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Grimdark MLP Fanfics and Creepypasta


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I haven't read "A Fun Day" (or even heard of it until now, for that matter), but I've heard a lot of people say "Sweet Apple Massacre" was even worse than "Cupcakes", although I haven't read the former, so I can't judge. As for "Cupcakes", I couldn't sleep the same for about two weeks. Aside from that, I read another grimdark that was cupcakes-esque but involved Rarity skinning ponies for material. It wasn't as bad or descriptive as "Cupcakes", but it involved Fluttershy (my favorite pony) being the victim, so it made it hard to read.

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>insert cupcake here


Bloodbath and murder hardly scare me now, I've seen far worse ways to go rather than slowly eviscerated by your friend.


However, there are some The Conversion Bureau fanfics that was all about the horror of being transformed unwillingly to be a pony.


I won't post the title here, there is one fic that's the main conflict was human eating ponies instead of the usual livestock because ponies were easier to capture and much cheaper. Then in the ending, those rich guys who eat ponies for breakfast got doused by the PER, transformed into ponies, then got served on the table to their still-human friends.


That's why I stopped reading TCB fic

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  • Brohoof 1


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I haven't read "A Fun Day" (or even heard of it until now, for that matter), but I've heard a lot of people say "Sweet Apple Massacre" was even worse than "Cupcakes", although I haven't read the former, so I can't judge. As for "Cupcakes", I couldn't sleep the same for about two weeks. Aside from that, I read another grimdark that was cupcakes-esque but involved Rarity skinning ponies for material. It wasn't as bad or descriptive as "Cupcakes", but it involved Fluttershy (my favorite pony) being the victim, so it made it hard to read.


For some reason Cupcakes just didn't have that much of an effect on me. "A Fun Day" is really descriptive, and the worst scenes are drawn out so long, you just imagine it and feel like you just died a little. It's gory, pointless, and sad. I just can't help enjoying it a little because of the author's style of writing. He has too much creativity for his own good.

kthxbai. :3



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For some reason Cupcakes just didn't have that much of an effect on me. "A Fun Day" is really descriptive, and the worst scenes are drawn out so long, you just imagine it and feel like you just died a little. It's gory, pointless, and sad. I just can't help enjoying it a little because of the author's style of writing. He has too much creativity for his own good.


So I'm taking it I probably shouldn't read it? I'm not sure exactly what it's about, but from what you're telling me it's just Scootaloo getting murdered in great detail. Is there any actually story?


Also, I read "The Experiments of Twilight Sparkle", which was really disturbing, enough to where I just didn't read the whole thing (I stopped at the end, by then the story just gave off such a lonely feeling that I didn't want to see what happened. If you've read the story, the. You know what I mean about it feeling lonesome at the end. It kind of made it depressing, too.).

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Cupcakes wasn't that bad. I mean, it's pretty disgusting, but people overreact to it.


I can't say any fic really mentally "scarred" me. I've read about two grimdarks and I thought one of them (Rainbow Factory) was pretty good, actually. But I forget about it in the next five minutes.


There is one fic that I think about all the time when looking at the word "fanfic", and it's a sadfic titled Yours Truly. Couldn't say that it scarred me mentally, but it really was quite sad. Also quite underrated....

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Not much into fanfics ingeneral. Never have been, even before the only ones I ever read were mistings (surprised there aren't any of those around in mlp.) and especially grimdark. for some reason its just not appealing when ponies are involved. it took a long time before i started on Fallout: Equestria. and that was only really ok because it doesn't focus on any known characters outside of derpy/ditzy and the backstories.


Cupcakes especially I avoided like the plague, and still haven't technically read it. But I was going through the mlp music archive and came across Tarby's rock opera version of it (titled something broke) and didn't know what it was at first. it wasn't until 3/4 of the way in did i realise it. and i groaned. if it wasn't for the fact he did a very good job with it i would have just deleted them.


oddly late night accident, hide the body, and cupcakes ended being my favorite tracks :/

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btw the pic you made is an excellent start. however you made. I'm terrible at drawing on the computer so I can honestly say it's better then i could do. Why don't you work on the hair next eh?

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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Sweet Apple Massacre (ok seriously What the hell...)

Rainbow Factory

one last laugh

The last party

Those are all the ones I know of... From worst to slightly less then worse.

Edited by Sir Dusty Soul


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I would have to say Sweet Apple Massacre even though I was eating a bowl of Spaghetti and ravioli mix, it was still pretty disgusting


The ONLY thing that scarred me with Cupcakes would have to be the artwork put into it,


Those were creepy as all hell :blink:

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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I could tell you but I fear getting banned just by posting it... :/

Luckily I didn't read it all, but god, that was a horrible fic *shudders*

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No fanfic will ever "mentally scar" me. I got to that point long before I started reading fanfiction, believe me.


All I have to do is picture some skinny emo teen who watches too much 'True Blood,' giggling to himself as he types up something he has no concept of (death, mutilation, evil, loss of true love, whatever) and shamelessly puts the ponies' names on it, and none of those fics really bother me.


Posted Image

"Um, really? You think I want to become a stallion, jump in the sack with Rarity and then kill her with her own sewing machine? HAHAHAHAHA.........

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Edited by TailsAlone
  • Brohoof 3

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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So I'm taking it I probably shouldn't read it? I'm not sure exactly what it's about, but from what you're telling me it's just Scootaloo getting murdered in great detail. Is there any actually story?


Well, let's just say that everybody in Equestria is fed up with the whole "Scootaloo" thing. She annoys everybody, and the gang decide to... well... brutally mutilate her. There isn't a story. It has so much detail, so much torture, but you have to read all of it once you start. It's just sad. Yet, they managed for the scenario not to be dark, which makes it that much more terrible. :P The language they use isn't that great either, and it involves rape, too. Do I think you should read it? No. But it's still a great read, just.... horrifying. So, it's up to you.


