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Thoughts on the way the show's going


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Maybe you don't see it,

But the show and community has changed so much since s01

Maybe it's just something I feel in my bones. Or maybe it's one of those things you needed to see happen


The community has changed due to the massive growth in population, there tends to be a lot more diverse opinion with a huge fanbase and even some extremists(4 chan).


I don't see any changes in the overall direction apart from some very subtle brony jokes.You have to remember that the show creators and animators are 4 chan trolls in the first place.

Edited by khaine21x3
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There you go darling. I wasn't sure if it was taking you a long time to reply because you we're reading (Which I guess you weren't ) or doing your text-makeup.



-Pinkies Polka as fair music

- "everyone likes trixie? Let's bring her back"

- socks in that one episode

- the whole too many pinkies


So far, s03 has been catering more to bronies then to the kids, which changes the show dynamic a lot, and I don't like change. I always carry debit. Du du tish.


The "Pinkie Polka" is basically one of the show's stock musical cues, I don't see reusing tracks as being "fanservice".


Trixie I'll give you, though there's nothing wrong with bringing back a popular character.


The socks thing I didn't even notice, which to me means it must not have derailed the show all that much.


I don't see the plot of Too Many Pinkie Pies being all that much more far fetched or fanservicey than a lot of other season 2 episodes.

  • Brohoof 3


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Maybe you don't see it, But the show and community has changed so much since s01


Having been a fan of the show since before the first season ended, the only change I've seen in the community has been an overall surge in the number of folks that have taken to declaring themselves bronies, most of whom I'd say are probably reasonable enough blokes - the trouble is though, that like anywhere else in the world, you don't notice the reasonable ones - it's only the people that you find obnoxious or moronic that stick out.


Personally, I've never once been bothered by crummy roleplays, bad fanction, or goofball original characters. I simply don't pay attention to those aspects of the pony community, and am thus never exposed to them. I won't disagree that there are aspects of the fandom that make me roll my eyes with exasperation, but I don't let it get to me - all fandoms have negative aspects. We're hardly unique in that regard.


As for the show, I honestly think you're making a very large deal out of very little. While anyone would be hard pressed to say that the show hasn't changed at all since the first season, I have an exceedingly difficult time seeing how it's now nothing but fanservice.


As a side note, I think we can do without the mockery of people's text colors. It's just a tad bit unnecessary.

  • Brohoof 12
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Having been a fan of the show since before the first season ended, the only change I've seen in the community has been an overall surge in the number of folks that have taken to declaring themselves bronies, most of whom I'd say are probably reasonable enough blokes - the trouble is though, that like anywhere else in the world, you don't notice the reasonable ones - it's only the people that you find obnoxious or moronic that stick out.

Personally, I've never once been bothered by crummy roleplays, bad fanction, or goofball original characters. I simply don't pay attention to those aspects of the pony community, and am thus never exposed to them. I won't disagree that there are aspects of the fandom that make me roll my eyes with exasperation, but I don't let it get to me - all fandoms have negative aspects. We're hardly unique in that regard.

As for the show, I honestly think you're making a very large deal out of very little. While anyone would be hard pressed to say that the show hasn't changed at all since the first season, I have an exceedingly difficult time seeing how it's now nothing but fanservice.

As a side note, I think we can do without the mockery of people's text colors. It's just a tad bit unnecessary.


I feel like people are making a big deal about me making a big deal about nothing ;)

Shriggidy wiggidy.


There needs to be this level of separation between fans and creators or else the creators are just like the fans. And that makes this odd environment. I honestly like idolizing VAs or actors, but then they do things like BlackGryphons videos (which are awesome, don't get me wrong ) it makes them just seem like fans.

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this is the best community for art and fanworks by a mile.


Maybe the first bit, yeah, but as far as music goes, the VGM remixing community seems to put out much better stuff overall than the pony fandom.
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Maybe the first bit, yeah, but as far as music goes, the VGM remixing community seems to put out much better stuff overall than the pony fandom.


Sorry, I'm not familiar with VGM. But yeah, I think it would be more fair to say that the pony community pumps put the most content relative to when it started.
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Okay, I'll be honest...i read the title of this thread and when i read the opening topic my first thoughts were.....wtf...

