarily thrown their show so off-balance that it would ruin it, especially if it was Twilight Sparkle.


Then I'd go to mourning for the character, no matter which character. My least favorite pony is Rarity: still would mourn for her.


Then I would do the happy dance when (and I emphasize "when") the character get's revived, because I know a death like that wouldn't have an permanency. They would just revive the character a couple episodes later.

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I'd be really really sad... :( But then I'd wonder the future plot of the show. Like if one of the main 6 dies how will they use the elements of harmony? But since its a show on the hub network I doubt they'd kill a character.

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If Fluttershy died...that would just destroy everything. Besides the fact she's my favorite pony, the knowledge that she'd died, the epitome of kindness, would be just wrong. If she was killed by someone (or somepony) intentionally, they'd better watch their back...

  • Brohoof 1
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Dimitri would go into a blinding rage of destruction and fury until the murderer was turned into pile of flesh/blood goo. Then he'd burn the goo.....and go drink himself into a depression. Then commit suicide....

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Well first i would go in a state of depression, then I would be in total denial, then it would finally hit me and instead of Smile Smile Smile i would just start Crying Crying Crying. I would be so sad if Rainbow Dash or Applejack died. :(


  • Brohoof 1
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Funny, I had a dream that season 3 would end its pilot with the mane 6 getting effectively killed off by being permanently turned to stone by the new villain and the elements were handed down to 6 different ponies all of which are pretty generic in personality and looks except for Trixie who is the new Element of Magic, and they would be the new protagonists for the remainder of the series...needless to say I would be very unhappy and probably driven to the point of AUTISTIC VIRGIN NERDRAEG!!! if that were to happen but it won't...

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  • 3 weeks later...

If one of the Mane Six characters in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic died, I would be pissed.


My reaction would look something like this:



Edited by Urdnot Shepard
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That would be a horrible day. I have read a few grimdark fics where ponies die. I never think anything of those because I know they arent real. But if it happened in the show, I am guessing it would fall a ton in the tv show rankings.

Edited by MrAwesomeness
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Characters have died in kid shows before.

Yup. Like Kirby: Right Back At Ya!, many characters have died, but the overall dialogue is rather cheesy and for children. Plus, there's that suspicious coffin in the Perfect Stallion song...
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Main 6 killed off?!?!?! WHY WOULD ANYONE THINK ABOUT THIS?!?!?!


My reaction would be: HOLY S***, WHAT THE F***, IM GONA GO FIND WHO'S RESpONSAbLR FOR THIS AND [cencored].




Um... Ya... That's my reaction... Lol

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I would never stop crying if that happened, even if they are not one of my favorite character I would still be majorly upset for a long time. If the writers love us they will never do that to our pony loving hearts. Just will they will never ever do that one of the episodes. :(

  • Brohoof 1
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I would just sit there for a while rewind the episode to the death scene pause it at the dead pony go close to the TV stare at it for a few seconds then. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

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Why would they let someone die in a colorful world of happy multi-colored ponies?

If they did kill off Twilight somepony's gonna have to keep me calm so I don't go Prototype 2 on the planet....

So yeah...if they killed a pony off...I would basically flip shit.

Edited by ~Wubs~
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  • 3 weeks later...

It's a kid's show. Ponies won't die or whatever. But if one of them were to get killed off, it depends. If it's a sad and moving kinda way that the character dies, and shows how it affects the lives of the other ponies, then it would probably bring a tear to my eye. If they just kill one off, say "screw it" and call it a day, I would be a bit annoyed to be honest.


Here's something I think might be appropriate:




do you know what decade this song was made in, it sounds really good. To me it sounds 90s it could be 2000s. If it is 2000s this surprised me because I hate todays music
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I know what I would do. I would boot up Minecraft, dig a big hole all the way to bedrock, fill it completely with lava, and jump off a cliff, just to land in it. I would be very depress-ed.

  • Brohoof 2
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