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open Ask any pony on a date!

My little pwny

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After a while, The guards return. “Princess Celestia will see you now.” They Escort you to a very fancy Dining room where celestia Sits at the head of a table the length of a train car. She smiles as you enter and motions for you to have a seat in the chair directly to her right.

“I apologise for all of the formality, but Shining armor gave me quite a stern talking to after our little adventure. I suppose I don’t HAVE to listen to him, but the poor dear put so much work into his little presentation that I would have felt bad about rejecting it.”


The Queen Scoffs as she leaves. “Do not overestimate yourself pony, even the finest of dishes is still just food.” She leaves before you can reply.


You sleep.


You wake up to find that Chrysalis has returned. “I suppose I should take this time to explain how this works. We Changelings do not sleep. We need only feed. now that you have slept, I shall feed upon you until morning. at which time I shall again return to my duties, and you shall sleep. but first you must eat. do you have any requests?”


“well, I guess ‘evil’ is a bit of a strong word, ‘Disgruntled’ is probably more accurate...” Vinyl Elaborates. “The point is that I have Seven Exes and they all want to make sure I never have a good relationship again. It’s all very petty. Anyway, They’ve formed this thing they call the ‘League of Evil Exes’ You’ve already met one of them.”


(OOC: I Figure that if Ramona Flowers were a Pony, She’d be Vinyl Scratch. And yes you WILL have to fight Octavia, but if it makes you feel any better, you won’t have to kill anyone.)


(OOC: I’m honestly not sure if you are in or out of character here...)

“Ah Said: ‘Ya’ll Memorised mah body language? If we weren’t gettin’ hitched that’d be kinda Creepy.’” Applejack repeats. “But since we are gettin’ hitched Ah think It’s sweet.”


Despite her momentary shock at what you just said, she catches up with you easily. “What are you talking about? Soarin and I are just friends! why would he be jealous of me spending time with you?” she calls over the wind as you fly side by side.


You wake up in Twilight’s bed. Twilight herself is standing over you. “Oh good, you’re awake.” She Says. “you were really exhausted after the fight, you slept for almost an entire day. I’ll bet you’re hungry, I Can have spike bring something up for you.”


“You never know until you try!” Pinkie chirps as she hops over to a ring toss stand. “Try this one! I’m really bad at this.”

You manage to beat pinkie at the ring toss, which makes you feel a little better, as you move on to play several other games, with varrying degrees of success.

Suddenly Pinkie notices something. “Hey! Where’d Cranky and Matilda get off to? they’re missing all the fun!”


“Uh, What?” Donut Joe gives you a very odd look. “You actually want... I Mean... Sure!”


(OOC: yes, with the exception of the two Applejack universes, everypony’s stories are in continuity. As for who’s attending, all of the mane six will probably be there, as well as all the foals in Cheerilee’s class, as well as several backgrounders. Anypony who wants to roleplay being there is free to do so, but most of them are in the middle of their own stories atm.)


No LLLLLL today, sorry.


also, I didn't see Jordo's post until after i put this up, sorry.


(OOC: It's okay. I can wait until tomorrow night. I'd rather you take your time to make a good roleplay rather than rush out a crappy one. :) )

  • Brohoof 1

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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"Okay Luna I hope to I see tomorrow"I said as I trotted away from the throne room .As soon I shut the door I immediately started to hop up and down in excitement while yelling out the top of my lungs "I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT LUNA TO GO OUT WITH ME,THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST DAYS EVER!"After awhile I had to stop because I kept noticing that one of the guards was giving me a dirty look that pretty much signalling me that if I didn't go already,he would send to a nut house.After the events that have transpired, I was emotionally exhausted.I jumped on my bed and thought "Okay this date has to go according to plan.First I would go to SugarCube Corner and order some chocolate cupcakes .Then I would go to Rarity's Bouquet to get Luna a present.After tha- wait a minute i've been thinking so much about this date and I just realized this,i know almost nothing about other than the fact that she used to be Nightmare Moon."After snapping away from those images of the evil witch i started to panic "Oh Celestia,what am i going to-" I caught myself mid-sentence just realizing what i was about to say "CELESTIA!" "She is Luna's sister,I could go to the palace in the palace in the morning and ask her about how Luna.

After thinking for a good while now I finally fell asleep.In my dreams I was riddled with memories of the Nightmare Night celebration.I remember dressing up as a ninja that day.But most importantly I remembered the first time I saw Luna as herself, not as Nightmare Moon.She was absolutely astonishing.Her wavy mane that seem to defy all logic was mesmerizing.Her dark blue coat was stunning.Blue was always my favorite color.Everything about her was amazing.When she wasn't talking her royal Canterlot voice,she had soothing voice.Today was just to good to be true.

My alarm clock began ringing as soon as both hands landed at 12:00a.m. I jumped from my bed began my daily routine of brushing my teeth and showering.Today I had to rush, so without haste I made myself a peanut butter sandwich,and ate it.After breakfeast I sprinted towards the palace.Once I reached the palace, I had to catch my breath for minute.Once that was done I opened the door leading inside as usual there plenty of guards eyeing me but I didn't let tnat bother me, I had to get to Celestia.Seeing the door that leads to the throne room I started to get nervous like i had been when i came to see Luna but luckily it wasn't as severe as before so i had the courage open the door.I had a complete de-ja-vu moment there,every thing looked exactly the same only except it was Celestia on throne as opposed to Luna.When Celestia saw me, she greeted me with a smile.Did that mean she already knew about the date or is this how she greets everypony.Today, I didn't feel like hiding behind the bushes so i just got to the point and said "Princess Celestia, I just wanted you to know that im about to go on a date with yoyr sister,Luna.Anything i should know about her before getting into this?"