My little Slave was the worst I've ever read. Fluttershy was trapped in some messed up sex dunguon. It was 14 chapters long and i only made it through 2 before almost throwing up.


There is now 31 chapters, I think. I've read up until about chapter 16 before throwing up. Why did it have to be Fluttershy? I regret reading it. I was tricked into reading it in the first place. My friend said that I wouldn't be able to leave his house until I threw up, or read all of it. I forced myself into throwing up. What great friends I have ^.^

  • Brohoof 3

kthxbai. :3



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Well, let's just say that everybody in Equestria is fed up with the whole "Scootaloo" thing. She annoys everybody, and the gang decide to... well... brutally mutilate her. There isn't a story. It has so much detail, so much torture, but you have to read all of it once you start. It's just sad. Yet, they managed for the scenario not to be dark, which makes it that much more terrible. :P The language they use isn't that great either, and it involves rape, too. Do I think you should read it? No. But it's still a great read, just.... horrifying. So, it's up to you.




There is now 31 chapters, I think. I've read up until about chapter 16 before throwing up. Why did it have to be Fluttershy? I regret reading it. I was tricked into reading it in the first place. My friend said that I wouldn't be able to leave his house until I threw up, or read all of it. I forced myself into throwing up. What great friends I have ^.^


it was the same for me my friend made it through all the chaoters at the time and i showed my non brony friend over skype and he threw up xD Friendship is not always magic
  • Brohoof 1
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It involves rape, too. Do I think you should read it? No. But it's still a great read, just.... horrifying. So, it's up to you.


That is reason enough for me to stay away from it. I've heard that a lot of grimdarks tend to have rape in them, so I avoid them. So yeah, thanks for the warning, I was probably going to read it.

  • Brohoof 1
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Since I don't read fanfics very often, the only horror fics I've read until now were Cupcakes and Rainbow Factory due to their popularity.


I have to say, both were pretty awesomely wicked. But nothing deep enough to traumatize me forever. I just couldn't look at Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash the same way for, let's say, two days or even less. Don't get me wrong though, I loved them equally. Not only they were very well-written, but somewhy I really enjoy creepy-pastas and wicked/creepy/twisted stuff, especially when it's about innocent-looking content like My Little Pony... Call me weird... ô-õ

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one that i read the other day was a fanfic called "Under The Apple Trees", i think it's called that at least. :huh: anyway, it was just.....Uggg, just thinking about it gives me chills, it is, in my opinion, worse than cupcakes and rainbow factory COMBINED. it is just distirbing in so many ways.


i can't remember the place i read it was, but you are welcome to search it up, if you dare.


Awesome sig done by none other than Cloud Chaser!

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one that i read the other day was a fanfic called "Under The Apple Trees", i think it's called that at least. :huh: anyway, it was just.....Uggg, just thinking about it gives me chills, it is, in my opinion, worse than cupcakes and rainbow factory COMBINED. it is just distirbing in so many ways.


i can't remember the place i read it was, but you are welcome to search it up, if you dare.


I dare. :D I'll tell you what I think. What is it about, though? Judging by the name, it starts at the Orchard, I think. Is it gory? Is it a Massacre? On a scale of one to ten, how horrifying was it, really?

kthxbai. :3



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for me the sad ones get to me more the the gory and grimdark because i dont get scared easily but i do get very emotional ( when i read cupcakes i was laughing at how bloody, creepy and gory it was weird right)

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I didn't find cupcakes or rainbow factory scarring, though I am not bothered by blood and gore :P . Though I find "Sealing the envelope" going to be in my head for awhile, though it wasn't a bad fanfic, just....saddening.


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I dare. :D I'll tell you what I think. What is it about, though? Judging by the name, it starts at the Orchard, I think. Is it gory? Is it a Massacre? On a scale of one to ten, how horrifying was it, really?




All you need to know about that story is that it is in kinda a way, both.

What I would give it on a scale of 1-10? Probably a 9, 8ish because of the torture ad how much gore there is, it literaly gives me chills every time I *shakes* think about it.


And I warned you.



Plus, I found it http://www.fimfiction.net/story/3140/1/Under-the-Apple-Trees/(FULL-STORY

Edited by Artfull Canvas


Awesome sig done by none other than Cloud Chaser!

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Sweet Apple Massacre, That horrible abomination makes everything else seem like rainbows and unicorn farts. It is the only fanfic to ever actually piss me off and make me feel hatred for the writer. It's the Serbian film of pony stories, it's horribleness transcends ponydom to being a blight on literature in general. The fact it was written by a COD fanboy that was pissed off at a brony for beating him single handedly killed what little respect I had for the COD fanbase.


I want you people to keep in mind that I found guilty pleasure in Cheerilee's Garden due to the psychological horror and good story telling, and I love Silent Ponyville. I even read Creepypasta for God's sakes, so the fact this fic is my hell is saying alot.

  • Brohoof 2



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I just read "A Fun Day" from learning about it in this thread. That's a pretty horrifically detailed story. Brilliant.


The one that always stuck in my head though has been "Cheeriliee's Garden". Maybe not as bad in gore and whatnot as some out there, but it's pretty terrifying in its own right. Best part of it is how fantastically well it is written. Definite recommend.

  • Brohoof 1


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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One last laugh

The last party


I cried for days at those two ;~;

(Did I recommend them to you? they're close to the top of my favorite fanfics)



Those two, Ghastly Ghouls, a small story in a fanfic called the Monster Mash, and Not my Destiny.


They left me a sad and empty feeling for days xD



Cupcakes, Na'h

Sweet Apple Massacre, Pffsh




Cherilee's Garden, *shiver*

  • Brohoof 1




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