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gaming World of Warcraft

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Well as much as I enjoy playing it, there are many things I absolutely dislike about it.


First of all...here we go into the pvp rant.. I love pvp, and I am pretty good at it. Got Challenger, Duelist, etc. So I know what I am doing when it comes to my class vs other classes in a pvp situation. What I don't like at all is how tank designed players are dominating due to a buff called Vengeance. If they made it so vengeance only procs only from pve hits, there would not be the issue with tanks out healing a dps, and being able to out damage them.


It makes no sense for you, a dps to lose to a defensive oriented specialty because of a stacking buff that was designed only for pve. For example, Blood Death knights will hit super hard Deathstrike crits (Which gives them super health) and will eventually kill you from a crutch buff.


Removing vengeance from the pvp scene will balance this. A tank should never be in pvp unless he is to carry a flag, or to defend a base. Being a tank should not allow you to do more damage than a dps, and kill any melee who dares attack you.


/Rant done.

Edited by Hayze
  • Brohoof 1


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  • Bought the battlechest during black friday
  • Play to lvl 45 in a month
  • Get bored and go back to Team Fortress 2

Yeah I could never get into it, and as far as I know what PvP in that game is "Step out of spawn, die". I did one or two raids, never had a decent ground from public and I had no idea what I was doing.

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Not playing that game anymore, (played since vanilla) now it's ponies,Nintendo and HoN (with some other PC games).


The game lost it's value at the start of Wotlk tbh, there is not enough balancing to the classes to keep it enjoyable.

WoW is still a great game for those who haven't played it that long or experienced flawless design by blizzard but i'm done with it...


If you are interested i had a 85 BE Death Knight, 85 BE Paladin, 85 Shaman (ally),85 goblin Warrior and with around 10+ over lvl 60 in all different classes/races.

  • Brohoof 1

<3 ~Fairy Fairy~ <3



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Not playing that game anymore, (played since vanilla) now it's ponies,Nintendo and HoN (with some other PC games).


The game lost it's value at the start of Wotlk tbh, there is not enough balancing to the classes to keep it enjoyable.

WoW is still a great game for those who haven't played it that long or experienced flawless design by blizzard but i'm done with it...


If you are interested i had a 85 BE Death Knight, 85 BE Paladin, 85 Shaman (ally),85 goblin Warrior and with around 10+ over lvl 60 in all different classes/races.


Basically this.


I was a very late BCer and I loved WotLK. Karahzan and Ulduar are the best raids to ever come out in my opinion. And I love the Death Knight class (My best pvping class.) as it used to be so versatile and unique...I miss frost tanks and blood dps...


My best raiding class was a Paladin, I was protection (Tank) and did a pretty damn good job of it. What wore me down over time was all the hate in the community. Even in guilds I got so much hate for who I am, even though I taught many players how to play the game/their class, and was in the top 10 best geared/performing tanks on the server.


What killed it for me was the pvp rant I went on about. The Pve content was boring to me, and the pvp seemed too imbalanced with people rolling flavor of the month compositions. All in all, I played the game for too long, and it's gimmick wore off on me.


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Its a game thats dying a slow and painfull death.


I've played it since TBC and its just become worse and worse.

In their upcoming expantion they will feature the race Pandarians, in other words Pandas.

And instead och focusing on PvE this will be PvP.

This for me is a huge lack of Ideas.


Thats why everyone should be playing SW:ToR by now.



Signature made by Kyoshi

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It was an iconic game in the MMO field for many years. World of Warcraft showed us how the genre should be done, and done well. Blizzard put epic amounts of work into building, supporting, and maintaining the game, and it kept millions of players around for many years.


I myself started during the Burning Crusade, played all through Wrath of the Lich King (got to kill Arthas too, back when it was still hard), and then played up to the Firelands in Cataclysm. But my time in that epic world is now passed, and as I look upon the scape that is the field of MMOs I see the sun is setting on that great cyber empire. Like so many others that have gone before, it has had its time in the sun. But the world has been waiting for a successor for some time now, eagerly looking for something new to take its place. People thought Rift would do that, but it failed. People now say Star Wars: TOR will do it. We will have to wait and see.