( OOC:Yes,I know this is long but I had alot to say.)

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"Well maybe I'm over thinking this a bit. Which I tend to do often, Sorry I feel bad for saying that now. Also let's see who can make it to the hill first! Loser has to pay for the next apple pie" Jack looks over to spitfire before racing off towards the hill again.



Don’t pretend I think you know I'm damn precious

And Hell Yeah I'm a motherf***ing princess


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OOC: Take as much time as you need, no worries Page. Also, just so you know, i'm purposely delaying our movie date thingy (With the whole arriving hour early and big line thing). I'm waiting to see if Fluttershy and AppleandDashfan will catch up to us. I'd be kind of cool if our storylines crossed, kind of like the picnic situation a while back.

Edited by Eljordo



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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You wake up in Twilight’s bed. Twilight herself is standing over you. “Oh good, you’re awake.” She Says. “you were really exhausted after the fight, you slept for almost an entire day. I’ll bet you’re hungry, I Can have spike bring something up for you.”

Mal smiled weakly at Twilight. "What about Chrysalis? Did the tracking spell work? I'm sorry I passed out..."

'Good job Mal, you wasted Twilight's time with you passing out. Wait, what if this was another of Chrysalis' tricks.'

Mal sat up, still feeling quite tired. "Well any food will be fine. I'm not that picky." Mal still felt a bit paranoid about this whole situation. 'She can't possibly be a changeling, she completely demolished Chrysalis in that fight. She also put up a barrier, nopony would be able to get in then. Can't be.'

Mal had a expression of worry on his face.


(OOC This got moved to roleplay?)

(OOC Also, after I settle this whole changeling incident I would LOVE to go on a double date.)

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)
  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Mal smiled weakly at Twilight. "What about Chrysalis? Did the tracking spell work? I'm sorry I passed out..."

'Good job Mal, you wasted Twilight's time with you passing out.'

Mal sat up, still feeling quite tired. "Well any food will be fine. I'm not that picky."

(OOC This got moved to roleplay?)

(OOC Also, after I settle this whole changeling incident I would LOVE to go on a double date.)


(OOC: wow, i just barely noticed that we got moved to roleplay world... heh, it seems that it IS a roleplay, after all, and this will give PageTurner an excuse to get a little bit more interaction out of us seeing as now we HAVE to post at least a minimum of 200 characters. XD oh, well, i'm sure i'll think of SOMEthing whenever it becomes my turn again.)


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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(Woah. Post limit. My arch nemisis for when I want to do something OOC. Which means we kind of need an OOC page. This changes lots of things, such as the tone of the now-rp. Although, it probably doesn't change mechanics, it ensures that we give longer posts, and that we have RP rules. This will be new...)


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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(Woah. Post limit. My arch nemisis for when I want to do something OOC. Which means we kind of need an OOC page. This changes lots of things, such as the tone of the now-rp. Although, it probably doesn't change mechanics, it ensures that we give longer posts, and that we have RP rules. This will be new...)


(OOC: yes, we WILL have to post longer posts, but that also means that we will have to be more involved with our marefriends and actually think of what to say instead of putting down one or tho measly lines. But that's only a problem for me, I think, it should be easy for you all. And yeah, I think an OOC thread would definitely be a good idea. It would mean that we couldn't fill up space in here with OOC talk, and we would actually give Page a bit more to work with. But, seeing as Pwny was the starter of this thread, and he gave it to Page, does that mean he has to make the OOC thread or can someone else entirely make it?)


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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“You never know until you try!” Pinkie chirps as she hops over to a ring toss stand. “Try this one! I’m really bad at this.” You manage to beat pinkie at the ring toss, which makes you feel a little better, as you move on to play several other games, with varying degrees of success. Suddenly Pinkie notices something. “Hey! Where’d Cranky and Matilda get off to? they’re missing all the fun!”


"I think they left after we had the cupcake eating contest" Penguin said. After playing all the games in the carnival, Penguin was very exhausted and tired so he asked Pinkie "Pinkie.... *Panting* Can we go to ... Sugarcube corner now...? It's getting late plus most of the people are going home..."


Penguin falls down on the ground still trying to get some air while he waits for an answer.

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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(OOC: Once again, I'm missing out on some great dialogue. That's it! Everyday, I shall look on this topic! Now, to post.)


“You... Don’t know?” Lyra seems taken aback at the idea that somepony doesn’t know about humans. “Okay, you see, there’s this really old Toy line called ‘my little human’, and they recently rebooted the Tv show that goes with it, they got a lot of the same ponies working on it that worked on ‘The Powerpuff Fillies’. It’s a really good show, it has great animation, good humor, and stories that actually make you think from time to time. but by far the best part is the humans themselves! They all walk on only two legs, and instead of hooves they have hands! With fingers! and they use them to hold things, or open doors and they can make shapes with their fingers to communicate with other humans whose ears don’t work! It’s so cool!” She suddenly looks very self conscious again. “Would... would you like to watch an episode with me?”.


(OOC: Changed Lyra’s text color to something that is closer to her actual coloration, and is hopefully easier to read.)



