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Your favourite quotes.


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"You should see yourself, do you have any idea what you look like at this moment, Spike?"


"A ravenous beast. The same blood runs through both of us. The blood of a beast who wanders, hunting for the blood of others"

"I bled all that kind of blood away"

-Vicious and Spike, confronting each other for the first time in a while (Ballad of the Fallen Angels, Cowboy Bebop)


Spike Spiegel: There once was a tiger-striped cat. This cat died a million deaths, revived & lived a million lives, and he was owned by various people who he really didn't care for. The cat wasn't afraid to die. Then one day the cat became a stray cat which meant he was free. He met a white female cat & the two of them spent their days together happily. Well, years passed & the white cat grew weak & died of old age. The tiger-striped cat cried a million times, & then he died too. Except this time, he didn't come back to life.

Jet Black: Yeah. That's a good story.

Spike Spiegel: I hate that story.

Jet Black: Huh?

Spike Spiegel: I never liked cats, you know that. Jet Black: Oh yeah, that's right.

-Spike's final talk with Jet. (The Real Folk Blues, Cowboy Bebop)

Edited by Zalgo


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"Live in ignorance, Die in ignorance."- Fryderyk Franzosec Chopin, Eternal Sonata.


"All around us the world is fading at an incredibly rapid rate. And yet, you say you aren’t able to see it.

Well, perhaps there is a reason for that. Perhaps you can't see it because you are fading even faster than the world." - Fryderyk Franzosec Chopin, Eternal Sonata.


	Edited  by RWB

  • Brohoof 1

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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From Albert Einstein

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."


From Iroh in the show "Avatar: The Last Airbender

"Life is like this dark tunnel.  You may not always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you keep moving, you will come to a better place."

  • Brohoof 1

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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"If fighting will result in victory you must fight" a lot of people recognize it but if you don't its from the art of war. I heard in in the meet the solider trailer and I recently read the art of war.

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"Fiction is the truth inside the lie."
Might wanna show that to idiots who reject examples from movies/cartoons/comics with the argument "it's fiction" alone.




Here's one I can relate to.


That, and whenever I try and draw digitally (I use GIMP and a mouse, don't have a tablet), I find the proportions seem to like to run away and hide somewhere.


More recently

"you know you're in deep shit when a little girl calls your little girl stuff for baby stuff."

-Viscra's comment on a blog

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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"Whom ever created politics is the cornerstone of evil, the stepping stone of real men, and was stoned out of their gourds." -- Some homeless guy i met in the park when i was little.. best quote evar,

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More Super Paper Mario quotes, all from the 8th world (Castle Bleck)


"Bwaha! Don't worry. I've had egg-salad sandwiches chunkier than this guy. You just step back and watch how a totally awesome tyrant gets business done." -Bowser about to battle O'Chunks


"To get to Count Bleck, it seems you must hit this totally unsuspicious block!" -Mimi posing as Merlon, which you ironically have to follow in order to advance


"I don't know how you were raised, but I was taught to help people in need!" -Peach hanging off an edge holding Mimi

Edited by Feather Spiral

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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Well,  here are some of my favorite quotes.

"The answer to 1984 is 1776!" -Alex Jones

"life is hard, it's harder if you're stupid" John Wayne

Also one of my favorite Movie speeches/Quote is from John Wayne also.happy.png

  • Brohoof 2


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"If she says Mrs.Dash im gonna lose it"__




"Victory is mine"__


"Damn You vile women!!"__


"Your gonna kill the kids from Dawsons Creek!"__


"yea and God said to Abraham; "You will kill your son Isaac." And Abraham said, "I can't hear You, you'll have to speak into the microphone." And God said, "I'm sorry, is this better? Check check... check. Jerry, pull the high end out, I'm still getting some hiss back here."--

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What do you do with the mad that you feel
When you feel so mad you could bite?
When the whole wide world seems oh, so wrong...
And nothing you do seems very right?

What do you do? Do you punch a bag?
Do you pound some clay or some dough?
Do you round up friends for a game of tag?
Or see how fast you go?

It's great to be able to stop
When you've planned a thing that's wrong,
And be able to do something else instead
And think this song:

I can stop when I want to
Can stop when I wish.
I can stop, stop, stop any time.
And what a good feeling to feel like this
And know that the feeling is really mine.
Know that there's something deep inside
That helps us become what we can.
For a girl can be someday a woman
And a boy can be someday a man.


--Fred M. Rogers

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

  • Brohoof 1




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Time travel is awesome and useful. That sentence had a typo when I published it... the first time. - Craig Benzine


There's nothing to fear but fears themselves such as monsters, rejection, food poisoning, redundancy, monsters, and oxford commas. - Craig Benzine


Are inprefections is which make we grate. - Creg Benzene


Why be tough when you can just look tough or never leave the house. - Craig Benzine


The grass is always greener when it's covered in money. - Craig Benzine


I think I'll save death for last. - Craig Benzine


It's better to have loved and lost, only depending on how long you've loved and how much money they took. - Craig Benzine


This quote was originally yelled in a canyon canyon canyon canyon. - Craig Benzine


He's kinda my favorite.

  • Brohoof 1


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"Fate decreed that you had to die so that I could win my freedom."



"Snake. We're not tools of the government, or anyone else. Fighting was the only thing... the only thing I was good at. But... at least I always fought for what I believed in."