But this is not necessarily a bad thing. Like the British Empire that once spanned the world so that 'the sun never set' on its lands, so it's fall brought about a new era of independence and fresh starts. World of Warcraft has been an awesome game, and it changed the landscape of MMOs forever. But now as it declines there is an opportunity for fresh starts, for new companies to come along and build their own games off what Blizzard taught us with WoW. I see Bioware as leading the pack with TOR, but they are certainly not alone. New things are out there, on the horizon. Let us embrace what is to come. :)

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I played a little WoW on my friend's account back when it first came out. Not too soon after that, I switched to guild wars because the battles are more strategic and it doesn't have monthly fees. But even that i quit after a while.


The only MMO I've invested a lot of time in is Sho Online. It's kinda like WoW, but it's set in ancient, mythical china, during a war between 2 countries. The normal PvE is pretty standard, but every 8 hours, here is a massive PvP war that takes everybody on the server and has them fight over territories. You could win or lose land, which would influence areas you could go during PvE without being attacked by all the guards and enemy player instantly. It was quite fun, but after one of the major content updates, it stopped working for Vista and 7, and they don't seem to have ever fixed it. that pissed me off, since I was one of the major members of one of the biggest and most respected guilds in Zhao (my country), had millions of in game money, and even had a griphin, a really hard to get pet. A wild one would spawn once about every 8 hours (offset from war time, obviously) in a random area, one for each country. I happened to be right near one when it spawned, killed it, and got it's egg :D


But now I can't even play :(

Edited by Evilshy

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Well, I think Blizzard is trying to tap into the casual market which is really large nowadays thanks to the Wii. I have NEVER stepped outside of orgrimmar in cataclysm on my main because everything is handed to you on a silver platter. Remember back in the vanilla days? I was there, I experienced it, the world was lively and fun and world pvp was at it's prime in places like Hillsbrad and the Barrens. The game took skil to play, and it was considered an amazing feat to finally get to the level cap or beat Onyxia for the first time.


Blizzard, you have turned your once prime MMO into a giant medieval facebook.

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I played it..- what like.. 5 years ago. I don't mean to offend anypony here, but I don't really find it too enjoyable.


To really enjoy it, you have to really put time and money into the game. Like a lot of time and money.

Signatures are for fillies.

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Well, I think Blizzard is trying to tap into the casual market which is really large nowadays thanks to the Wii. I have NEVER stepped outside of orgrimmar in cataclysm on my main because everything is handed to you on a silver platter. Remember back in the vanilla days? I was there, I experienced it, the world was lively and fun and world pvp was at it's prime in places like Hillsbrad and the Barrens. The game took skil to play, and it was considered an amazing feat to finally get to the level cap or beat Onyxia for the first time.


Blizzard, you have turned your once prime MMO into a giant medieval facebook.


I spent a huge chunk of my time defending the Corss roads. The damned Alliance always picked on xroads, that should of been a battleground in it's own right. And then there was the dreaded "Barrens Chat" and it was the lowest form of idiocy I have ever seen. Sad thing is I mill the old Barrens chat...


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I spent a huge chunk of my time defending the Corss roads. The damned Alliance always picked on xroads, that should of been a battleground in it's own right. And then there was the dreaded "Barrens Chat" and it was the lowest form of idiocy I have ever seen. Sad thing is I mill the old Barrens chat...


Yeah...I remember Barrens chat. Nothing beat questing on my Orc in the Barrens and then someone brought up starbursts or Metallica XD.

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  • 2 months later...

I quit playing ~2009


85 holy/ret pally human

85 blood/ice dk gnome(trans. to troll)

85 boomkin/tree druid Nelf

85 resto druid Turen

And a shit ton of alts.


edit: Ysera

Edited by moosefullaeggs
  • Brohoof 1




Physical Health: 6/10
Mental Health: -0.527/e


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I quit taking that drug along time ago.



"The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

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I used to play it. I just no longer have a PC that will run it, and I cba paying for subs all the time.


My main is a Draenei Hunter. Can't even remember which server. BronzeDragonflight or something I think...


And I have a Tauren druid, and a Tauren hunter. The hunter's the first one I made, and the Druid is one I used to RP with.

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I play now and then, mostly because of annual pass so i get Diablo for free xD


i play alliance on Shadowsong/EU and horde on Tarren Mill/EU

Level 85 Blood Elf Rogue - Quedtai

Level 85 Human Mage - Llyim

Level 85 Night Elf Druid - Trikotak

Level 85 Human Paladin - Schyom

Level 85 Gnome Warlock - Queeth

and some alts in level 60+ :)


my Email is Jimmie.10@gmail.com

feel free to add me :)

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