Alex listened on as Lyra told him all about 'humans', notably about 'My Little Human'. She really did seem pretty cute when she gets all excited about it and it does make Alex curious about these 'humans'. When she stopped talking, he noticed that same look of discomfort before she mentioned her secret. She asked if he would like to watch an episode with her and Alex thought for a second before responding. Twilight did say that he had to wait until he went on four more blind dates before he could make a decision.


"Sure, why not. I'm always open to try new things. Besides, you do make humans sound interesting." Alex said to Lyra.


(OOC: Also, Lyra's text is just fine. I can read it.)

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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(I didn't see an OOC so I'm just gonna post and hopefully I do it right.)


"Hello Trixie, I saw your show and I think you're just Amazing. Now I know that must leave you pretty tired so I was wondering if you wanted to get some rest and relaxation over lunch later."

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For the next few days, Cheerilee hardly leaves your side. In that time you talk about many things and get a much better understanding of one another. after another two days, The Doctor says you are in the clear. Pinkie Pie throws you and Cheerilee a ‘Congratulations on your Escape/Relationship/Recovery Surprise Party.’

Static was glad to be feeling like himself again. Being cooped up in a bed was not something he wanted to do again. Luckily Cheerilee was there though, getting things that he needed, feeding him, and being a nice distraction from his ailment. It was also a surprise though, that once he was feeling well again, that Pinkie Pie had wanted to throw him a party for pairing up with Cheerilee, which was sure to get his mind off of the past occurences.


The party was being held at Sugarcube Corner, and he was told that a lot of ponies were going as well, not just him and Cheerilee. It would be nice to get his relationship with Cheerilee out into the public. Perhaps he could even make a few new friends.


As Static was walking to Sugarcube Corner with Cheerilee by his side, he turned toward her, curious to see her reaction to this party.


"It was really nice for Pinkie to throw this party for us, we need to unwind a bit from what happened recently. And also, I can't thank you enough for everything you did for me the past few days. I really appreciate it."


Static gave stopped and gave his marefriend a quick peck on the lips and a hug. He was really lucky to have Cheerilee, and he wouldn't trade her for the world.


"So, what do you think about all this? I mean, I never really asked you why you chose me. You could have easily forgotten me while I was down with the Diamond Dogs and moved on with your life. What is it about me that makes me so special to you?"

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(OCC) Just to let you know, in case your too lazy to look, I changed my name from AppleandDashfan247 to DJ-SHY3. I really hope you don't make me redo my date for the people watch my date. As for why, sents it barely started, I did have a VERY thought-out way to ask Fluttershy out.

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Hey DJ-PON3! that was an awesome show you put back there! I especially enjoyed your first song. I could have sworn that i heard all the carriage alarms go off when you dropped THAT bass. You really are a fantastic musician. Its no wonder you get the whole stage to yourself. if anyone tried to outdo you in the music business then they are searching for a lost cause.

  • Brohoof 1
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Hey DJ-PON3! that was an awesome show you put back there! I especially enjoyed your first song. I could have sworn that i heard all the carriage alarms go off when you dropped THAT bass. You really are a fantastic musician. Its no wonder you get the whole stage to yourself. if anyone tried to outdo you in the music business then they are searching for a lost cause.


(OOC: you are quite lucky that PageTurner allows alternate reality dates of the same character, otherwise we would have to fight to the death for miss scratch. XD and I would put my all into it, so i could not lose her to anypony else at all, no matter who they were. :P)


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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(OOC: you are quite lucky that PageTurner allows alternate reality dates of the same character, otherwise we would have to fight to the death for miss scratch. XD and I would put my all into it, so i could not lose her to anypony else at all, no matter who they were. :P)


I dunno, I kind of like the idea of two users having to fight over the affections of their favorite character :P adds a little drama to the story, and it makes the reward all the sweeter :3


Not the biggest fan of the 'multiverse' thing myself, things tend to get convoluted and confusing when you throw in multiple timelines, especially when you want to interact with another user.


Just a personal thing with me. A single timeline usually makes for better storytelling, unless you talor the entire story around the 'multiple timeline' thing.

Edited by Eljordo
  • Brohoof 1



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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(LOL. Well, I guess I shall have a go, correct?)


Meta was pacing in his chambers on the Halberd. Back and forth and back and forth and back... his mask fell off, temporarily revealing his changeling form. A form he had come to despise, as ponies, way too often, came to see only the surface. He picked it up, looked at it, and put it back on, resuming his illusion of a black pony. "When was the last time that I talked to somepony, Sailor?"

"Ummm... wasn't it that mare, 200 years ago?"

"Ah, yes, Serenity. And the outcome thereafterwards. Hmph..."

Back to pacing, back to thinking. Hmm...




"Please, leave."

"Yes sir."


He sat down on the computer and pulled up his files on the residents of Ponyville- the closest town from the Halberd. He looked over the files, so he would know about everyone, and landed about a mile outside the town. He quietly walked in, and began to look. He became confident that he would find somepony who liked him, and who he liked. Without them running away screaming when they learned his secret... he sighed. It was going to be a long and probably disappointing visit...


(I am running this a little bit differently then from all of you folk. I hope you don't mind.)

Edited by Chaos Breaker (True Form)
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(OOC: Alrighty folks, Sorry about the lack of replies yesterday, but i had a date. with someone who isn't fictional. Be jealous. anywho, we are also now officially a Roleplay, which means we have an OOC thread, making this the last OOC announcement I'll be posting here, All of you need to go and link your character sheets there.


I will post replies later tonight.)


