Marceline 187 August 29, 2012 Share August 29, 2012 Will the world end? Eventually. But not in 2012. If people are still using that Mayan Calender BS as an explanation, well, the Mayans didn't count leap years, as they did not exist at the time, so truly according to their calender, we would've been gone long ago. Also: they all died, so how can someone that isn't alive anymore finish something!? Duh! Silly people. Oh. There are also theories that lead scientists to believe that we are truly six years behind - that this is year 2018 and not 2012, in reality. Some person in some place, every day, says the world is going to end at x date and at x time or whatever. I bet someone said the world was gonna end yesterday, but it obviously didn't. What about Y2K? People got in a total huff over that, and look at us, 12 years later. If the world does end, we can't do anything about it anyway (depending on how it "ends;" the earth going boom or society and civilization as we know it going bye-bye?) other than prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I would never believe any "end of the world" predictions other than the sun will explode in 5 billion years, engulfing the first three planets in our solar system. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WittyReference 18 August 29, 2012 Share August 29, 2012 The world can't end on December 21, 2012. The Daleks invade Earth in 2164. Also Amy and Rory see their future selves in 2014. Doctor Who: 1 Doomsdays:o Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pony Joe 583 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 (edited) There's a proper name for the effect, but I don't remember what it is. M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction) On the subject of the world ending... 99% sure it won't happen within my lifetime. On the subject of the world ending this December because of a Mayan prediction that wasn't actually intended to be a prediction in any way... http-~~-// Edited August 30, 2012 by Pony Joe 1 That's really all there is to say on the matter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boxxi The Brony 119 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 Maybe all of us bronies can band together, purchase a random small island, and live there, so the nukes will be going BOOM and we will be watching the fireworks since we won't go to war, most likely ...We could make our own equestrian society, DAMMIT BRAIN look what you wrote all over that beautiful page! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flying Whales 311 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 (edited) I'm not sure if mankind will make it that long but the world will surely end, it's literally impossible for it not to. The sun will one day occupy the space that earth is currently in, the earth will incenerated once that happens. Will the earth last long enough to see itself engulfed by the sun? That I don't know but it will surely end one way or another. Maybe all of us bronies can band together, purchase a random small island, and live there, so the nukes will be going BOOM and we will be watching the fireworks since we won't go to war, most likely ...We could make our own equestrian society aybe all of us bronies can band together, purchase a random small island, and live there, so the nukes will be going BOOM and we will be watching the fireworks since we won't go to war, most likely ...We could make our own equestrian society Sounds like a good idea to me, I don't see why we just don't do this now. Edited August 30, 2012 by Flying Whales Signature Courtesy of Like A Boss Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starshine 16,335 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 It will take a loooong time before our world would end. But humanity, that's a whole another story. We currently have enough bombs to glass this planet numerous times. All it take is one man to take whistle the blow, and the nuclear race will start. Grab your popcorn while you still can! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fuzzystuff12 29 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 Hey guys, I was just curious to see what some of your thoughts on this would be. I keep imagining different ways for this to happen, and it would be fun to see whats going on in other people's noggins for a change. By the the way I don't actually believe that it's going to end this year, i mean the world will end eventually but I have a feeling It won't happen. It's just fun to think of different ways people could die(I'm not a creepy murderer I just have a messed up imagination) so please share any thoughts Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shiki 5,856 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 If the world would end, it would be from nuclear warfare, which I highly doubt will be happening. The world ending for no reason is just ridiculous to think. Out of the millions of years of existence, I doubt it'll coincidentally be right now. The only natural way the world will end is the sun dying out. It'll get too big, then the Earth will get too hot, etc. etc. You'll be entranced by me ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thor9356 540 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 If the world would end, it would be from nuclear warfare, which I highly doubt will be happening. I'm already prepared for that! I've got 5000 bottle caps saved up so I have enough for armor, weapons, food and housing. I'm planning to be a prospector or at least work for The Regulators. Gotta make caps somehow. 2 My OC's: Back Track: Dogboots: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twiliscael 3,960 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 I (like almost every other fairly intelligent person) believe that it'll all end in a nuclear apocalypse. If there is another world war, we're 100% fucked. Once one nuke is shot, the target will retaliate, which will result in their allies launching all their's, which will result in a massive exchange of nuclear weapons. After this, the world will be completely decimated and the polarity of the earth all effed up, etc. 1 I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Franksta 41 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 If the world were to end it would probably some man-made disaster instead of a natural disaster. I do believe the world will eventually end. But probably not for billions of years(maybe less). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ink 191 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 The earth being destroyed is extremely unlikely - this is a planet, it's highly robust. It's not going to just break some day, not without help from the sun exploding or other planets colliding with it. As for humankind, there are plenty of ways it could happen - warfare, illness, alien life, global warming, lots of possibilities. 