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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

You wake up in a dark room.


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The rules should be simple enough. I do all the work, and you choose the option you want.




You open your eyes to find you are in an unknown room. You look around. It is very dark, but not dark enough to not see anything. You get up from the cold hard floor you were currently on, and look around. There appear to be two doors. One in front of you, and one on the ceiling.


Inventory: (Currently empty)


What do you do?


[A]: Go through the door in front of you.


: Go through the door on the ceiling.


[C]: Kick the wall in anger.


[D]: Scream and go insane.

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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.5 Goes through roof door and comes back in the front one. Reverse process and comes back with Subway.

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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You look under the table and don't see any day old sandwich. You suddenly begin to feel great rage as you kick the door in front of you as hard as you can. The door flies open, going a few feet before skidding across the ground and stopping. You were going to choose the top door, but shrug and go through the open pathway.


You look ahead to see a zombie, and live pony across the room shivering in fear from the zombie, who is currently slowly walking towards the pony. You look closer to see a shotgun behind the zombie.


Inventory: (Currently empty)


What do you do?


[A]: Scream at the zombie and proceed to kick it's ass for trying to harm a pony.


: Take off your shoes and throw them at the zombie.


[C]: Run over to the pony and try to rescue her/him.


[D]: Dance.


[E]: Run.


[F]: [A], , and [C]


[G]: Try to get the shotgun and shoot the zombie.

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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You begin to dance over to the zombie. "I challenge you to a dance-out!" You yell, pointing at the zombie. While you show the zombie your moves, it just shrieks at you. It then tries to bite you. You manage to dodge it in the midst of your moves. You begin to feel great rage as you become pissed at the zombie. "You bucking sonuva pitch!" You yell as you proceed to kick the zombie's head. You flinch back as the head flies off and hits the wall behind. However, it's still walking toward you.


You jump back and take off your shoes. You proceed to throw them at the zombie. The first shoe get's lodged in the zombie's neck, while the other gets stuck in the mid-part of it's body. The zombie stumbles backwards and falls down. Looks like your shoes are ****ed. Wait, for some reason you were wearing a pair of shoes underneath the shoes you threw at him. At least you still have shoes on. You look over at the pony who's scared shit-less in the corner. The pony appears to be white, golden eyes, and a yellow mane and tail. It appears to be female. You proceed to walk over to her.


"Don't hurt me!" She says in a nervous voice, still shivering from fright.


"I'm not going to hurt you." You reply.


"You aren't?" She proceeds to ask, beginning to shiver less.


"Yes. I'm not going to hurt you. Do you have any idea where we're at?"


"No, I was hoping at least you would know."


"Great. Well, staying here isn't going to solve anything. Follow me. I'll get us out of here."


"Okay." She proceeds to get up, staying close to you. You then walk over to the shotgun that was laying on the ground. You pick it up, and proceed to walk over to the door. You then open it, you and the pony stepping inside.


You look around. You somehow ended up in someone's house. You look behind you to see the door you had just passed through had disappeared. You didn't think too much of it, as enough strange stuff had been going on. You look ahead and notice two humans. One, a male, who appears to be very old. Possibly in his 70's. The other person, appears to be female. Very young though, she looks like she is in her early 20's.


Inventory: Shotgun with 6 rounds.


Company: A unicorn pony.


What do you do?


[A]: Ask them what's going on.


: Shoot them both.


[C]: Turn on epic music and create a very dramatic unstable moment.


[D]: Dance.


[E]: Run.


[F]: Take on step forward and blow your brains everywhere with the shotgun.


[G]: Ride the pony through them.

Edited by Riclo

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Epic music:


"Who are you?? What is going on?" You ask, more dramatic than usual. The old man proceeds to laugh.


"Idiotic fool. It's too late now. Nothing can stop it!" He replies, laughing even more. The girl beside him proceeds to scream, running away down the path behind the old man.


"What do you mean? What is happening?" You ask, confused.


"It's too late now. Soon they will be everywhere. There is nothing you can do-" He gets cut off short somehow. You watch as he falls to the ground, dead. You look around. What killed him? You don't find anything that could've kill him, so you assume he died because he was too old. You proceed to walk over to him and mock dance above his dead body. After a few minutes, you stop.


"Who was that?" The pony next to you asks.