(OOC: you are quite lucky that PageTurner allows alternate reality dates of the same character, otherwise we would have to fight to the death for miss scratch. XD and I would put my all into it, so i could not lose her to anypony else at all, no matter who they were. :P)


(Actuallly, the multiverse thing only applies in special cases, you still have to fight, which will wreak havok on my poor 'scott pilgrim' plan.)

(OCC) Just to let you know, in case your too lazy to look, I changed my name from AppleandDashfan247 to DJ-SHY3. I really hope you don't make me redo my date for the people watch my date. As for why, sents it barely started, I did have a VERY thought-out way to ask Fluttershy out.


(Why would I make you start over because of a name change? that would be stupid.)


(I didn't see an OOC so I'm just gonna post and hopefully I do it right.)


"Hello Trixie, I saw your show and I think you're just Amazing. Now I know that must leave you pretty tired so I was wondering if you wanted to get some rest and relaxation over lunch later."


Oh dear, I'll have to talk to blue and se if he's interested in coming back, he was dating trixie before the thread moved and He has senority...) Edited by PageTurner(Pwny'sHeir)

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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(OOC: Alrighty folks, Sorry about the lack of replies yesterday, but i had a date. with someone who isn't fictional. Be jealous. anywho, we are also now officially a Roleplay, which means we have an OOC thread, making this the last OOC announcement I'll be posting here, All of you need to go and link your character sheets there.


I will post replies later tonight.)



(Actuallly, the multiverse thing only applies in special cases, you still have to fight, which will wreak havok on my poor 'scott pilgrim' plan.)

(Why would I make you start over because of a name change? that would be stupid.)



Oh dear, I'll have to talk to blue and se if he's interested in coming back, he was dating trixie before the thread moved and He has senority...)


(OOC: oh dear... well, more fighting will occur than was expected, then... but i will fight to the death for her. no one, not pony, nor dragon, nor strange bipedal thing that showed up in equestria one day on a motorcycle will stop me from having my dates with vinyl scratch.)


(OOC: ps, i will post fight music when the battles come up, if that's ok.)


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Now, I just want to remind you people for PageTurner. He's taking a break on the weekends. so, NO RIOTING!!! and as much as I want to get my date with Fluttershy on, hasn't even began yet, even I can wait! Plus, even he needs breaks. He is just one person, after all! Bye!

  • Brohoof 4
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Just a reminder, Be sure to Sign up in the OOC Thread if you haven't already! yes, this DOES apply to ALL of you. Have a nice weekend everypony.


"Thanks for clearing that up, AJ! Glad to see that you're not upset, and I hope your friends can make it! It'll be a blast!" Said Red Talon. Heading back to his house in Ponyville, Red Talon was excited not only for the Neightona 500, but also, he'd be spending about 2 to 3 days with Applejack. Envisioning a typical, cheesy and campy romantic sunset scene with him and Applejack.

"Give it some time, Romeo," Red Talon said to himself. He never had a true marefriend before, aside from the silly little relationships in high school. Perhaps Applejack would be one of the missing pieces in Red Talon's life.

The next morning Applejack arrives at your house to tell you that, unfortunately, her friends will not be able to make it.

“I suppose it’ll just be you an’ me.” She says. she does not seem altogether too upset by this.


Well, I don't mind going on a double date. That is, if you and Rainbow Dash want to.

Jordo chuckled as she landed and they began to walk. He found it adorable how she would get so excited over things like this. Honestly, he was just in a great mood because she agreed to move in with him. Now they could spend a lot more time together! Jordo could not stop smiling. He turned his head to Dash as they walked.


"Are you sure we needed to head to the theater an hour early? I mean, how crowded could it..." He was cut off.


They approached the theater only to see a massive line outside the theater, all filled with ponies excited to see Daring Do's first movie.


"...be." He finished his sentence in shock.


"Heh, good thing we have advanced tickets or we might not have gotten in!" Jordo said.


"Let's get in line, hopefully we can get a good seat when the doors open."

Eljordo and rainbow dash get in line, and are soon joined by Dj Shy3 and Fluttershy.

“Oh hey Fluttershy!” Dash Calls. “Cool hair clip!”

“Oh, Hi Rainbow Dash. this is ADF, He made it for me.”

“Did he now?” Rainbow dash gives Shy3 the once over before leaning in to whisper. “Listen you, Fluttershy is very delicate, If you do anything to hurt her, I will mess you up, we clear?”


(OOC , sorry, on my psp, can't quote all that... but anyways, here we go!)


*I look at vinyl confusedly* so what you're telling me is that you dated seven ponies, and now they're evil ex-coltfriends bent on ruining your love life? wow, that's harsh... but, if it means i can go out with you... *blushes, looks down, and swings his hoof* then i'll definitely do it. but hey... if we're going out... does that mean we can make out?


(OOC sorry, i just had to put that line in XD)


(OOC PS, i hope vinyl don't hate me for that comment, and also... she'll have to control me in the tavi fight, i will not hurt her myself XD XP)


(OOC I just saw the pinkie party post you made... for the risk of ruining an awesome party, can i fight an evil ex there? could be interesting! *wiggles eyebrows*)

“Evil Exes, yes.” Vinyl Corrects. Then, To your surprise, Vinyl leans in and gives you a quick smooch on the cheek. “That’s all you get on the first date.”

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie appears. “Hey Scratchy! I’m putting together a Party for Cheerilee and Her new Colfriend tomorrow! You’ll be there right? you can do that thing you do with the records and the scratching!”