As some one new to the community i have to admit i know nothing of the Sonic fandom or what it is nor am i familiar with fan service though i have a general idea i think.... Could someone please explain and then explain how this thread had anything to do with season our story thus far?



  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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I do not like the newer episodes that much. Truth be told, I didn't like season 2 that much either. The only season so far that I really loved was season 1. FiM has just been going slowly downhill since season 1 ended. I think it might get better though, I hope it will. I do not like the fan service. Any of it, I think the writers should just do their thing, maybe pretend us bronies don't exist for a while until they start making good episodes again. I do still love the fandom though. And the songs, I do still love those.


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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Personally i love season 3. Darker villains, intense story for the season opener, a nice funny episode and then one about a really serious problem having people of all ages.....bullying. I think as they notice how diverse the community is you'll see episodes that are child friendly but have slight ly more mature subject matter. Shows cater to their audience. It well be interesting to see how they handle this season. So far so good.

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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For me the newer episodes have been just fine. I admit I think they got a bit heavy with the fandom references in 'Too Many Pinkie's' but when I saw the title I knew the episode would be off the wall. But otherwise its not been too bad.


I'll admit I've not read an awful lot of the fanfic. I'm kind of picking my way through it so I can't comment there, and I don't do roleplay as a rule (because I'm very bad at it).

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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I do not like the newer episodes that much. Truth be told, I didn't like season 2 that much either. The only season so far that I really loved was season 1. FiM has just been going slowly downhill since season 1 ended. I think it might get better though, I hope it will. I do not like the fan service. Any of it, I think the writers should just do their thing, maybe pretend us bronies don't exist for a while until they start making good episodes again. I do still love the fandom though. And the songs, I do still love those.


Chilly, you are a god.

This is 100% what I think, I mean, it's cool to know that they know we exist, it was super exciting at first, but now it's just a cheap novelty. It's like Hasbro is cashing out on the fact their adults and not kids.

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"Thoughts on the way the show's going"


May I ask what how much you think the fandom is bad has anything to do with where the show is heading?

Also I disagree with you on most opinions there. Everyone can't be a good roleplayer and/or oc creator. They do it for fun.

  • Brohoof 2


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"Thoughts on the way the show's going"


May I ask what how much you think the fandom is bad has anything to do with where the show is heading?

Also I disagree with you on most opinions there. Everyone can't be a good roleplayer and/or oc creator. They do it for fun.


The topic has changed a bit, but the point of where the show is heading is that there's a larger amount of fan service and brony recognition. It's a slippery slope, next thing you know, people will be able to marry dogs!
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The show is more tightly written and polished than ever. However, a lot of times when this happens a show will fall prey to convention and lose what originally made it great. (Futurama, Spongebob)


At the moment, the episodes (in my opinion) have been awesome, so we've got nothing to worry about for the time being.


It's a slippery slope, next thing you know, people will be able to marry dogs!

I don't think using that analogy works in your favor because of the flawed logic of the source material. ;)

Edited by Circadian
  • Brohoof 1



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I found it funny that it came up as one of the first results when I typed in "down slope.png".


But yeah, so far season 3 (I just got done watching episode 3 and 4) has been pretty bad in my mind, and the worst part is, only 13 episodes... So only 9 episodes left for mlp to redeem its self in my mind.


I have to say that season 3 feels like it is more directed at bronies, and not at what they where originally directed at, changing it a lot. I'm not to fond of it.


This was basically all the threadstarter had to say to get the point across.


I agree with One that the new episodes are different, but not a lot. I don't think it's going downhill at all. We might be making too big a deal out of some recent episodes being more tongue-in-cheek. And when you think think about it, the show has never taken itself too seriously. As long as they remember the formula and don't listen to us too much, it will be fine.

Edited by TailsAlone
  • Brohoof 2

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No, it doesn't bother me. I love season 3 so far, even if the two parter was a bit weak, the two other episodes made up for it. Actually, I tend to not even notice the fandom shout-outs. For exemple, I didn't get the pear costume of Doctor Whooves this episode. I haven't seen Doctor Who so I knew nothing about his hatred of pears but I thought it was really clever.

  • Brohoof 1


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The topic has changed a bit, but the point of where the show is heading is that there's a larger amount of fan service and brony recognition. It's a slippery slope, next thing you know, people will be able to marry dogs!




