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gaming Best And Worst Final Fantasy You've Played?


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I'm really open to anything, but if it helps at all, i really like dragon quest 9. I want to try tactics advance, because it sounds alot like fire emblem.


I see. I haven't played Dragon Quest nor Fire Emblem, but I'll try to resume the strongest points of FF's I know (anyone else here is welcomed to correct me) (also, note this is just a few of the FF's). I warn you, I'll explain myself a lot with no spoilers so this might get...long. :lol:


VII is the most complicated plotwise in my opinion, and probably, the biggest one in character development. This is not to say it is the best, but you'll find yourself wondering a lot about the characters and a good lot of "Wait, how the hell did this happen?". It's well rounded on battle system and equipment system, and also on story/extra stuff ratio. It's one I definitely recommend if so.


VIII is similar to VIII in some things, but is more fantastical and less science stuff. It is SLIGHTLY more light-hearted then VII. I think it has a EXP system that for people hating to never see the number going up, it's nice. However the Junction system and the Draw system, which is the the way you get more magics and get better stats, is something people have seem to either hate or love (personally, VIII is one of my two favorites). This game might turn you around a few heads, but I think as much as VII. If you don't like the systems, but can ignore that, you'll enjoy the game a lot.


IX is a back-to-basics in the story of the FF series, mainly, because it went back to a highly fantastical scenario. Out of the other two I mentioned, it's definitely more light-hearted than the other two, but don't be fooled. When there's drama you'll FEEL it. It resembles more VII if you look the battle and equipment system, except the "job" part of the characters is much, much more marked. Since this is more light-hearted, if you happen to like that you'll enjoy this game a lot. This game is also known for one being able to finish WAY fast if you do everything right (especially for a certain thing), but for the first times, it is great and long enough.


X is quite in change in the sense that, characters actually speak now, and the battle system is now turn-based, allowing for more strategy to unfold, and it overgoes the 9,999 now extending it to 99,999, has a different evolution system to learn abilities, magic, etc, and a lot more things. It is as light-hearted as, and adds drama in the same way as IX. I think it might be the longest of the other FF's so far. It's also slightly more linear than the rest, but it's not something that would hinder you, unless you just HATE it when it happens.


X-2 is the sequel to X, and is known for having a job system (but slightly different) because for having only three playable characters instead of the usual 6, 7 or 8. It's also different because it is free-roaming right from the start. I don't think many people actually like this game, and to me is proably the more meh out of the FF's I played, however, this shouldn't deter you. Plotwise it's...interesting, to say the least, and doesn't have as much drama as any of others and is quite light-hearted. It also returns to the old battle system of previous FF's, ATB.


XII is probably the one that is more criticized for lack of character development, plot twists and stuff. But the characters and playing style make up for that. It's very free-roaming for the most part. IT definitely HAS more extra stuff than story, and it can take you HUNDREDS of hours before you completed it all. The espers, summons whatever you call it, also lose a bit of importance in this FF. The battle system is what I really enjoyed though (this is my other fav FF). Instead of random battles, you get to see your enemies in the field and in the battles you can move your characters unlike the rest. It also returns to the ATB system as well. Unless you really, really want a plot and character development, then you'll enjoy this if you liked the other things I mentioned.


XIII is another controversial FF for being quite the opposite of XII. It is HIGHLY linear, but it has more plot twists and character development. It also introduces a different battle system that requires lots of reflex and strategy and has a similar development system to that of X. Unles you seriously don't want a linear game, buy it. It is more than good enough to stand up for itself.


VII: Dirge of Cerberus is a different FF because it is a shooting style game, and it focuses on one character, and only one playable character. Of course, if done right, you get to see him in VII, so that's how one knows but...I ain't spoiling. If you like shooting games, and would also like more backstory on a certain character, buy it.


I I guess that's the best I can do for now. Sorry if it seems too...long winded. :unsure:

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your post


Holy crap, you didn't have to type all that out. I can try most of them, they shouldn't be that hard to find. They all seem really good, and once i find my USB ps2 controller, i'll try them out on my pc.

now i feel really bad for not responding with something really long.