Morning star nod his head then he walked towards the Queen."Celestia , i have words that can't express the joy that i had spending time with you so if you like i wish to hang out here with you". Morning star looked her square in the eye showing her he meant ever word.

Celestia Smiles at you. “I appreciate the gesture, and I enjoy your company, please have a seat so that we can-” She is interrupted by A scroll witch appears out of nowhere and lands on the table next to her plate. she picks it up and opens it. she stands up suddenly. and looks at you. “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid our dinner will have to wait, My student has located the Changeling Hive. I must take care of this immediately.” She turns to leave.


Bob smiled he decide to ask for something to make this situation into a romantic one. "i think i would like to eat with you my queen". Bob knew he had to romance her today.

(OOC: Do NOT try to rush it.)

The Changeling Queen sighs. “I told you that I cannot love you, yet you persist in your vain attemts to romance me. fine, we shall eat together. what meal do you desire? We are equipped to prepare any dish you would like.”


Ach! Horsefeathers! What do I say that? I can't make it into a warning or a compliment. "Does thine sweet earn they kiss?" he asked in a dramatic way. Nonononono! I didn't say that! Curse my stupid Shakespony studies! But how ELSE was I supposed to find a good ending to that novel? It was inspiring, but curse it anyways! *Inward sigh* Life would be so much easier if my two bits were actually worth two bits. Or would it be harder... Does she like me for my brains? It certainly isn't for my bronze. I'm not statuesque, even if I'm not fat. I look, well, normal. I'm just not particularly strong. How did I get this lucky, anyway? Look, is she flexing? No, I don't think so, I think she's just- Wait a minute...


(By the way, usually his body language matches his thoughts)

Applejack leans in and kisses you. “Y’all think too much.”


"Okay Luna I hope to I see tomorrow"I said as I trotted away from the throne room .As soon I shut the door I immediately started to hop up and down in excitement while yelling out the top of my lungs "I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT LUNA TO GO OUT WITH ME,THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST DAYS EVER!"After awhile I had to stop because I kept noticing that one of the guards was giving me a dirty look that pretty much signalling me that if I didn't go already,he would send to a nut house.After the events that have transpired, I was emotionally exhausted.I jumped on my bed and thought "Okay this date has to go according to plan.First I would go to SugarCube Corner and order some chocolate cupcakes .Then I would go to Rarity's Bouquet to get Luna a present.After tha- wait a minute i've been thinking so much about this date and I just realized this,i know almost nothing about other than the fact that she used to be Nightmare Moon."After snapping away from those images of the evil witch i started to panic "Oh Celestia,what am i going to-" I caught myself mid-sentence just realizing what i was about to say "CELESTIA!" "She is Luna's sister,I could go to the palace in the palace in the morning and ask her about how Luna.

After thinking for a good while now I finally fell asleep.In my dreams I was riddled with memories of the Nightmare Night celebration.I remember dressing up as a ninja that day.But most importantly I remembered the first time I saw Luna as herself, not as Nightmare Moon.She was absolutely astonishing.Her wavy mane that seem to defy all logic was mesmerizing.Her dark blue coat was stunning.Blue was always my favorite color.Everything about her was amazing.When she wasn't talking her royal Canterlot voice,she had soothing voice.Today was just to good to be true.

My alarm clock began ringing as soon as both hands landed at 12:00a.m. I jumped from my bed began my daily routine of brushing my teeth and showering.Today I had to rush, so without haste I made myself a peanut butter sandwich,and ate it.After breakfeast I sprinted towards the palace.Once I reached the palace, I had to catch my breath for minute.Once that was done I opened the door leading inside as usual there plenty of guards eyeing me but I didn't let tnat bother me, I had to get to Celestia.Seeing the door that leads to the throne room I started to get nervous like i had been when i came to see Luna but luckily it wasn't as severe as before so i had the courage open the door.I had a complete de-ja-vu moment there,every thing looked exactly the same only except it was Celestia on throne as opposed to Luna.When Celestia saw me, she greeted me with a smile.Did that mean she already knew about the date or is this how she greets everypony.Today, I didn't feel like hiding behind the bushes so i just got to the point and said "Princess Celestia, I just wanted you to know that im about to go on a date with yoyr sister,Luna.Anything i should know about her before getting into this?"

( OOC:Yes,I know this is long but I had alot to say.)

(OOC: Don’t worry about it, I live for Replies like yours.)

Celestia smiles. “Yes, I heard, It is all my sister has spoken of since I woke up. The number one thing you must remember is that she is a thousand years behind on the majority of culture, although she has taken quite an interest in the internet and video gaming. I hope this helps, and I hope you can help my Sister to come out of her shell.”


"Well maybe I'm over thinking this a bit. Which I tend to do often, Sorry I feel bad for saying that now. Also let's see who can make it to the hill first! Loser has to pay for the next apple pie" Jack looks over to spitfire before racing off towards the hill again.

(Rolls a d10 for you against a d20 for spitfire, you both get a 9)

“Oh it is ON!” Spitfire shouts. Racing beside you leaving a trail of smoke in her wake. the two of you race neck and neck and reach the hill at the same time. “Whew! with moves like that Soarin may not need to go easy on you! I suppose we’ll be splitting the cost of that pie.””


Mal smiled weakly at Twilight. "What about Chrysalis? Did the tracking spell work? I'm sorry I passed out..."

'Good job Mal, you wasted Twilight's time with you passing out. Wait, what if this was another of Chrysalis' tricks.'