Just kinda curious...thats a line used by people against gay marriage....which can be kinda offensive and had nothing at all to do with the post. I think you just stepped on that slippery slope...



  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Your thread title is misleading. I came here expecting to talk about where the show is heading, and all I got was a post with a conversation that was about you complaining about the fandom.


You haven't even talked about the show, or have even tried to explain why you think it's "Nothing but fan-service." All you've done was bash the fandom, Andrea Libman, Tara Strong, and Lauren Faust.


Please list some actual examples about how MLP is "Nothing but fan-service."


Yeah I agree, I think Galaxy didn't worded right the thread's subject, and the "covo" didn't have a proper explanation or introduction, I take it that Galaxy was the green text (which both were hard to read XD). It took me a while to understand what it was really about, a better title would be "Thoughts on the way the show is going with the fandom" or something of that sort.



Anyways. Where's the show is going? well, anywhere... who knows, maybe this show was expected to last 2 seasons, but with the brony phenomenom I doubt it would be cancelled anytime soon. Yeah, this fandom has dark spots, but there's always gonna be HQ music, HQ art, HQ animations, HQ fics, HQ roleplays, HQ PMV's and soforth. This is what I love about this fandom, the creativity and high amount of talent!.

Do you think that they only talk about Powerful Almighty Lauren Faust? or the "whorish" Tara Strong? well, I have not heard about them in months! I would like to have an autograph though, but I won't kiss their asses. The thing is, if something bugs you about this fandom, just ignore them. If you can't tolerate fics, stop visiting the fics page. Actually I only have read 2 fics to this day, if you hate art, don't go to deviantART and whatnot.


Actually, I am a complete ignorant in what is trending in the fandom, wether if it is a new art or a new fic or comic, because I'm only active in MLPforums and I don't visit Equestria Daily anymore, though it would be interesting how related or "official" is MLPforums to the fandom in general, I'm mostly sure that I am a complete stranger to the overall brony community.

Edited by Motion Spark


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I don't see what you mean by "down hill" A Wedding in Canterlot and Crystal Empire are some of the best episodes so far, and some of my favorite episodes are in Season 2.


And if the Trixie episode(which is rumored to be a another two-parter) turns out the same kind of epic, we can add it to the pile.


Also, on the fandom, people have been complaining about since I joined a year ago, it's nothing new. Neither is complaining about the show, there's people that refuse to acknowledge season 2.

  • Brohoof 2



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


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To be honest, I really didn't think the first two episodes of Season 3 were all that great, however, I enjoyed Too Many Pinkie Pie's so much more. I actually made a thread a while back about my thoughts on the way the show and the fandom are heading, and how they're heading in positive directions, so you could look at that if you want to see my true thoughts, but for now I'll just tl;dr it.


Been many great moments, been some bad moments, but as a collective experience, still an amazing show.

  • Brohoof 3
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Personally, I quite like the fact that the people who work on the show (or who have worked on it, in the case of Lauren Faust) are actively engaged with the community. Consider the opposite end of the spectrum, something akin to Star Wars, where you have a crazy combination of the inmates running the asylum and the creator (Lucas) being aloof to any and all criticism. The producers of MLP, all the way up to some folks in Hasbro Studios, know about the Brony community and respect their presence. A well-balanced relationship between the fanbase and the creators is not an easy thing to maintain with a fairly large franchise. I still think it's remarkable that MLP became more than another 22 minute toy advertisement. The show has soul, and the strength of the fanbase has kept everyone honest.


As I have said in the past, I would be more concerned if a large portion of the staff left. That almost always results in a degradation of quality. Since Lauren left, the show has arguably gotten better due in large part to everybody settling into a rhythm. And while I tend to find it disheartening and occasionally confusing when a show's creator departs (e.g., Joel Hodgson on MST3K), it can also be an opportunity to fresh ideas to enter the creative process. And that is what seems to have happened through Season 2.


Now, would I be thrilled if they totally abandoned the slice of life narratives? Not really, no. A good deal of the charm of MLP emerged from the ponies wrestling with common problems. But that does not exclude experimenting with new stories and concepts. Season 3 may very well be an experimental season, one which toys with a larger story arc mixed with slice of life episodes. Since "The Return of Harmony," I think we can acknowledge two things: MLP can work with sustained storylines; and fan input enriches the show. After all, Discord was largely a product of Lauren Faust binging on Stark Trek: TNG. Fandom can be influential in a positive way; MLP not forgetting its roots (and support base) is encouraging.


