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S01:E10 - Swarm of the Century



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This was one of the first episodes I watched of this show on YouTube, and I think it was a great introduction! My favorite part is near the end when Twilight tells everypony to build a replica of Ponyville. The way she says it and the "hurry up now, we only have 5 minutes!" just made it even funnier. I thought this was a fun episode as well.

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  • 2 months later...

I loved this episode and the parasprite polka (the music Pinkie was playing at the end).

The parasprites are so cute :wub:, one of my favorite scenes was when they annoyed Rainbow Dash.

I'd love to see them more often.

Edited by Blobulle
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  • 2 weeks later...

I would have to say that the parasprites either way do have enough of its appearance to get away with whatever chaos they bring anyway. You don't feel suspicious of them at all until it's too late. Pinkie, on the other hand, had that knowledge of parasprites when she was working in the rock farm rolling rocks. There could be a theory  that the rock farm used to be a regular farm full of crops and fruit trees, and when the parasprites came to eat it all up, it left the farm empty leaving rocks in the field. She was more likely taught by her parents about parasprites and how to get rid of them just in case of emergency, so that would be my theory on Pinkie's knowledge on parasprites. 

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Yes, this was a fun episode!!! Just like in "Look Before You Sleep," there was quite a bit of foreshadowing about just how far off the deep end Twilight can go, especially towards the end!!! Also, a very funny Pinkie Pie episode, especially the payoff at the end; still one of the most random moments ever in the show!!! img-844975-1-laugh.png


OMG, Celestia's face at 1:00 gets me everytime!!! Simply the perfect, "Well, I can honestly say I did not expect to see that today" face!!!!! img-844975-2-happy.png

That face has become my new favorite face.

  • Brohoof 1
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That face has become my new favorite face.


It takes the "WTF" face to the next level: The Royal WTF face!!!  B)

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I would have to say that the parasprites either way do have enough of its appearance to get away with whatever chaos they bring anyway. You don't feel suspicious of them at all until it's too late. Pinkie, on the other hand, had that knowledge of parasprites when she was working in the rock farm rolling rocks. There could be a theory  that the rock farm used to be a regular farm full of crops and fruit trees, and when the parasprites came to eat it all up, it left the farm empty leaving rocks in the field. She was more likely taught by her parents about parasprites and how to get rid of them just in case of emergency, so that would be my theory on Pinkie's knowledge on parasprites. 

This is an interesting theory :), we still don't know how Pinkie knew how to get rid of them after all.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This was a pretty good episode. It centered around parasprites swarming Ponyville. The parasprites are cute but deadly. It was a fun episode to watch. One thing I found funny was the banner saying:



You can fix that if you write a little smaller. :lol:

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 1 month later...

One thing that gets me.  No one ever tells Fluttershy, "Girl you've got things living in your hair! That is so uncool!"


As to Why does nobody pay any attention to Pinkie?  Pinkie is an idiot savant, accent on the idiot.  She does not have a mean bone in her head nor the common sense God gave a goose.  Her brain rattles around in her head like a BB in a boxcar.  Any idea that gets in her head dies of loneliness and starvation.  To quote Shakespeare, she is "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"


HOWEVER, every time I write her off as nothing but a total airhead, she has an amazing insight.  This is 1 time.  Another is in Luna Eclipsed, she figures out about Nightmare Moon hours ahead of Twilight.  I love her being "so mercifully free of the ravages of intellect."

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This episode was very good in my opinion.


I loved the creativity of the Parasprites. Those were very cute, but deadly..


One thing that I didn't like was that everypony was ignoring Pinkie. Even though she is silly, a friend needs to consider a friends opinion. She was right all alone and nopony listened.


What I found funny was how the Parasprites reproduce. That's hilarious!


Oh and how they kept wrecking Rarity's Boutique.


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  • 3 weeks later...

This one was okay, but not my favorite.  I'm not a huge fan of swarming things and I feel like the whole cute/over-reproducing thing has been done a lot.  Also, I know Twilight was trying to save face, but she should have offered their help for the infestation in Fillydelphia.  There were still some great moments, though, like Pinkie's disgusted expression as she paraded around in her one pony band, and I loved Rarity in this episode.  And of course, Twilight going a little crazy was awesome. 

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  • 3 months later...

There aren't really any episodes of MLP that I outright dislike, but there are some that just don't really deliver the entertainment that I was hoping for.  I did like this episode, and found it funny, but for a reason unknown to me, I did not find myself as entertained as certain other episodes of MLP.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Of course, it's one of those episodes that revolved around a character not fully explaining themselves.

Edited by Venomous
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I thought the episode was alright. I did not really like how Pinkie was depicted in the episode 

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  • 1 month later...

Oh if everypony would just take pinkie seriously instead of shrugging her off as crazy, as usual. 

Oh right how are they eating the words right out of a book?! FAKE! 

Edited by Lexamena
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  • 3 months later...

This was another okay episode for me,


Pinkies antics are a bit jarring for me, but you have to give her the doubt, since she is kinda random and it also works with the moral.


The Parasprites are nice i guess, but i never felt too big on them.


I am sorry, i don't have much to say about it, since i don't feel strong on this episode.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This episode reminds me of June Bugs.  Their little faces are so cute, but they multiply like sprits, and just as annoying. Perhaps that is where they got their idea. My favorite part was with Fluttershy (surprised?) I love her voice, what can I say? Then when the little critters kept multiplying, Pinkie kept asking for strange objects that didn't make any sense.  The funny part was that she knew all along how to get rid of the pests.  If only they would have listened to her. 



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  • 2 months later...

This is one of the moments where you see Rainbow Dash's girly side.

When I see episodes like this, I know that although AJ and RD and tomboys, they are basicly girly tomboys  :comeatus:

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