1 I frequently edit my new posts to fix grammatical errors or to reword stuff, so sorry if I make it look like I'm forging my messages to change the meaning of anyone's replies or something. Reading the blog below kills more brain cells per minute than smoking: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnonBrony 1,468 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 Either an asteroid or nuclear warfare. But an asteroid is highy unlikely. Lets face it if this world is gonna end its because of us. Humanity is gonna blow itself up one day. =/ But if somehow we don't, then it aint gonna end for several billions years when the sun starts to die. I (like almost every other fairly intelligent person) believe that it'll all end in a nuclear apocalypse. If there is another world war, we're 100% fucked. Once one nuke is shot, the target will retaliate, which will result in their allies launching all their's, which will result in a massive exchange of nuclear weapons. After this, the world will be completely decimated and the polarity of the earth all effed up, etc. This reminds me and what my friend always says "when we nuke each other its gonna go like this: they send one nuke to us, then we send two nukes to them, then they send ten nukes, and then we send 100 nukes!!!" or something like that. heheh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HecateSix 45 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 Kinda speaks for itself, eh? Either that or Equestria appears in the south Atlantic and offers to convert all of us... scary shit, man! 2 And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more People talking without speaking People hearing without listening People writing songs that voices never shared No one dared Disturb the Sound of Silence Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RBDash 176 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 Uncontrollable global warming (which would be one of the most idiotic ways for humanity to go extinct, with nuclear fission power at our disposal), Fallout-style nuclear war (I hope no government is that idiotic), or a gamma ray burst (doesn't seem likely, as it hasn't happened to Earth, or if it has not for 450 million years). Every other world ending possibility is pretty low to impossible to end humanity (like a polar shift, which has happened several times, including when humanity was alive, yet we're still here). And an asteroid big enough to cause human extinction just won't happen. 51 states of America! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PonyEcho 1,610 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 well either Global Warming, or a Nuclear Warfare- but im not sure which war it could be like the Homefront were Korea invades, it could be China, or it could be America (i honestly think Russia don't care despite how video games go about it) but if its a holy war i shall be pissed. but i'll be dead so..... f k the future i don't care until its the present my DA check my stuff out the Anime Club plz join us Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silvadel 1,393 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 Someday we may open the wrong door without knowing what is on the other side -- that is the way I could see the end times actually happening. Something like a nuclear war would only temporarily set humanity back. Of course there could also be a gamma ray burst or similar other thing, but when compared to geologic time, our experience window is so short that the odds get very long of such an event happening. Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miss Light Diamond 2,802 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 I think that in the next 3 bajilion years the sun will go all super nova and explode and we will all burn and die, that is if humans don't kill it first, crazy crazy species Eeyup. 1 Something something something something Ask me stuff...and all my OC's Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silvadel 1,393 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 (edited) I think that in the next 3 bajilion years the sun will go all super nova and explode and we will all burn and die, that is if humans don't kill it first, crazy crazy species Eeyup. Well, it is a lot shorter than that -- the sun is heating up over time and it will make the earth uninhabitable long before it explodes. Thing is though, if you extend out the current technological pace of development just looking 1,000 or 10,000 years into the future starts to become meaningless -- What we could be in just 10,000 years without any major setbacks probably is beyond the imagination of those living today. BUT, we have a lot of doors to go through to get there, any one of which could be the door to our destruction. Edited August 30, 2012 by silvadel 1 Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neikos 968 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 Ahahahahahaha This thread looks exactly what I thought it would look like: People thinking of post apocalyptic places and the universe 'fighting back'. The question is so vaguely asked that one can only misinterpret it. What is world? What is end? Who says it hasn't already ended? Perhaps we live in a world where it all goes forwards, and then backwards again? There would be no end? Or perhaps an endless eight? We know by observation that everything around us cannot stay in one form, heat is constantly making us vibrate. Oxygen is oxidizing you and the seven billion other humans on earth and one day you will all be dead. Think about it, in one hundred years over 7 billion people will be dead. Is that the end? And then again, the atoms that are part of that body, are they dead? Probably not, they will just go somewhere else. That should answer your question. ( Probably not. ) The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together. 1 I love you! <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marceline 187 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 If, by the world, you mean the planet and society as we know it, then. . . I'd say, society and its ever-lowering and pathetic standards would basically eat themselves from the inside out. I mean, people getting in a huff over what others do in their private lives, for example? What the heck? If things keep going in that direction (down the drain), we're doomed. Otherwise. . . I believe what we were taught in 3rd grade: the sun will eventually explode in a few billion years, engulfing the first 3 planets in our solar system. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
мσℓт 40 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 (edited) The world will end sometime. There are many ways for the world to end like,a meteor destroying the world,a star exploding and a black hole opening sucking in everything and all that. But let me sing a little song I made in my head. Pinkie Pie style. ♪If youuuuuuu want to know how the world will end! ♪ ♪Get it out of your head or you will be so weird! ♪ ♪Talking about this to people that don't careeeeee! ♪ ♪But look out don't you see! ♪ ♪How we should enjoy this life that we have until we die and then the world explodes or somethingggggggggggggg! ♪ Edited August 30, 2012 by Molt The peaceful side that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna creates and the fun side of disorder caused by Discord. Have some fun in your life and be like Discord or you'll just be bored all the time. ~Molt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silvadel 1,393 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 Ok -- Lets get back to those doors I was talking about... It is actually the unknown unknowns that are the biggest potential threat but here are a couple of the known unknowns. 1) Genetic Restructuring -- when we get to the point where we know all of what the genetic code means and start tinkering with it making human+ instead of human. 2) Singularity -- when machines are able to match human complexity and beyond. Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kazuki Fuse 534 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 My Lord and Master will return once the stars are right and He shall awaken from His ancient slumber to cleanse this planet of the filth that inhabits it. "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming" Eh? Nandatte? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SongBrony 419 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 ZOMBIES!! I have a zombie survival plan though. Grab my family and GF, and move to Equestrian Canada. Should be safe. If not, then I'll just have to kill every last stinking zombie on the planet!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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