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Holy crap, you didn't have to type all that out. I can try most of them, they shouldn't be that hard to find. They all seem really good, and once i find my USB ps2 controller, i'll try them out on my pc.

now i feel really bad for not responding with something really long.


Meh, don't worry. I always feel like doing my best to make games appealing and giving as much of a unbiased opinion so people can judge whether or not they will play it when they ask me. :) I HATE IT when people don't play a game because of prejudgements. They might be missing out. So what do I do? I explain. Which I happen to like. ^_^
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Meh, don't worry. I always feel like doing my best to make games appealing and giving as much of a unbiased opinion so people can judge whether or not they will play it when they ask me. :) I HATE IT when people don't play a game because of prejudgements. They might be missing out. So what do I do? I explain. Which I happen to like. ^_^


I usually stay open minded when looking at games.

I blindly bought a game one day.

now its my favorite game.

Back on topic, i'll try to play more of these. thanks for the tips!

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I usually stay open minded when looking at games.

I blindly bought a game one day.

now its my favorite game.

Back on topic, i'll try to play more of these. thanks for the tips!


I guessed as much. I just usually look at games and say from afar "...no...meh...no...meh...this interests me!" and usually, I tend to pick up games that I'll like a LOT, so I know that feel. :lol: But yeah, I just wanted you to go with a "hopfully" good opinion on the games because I don't know what were your likes so...just in case. :) And your welcome!
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I guessed as much. I just usually look at games and say from afar "...no...meh...no...meh...this interests me!" and usually, I tend to pick up games that I'll like a LOT, so I know that feel. :lol: But yeah, I just wanted you to go with a "hopfully" good opinion on the games because I don't know what were your likes so...just in case. :) And your welcome!



Yeah, i'm that guy who nobody likes.

Plays halfway through an RPG, set it down.

Pick it back up, don't remember it.

Restart the game.


Hopefully that won't happen this time.

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I have personal favorites with mainly four games in the franchise


Final Fantasy IV - This one is what got me into the franchise to begin with. Some of its most well known music period started here and introduced a lot of new things.


Final Fantasy VI - I think this is the best due to its blend of steampunk/classy mix of metal along with class and sophistication like having castles with kings, flying airships, Robots, and etc. Plus arguably one of its best villains got its start here..Kefka, that laughter never gets out of my head x3


Final Fantasy VII - This game...is quite possibly the most overrated game I've ever seen in my life due to many people giving it so much praise its ridiculous. Bad game? Oh hell no, its atmospheric with its music, interesting story and while Cloud is a favorite amongst others, I prefer him in this game where he's silent and actually is explained of his anger rather then him acting like some kind of emo in the KH games or further sequels. He's best here along with Sephiroth, even though people always joke around with the whole Mom joke going around this villain it works well in its own right


Give it a chance, you may or may not like it but for what it is, its worth it


Final Fantasy IX - A return to the style of FFIV and FFVI with classic settings and steampunk...wonderful game <3 love it to death

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  • 6 months later...

I did a search and didn't find any thread like this.


So it's been... what, 25 years now since the first Final Fantasy game came out. A game series that revolutionized RPG with great story and music among other things.


Lately though, Final Fantasy is said to have gone downhill for various reasons I don't know.


So what's the best and worst Final Fantasy game you've played and why? This also includes other FF games like Final Fantasy Tactics


I have yet to play 3, 5, 6 or anything above 8 so I can't compare those.


To this day the best Final Fantasy I've played is Final Fantasy 7.




It has a very great story and the world is very unique. It has its funny moments and the characters are very... memorable.



The worst Final Fantasy I've played so far is... Final Fantasy 1.




The game itself wasn't bad really, but it bothered me greatly when I didn't really have a clear goal at times and ended up travelling randomly. The remake version for Gameboy Advance is very well done, though.


I'm sure many of you will say you know a much worse Final Fantasy game so... yeah.

Edited by Koori

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Tidus in Final Fantasy X really bothered me...I hated his personality, his apperance. I just didn't like him. My favorite from that game was Yuna, and Lulu.


