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gaming Obscure Games You've Played


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VVVVVV, but I don't think that's all too obscure anymore.


Marisa and Alice, aka MariAri, it's a Mario and Wario puzzle clone. Also, fucking difficult.


Marathon was overlooked, but not that obscure. Basically Doom with a better plot.


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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i think my favorite game when i was a kid was "Jade Cocoon" on ps1. It reminded me a lot of pokemon, but the story was brilliant. No one played it though because it was to long winded and full of text.

well, well, well... what do we have here? Its our old friend... Rainbow CRASH hehehehe *Rainbow dash angry eyes*
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Touhou for DAYS


Does Touhou count as obscure? It's quite popular among nerds. Or at least the ones I know :/

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Does Touhou count as obscure? It's quite popular among nerds. Or at least the ones I know :/


It's REALLY popular on Youtube, that much I know, but among the public eye it is obscure. It's hard to judge these things sometimes XD


I always imagined Touhou to be the perfect kind of game to make into MLP. I can imagine an MLP version of "Embodiment of Scarlet Devil" with Twilight easily.

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I always imagined Touhou to be the perfect kind of game to make into MLP. I can imagine an MLP version of "Embodiment of Scarlet Devil" with Twilight easily.


This is quite possibly the best idea I've heard all month.

  • Brohoof 1

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A very, very obscure PS1 game that never got released out of Japan. It felt like an on-rails Crash Bandicoot. It's pretty much the greatest game in existence.



Edited by CynicalBrony
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Okay I will say, it does not look a bad game and I do find the music entertaining if repetitive. It's one of those oddities that's oddly enjoyable XD


Another odd game: http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=Hot+Shots+Golf:+Coca+Cola+Special+Edition&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1600&bih=775&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=6ePaIfJcD8DPXM:&imgrefurl=http://psp.ign.com/dor/objects/735646/hot-shots-golf-coca-cola-special-edition/images/hot-shots-golf-coca-cola-special-edition-20050314113720539.html&docid=AF-hzsetJLlDhM&imgurl=http://pspmedia.ign.com/psp/image/article/595/595812/hot-shots-golf-coca-cola-special-edition-20050314113720539_640w.jpg&w=480&h=272&ei=GJcTT5H6G8Tz0gHsxeGqAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=343&vpy=158&dur=53&hovh=169&hovw=298&tx=178&ty=71&sig=114531815489321520254&page=1&tbnh=96&tbnw=169&start=0&ndsp=34&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0


Hot Shots Golf:Coca Cola special edition. I cannot for the life of me find any videos of it, but I think this is the rarest PSP game. Released only in Japan, only 1300 of these babies exist. I tear up when I think of how somepony might have just thrown away the UMD without thinking, leaving only a few in existence.

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Another odd game: http://www.google.ca...=1t:429,r:1,s:0


Hot Shots Golf:Coca Cola special edition. I cannot for the life of me find any videos of it, but I think this is the rarest PSP game. Released only in Japan, only 1300 of these babies exist. I tear up when I think of how somepony might have just thrown away the UMD without thinking, leaving only a few in existence.


That IS a terrible thing to think of, even for a golf game.


I mean

is a goddamn legend, you can't even find that anymore. Edited by FinalGamer
  • Brohoof 1

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That IS a terrible thing to think of, even for a golf game.


I mean

is a goddamn legend, you can't even find that anymore.


Epic Simpsons reference is epic.

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  • 4 months later...

Dinasty Warriors for the PSone. Really it wasn't a bad game it's just that the thing controlled like a ton of bricks but I'll be honest in that I'd like to see another full fledged fighting game in the series.

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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Not that obscure, but Sid Meier's Pirates! was fantastic. I saw a status on the forums once about it; it was actually a really well made game and fun to play as well. Unfortunately replay value wasn't fantastic and it got a bit repetitive after a while, but still excellent.

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