-Gray Fox


"One Vision, One Purpose"




  • Brohoof 1



IF is best girl.

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This is from Gabor Maté, MD, on addiction.



"These patients of mine die young. They get diseases from HIV, the get infections of their brains, of their heart valves, of their spines. They get crippled, they commit suicide, they get killed violently, they overdose, they get cancer, they die of liver disease and few of them live into their fifties. And the question is "why". Why do people keep doing these terribly damaging things to themselves which has such negative consequences in their lives where they lose their health, they lose their lives, they lose their families, their children, their dignity, their bodies, their teeth, their earthly possessions and still they persist. It's not possible to answer that question if we see it as weakness of will, if we see it as moral failure, if we see it as some kind of a bad decision that people make. It's much deeper than that."


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Final(?) round of Siper Paper Mario quotes because I finished it (not sure there will be more after the story's end though, if I find any I'll write them down)


Come on! Man up a little. You never give up this easy when you attack MY castle!

-Bowser encouraging Mario for the (semi-)final battle


Four heroes unite, their hope burns forth light, to shatter the walls of blight.

-Light Prognosticus quoted by Merlon reported by Tippi


If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one.



You believed your prophecy, and we believed in mopping the floor with you!

-Bowser's display of empathy towards Dimentio


Nothing is decided entirely by fate, you know... All things determine their destinies. Goodbye now, Dimentio. We'll add a footnote to the prophecy about your failure.



We have to create the ideal world that, um, the count wished for in his heart. A world of love, not war. Yeah, let's all pencil that in. An appointment... of hope.



Farewells are bittersweet... but as long as you live, you can never escape them. To feel sadness is to live. But as long as you're alive, the future is a blank page.


Edited by Feather Spiral

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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"What you've sent us doesn't seem possible.

Yes ma'am. I understand. That's why we sent it."

-conversation between Starfleet base operator and Kelvin comm officer


"Spock, you are fully capable of deciding your own destiny. The question you face is: which path will you choose? This is something only you can decide."

-Sarek lecturing Spock after the fight


"Is there a problem, officer?"

-child Kirk right after the Corvette he'd been driving falls into the quarry (where he almost fell himself)


"Uhura? No way! That's the name I was gonna make up for you!"

-Kirk trying to impress Uhura whose name he managed to get


"I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

Well, not only."

-Uhura and Kirk, after the latter unexpectedly describes the meaning of 'xenolinguistics'


"I looked up your file while you were drooling on the floor. Your aptitude tests are off the charts, so what is it? You like being the only genius level repeat offender in the Midwest?"

-Christopher Pike to Kirk


"Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."

-McCoy's rant about going into space


"I intend to assist in the effort to reestablish communication with Starfleet. However, if crew morale is better served by my roaming the halls weeping, I will gladly defer to your medical expertise."

-Spock's reply to McCoy lecturing him about dumping Kirk


"She is one well-endowed lady. I'd like to get my hands on her "ample nacelles," if you pardon the engineering parlance."

-Scotty gets enthusiastic about getting aboard the Enterprise


"What is necessary is never unwise."

-Sarek wants Spock to open up, after Kirk relieves him for being "emotionally compromised"


"If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

-Spock during the discussion that reveals what has happened


"I'm coming with you.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

See? We are getting to know each other."

-Kirk and Spock


"You'll be able to fly this thing, right?

Something tells me I already have."

-Kirk and Spock, inside the Jellyfish (the ship future Spock had flown in)


"I am not our father."

-future Spock




"...Hey, could you not bring me down to Earth so hard? It hurts my mind."

-Kyuubi (the protagonist/narrator of Morenatsu), to Kouya who snuck up from behind and whispered in his ear

Edited by Feather Spiral
  • Brohoof 1

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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I can't believe this hasn't been on this post already



Now for something more serious

Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest Iuppiter reprehendere.

Even jupiter can find a lost opportunity. -Phi. Zero escape: virtue's last reward


What if? What if…? But are those “what if”s really just “what if”s -Phi. Zero escape: virtue's last reward


Tu fui, ego eris.

What you are, I was; what I am, you will be. -To avoid spoilers -???. Zero escape: virtue's last reward

  • Brohoof 1


 Signature made by Sir Lunashy

My OC Midnight Blade:Midnight Blade

And Lightning Strings:Lightning Strings

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"Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you."

This is one of my top-ten favorites. The face of those paranoid people when they read this..... classic.



"A good friend will bail you out of jail, a best friend will be sitting next to you saying 'damn, we fucked up'"

This is also in the top ten.

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I don't really know who said this... but I love the quote (I even made it my personal motto on my profile)


No one looks back on their life and remembers the nights they had plenty of sleep


Makes me feel like a sack of shit for wasting my time, but it makes me want to work hard and do something to be proud of.


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"The reason why I frankly think it's a waste of time to engage in moral value judgments about people's violence is because it doesn't advance by one iota our understanding of either the causes or prevention of the violent behavior. People sometimes ask if I believe in forgiving criminals. My answer to that is 'no, I don't believe in forgiveness any more than I believe in condemnation'. It's only if we as a society can take the same attitude of treating violence as a problem in public health and preventive medicine rather than as a moral evil--it's only when we make that change in our own attitudes and assumptions and values that we will actually succeed in reducing the level of violence rather than stimulating it; which is what we do now." - psychiatrist and author James Gilligan

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