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How open are you about ponies?


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I don't run around and yell it into everypony's face, but when someone asks me, I tell them. And also when I think somepony might like the show, I tell them.

  • Brohoof 1

"No matter what. We have to live our lives with no regrets."

- Portgas D. Ace

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I'm fairly open about it. I don't go shouting it from the rooftops, but my friends know I like it (even got some of them into it!). It wouldn't bother me if other people knew. I'm way past the point in my life where I give two hoots what people think of me over silly things like that.

  • Brohoof 2

If you're happy and you know it you're unusual.


But that doesn't mean it's not worth trying~

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I'm a bit private about it. Some of my friends know, as does my brother. When people ask, I kinda of shy away from the question...


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I'm fairly open. My immediate family knows and my few friends, but none of them really take me seriously (apart from the two friends who actually got me into the show). My younger sister told all her friends and they mock me when they see me, my brother still thinks it's "gay", and my mother doesn't know what to think so she tries to make jokes. I wear my sonic rainboom shirt to my school and in public and make subtle references to the show in conversation trying to weed out incognito bronies, but no luck so far. I've finally convinced one of my friends to watch a few episodes and he's going to fairly soon.

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I'm completely open about it, sometimes I'll be singing a pony song to myself, and someone will ask what I'm singing. I act like it's no bug deal that I'm singing a song from My Little Pony, because it's not.


Only one person has ever been bugged by it(not even shoving it down her throat, I don't do that), and she happened to be my best friend from kindergarten to like, fifth grade. Then she started being mean to me and now makes fun of me for watching ponies. Everyone else thinks it's awesome, though. :)

  • Brohoof 1

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I am afraid of what my family and friends would think if they knew. I do love making references to the show when Im in a call with both bronies and non bronies on skype because my brony friends will laugh and the non bronies will be like, mmmm, k?

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When I first got into it, I wanted everybody I the world to know. But then I started getting judged so I stopped and only tell my close freinds, in private. Sadly, I havent gotten anyone to become a brony. But I met a girl brony at school but still. I learned that not everybody is open enought to actually accept the fact that you watch MLP and try it themselves. But as for wearing the clothes and playing with the toys, its not something I want to spend my moms hard working money on.

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I an pretty open, all my friends know and most (even the ones who dislike the show) have watched all of it. I talk about it like any other TV show that i like.


I steadily looked at forum and pic and watched episodes on my PC in the living room so when i got my pony plush in the mail my family didn't think so much of it. Though i think my dad thought it was a bit odd when i first got it haha, then when he saw/felt the quality i think he changed his mind :P

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You'd never be able to tell I was a brony. So.......... not open.

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I don't care a single second about "showing" my bronyness. I find wearing T-shirt of a show or being a fanboy is completely silly so, I'm open yes, but i'm not showing it since I don't see the interest in it

  • Brohoof 1

I'm what once was, what now is and what shall be.

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I try to be a little closed about it. My friends know about it, some of them hate it, but I would prefer that my family didn't know about it, hence why I type this alone in my room at 1:20 in the morning. Even with the type of explanations I have given to my friends people still can't see why I enjoy the show and as such they don't understand. And people fear that which they don't understand.


I should note that I have had some friends straight up tell me they thought the brony thing was a form of pedophilia, they even tried to stage a kind of intervention when I really started getting into the show. People can be assholes

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I am kinda a closet brony, I can't really help it though because I swear im one of the only bronies in my area. I plan on wearing a 20% cooler shirt when school starts again to see if I truley am alone.

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So far havent told many people at all because im pretty much stuck inside. But im planning to start displaying it soon. Like saying quotes from the series in public maybe?


Previously known as Phil

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If people ask, i'll tell them. If they are an MLP fan, I'll defiantly tell them. There are alot of people i've told who aren't... I guess i keep it around my friend circle, But i'm okay for anyone to know. ^^


Brony Guards - Apply now!


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Contrary to popular belief by strange people, Rainbow Dash is the best pony in the entire universe.

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I tell no one, not my friends, not my family. I guess I'm kinda embarrassed about it. I may tell some one some day, but not any time soon.

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I'm pretty open about my Bronyness :3


I openly bought a couple of MLP toys from a couple of stores


& I'm gonna openly Try to find a Princess Luna figure whenever I can :3

Edited by ds8


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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I was never really open about anything,and MLP is not an exeption.


I'm (a lot) shy and I'm unable to go around telling everyone about my likes. But I'm trying my best to overcome this.

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