Broccoli 127 January 3, 2012 Share January 3, 2012 Imagine one day someone you know comes to you, and asks: "You watch My Little Ponies!?" What would your response be? Suppose you don't like to lie and you say yes. It is quite possible that the person would say something like: "Isn't that a girl's show?" or "Thats so girly" or "Are you gay?" What would your response be? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A similar situation happened between my brother and I. He asked: "Isn't it a girly show?" My response was: "Define girly." I wasn't suprised when the first thing he did was open up a dictionary. "Like, characteristic of, or appropriate to a girl or young woman." he said. I asked him "Give me some examples of being girly" he paused for a bit I didn't like where this was going, so I said, "Come on, men with wives and children watch this show." I guess that didn't went so well. Sometimes when my brother walks by and sees me watching MLP, he says yuck, or "oh. Ponies." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I want all of you to think of a situation where someone who is Antipony is tormenting you about the show, and what the person might say, and how you might respond. I think that the more situations we come up with, the better. In case anypony gets teased one day about watching MLP, they would know how to respond back and defend themselves, rather than walk away in shame. -"My little pony, not yours!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Finesthour 7,287 January 3, 2012 Share January 3, 2012 No offense to your topic, but everyone does know I am a brony. And when this situation did happen, I got them to watch the show. No fear, great opportunity. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Shadrahk 159 January 3, 2012 Share January 3, 2012 I'd say, "It's not that girly." Did you ever think I get lonely? Did you ever think that I needed love? Did you ever think, stop thinking You're the only one that I'm thinking of? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
L-PinkVsD-Pink327 177 January 3, 2012 Share January 3, 2012 Well my family already knows I'm a brony, but they don't really care since there's bigger things to worry about relating to me. So the only other place where something like that could happen is at my school, but next to all my classmates are, to put it lightly, complete morons with next to no hope, so walking away would be better than continuing to attempt debate with them. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ezynell 2,037 January 3, 2012 Share January 3, 2012 Stand up confidently, smile, and say "you're insecure about your sexuality" then leave 2 GAK Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colon Leftbracket 971 January 3, 2012 Share January 3, 2012 I'd ask if they are dense. They had to ask if My Little Pony was girly? The name screams girly pony adventures! How stupid could you be to miss that. Now if this were to happen to me I'd say of course it is girly! However the show's over all quality makes me ignore the show's targeted demographic. Also the other male fans on the Internet "Bronies" are some of the best people you will ever meet! If they call me gay my usual response to that is, "And what if I were gay? Would it really matter? It seems like you are insinuating I'm gay and you are trying to make sure if your guess is correct so you can ask me out on a date. Sorry but I prefer women besides you aren't my type anyway!" I walk off as they are confused. I don't deny that I'm a Brony (I only tell people if they ask though, my loop hole hehe) I also don't deny that the show is girly. It IS girly! It is made for girls! This fact is obvious! The show is so damn good that I don't really care! People like things outside their demographics all the time! Young children like movies, music, and video games made for mature adults. Mature adults like cartoons made for kids! Girls like sports made for men's enjoyment! SO why can't men like a cartoon about Ponies made for women? Short answer WE CAN AND WE WILL! 3 [New siggy in progress!] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuteycindyhoney 13,315 January 3, 2012 Share January 3, 2012 I'd say "Sure!" If he said it's a girlie show, I'd say "And your point is?" Sorry, but Pegasisters have it a bit easier. Thank you Sparklefan1234!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SXCJ40 125 January 3, 2012 Share January 3, 2012 My family dosen't know, just my bro and now my cousin. When my cuz asked me why I watch a show that it meant for girls, I just told him to trust me, it's a funny show. He dosen't thing I'm gay or anything, and he usually dosen't try to argue with me on a subject (for various reasons) but he won't watch the show, he gets teased enough at school and he dosen't want anything else to add to him getting teased, especially ponies. And I'm fine with that cuz I can't keep fighting for him. Lol wat ya think? Too much info lol Applejack: I think we're starting to go off topic here. I'm just your average Brony, Whovian, Sonic Fan, Yognaught, Mechanic, Drag racing........ Time traveler............................. Thats me SXCJ40 (*^∇^)ノ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoop 8,384 January 3, 2012 Share January 3, 2012 My response has, and will continue to be "Yeah. It's a pretty good show." Worst case scenario? If someone wants to make an issue over the television shows I enjoy of all things, chances are, quite frankly, that they're not worth my time. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KPM 288 January 3, 2012 Share January 3, 2012 I have this situation sometimes, I simply laugh and say "so what?" Then from there, any possible question/etc. I counter with a powerful argument from the array of things I have learned from looking at quite a few analysis' of MLP FiM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyreth 194 January 4, 2012 Share January 4, 2012 I end up talking about how the image of something as 'girly' or 'manly' is a product of society and not based on logic. People should just enjoy the things that make them happy, this will lead to a world full of people who are not afraid to act in the way they believe is right for them. I can go deeper into the issue than that but the majority of haters don't appreciate being lectured. I can't make signatures. Sooo... yeah Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PetiteLaSouris 16 January 4, 2012 Share January 4, 2012 If someone approached me about it, I'de say yes When I was a 13 I told a kid I still liked Pokemon, that started 3 years of teasing for my friends and I. We were made of tougher stuff then that, and as an adult I can't see who's problem it is about what shows I like People can be petty. But I've found some who like it too But Pegasisters do have it a little better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crispy 5,563 January 4, 2012 Share January 4, 2012 "Dude, you like a show for girls." "Uh, dude? I've seen you watch Jersey Shore marathons." 3 GET IN THE PIT On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said: ON MLP 4UMS ERRYTHIN IS SRS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nah 3,182 January 4, 2012 Share January 4, 2012 I'd say "are you unsure of your sexuality?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Street Comedy 327 January 4, 2012 Share January 4, 2012 Stand up confidently, smile, and say "you're insecure about your sexuality" then leave You got that from My Little Brony, didnt't you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ezynell 2,037 January 4, 2012 Share January 4, 2012 You got that from My Little Brony, didnt't you? Eeyup, but I've done it before GAK Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Fred-burger 3 January 4, 2012 Share January 4, 2012 Thats not realy worst case for me. But my reply to MLP being girly would be something like "Yeah! And I like it!" If they cal me gay... I would say "No, sorry. Bi maby, but not gay." I would instead of takeing it as an insult take it as a statement, and respond acordingly. Very easy. Just catch them of guard. Make them think your crazy! (that my not work if you dont want people to know your mad) Im actually quite experienced at not letting insults get me down. I got a lot of coments on my long hair in 1st to 4th grade. People asking me if I was a girl because I have a ponytail. Instead of becomeing sad I asked them why they would think that. Where they that bad at separateing mala and female? I gues I'm lucky enough to be blessed with the idea that everyone is nice and friendly. Leading to me not understanding when I was being insulted. The trick is confidence. If you like MLP thats your thing. If anyone insults you about it you still know you like it. Let them think your mad! Mad people have all the fun! (my friends know I'm crazy enough to watch MLP FIM) Pro tip: 1 Get good frends 2 Make them think your mad (wearing funny hats in public is a great way of doing this) 3 One day be a hyper brony (MLP FIM shirts, pants, shoes, pens, glasses, RD hair, talk abour ponys, show youtube clips, brohoof, randomly shout MY LITLE PONY! YEAH!!!) They will from then on never question ponys again. Im a Rainbow of Freds and Burgers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stoner Spike 185 January 4, 2012 Share January 4, 2012 The last time this happened to me was a few months ago, and it didn't end well. For the hater, of course. For any situation of this sort, my sole replies are now "Haters gonna hate." and "Mhm. Okay. That's nice." You're not supposed to let other people's opinions get to you, but I realized this after the above mentioned incident... Yo Applejack... Y'alright? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indigo 127 January 4, 2012 Share January 4, 2012 (edited) "You watch Ponies?" "I can't believe I finally have to tell someone this, the realisation of this moment is sure to make this THE WORST. CONFESSION. EVER. I LIKE PONIES I LIKE PONIES It all started In November When my douche friend recommended A kid's show About ponies I detesTEEEEEEEEEED Then I saw it It was awesome I could not believe my eyes It was the start of something I realised that I LIKE PONIIIIIES Sexuality did not effect My opinion on the PONIES I LIKE PONIES The show was made by Our good old Lauren Faust Who worked on The Power Puff GIIIIRLLSSSS The songs are All awesome And written by Daniel Ingram He helped me realise that I Really like those PONIIIIIES All my pointless goals in life Seem no longer relevant Because I am so happy now that I like those poniiiies I LIKE PONIES Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dashie All these characters you see You will find them to be a reason I like PONIIIIIES They have flaws and backstories and are animated greatly They surprised me very much Which is why I like PONIIIIIES Finally a show that concentrates on the characters Plot and laughs take lower priority than the poniiiies I LIKE PONIES I'VE BEEN DREAMIN' I'VE BEEN WAITIN' FOR SUCH A WONDERFUL VOICE CAST TARA STRONG ASHLEIGH BAAALL THIS SHOW HAS GOT THEM ALL AND THIS DOESN'T GET BORED Q FROM STAR TREK IS DISCORD THIS ACTING IS SO AWESOME IN THESE LITTLE PONIIIIIES All these Actors Are so great I hope they never leeeeave Maybe there should be movies Get on it Lauren Faust, pleeeease The animation is so fluent and it really makes me smile Every cute expression, must have really taken a while Dinkleberg to duckfaces ponies can do them all Ponies crying, ponies laughing IN MY LITTLE POOOOONYYYY Emotions shown on the faces of the Ponies I LIKE PONIES On the forums And the blogs And on Equestria Daily All of us bronies, can share our love you see We write loads of fanfiction And make some P.M.VEEEEEEEEEEES THIS IS THE WORST. CONFESSION. EVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER. Into the haters we must go Love and tolerance we must show Into the haters we must go and do some reverse trooooolling Into the haters we must go We spawned in the flames of /b/ boards INTO THE HATERS Convert them all INTO THE HATERS Love and Tolerate INTO THE HATERS Image macros! Prove we're way better than they are To spread To Love To to-ler-ate To fan-gasm INTO THE HATERS INTO THE HATERS AND HAVE THE WORST CONFESSION EVEEEEEEEEEER I LIKE PONIES" Edited January 4, 2012 by Indigo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 January 4, 2012 Share January 4, 2012 I'd just tell the truth, and if they start trolling me, I`ll just tell 'em to deal with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evilshy 5,090 January 4, 2012 Share January 4, 2012 when people ask if i watch MLP, i say "yes" or "hell yeah", depending on who it is and the circumstances in which they're asking. if they say that its girly, i say something along the lines of "yes, but not in the way you think." if they ask what i mean, i usually go for a powerpuff girls comparison, since a lot of people, girly or not, liked it. this is a hit or miss kinda thing, so i usually only pull it out when they seem like somebody who would know about PPG. if not, i give a brief explanation of how lauren faust set out to make a girl show that wasnt girly. i bring up a few examples of non-girlyness. if they call me gay or a girly, i say something like "im so manly, i can watch MLP and still get more chicks than you." this is a hit or miss. i usually only say stuff like this if i dont like them much, or if they were also being rude. if theyre a friends, or are being friendly about it, i say something like "im secure enough in my masculitnity that i can watch it and not feel self conscious about it." if they ask why its good, i usually tend to give a really long explanation of how its actually funny, the sound and animations is really good, the creators are awesome and in touch with the fanbase, the fanbase is awesome. i once got a low-level hater to watch it after comparing it to PPG, explaining how its genuinely funny, and saying there was an ponified ace attorney in the works XD Signature now 99% less edgy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wonka 39 January 4, 2012 Share January 4, 2012 (edited) I would first describe why I was watching the show, and this includes a description of the brony community as well and why I love both the community and the show. This would also include why the show isn't as the stereotype out there. If the person didn't accept that, I would try to get the person to watch an episode that isn't one of the first four of the first season, so that he or she could see it at first hand. If all else fails, ponies make a good trolling weapon for the ignorant. (Troll them into watching the show???) Although I told the person that I felt was the biggest threat, which is my brother, and he accepted it just fine, and didn't show any signs of discomfort over me being a brony . Although I don't really know if he has a problem with it or not, but regardless everything has been fine. Although I think it made it easier that he already knew about the brony community. Edited January 4, 2012 by Wonka "There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination. Living there you'll be free, if you truly wish to be." Intelligence is both knowladge and logic. If you don't have either knowladge or logic, you don't have intelligence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I used to be a stranger 7,994 January 4, 2012 Share January 4, 2012 (edited) I don't think the interest is of great enough expository nature of myself that it should bear a large contingent of my