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Battle tag is Banul#1613 


I'm kind of all over the place with servers. Most of my characters are on Wyrmrest Accord, but I've been playing on Korgath a bit after a guy I used to play with resubbed.

Sent! We can discuss what server we'll play on there.

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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I'll just share my battletag too. I'm European servers. Everyone can add me and talk, don't be shy :)



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I USE to RP a little bit, but not so much anymore. Last thing I did was some murder mystery on moon guard like half a year ago.


But improvising one with a stranger out of the blue isn't something I'm able to do often.

Man I improvised with one guy and he was pretty good, he led most of the story. I was on my belf paladin and he was a druid of somekind and we were looking for spies in orgrimmar, and at the end he took me up to the top of the place in durotar were orc/troll shamans use to go for their totem quests, that really high cliff, and then the dramatic reveal that I was the spy all along and then we dueled and he used Typhoon to knock me off the edge. I just thought it was pretty funny.

  • Brohoof 1
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I still play on Wyrmrest Accord and it seems like the server's quiet. My "main" is nearly Level 95, and I really need to get back into the world of roleplaying. I just don't know how to flesh characters out to make them more interesting and less bland.


Edit: If you want to add me, my name is Scolipede#1351. I'm from the Americas region.

Edited by Kelldrick
  • Brohoof 1

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have an itch to play again... My brother has been raiding a lot and he's been trying to convince me to return. But before I take the plunge, as someone who quit playing shortly after Warlords was released, I have a few questions.


1. How are garrisons nowadays? Are they still as "necessary" and "grindy" as before?

2. Are the new raids fun?

3. How is the PvP balance?

4. How are Warriors doing, PvP wise?


So yeah. If I don't come back to WoW quite yet, I may at least check out some private servers.

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1.) As a man who hated Garrisons from day 1...I still don't like them. They're too much like a chore. My followers are all epic, and several of them are ilvl 675. I have a mod that tells me who to upgrade first because of a "missions of interest" tab. They really fell flat and are super boring. Eventually, the RNG dilutes itself once you throw enough RNG at your followers via the new trait and ability rerolling items, but it's still really annoying to have a couple of followers with a unique ability spread, a really good trait, but two dead traits, and you fear the reroll will screw you over.


2.) That depends on who you raid with, I find. The past two weeks were really fun for me because we were progressing at a solid pace and the officer core wasn't breathing down my or my friends' necks for one thing or another. Now it's starting to get back to that "we're hitting a wall that can be fixed by cutting people but we don't want to cut people" problem.


The encounters themselves, as an Unholy Death Knight, vary. I fucking despise Beastlord Darmac, despite pulling ridiculous numbers. Oregorger is gimmicky, Gruul isn't really meant to be exciting, I haven't done the Blast Furnace yet, Hans and Franz are mildly annoying if fun to make fun of people who get pancaked, Flamebender is a bit boring, Kromog is fun as fuck, Operator Thogar is fun also, and Iron Maidens is a snorefest because it's so goddamn long. I haven't gone up against Blackhand yet, but the vids make it seem really cool.


I haven't touched PvP in WoD aside from getting ilvl 660 gear back when we were progressing through H Highmaul, so I am unable to answer your last two questions with any accuracy.


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I'm still looking for people to level a new toon with :P

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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I've played since late BC. I'm always on and off so I never say never to coming back. I played at the beginning of this expansion for a couple of months but quickly got burnt out without fun people to play with. I have two 100's and two more at 90 I would like to level eventually. I did a few raids but mainly was doing pvp. I'm open to come back to WoW but I would want to play with some of you guys if I did. This game is always so much more fun when you play with friends.

  • Brohoof 1


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I've played since late BC. I'm always on and off so I never say never to coming back. I played at the beginning of this expansion for a couple of months but quickly got burnt out without fun people to play with. I have two 100's and two more at 90 I would like to level eventually. I did a few raids but mainly was doing pvp. I'm open to come back to WoW but I would want to play with some of you guys if I did. This game is always so much more fun when you play with friends.

I'm always open to play with you :P

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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I have an itch to play again... My brother has been raiding a lot and he's been trying to convince me to return. But before I take the plunge, as someone who quit playing shortly after Warlords was released, I have a few questions.


1. How are garrisons nowadays? Are they still as "necessary" and "grindy" as before?

2. Are the new raids fun?

3. How is the PvP balance?

4. How are Warriors doing, PvP wise?


So yeah. If I don't come back to WoW quite yet, I may at least check out some private servers.

1) They are necessary for Mythic raiders basically, but mostly during the core progression. For example, my entire guild wiped all non-work order based Garrison buildings in order to maximize the amount of Elemental Runes we get per week so that we can get the 710 ring asap. Beyond that, they're in no way necessary... why, the only thing I do are Garrison missions.


But I simply must stress that it's a very good idea to level it up. There's a new trait, Treasure Hunter, which increases gold gain from missions by 100%. It basically means that the Garrison pays back all the money you dished on it within a few days after getting 2 Treasure Hunters to 100 epic, which is silly easy if you have a follower called Harrison Jones, which is gained by doing his 6 dailies.


2) REALLY fun! While many praise Highmaul, the ogre raid, I actually find it underwhelming, but it's entirely possible you'll find it awesome. I find it similar to AQ20/40, Bastion of Twilight, Dragon Soul and Molten Core. It's (essentially) one-way, with quite wild bosses. While they are quite fun, I simply don't fancy the theme of this mostly-ogre ruin.