I liked XIII (the first one). It was a beautiful game. But Hope killed it for me too. I get that he was a kid, and that he wasn't used to the life of being l'sea (?). Oh my god was his complaining annoying. I felt bad for Lightning and Snow though...

  • Brohoof 1


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FF10 is by far my favorite. For once the characters were relateable and fairly sensible, and the main villain throughout is ominous and terrifying. They reacted appropriately to situations (Home was pretty much the most powerfully poignant moment in the game in all ways.) and were not particularly over the top or cliche. Sin was particularly compelling as a character, not because it had great lines or anything, but the presence it had was very much the impending storm. Ever sit through a hurricane on the East Coast (If you have not, don't. It's scary, dangerous, and I do not recommend it.)? Sin gave me that feeling, and it was a lot like the real deal. After playing 7 and 8, it was a nice change to have a threat that felt threatening and characters that were more than paper dolls stuffed into a role. 10 was much more in line with 6 and 9 in my opinion. This brings up the one I like least.


By far, 8 is my least favorite. It was a great game until you defeat Edea. And then suddenly everything is all "we grew up together in an orphanage now let's save the world!" Seriously? How is this good writing? The SEEDS arc was great, then they throw in Ultimecia and the story goes all to hell. I gave up shortly after I realized there was no hope for it to get better.


Due to reasons of "It doesn't exist" I will not mention the flop that was X-2.

Edited by Flying Space Badger

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Best is Final Fantasy VI (6), no doubt. It comes in a very close second to Chrono Trigger for my favorite game of all time. I love the gameplay and battle system, I love the story, and the characters (Kefka is my favorite villain in anything).


Worst? Hmm...well I never did really care for XII (12). Just never could get into it.

  • Brohoof 1

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For me, the best game in terms of just about everything that makes a Final Fantasy game a Final Fantasy game will always be VI. Great characters, great story, great gameplay, great everything.


The absolute lowest of the low, I've got to say, is what seems to be everypony's favorite: X. Let me just state for the record that Tidus, to me, is the most pathetic excuse for a lead protagonist that has ever been spawned in the history of fiction. To be fair, if they'd disposed of that little twat, made Auron the lead and done away with that godawful sphere grid system, this would've been one of my favorite games. It does have one of the best battle systems in the entire series, I'll give it that much. But Tidus...sphere grid...no bucking thanks. I think The Spoony One's lambasting of the game sums up every gripe I have with it, myself.


Oh, also could've done without the all creepy fanservice surrounding Rikku. Way to go, Square, sexualizing a 15-year-old girl. Yay! yay.png


Obligatory disclaimer: If you like FFX, good for you. For the love of Celestia, don't take my hatred of the game as a personal attack on you. We're all big kids here.

Edited by Lowline
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Well As A Final Fantasy Player, The Best Final Fantasy I ever played was Final Fantasy XI Online because It has good endgame contents, Job Classes to play as, Exploring the world, Raising your Own Chocobo, Good storyline varies by Nation and Expansion Missoins & Quests. I think that the Storyline for Windurst was pretty much Emotional, same goes for Rise of the Zilart, and Treasures of Aht Urhgan. Out of my Top3 Favorite Characters in Final Fantasy XI were Naja Salaheem (which she makes me laugh when she rages), Shantotto, and Prishe.


The Latest I Played was Final Fantasy XIII, The Game wasn't that bad except a Couple of Wipe Outs and Failed Missions, but Playing as Lightning in Dissidia 012 Made Me play Final Fantasy XIII so I decided to play the Game. The only mission I hated in the game was Gigantuar, a Tough Mission to do and I have to do a Gambling Game to Stagger him and do High Damage.


The Worst I played was Final Fantasy X cuz In my Progress of the Game, I have to play Blitz Ball to get Wakka's overdrive and his Celestial Weapon and of course using the sphere grid to get stronger.


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Worst Final Fantasy- Final Fantasy X.


Even though it was fun, the past game overshadowed it and it didn't live up to the standard I was expecting from the series at that point.


Best Final Fantasy- Final Fantasy IX.