Mal sat up, still feeling quite tired. "Well any food will be fine. I'm not that picky." Mal still felt a bit paranoid about this whole situation. 'She can't possibly be a changeling, she completely demolished Chrysalis in that fight. She also put up a barrier, nopony would be able to get in then. Can't be.'

Mal had a expression of worry on his face.


(OOC This got moved to roleplay?)

(OOC Also, after I settle this whole changeling incident I would LOVE to go on a double date.)

Twilight puts a hoof on your shoulder to calm you down “It’s okay Mal, yes the spell worked, and I’ve already sent a letter to the princess. She should have those monsters rounded up by nightfall. We’ve won.” she levitates a book over to you. “I can understand you being a bit paranoid after all that’s happened to you, so here’s a spell that will tell you if somepony is a changeling.” She opens the book to a specific page and puts it in front of you. “I hope you don’t mind, I already performed it on you while you were sleeping. just to be sure.”


"I think they left after we had the cupcake eating contest" Penguin said. After playing all the games in the carnival, Penguin was very exhausted and tired so he asked Pinkie "Pinkie.... *Panting* Can we go to ... Sugarcube corner now...? It's getting late plus most of the people are going home..."


Penguin falls down on the ground still trying to get some air while he waits for an answer.

“Okie dokie Loki! Pinkie says. she bounces away, only to bounce back a moment later when you fail to stand up. “Wow, you look tired. here, Lemme help.” She leans down and helps you climb to your hooves. “Alrighty! Let’s go!”


(OOC: Once again, I'm missing out on some great dialogue. That's it! Everyday, I shall look on this topic! Now, to post.)




Alex listened on as Lyra told him all about 'humans', notably about 'My Little Human'. She really did seem pretty cute when she gets all excited about it and it does make Alex curious about these 'humans'. When she stopped talking, he noticed that same look of discomfort before she mentioned her secret. She asked if he would like to watch an episode with her and Alex thought for a second before responding. Twilight did say that he had to wait until he went on four more blind dates before he could make a decision.


"Sure, why not. I'm always open to try new things. Besides, you do make humans sound interesting." Alex said to Lyra.


(OOC: Also, Lyra's text is just fine. I can read it.)

Lyra clops her hooves together excitedly. “Yay! Let’s go over to my house and watch it right now!”

The two of you head over to Lyra’s house, where you are greeted by her roommate, Bon-Bon.

“Hey you, You’re not supposed to bring him home on the first date.”

“He’s going to watch Humans with me!”

“Oh no.”

“Oh yes!”

Bon-Bon groans and leaves you to it.

You and lyra sit down on the couch to watch the first episode of ‘My little Human.’


(I didn't see an OOC so I'm just gonna post and hopefully I do it right.)


"Hello Trixie, I saw your show and I think you're just Amazing. Now I know that must leave you pretty tired so I was wondering if you wanted to get some rest and relaxation over lunch later."

“The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie is always pleased to meet one of her enthusiastic admirers. Trixie Accepts your offer and will meet you at 11:00. Begone until then.”



Static was glad to be feeling like himself again. Being cooped up in a bed was not something he wanted to do again. Luckily Cheerilee was there though, getting things that he needed, feeding him, and being a nice distraction from his ailment. It was also a surprise though, that once he was feeling well again, that Pinkie Pie had wanted to throw him a party for pairing up with Cheerilee, which was sure to get his mind off of the past occurences.


The party was being held at Sugarcube Corner, and he was told that a lot of ponies were going as well, not just him and Cheerilee. It would be nice to get his relationship with Cheerilee out into the public. Perhaps he could even make a few new friends.


As Static was walking to Sugarcube Corner with Cheerilee by his side, he turned toward her, curious to see her reaction to this party.


"It was really nice for Pinkie to throw this party for us, we need to unwind a bit from what happened recently. And also, I can't thank you enough for everything you did for me the past few days. I really appreciate it."


Static gave stopped and gave his marefriend a quick peck on the lips and a hug. He was really lucky to have Cheerilee, and he wouldn't trade her for the world.


"So, what do you think about all this? I mean, I never really asked you why you chose me. You could have easily forgotten me while I was down with the Diamond Dogs and moved on with your life. What is it about me that makes me so special to you?"

Cheerilee thinks about this for a moment. “Honestly? I don’t really know how to put it into words, I think it was because you cared. you sacraficed yourelf for me, and that says a lot about the kind of pony you are. But enough about that, let’s just enjoy this wonderful party.”


Hey DJ-PON3! that was an awesome show you put back there! I especially enjoyed your first song. I could have sworn that i heard all the carriage alarms go off when you dropped THAT bass. You really are a fantastic musician. Its no wonder you get the whole stage to yourself. if anyone tried to outdo you in the music business then they are searching for a lost cause.

“Hey, thanks for the compliment always nice to hear from my fans.”

Edited by PageTurner(Pwny'sHeir)

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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“Evil Exes, yes.” Vinyl Corrects. Then, To your surprise, Vinyl leans in and gives you a quick smooch on the cheek. “That’s all you get on the first date.”

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie appears. “Hey Scratchy! I’m putting together a Party for Cheerilee and Her new Colfriend tomorrow! You’ll be there right? you can do that thing you do with the records and the scratching!”


(OOC: lol, suddenly, pinkie.)


*I blush and put my hoof to my cheek, then smile* Heh, I guess that'll suffice me for now. *When Pinkie appears, I'm a bit suprised and jump* Woah! Oh, it's just Pinkie... Hey Pinks, what's up? *I listen to to her and Vinyl's conversation, then I turn to Vinyl* Hey, that sounds like it could be fun! You should totally do it! Can I go with ya ta hang out?


