Akemi Homura 7,680 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 Here's an idea: Twilight practicing turning apples into oranges is this episode's contribution to the season's overall theme and arc. We saw in The Crystal Empire that Celestia and Luna want Twilight to reach her "true destiny" or something like that, that her magical power keeps growing. So this season does actually have an arc within it--it's just tied in simple moments that are buried within each episode. Twilight's apples to oranges spell is simply this episode's contribution to that, and we'll likely continue to see little things like that throughout the season. There will be much more major moments, such as the episode coming in two or three weeks, but I wouldn't be surprised if this turned out to be the case. That said, what if the Magic Duel episode is a means of testing Twilight's ability to handle takeovers of someone's land/kingdom? Nothing official, as the season premiere stated that the nature of her mission will test her on things, but implied that it wasn't planned on Celestia's part. Fiends, evil magicians/wizards, another race, you name it. In this case, it would be Trixie coming back to take over Ponyville and Twilight has to counter attack somehow, and save the town. Going up against another pony whose talent is magic, though, she'll be in for a major battle. This of course means that it won't be subtle like this one - this one will be all about magic. I'd personally like to see an actual battle rather than a contest of the sort, but you already know that. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheTEChguy27 273 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 After trying to figure out how to turn a video I made into a gif, and ending up failing several times, I think I've finally got something half-way decent. The way it chopped up the frames makes some of the transitioning look a bit wonky, though. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rascal 44 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 I for one can not take that much Pinkie Pie in one sitting. That was a awesome episode which made me first me think of this image. and just for the hay of it ( : Not funny! ) Although it has nothing to do when it calls for cloning which was a total mess it was alright when it was just 2 Pinkies but it's dangerous to have at least 20 Pinkies with the express notion of having fun while causing other ponies distress! I'm still a bit surprised at this part: I never thought that would really happen! I'm serious i just thought the G3 Pinkie was Photoshopped but still odd as ever. I think this a sign of good things to come cause the first 2 parts didn't do it for me i'm still glad Spike got a higher part in the episode. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
karizake 6 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 I hope one of the Pinkies survived so we can have a permanent Pinkamena Diane Pie character. Also between Mysterious Books and Magical Clones, who else thought of Gravity Falls? 1 /]^3^[\ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Victor van Dort 202 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 The episode was very nice, though it could have been better. I remember waking up late this morning and saying "Oh crap, I missed the new episode of MLP!" I then saw it was about the time the episode would end, and I saw the part where Twilight tests the Pinkies to see who is the original one. After the end I took a moment to think about it, and I realized that the other parts of the episode must have been a mere filler since I basically got a summary of the episode by reading the description and watching the end. My main OCs: Previously known as: Azure Scythe Thatoneguy42 Strafe Run Azure Scythe Angela Audiophile Azurepony4269 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nouth 496 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 Hell funny, great episode And you got to love the animators for making a ponyshrug reference - Dashie did it at one point. And the Orange frog was rather original idea, too ;D Splendid siggy by Chaotic Dischord, awesome avatar by Suntouched Coco!Ask me anything you want ! You'll make me happy and (most likely) get an answer !Omnia vincit Amor. When the world around you turns gray, stop, and think about rainbows.-->(> How would you describe me ? <(<-- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Champion RD92 8,658 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 The episode was pretty good but I got kind of sick of hearing "FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN " Something I dont understand is why Pinkie didnt just go to Twilight for help from the very beginning when the duplicate Pinkies started going out of control. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blindsight 142 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 Is it just me or season three really is more upbeat and quirky than the previous ones? The pace seems to be faster for me... Anyway, I loved this episode! Although I was kind of disappointed in the mane six. "Hey look there's a Pinkie out of the lot who acts totally different and is the only one who says she's not sure if she's the real Pinkie Pie! Yeah, there's no chance she's the original." I mean, seriously? http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png The tiny fanbase jokes were the best part of this episode in my opinion (3G face, fingers etc.), as well as the opportunity to see a more serious side of (the original) Pinkie Pie. { art thread } { deviantArt } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BronyDerp117 113 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 Ahh, the first time I have to wait the week for new episodes to come out. I feel like a true brony now (I became a Brony in June, after Season 2 ended) I found this episode to be really enjoyable and pretty damn funny. I'm not a big fan of Pinkie Pie, but I still really liked the episode. The use of the Magic Pond seemed pretty creative to me, and putting it in the Everfree Forest seemed like the perfect place to put it. Also, the animations have gotten even better! It was awesome. It was nice to see some Apple Family again. I think the only time we saw them before was in Season 1 Episode 1. When Applejack was herding the large group of Pinkies to that building, I found it to be really funny. Winona is a boss. MOAR WINONA! I can already imagine how crazy some RainbowPie fans are going. I liked how they made Dash and Pinkie interact with each other. They really made them seem like two good friends just hanging out by the lake. Dash reading was also a nice touch. I liked that they didn't make Dash be mean or frustrated with Pinkie. That secret panel that Spike found was very interesting. I wonder if there are any others in the library... Twilight practicing a new spell, being her usual awesome self(Yes, Twi is my favorite). I really liked that they gave Fluttershy's animals a home. To me, it really showed just how magical Equestria is. There aren't really any true 'animals', just all living creatures living in peace and civilization. Or maybe I'm just way over-thinking a kids show... Didn't see much of Rarity this episode, but she was dramatic like always. I think they could have easily slipped a Pinkie Pie song in there somewhere. Overall, I found this to be a very good, funny, and enjoyable episode. 