This one has a storyline that is very enjoyable to play through, and the music and characters are top-notch. Plus, Vivi is the greatest.


Honorable Mention- Crisis Core.


Arguably the best mobile RPG out there, (Persona 3 is probably better, though.) this one has a fighting style so different from the others, it makes it very enjoyable.


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My favorite is Final Fantasy VI though VII comes in a very close second for me. Final Fantasy VI was the first I played int he series so it brings back alot of great memories. The worst is probably Final Fantasy XI, I don't know how they did it but wow did they ever screw that one up.

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I've only played X, XII, XIII and XIII-2, but my favorite Final Fantasy is probably X. It was my first JRPG and I really liked the love story between Yuna and Tidus. Plus, Auron.


The worst one I played was XIII-2. The game was ok, but I got an empty feeling from playing it. It was like didn't accomplish anything by the time the game was over.


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I'd have to go with VI as the best. I hear a lot of "It gets good X hours in." VI doesn't do that; it starts out good and gets awesome X hours in. It has a solid ensemble cast, has great customization, and manages to allow exploration without derailing the plot. I very highly recommend it.


I haven't played X to a fair extent, nor any of the XIIIs at all or any of the MMOs, so I won't count them, no matter how terrible anyone says they are. So I'm going with II. It has a very generic plot ("The Evil Empire of Evil is being Evil so kill them"). There's an extremely goony leveling system - technically there are no levels - where each spell, weapon, and stat is levelled up independently depending on it's usage. Getting Fire 2 requires casting Fire 1 one hundred times and so forth and so on. Forget about cross-training; each character should just specialize in an element and a weapon type. It's especially annoying due characters coming and going seemingly at random for plot purposes, so a good chunk of the grinding is just tossed aside out of hand. The manner of increasing HP is to have the heroes beat each within an inch of their lives. There's a severe problem in the world being too open too early that allows the party to unknowingly run into monsters vastly out of their league.


I'd also like to give an honorable mention to Final Fantasy Tactics. Great plot, incredible tactical gameplay, grossly uneven difficulty. Sadly, like Master of Magic, this appears to be one of those games that looks unlikely to ever be taken out and improved upon.

  • Brohoof 1
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My favorite that I've played is Tactics: War of the Lions.  Amazing job system, great challenge and complexity, outstanding script and music, and a memorable ending.  One of my favorite games.  Also love VII and VIII.


My least favorite I've tried is VI.  I know it has many fans, but I didn't get into its gameplay or story and hated the graphics (not cause they're old, I like Final Fantasy V's graphics.).

I love you.

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In terms of my favorite, it has to be a tie between 7 and 9. I have not played much of 8 or the really retro ones, though I would like to at some point. The music, story, and characters of those two are damn good. I also love the materia system of 7 and the very retro and steampunk atmosphere of 9. I like 7 better in terms of overall gameplay though. They are both very similar of course, but 9 just feels much slower.


Worst FF..A tie between FF13 and 13-2. Now don't get me wrong, I can see the appeal here and Square was quite close to making something great. At least in the first one, the world is vibrant and had the potential for a rich backstory and history and it could have been delved into more with the sequel. What we got, was a ton of corridors, incredibly annoying characters minus a couple, little customization options which was even less in 13-2, and a story that just wasn't good. In 13-2, the story was atrocious. The gameplay itself was okay. It is nowhere near the best ever, but it isn't a complete disaster either. Either way, the terrible story and ending of 13-2 made me give up on the '13 trilogy' so I will more than likely not even bother with 13-3 or 'Lightning's Return' as it is called. At least the graphics were great...


Surprisingly, I actually liked X-2. Sure, it's story was completely pointless and it's characters were....not too good, but it made up for it with it's gameplay, which I thought was superb.



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For me, the best game in terms of just about everything that makes a Final Fantasy game a Final Fantasy game will always be VI. Great characters, great story, great gameplay, great everything.