Blackrock Foundry on the other hand, is friggin awesome! There are 4 wings, and unlike Icecrown Citadel, there are no forced starter bosses. Three wings have three bosses, and the final wing requires all other wings to be beaten, consisting of only one boss (Blackhand). Each end wing boss is actually significantly harder than the first and second bosses of any other wing, and each wing's bosses are quite comparable, so even in Mythic, you can choose which bosses you want to go after first. Theme-wise and on the epicness scale, I find it quite similar in enjoyment and feel to Icecrown Citadel and Black Temple. Dark, fiery, with themed bosses with interesting mechanics that keep you on your toes.


3) People always complain about balance, but really every expansion the balance gets better. Healers are far better balanced today, for example (unlike in MoP, where disc was so op), and while there are quite a few dps specs that are not viable, and outside of RBGs you still won't find consistent victories as a tank, I find that things are pretty ok, but I don't pvp that much. Also, the highly-anticipated Ashran was a monumental failure and Holinka can go get stamped by Hansfrans.


4) Once, a third of my Ashran raid was warriors (about 14 people). I think I don't need to really say anymore!



But... to be honest, if I didn't raid, I'd have probably unsubbed. I don't do anything but raid, so if I were to stop, I don't even know what I'd do. But as a raider I love this expansion!

  • Brohoof 1
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So...I finally made it to Level 100. I still have quite a bit to go before I upgrade my "main's" Garrison to Level 3.  I have the gold needed for the upgrade but lack the garrison resources.


I have to say, IMO, questing in Draenor is better than the past two expansions.

Edited by Kelldrick
  • Brohoof 1

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Anyone on the European servers feel free to add me :)


Normally playing either my monk or my shaman.


Also warrior PvP is unfair IMO :( Execute spam from silly talents...

Edited by Sylveon the Pink


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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I'd love to play World of Warcraft, but it's a fucking money machine. It's designed to suck as much money as possible out of people for as long as possible. I understand they're a business, but that tactic always raises a red-flag for me. 


So, I'm holding off on playing it until I can reasonably afford something of this nature. Unfortunately, this might be a long time from now because I have some very expensive things I need to prioritize first like college tuition.



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So, gonna be raiding soon, well, normal raiding. I've been gearing up on LFR, and what I've played so far is real fun. I'm at item level 632, and I talked to our guild's raid leader, and he put me on the raid team. I just need to get a day off where I can go and raid  :lol:  LFR has been fun, but it's been a mess, mostly due to lack of communication. Though I'm aware that LFR is supposed to be easy-mode. I have to ask, though, how much harder is Highmaul on normal than on LFR? Are there additional boss mechanics?

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So, gonna be raiding soon, well, normal raiding. I've been gearing up on LFR, and what I've played so far is real fun. I'm at item level 632, and I talked to our guild's raid leader, and he put me on the raid team. I just need to get a day off where I can go and raid  :lol:  LFR has been fun, but it's been a mess, mostly due to lack of communication. Though I'm aware that LFR is supposed to be easy-mode. I have to ask, though, how much harder is Highmaul on normal than on LFR? Are there additional boss mechanics?


It's really not that much harder, simply because most guilds use teamspeak/ventrilo etc. and the people have completed LFR and/or read tactics.

There might be a few tiny differences, but it's nothing big. Only thing on top of my head is the tiger pens are open in the gladiator fight, so don't step in those or you'll be dead. Things do more damage and mobs have more HP.

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I just realized how outdated my BM hunter talents are. I still have Steady Focus, Murder of Crows, and Intimidation as a few of my talents. Better fix that for the new updates.

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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So has anybody managed to get any of those rare mount drops? I.E. Invincible, Ashes of Al 'ar?

Depends on if anyone feels like camping Poundfist for days xD

Dunno if that's still true, been playing my hunter more recently.

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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Depends on if anyone feels like camping Poundfist for days xD

Dunno if that's still true, been playing my hunter more recently.

I heard of a glitch or something where you can basically keep killing the blood elf boss in netherstorm to get ashes of al'ar
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I heard of a glitch or something where you can basically keep killing the blood elf boss in netherstorm to get ashes of al'ar

Blizzard gets a bit ban-happy when it comes to exploits. I'm not risking it.

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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A glitch I found while exploring Northrend as my hunter.

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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So has anybody managed to get any of those rare mount drops? I.E. Invincible, Ashes of Al 'ar?


I did =) It's not that rare as it sounds.


Was pretty crazy about this game, as a huge gamer i am. It took me about 20 runs for both al'ar and invincible, and about 50 runs to i.e. Let me say you what? It took me more then 1800 run to put rivender to missary and share his mount :/


Crazy crazy days of past. I'm both glad and sad for not playing wow anymore )

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Been watching the 2014 Arena World Championships.


Skillcapped had mad some terrible plays.

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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I did =) It's not that rare as it sounds.


Was pretty crazy about this game, as a huge gamer i am. It took me about 20 runs for both al'ar and invincible, and about 50 runs to i.e. Let me say you what? It took me more then 1800 run to put rivender to missary and share his mount :/


Crazy crazy days of past. I'm both glad and sad for not playing wow anymore )

The thing about rare mount drops is that it's not random, but the game uses a random number generator for the mounts. I've only done ICC 25HC once, same with Tempest Keep, also, don't forget you may have gotten lucky, I've heard of people who've tried getting Invincible every week since Cata, and still have gotten nada.

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