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Reaction if your favorite character is taken out of the show?


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Oh shoot I forgot to answer the second part of the question. I don't even know who my least favourite character is. Probably Diamond Tiara.


If she got taken out I would again run. drive, fly, swim, whatever it takes to get to Hasbro and dance on their desks while wearing a party hat and throwing streamers everywhere,

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If they took Twilight out? Then the whole show would end there and then, because Twilight Sparkle is the one pony that HAS to be in the show. Otherwise there's no point to it.


As for my reaction... well, I don't need to feel anything, because the brony community will feel it for me. ... Okay, that sounded better in my mind.

Get through the unknown like your life depended on it.

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If she got taken out I would again run. drive, fly, swim, whatever it takes to get to Hasbro and dance on their desks while wearing a party hat and throwing streamers everywhere,

No, I meant if Hasbro took out every character EXCEPT your least favorites. X3


Like, if (for me) they took out AJ, Twilight, Rarity--all of my top 10, leaving Rainbow Dash, Derpy, Braeburn, etc. then my reaction would be--yeah.

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No, I meant if Hasbro took out every character EXCEPT your least favorites. X3

Grr... I'm such a fail at everything I do. I can't even answer simple questions right...


If all of my favourites were taken out, I would probably just quit the show. I'd yell a lot and probably hit some things and then never watch the show again. Hasbro would owe me a new laptop...

  • Brohoof 1
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If Pinkie Pie was TAKEN out of the show I would call up hasbro and tell them this: I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ratings, I can tell you I don't have those. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you put Pinkie Pie back on my little pony now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

Edited by Black Star


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No Rainbow Dash?


No Rarity?


Not even Apple Bloom?


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As for the second question...not even my least favorite characters bother me very much. I probably would stop watching though--not really because of them, but because so many more appealing ponies were gone.

  • Brohoof 2

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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I'd be pretty upset if they wrote out Rarity on me. :(


Her dress making and cool sassatude just win to me~


Please show her mercy creators!


Aka "LadyPKchu".

I changed my name again cuz lately fluttershy has been more my favorite pony :3 I like her innocence, and I think I may get active in the fluttershy fan club. I really like a lot of the other main 6 too though.

I'm also a FlutterDash supporter.

I still love Korrina from pokemon a lot and plan on keeping my Korrina profile for now :P

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If they took out Applejack/Rarity/Twilight-



If they took everyone else out-


(Same as above)


If they did either of these, would you still watch the show? NONONONONONONONONONONO

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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No more Pinkie??????? I'd die. I would be so very sad. She truly brings a smile to my face in every episode! As for taking out every character except my least favorite? Well, I still love my least favorite very much! That one being Dash. Sorry Rainbow Dash fans! But I still love her, she has her moments! So yeah, I'd still be a fan and watch the show. :P MLP FOREVER!

I love love love Pinkie Pie! But every pony rules! :)

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If they removed Fluttershy it wouldn't make much sense since she's an Element of Harmony. But if she was removed, I'd be pissed...although I also have a liking towards the other ponies, so I guess I'd eventually accept it, but it just wouldn't be the same.But if they removed every character except for my least favorites, I wouldn't watch the show anymore. That would really be the end of it for me.Thankfully, neither will happen (or will they? :blink: *cue music*).


Edited by whoovesfan7698
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If either Derpy or Luna (they share the top position) were taken out of the show, I think a Darth Vader reaction would be appropriate...

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Though they would probably continue to live on in the hearts of the fanbase, I would still be very sad indeed. Nightmare Moon was what kept me interested before I was a brony and Derpy is just adorable! Either of them disappearing would be very upsetting.

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No more Dashie?


I'd be pretty heart broken, the show would not be the same without her in my opinion.

I would probably stray away from the fandom quite a bit.

And I would wander the earth, remembering the good times, where the most important pony was the awesome rainbow colored Pegasus.


Oh umm it would be in my best interests if I didnt mention my least favorite pony, I would get run outta the forum xP


Edited by zRevenantz
  • Brohoof 1
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Nocive really hit the nail on the head...it would be a really dumb move on Hasbro's part to take Twi out of the series and I wouldn't feel right watching it after...couldn't if they took all the good ponies out!

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Ha, sucks for me. My favorite pony is already been taken off and she's never coming back (I sure hope she dose in this season though).


Nightmare Moon is now Luna, both characters are so different... When they used the elements of harmony on her I was close to punching my computer screen.


As for the other question: It never really crossed my mind which pony I least like. I like everypony but one of them I like more that the others, I like the mane 6 (but at the same time deep down I hate them for taking away the true ruler of the night) it's not so easy to pick.

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Hmmm, this would mean no more Seafoam (ok only a pretty background pony but she's a PRETTY background pony!), no more Twilight (! who would the show revolve around?!), no more Applejack (awwwww) and no more Applebloom (ok can live with that, tho she's good for cute comedy moments)...


Looking at that, the show would become a tousle between Rarity and Rainbow for leadership, and maybe Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo would be elevated to the Mane Six which could be fun...


But it would be a very different show, and I'd be looking for the creators to make Scootaloo the enjoyable character of season 2, not the pain of season 1, and Pinkie the Pinkie of 'Its About Time' and not the complete prat she can be othertimes...


Oh yeah, the second question - what if they only left the ponies I like least? It'd be a very bitchy place, with Diamond Tiara, that other annoying classmate of Applebloom's whose name I've forgotten, Snips and Snails (ugh), that strange young male pony that was in the Halloween episode, the bitchy ponies from Canterlot, and Sweetie Belle...


It would kind of be a very BAD MLP-The Next Generation!

Edited by Lupus
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Quit the show


Never watch again


Demand they bring her back


Possibly kill all of the Studio B


Perform a reenactment of Cupcakes c:



Eh, I'll be pretty upset, I'd find something to obsess over, perhaps go back to 'em pokemans.

  • Brohoof 1




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Also, what if they took every character out except your least favorites? Would you still watch the show?


In that case, it would basically just turn into "The Snips and Snails Show"


I hate Snips and Snails, they are my least favorite characters by far.



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The day that Twilight Sparkle will be taken out of MLP is the day the show will end.

She's the main character...the show can't go on without her.

But if they take out Twiley and keep the show....oh god Hasbro would need fighter planes to keep me from breaking down their headquarters.


Feld0 spelled backwards is illuminati


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