The absolute lowest of the low, I've got to say, is what seems to be everypony's favorite: X. Let me just state for the record that Tidus, to me, is the most pathetic excuse for a lead protagonist that has ever been spawned in the history of fiction. To be fair, if they'd disposed of that little twat, made Auron the lead and done away with that godawful sphere grid system, this would've been one of my favorite games. It does have one of the best battle systems in the entire series, I'll give it that much. But Tidus...sphere grid...no bucking thanks. I think The Spoony One's lambasting of the game sums up every gripe I have with it, myself.


Oh, also could've done without the all creepy fanservice surrounding Rikku. Way to go, Square, sexualizing a 15-year-old girl. Yay! img-1480615-1-yay.png


Frankly, I wildly disagree with you on Tidus. He's a FAAAAR better character than Auron, and as main protaganists go? One of the best, if not THE best. His character development is second to none(self-entitled whiny, slightly cowardly punk->self-sacrificing heroic implacable man).


Auron is so overrated I want to puke. He's a decent character- most X characters are, but nothing special outside the typical "Badass Swordsman".


As for the Sphere Grid- I mostly agree, but that is purely on behalf of the lock nodes/slightly too slow levelling, period. There was no reason they needed to block off some of the stuff- especially with overkill like 6 locks.


X had one of the most solid stories in the series.


Frankly, Spoony is off on most of his rant.



With that said, is FFX the best game in the series... Nah. It's battle system(good, but not great) and the sphere grid pull it down.



As for the "creepy fanservice"...


I have a number of points.


1. While a minor in most, Rikku is still legal in most countries of the world.

2. Hardly unique to X.

3. Creepy is subjective to begin with.


Most FF girls are sexualised.




Worst FF is VIII.

Edited by RWB
  • Brohoof 1

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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My favouite FF would have to be XII. It was my first FF as well, even though how I got it is a bit strange. I was at my nearest ASDA and i picked up FFX, because i really wanted it. However, when i got home, the manual and disc for XII was in there instead. It baffled me, but I played XII despite the mix-up. Despite early confusion, i enjoyed the story and combat, but i disliked Vaan.


My least favorite FF would have to be X-2. As much as i liked it how much different it was to X levelling wise, it left a bad taste in my mouth. Even the optional Blitzball sucked, as it was changed to a manager mode from a player involved mode. I liked the various amount of dresspheres though.

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Frankly, I wildly disagree with you on Tidus. He's a FAAAAR better character than Auron, and as main protaganists go? One of the best, if not THE best. His character development is second to none(self-entitled whiny, slightly cowardly punk->self-sacrificing heroic implacable man).


Auron is so overrated I want to puke. He's a decent character- most X characters are, but nothing special outside the typical "Badass Swordsman".

I could see where you wouldn't like Auron, essentially being a stock "broody badass" character, but I still maintain that I could never accept a...well, "self-entitled, whiny, slightly cowardly punk" as a good hero. If anything, Yuna really should have been the main hero, but that prospect was shot in the foot the moment the writers decided to make her a total doormat.


As for the "creepy fanservice"...


I have a number of points.


1. While a minor in most, Rikku is still legal in most countries of the world.

2. Hardly unique to X.

3. Creepy is subjective to begin with.


Most FF girls are sexualised.

I understand there's a sense of relativity to said creepiness, given that the age of consent is different in different parts of the world. Still, I think Square should've had the decency to at least try and localize the game and change her age to something more appropriate, at least in regions where lusting over a 15-year-old kind of makes one...well, a pedophile. Or ephebophile, whatever the correct term is. And if they absolutely couldn't do that, then the decent thing to do would've been to edit out her gratuitous ass shots.


IMO, people should stop treating the concept of localization like it's THE DEVIL. There's no better shining example than FFVI, where Ted Woolsey did an excellent job of weeding out the type of Japanese storytelling nuances and humor that most Western players would find unappealing, instead replacing it with a Western style that any one of us can easily comprehend and relate to.


But that's just me. I'm not a Japanophobe or anything of the sort, I just find the typical Japanese mode of storytelling greatly irritating.

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Best one for me, for all time, no matter what the others say: Final Fantasy VII.


Worst one: Final Fantasy XIII-2. The whole timeline changing sucked, it made often not the slightest sense and the story was too average for my taste.


I don't count the MMO's, curse them! 

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