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Morning star replied."it's alright i can wait for awhile take your time Celestia". Morning star knew he had to be Patience to get his chance with the Princess after all he knew how busy she can be.


Bob smiled."How about some hay fires , and some spaghetti maybe sunflower deluxe , and my Queen i am not trying to be romantic i only wish to get to know you more better". Bob smiled but he knew he told a lie within a truth. did wish to know her more but to only to romance her more.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Just a reminder, Be sure to Sign up in the OOC Thread if you haven't already! yes, this DOES apply to ALL of you. Have a nice weekend everypony.


The next morning Applejack arrives at your house to tell you that, unfortunately, her friends will not be able to make it.

“I suppose it’ll just be you an’ me.” She says. she does not seem altogether too upset by this.


Eljordo and rainbow dash get in line, and are soon joined by Dj Shy3 and Fluttershy.

“Oh hey Fluttershy!” Dash Calls. “Cool hair clip!”

“Oh, Hi Rainbow Dash. this is ADF, He made it for me.”

“Did he now?” Rainbow dash gives Shy3 the once over before leaning in to whisper. “Listen you, Fluttershy is very delicate, If you do anything to hurt her, I will mess you up, we clear?”


“Evil Exes, yes.” Vinyl Corrects. Then, To your surprise, Vinyl leans in and gives you a quick smooch on the cheek. “That’s all you get on the first date.”

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie appears. “Hey Scratchy! I’m putting together a Party for Cheerilee and Her new Colfriend tomorrow! You’ll be there right? you can do that thing you do with the records and the scratching!”


Celestia Smiles at you. “I appreciate the gesture, and I enjoy your company, please have a seat so that we can-” She is interrupted by A scroll witch appears out of nowhere and lands on the table next to her plate. she picks it up and opens it. she stands up suddenly. and looks at you. “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid our dinner will have to wait, My student has located the Changeling Hive. I must take care of this immediately.” She turns to leave.


(OOC: Do NOT try to rush it.)

The Changeling Queen sighs. “I told you that I cannot love you, yet you persist in your vain attemts to romance me. fine, we shall eat together. what meal do you desire? We are equipped to prepare any dish you would like.”


Applejack leans in and kisses you. “Y’all think too much.”


(OOC: Don’t worry about it, I live for Replies like yours.)

Celestia smiles. “Yes, I heard, It is all my sister has spoken of since I woke up. The number one thing you must remember is that she is a thousand years behind on the majority of culture, although she has taken quite an interest in the internet and video gaming. I hope this helps, and I hope you can help my Sister to come out of her shell.”


(Rolls a d10 for you against a d20 for spitfire, you both get a 9)

“Oh it is ON!” Spitfire shouts. Racing beside you leaving a trail of smoke in her wake. the two of you race neck and neck and reach the hill at the same time. “Whew! with moves like that Soarin may not need to go easy on you! I suppose we’ll be splitting the cost of that pie.””


Twilight puts a hoof on your shoulder to calm you down “It’s okay Mal, yes the spell worked, and I’ve already sent a letter to the princess. She should have those monsters rounded up by nightfall. We’ve won.” she levitates a book over to you. “I can understand you being a bit paranoid after all that’s happened to you, so here’s a spell that will tell you if somepony is a changeling.” She opens the book to a specific page and puts it in front of you. “I hope you don’t mind, I already performed it on you while you were sleeping. just to be sure.”


“Okie dokie Loki! Pinkie says. she bounces away, only to bounce back a moment later when you fail to stand up. “Wow, you look tired. here, Lemme help.” She leans down and helps you climb to your hooves. “Alrighty! Let’s go!”


Lyra clops her hooves together excitedly. “Yay! Let’s go over to my house and watch it right now!”

The two of you head over to Lyra’s house, where you are greeted by her roommate, Bon-Bon.

“Hey you, You’re not supposed to bring him home on the first date.”

“He’s going to watch Humans with me!”

“Oh no.”

“Oh yes!”

Bon-Bon groans and leaves you to it.

You and lyra sit down on the couch to watch the first episode of ‘My little Human.’


“The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie is always pleased to meet one of her enthusiastic admirers. Trixie Accepts your offer and will meet you at 11:00. Begone until then.”



Cheerilee thinks about this for a moment. “Honestly? I don’t really know how to put it into words, I think it was because you cared. you sacraficed yourelf for me, and that says a lot about the kind of pony you are. But enough about that, let’s just enjoy this wonderful party.”


“Hey, thanks for the compliment always nice to hear from my fans.”


"Yes Ma'am!" I say excitedly as I go home to prepare. "I need an outfit that grabs her attention but doesn't make me too flashy," I say as I reach my house. I open my closet and find only my guitar and a blue bow tie with yellow polka dots. "Oh right, restaurant singer salary," I mutter as I tie on the bow tie and head to town square.

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Just a reminder, Be sure to Sign up in the OOC Thread if you haven't already! yes, this DOES apply to ALL of you. Have a nice weekend everypony.


The next morning Applejack arrives at your house to tell you that, unfortunately, her friends will not be able to make it.

“I suppose it’ll just be you an’ me.” She says. she does not seem altogether too upset by this.


Eljordo and rainbow dash get in line, and are soon joined by Dj Shy3 and Fluttershy.

“Oh hey Fluttershy!” Dash Calls. “Cool hair clip!”