"I don't know. But whatever he was talking about couldn't be good." You reply. You proceed to look around the house again to see where you are inside. You appear to be in the main room, stairs to your left leading up to a small hallway. Ahead of you is a path that seems to lead left into a kitchen. To your right is just a wall, a couch and other random items around. And behind you is another wall, with a window showing the outside. It appears to be night out.


Inventory: Shotgun with 6 rounds.


Company: A unicorn pony.


What do you do?


[A]: Go up the stairs.


: Try to find the girl who ran away, by taking the path that leads into the kitchen.


[C]: Shoot the wall on your right, hoping there's a secret room.


[D]: Ride the pony through the house.


[E]: Party.


[F]: Break the window behind you and go outside.


[G] Search the room for anything useful, then choose option [A] or . Keep in mind by searching the room, there would be no chance of catching up to the girl.

Edited by Riclo

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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You decide to look around the room.


"Lets search this room. Maybe we'll find something." You say to the pony.


"Okay." She responds.


You proceed to go over to the couches. You take out the cushions, and find a note. You pick it up, and read it to yourself.


'The cure lies in the old, hallow, broken down tree. What cure?' You keep the note, just in-case. You then open the droor in the small desk next to the couch. You find three pocket knives, a pen, and a diamond ring. You look behind the couch, to find a backpack. You grab it, and open it. There's nothing inside, but it seems something was in there. You put everything you just found inside.


"Hey, I think I found something." You hear the pony state. You look over to her to see her levitating a semi-large cardboard box. You walk over to it, and take it from mid-air. You proceed to begin opening it.


After opening it, you find it to be filled with that white pieces of foam. You search inside, and feel something. You pull it out, and find it's a huge flashlight.


"This should be useful." You say.


After searching the rest of the room, you find a baseball cap, a roll of duct tape, and a packet of 16 matches.


"I wanna ride you up the stairs." You say to the pony.


"What?" She replies, confused.


"Nothing. Lets go upstairs." You both proceed to go upstairs.


Upon reaching the top, you find five doors. Two on each side, and one in the end of the hallway. You choose the first door on the right. You walk over to it, but as you begin to open it, you hear something behind you at the other door. You turn your head to see Slenderman. You scream in fright, beginning to hear the static.


Inventory: Shotgun with 6 rounds. A note. Three pocket knives. A pen. A diamond ring. A backpack. A huge flashlight. A baseball cap. A roll of duct tape. A packet of 16 matches.


Company: A unicorn pony.


What do you do?


[A]: Have a nice engaging conversation with deh slenderman.


: Shoot the slenderman's head with the shotgun.


[C]: Jump up and kick the slenderman in the face.


[D]: Light a match and shove it up the slenderman's ass.


[E]: Try to knock him out with the huge flashlight.


[F]: Grab the pony and run.


[G]: Give him his twenty dollars.

Edited by Riclo

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Hey Slenderman. W-what's going on?" You ask. The static noise continues to grow louder. "W-we- c-could I m-mean-" You get interrupted by the pony levitating you.


"We need to get out of here!" She says, running down the stairs with you. She runs to the left, into the kitchen. She proceeds to put you down. "What was that!?" She asks, slightly out of breath.


"That was Slenderman." You reply. Afterwards, you hear a thudding sound. The pony seems to be looking behind you in horror.


"B-behind you!!" She screams. You turn around, to be met face to face with Slenderman again. Your first reaction is to shoot his head with the shotgun, blowing it up. Blood spews out, as he falls to the ground dead.


"Mother of god..." You state, looking at his dead body. "Well, he's gone. Lets go upstairs again." Although unwillingly, the pony agrees. You both head back up the stairs. You decide to check the room Slenderman was in. You walk inside, to find it's just a bedroom. There's only a bed, nothing else. You walk out of the room, and into the room you originally planned on opening. You open the door, to find nothing. The whole room is empty. Confused, you exit, and walk up more, and open the next door to the right. You find six guys inside, all pointing guns at you.


Inventory: Shotgun with 5 rounds. A note. Three pocket knives. A pen. A diamond ring. A backpack. A huge flashlight. A baseball cap. A roll of duct tape. A packet of 16 matches.


Company: A unicorn pony.


What do you do?


[A]: Walk inside as if nothing is in there.


: Quickly grab the pony and run away.


[C]: Put your hands up and ask them what's going on.


[D]: Dance.


[E]: Light a match and eat it.


[F]: Try to kill them all.


[G]: Kill them all with your fists.

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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