mind. They go "You like ponies?", I say "Yes, I also like Bach music, Team Fortress 2, the movie Apollo 13 and Kettle Valley potatoe chips." This nature of how I regard My Little Pony is also explainitory of how I regard the term "Brony" applied to myself. With all due respect, I'd much rather be called a Christian, or perhaps Aloof Bachelor. Edited January 4, 2012 by Blue Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarGazer 129 January 4, 2012 Share January 4, 2012 I'd ask if they are dense. They had to ask if My Little Pony was girly? The name screams girly pony adventures! How stupid could you be to miss that. Now if this were to happen to me I'd say of course it is girly! However the show's over all quality makes me ignore the show's targeted demographic. Also the other male fans on the Internet "Bronies" are some of the best people you will ever meet! If they call me gay my usual response to that is, "And what if I were gay? Would it really matter? It seems like you are insinuating I'm gay and you are trying to make sure if your guess is correct so you can ask me out on a date. Sorry but I prefer women besides you aren't my type anyway!" I walk off as they are confused. I don't deny that I'm a Brony (I only tell people if they ask though, my loop hole hehe) I also don't deny that the show is girly. It IS girly! It is made for girls! This fact is obvious! The show is so damn good that I don't really care! People like things outside their demographics all the time! Young children like movies, music, and video games made for mature adults. Mature adults like cartoons made for kids! Girls like sports made for men's enjoyment! SO why can't men like a cartoon about Ponies made for women? Short answer WE CAN AND WE WILL! Best response ever As a girl, I don't really get teased a lot for ponies, not at all really. But one thing I've learned about being "weird" is that the more you own it, the less people give a crap. The more power they think that they have over you, the more they will try to control you. If they think that you are strong, they will leave you alone. You do not need to be strong, you just need to make them believe it. Be assertive, not aggressive. It's basic nature. Just watch animals in the wild sizing each other up. I'm all for ignoring but sometimes that doesn't work. What helped me in the past is pretending to agree with they bully, or laughing along with them. I'd only retort if someone is being very mean. "Isn't that a girl show?" - "Is it?! Oh my goodness really?! I had no freaking idea!!! Thank godness I had someone so perceptive and smart to inform me of that!!! Oh my goodness thank you for pointing that out!!! You are such a freaking genius!!!" - "No way, I thought a show about colorful talking singing pretty ponies was aimed at adult men 40 and up" - "Please don't tell me you just figured that out" - "Do you really need to ask that?"- "Genius alert!! My Little Pony is a show for little girls!!!" "Isn't that girly?" - "Yes." "Noooo, really?" "Are you gay?" - "Why do you care?" - "Are you a homophobe?" - "No, why do you ask?" - "You seem like a very nice boy, but sorry, I'm not gay." - "No, I do not want to go out with you." - "Don't you have anything better to do?" Any other questions "is your life really so boring that you have to harass other people to make it interesting?" - "Why are you so interested in me?" - "Why do you care?" Or just go off doing something that you're interested in, like reading, drawing, or just pretend to be doing something more interesting than listening to them. Don't let them get to you 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arylett Charnoa 4,919 January 4, 2012 Share January 4, 2012 It is quite possible that the person would say something like: "Isn't that a girl's show?" or "Thats so girly" or "Are you gay?" "Yes... and I'm a girl!" "Again, do you not see my breasts?" "Technically bisexual... but I'm gay most of the time." Being a smartass aside, I would also mess around with their heads and just keep grinning at them like a madman about how much I loved ponies and telling them that I wanna be a unicorn and it's all awesome. Then I'd put my finger on my head and make weird noises and say: "Whooo, look at me, I'm a unicorn!" Then they'd think I was too crazy to continue talking to, at which point they'd leave me alone. Mission success! It really doesn't bother me that somebody would be negative about me watching ponies. I find the reactions of people being weirded out utterly hilarious. Which is kind of odd, I guess. As yet another girl, I probably get a lot less abuse about this, but... I guess if I was in a more serious mood, I'd explain that a lot of men like it as well and I'm not usually into girly things, which makes it amazing and good and unlike the ponies they had known from previous generations. If they didn't listen, I'd just say: "Okay, I guess it's just not your thing. You can try it if you'd like, but you don't have to." And then I'd move on and leave it at that. Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. Deviantart Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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