10/10 3 "Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival." -C.S. Lewis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glacier Chasm 15 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 It was a highly creative episode and enjoyable to watch, but got a little bit annoying with so many Pinkie's. One of her is quite enough for one lifetime. But, actually my favorite part was seeing Rainbow Dash at the swimming hole reading another Daring Do Novel . That was awesome! I know, this was perhaps one of the great things about the episode (but why is she rereading the first book?) There was an enormous amount of not only callbacks, but fan waves at all, such as Pinkie Pie's Digits, the G3 face, (zap that face Twilight! ZAP IT!) I also loved how Twilight knows anti-gravity spells, breaking physics, and now she's breaking chemistry laws as well. IS NOTHING SACRED TWILIGHT! Oh well, it makes the show so enjoyable. I did feel kind of bad for Pinkie though. That kind of happens every episode that focuses on Pinkie... you end up feeling bad for her! Curse these ponies, they drive me to emotions. Overall it was an excellent episode, but I did wish the other Pinkies weren't so autonomous but it would have been hard to find a reason to get rid of them otherwise. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Caramel 20 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 I absolutely LOVED this episode. I enjoyed every minute. A lot of laughs and tons of fun. I am looking forward to more episodes Thank you Cloud Chaser for my awesome signature Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luna317 43 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 what if this is how se3 ep3 ended how wold the next episode turn out? 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Champion RD92 8,658 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 I was actually thinking that it would be pretty crazy if Twilight picked the wrong Pinkie at the end Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JanisJopleyBird 22 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 Very fun episode overall. I would have preferred a better test than the watching paint-dry thing, but that's about the only fault I found. 8.5/10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 Well that would've been something to see. I was actually thinking about that at the end of the episode. Pretty odd to think about, as she would probably go insane being in the world of nothingness. Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envy 6,196 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 This episode was hilarious! Honestly, if I had been Pinkie Pie, I would have almost definitely failed that test. Especially when the frog crossed with an orange landed on the window sill. How could Pinkie Pie not look at that. Lol. Everything needs more woodwind! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PonyRocker95 106 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 This episode did everything right for me. When I said this episode would be heaven, it turned out it was. The first thing I want to talk about is the magic mirror. The thing is, it's actually something from mythology. If you think about it alot of stuff in mlp in mythology Gilda the Griffin, Cerberus, dragons, Mantacores, unicorns, pegasi, etc its no surprise that the mirror pool is from mythology too btw anyone notice one of the clones make a G3 face? XD 1 My RP OC's Alona: http://mlpforums.com...s/_/alona-r1797 Craie: http://mlpforums.com...s/_/craie-r1873 Berry Cream: http://mlpforums.com...rry-cream-r1874 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 I'm glad they covered the hole to the reflecting pool at the end- I mean, imagine if Discord found it, or worse, Trixie? Life in Equestria as we all know it would end. Of course, they'd have to get Pinkie to teach them the rhyme, but I'd bet either wouldn't feel any remorse interrogating her. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MorningFlash 214 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 wow, I did actually think about this after I watched the episode, she'd probably go insane in a world of darkness though, and watching another pinkie have fun would probably break her heart. Credit to Lunia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
null1 606 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 I slept through two alarms and missed the episode, luckily with technology and the wondrous conundrum we call the Internet, I was able to see it on YouTube. It was pretty good. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glacier Chasm 15 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 I'm glad they covered the hole to the reflecting pool at the end- I mean, imagine if Discord found it, or worse, Trixie? Life in Equestria as we all know it would end. Of course, they'd have to get Pinkie to teach them the rhyme, but I'd bet either wouldn't feel any remorse interrogating her. Making Pinkie cry is the only Crime that could stand up to making Fluttershy Cry (Glaring at you Rainbow Dash). There would be epic retaliations if they made Pinkie cry. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winona the Dog 1,984 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 I think they should've done the ending like that i mean sure it would've been very very dark for something like MLP but lets face it we need a little dark episodes every once in a while. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 I know, the first time Twilight blasted one my jay dropped and I thought "WTF Twilight, what happens if you get the wrong one? It isn't like she has the biggest attention span anyways." Glad they got the real one though Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retro*Derpy 3,196 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 Well I think it would be rather epic actually. Maybe after Twilight banished the wrong pinkie pie she would of noticed something strange about the mirror one? Maybe she would of had to find a way to get her back? Who knows, but that sounds like a good episode to me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
: Fluttersweet : 60 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 They would have probably tried to figure out ways to get Pinkie back, once they realized they didn't keep the right one. Pinkie would have probably either gone depressed or insane in the meanwhile though. I think it would have been a great episode. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Pinkie Pie; but come on- MLP could use a darker episode every once in a while. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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