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Caillou is scary. And I could never figure out why his name was pronounced so until I took French. Or why he was bald.



Beat this... :comeatus:

I didn't know there was a Pink Floyd song longer than Dogs. Hmm… You know there's a spy when an unknown Pink Floyd album comes out with a song longer than Dogs that was put there just to make a song longer than Dogs. >XD


MLP. Home sweet home. I forgot how nice the residents of Equestria could be. Anyone seen The Martian?

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I'm giving that a 6/10, mainly because it was NOTHING like what I expected from the SP (though the singing was just as bad).  (The score might've been an 8 if you didn't make me so sad).


(For those of you who don't know, Voltaire is a comical musician, and can often be "vulgar".)

B):lol::P:D;):huh::muffins::umad: :comeatus:


Gimme some time to come up with something new, okay?  MUCH LOVES!!!

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