Since the fanbase is continuing to grow, there will be an influx of less than stellar individuals and/or groups who make Bronies look bad. Such is the life of any fandom. I cannot however name a fandom which has produced such a wide variety of high-quality content. Yes, a lot of horrendous OC alicorns exist; there are stupendously awful fan fics floating about the FiMfiction; but I don't find it discouraging. It's just part of the overall package.


Accentuate the positive and all that jazz.

  • Brohoof 7


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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I've joined the community a year ago and I don't see a lot of differences in the show itself.

But I think it's funny how everypony seems to like "Too much Pinkie Pies" the most out of season 3 episodes, because I really don't. I like Pinkie but what I like most about FiM is that it's kind of a slice of life show mixed with some adventures rather than having just some cartoon humor and slapstick. I like the more "realistic and serious" episodes a lot more than the over-the-top ones and especially the chemistry and friendship between the mane ponies were a reason to keep watching mlp after I tried the first episodes.

Fortunately the other episodes were top notch in my opinion and I am starting to like the CMCs almost as much as the mane6 episodes. They feel like a own show inside the show and the character of the fillies gets a lot more adorable with every episode.

The only thing that I would like is seeing more are SoL episodes like "Winter Wrap Up" and some good ol' friendship lessons.

Now to the community: I don't really care about it besides the forums. I don't care about OCs, background ponies, the whole Derpy hype,etc. so I cant really tell if there is something that has changed significally. I still enjoy the artworks and comics a lot and most of them are really high-quality so I can't complain. :)

Edited by Wildcard
  • Brohoof 3


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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Being 4 episodes into season 3 it seems that the show is more or less still on course with its original formula. Yes the two parter wasn't as good as the other two parters, and the last CMC ep was probably my least favorite of the CMC eps, but it IS still the same recognizable formula that got me hooked in season 1. The only serious differance I can think of is that we know have the foreshadowing of Twilight's eventual princesship, which is substantial because it points to their being an end objective to the overall series, something that was lacking in the previous seasons.

Edited by Two-of-Hearts

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You're dead if you aim only for kids, adults are just kids grown up anyway. -Walt Disney

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People saying season 3 is fan-fodder? Season 3 isn't good so far? Well I must disagree quite a bit.


So far I haven't seen major signs of Season 3 being fan-fodder. I give you Trixie's return but really that does kinda make sense the way Twilight says "She'll learn her lesson someday" in the first Trixie episode. I mean, we need to get a conclusion on that in my opinion.

Hands and ponies wearing socks? Still just easter eggs if you ask me and really it doesn't change the show a bit.


I don't need to say anything about all fandoms having bad parts, many people have already said that. I read quite a bit of fanfiction and most popular stories on FiMfiction.net are really good and I've read many stories that I would deem better than books I've paid for. Many of these stories include OCs but generally they are portrayed finely.


Then season 3. Personally I love it so far. Yes, the two parter wasn't as good as any of the other two parters but that doesn't mean it was bad. Hell no, it was actually pretty awesome and epic in my opinion! Besides, do you realize what story that the two parter creates and we haven't even been told about it yet? What is Twilight's "next level of studying"? What was that book that Luna had in the end and why was Luna doubtful of Twilight's success? It looks like Hasbro is brewing up some cool story here. This is all very exciting in my opinion!


I love nearly the whole show, all seasons included and the (majority) of the fandom is amazing in my opinion.

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I think season 3 is going really well so far. The Crystal Empire 2 parter was amazing in my opinion, Too Many Pinkie Pies was just ok, and One Bad Apple was really good as well. Sure, the next episode featuring Trixie might be some sort of fan service, but as long as it isn't too much Trixie I think it'll be good, we'll just have to wait and see how season 3 is ultimately as a whole in the end though- for example, I think season 1 was overall better as a whole but season 2 had some episodes that were much better quality than season 1 eps(with some weaker than season 1 as well, but the good outweighed the bad in the end really).

  • Brohoof 2


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