“Oh, Hi Rainbow Dash. this is ADF, He made it for me.”

“Did he now?” Rainbow dash gives Shy3 the once over before leaning in to whisper. “Listen you, Fluttershy is very delicate, If you do anything to hurt her, I will mess you up, we clear?”


“Evil Exes, yes.” Vinyl Corrects. Then, To your surprise, Vinyl leans in and gives you a quick smooch on the cheek. “That’s all you get on the first date.”

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie appears. “Hey Scratchy! I’m putting together a Party for Cheerilee and Her new Colfriend tomorrow! You’ll be there right? you can do that thing you do with the records and the scratching!”


Celestia Smiles at you. “I appreciate the gesture, and I enjoy your company, please have a seat so that we can-” She is interrupted by A scroll witch appears out of nowhere and lands on the table next to her plate. she picks it up and opens it. she stands up suddenly. and looks at you. “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid our dinner will have to wait, My student has located the Changeling Hive. I must take care of this immediately.” She turns to leave.


(OOC: Do NOT try to rush it.)

The Changeling Queen sighs. “I told you that I cannot love you, yet you persist in your vain attemts to romance me. fine, we shall eat together. what meal do you desire? We are equipped to prepare any dish you would like.”


Applejack leans in and kisses you. “Y’all think too much.”


(OOC: Don’t worry about it, I live for Replies like yours.)

Celestia smiles. “Yes, I heard, It is all my sister has spoken of since I woke up. The number one thing you must remember is that she is a thousand years behind on the majority of culture, although she has taken quite an interest in the internet and video gaming. I hope this helps, and I hope you can help my Sister to come out of her shell.”


(Rolls a d10 for you against a d20 for spitfire, you both get a 9)

“Oh it is ON!” Spitfire shouts. Racing beside you leaving a trail of smoke in her wake. the two of you race neck and neck and reach the hill at the same time. “Whew! with moves like that Soarin may not need to go easy on you! I suppose we’ll be splitting the cost of that pie.””


Twilight puts a hoof on your shoulder to calm you down “It’s okay Mal, yes the spell worked, and I’ve already sent a letter to the princess. She should have those monsters rounded up by nightfall. We’ve won.” she levitates a book over to you. “I can understand you being a bit paranoid after all that’s happened to you, so here’s a spell that will tell you if somepony is a changeling.” She opens the book to a specific page and puts it in front of you. “I hope you don’t mind, I already performed it on you while you were sleeping. just to be sure.”


“Okie dokie Loki! Pinkie says. she bounces away, only to bounce back a moment later when you fail to stand up. “Wow, you look tired. here, Lemme help.” She leans down and helps you climb to your hooves. “Alrighty! Let’s go!”


Lyra clops her hooves together excitedly. “Yay! Let’s go over to my house and watch it right now!”

The two of you head over to Lyra’s house, where you are greeted by her roommate, Bon-Bon.

“Hey you, You’re not supposed to bring him home on the first date.”

“He’s going to watch Humans with me!”

“Oh no.”

“Oh yes!”

Bon-Bon groans and leaves you to it.

You and lyra sit down on the couch to watch the first episode of ‘My little Human.’


“The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie is always pleased to meet one of her enthusiastic admirers. Trixie Accepts your offer and will meet you at 11:00. Begone until then.”



Cheerilee thinks about this for a moment. “Honestly? I don’t really know how to put it into words, I think it was because you cared. you sacraficed yourelf for me, and that says a lot about the kind of pony you are. But enough about that, let’s just enjoy this wonderful party.”


“Hey, thanks for the compliment always nice to hear from my fans.”


Although it was rather unfortunate that AJ's friends couldn't tag along, Red Talon felt the butterflies in his stomach.

"A weekend with nopony else but Applejack?" he thought. "Well, besides when I'm practicing, qualifying, and racing but still, spending four days with Applejack! Thing seem to be going my way for once."

When Thursday came, he and Applejack boarded the train headed for Neightona Beach. It was quite a pleasant train ride, as Red Talon and AJ had a nice conversation (as well as a delicious lunch) all the way. Upon arriving at Neightona, Red Talon and Applejack checked into the hotel, which was situated right next to the beach, overlooking the vast, blue ocean. As dinner time rolled around, Red Talon and Applejack headed into the town to search for a good restaurant. Finally, the two decided to eat at a small diner. The food there was, to Red Talon's surprise, quite tasty. Applejack certainly enjoyed her meal. After their dinner, the two decided to sit on the beach and just shoot the breeze. Applejack noticed the worried look on Red Talon's face. After AJ asked what the matter was, Red Talon spoke up.

"Well, you know, it's racing. It's a sport that gives and takes. Every time I go out there, I know that there is a possibility of serious injury. Now many ask why I even race if it's so dangerous. It seems as if the racetrack seems to be the best place for me. It's like my natural talent is racing. As you can see, I'm just not cuttin' it with my current job. If I want to get out of that dead-end job, I need to really grab the attention of major teams and sponsors, and make a living off of racing. And after last year's incident at Neightona which nearly put me out of racing for good, I've got a lot of pressure not only to overcome my trauma, but also I need to get the attention of major teams if I want to stay in Ponyville, and not move to some slum in the middle of nowhere. Sure, I don't have a whole lot of friends in Ponyville, but I've lived there for almost all of my life. Being separated from my hometown, my memories, and especially you, is quite a daunting thought. If I don't place well on Sunday, I'm afraid that my days in Ponyville will be numbered."

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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