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mega thread Everypony's Religion And Why?


What is your religion?  

66 users have voted

  1. 1. What is your religion?

    • Catholic
    • Orthodox
    • Protestant
    • Lutheran
    • Anglican
    • Methodist
    • Baptists
    • Unitarian/ Universalist
    • Christian (other, or general)
    • Islam
    • Hindu
    • Buddhist
    • Agnostic
    • Atheist
    • Satanist
    • Reform
    • Judaism (other, or general)
    • Equestreism (or don't care)
    • Electic Pagan (added at request)
    • Wicca (added at request)
    • Jehovah's Witness (added at request)
    • Spiritual (added at request)
    • Other (quote the OP and I'll try to add it ASAP)

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I have no faith, to me there is no god of any sort. I lost my "faith" (actually I never had faith to begin with. I was forced to go to hebrew school as a kid and temple on the weekends. During that period of my life, I had no feelings of faith and that carried on to the rest of my life) years ago, when I realized it was just a man-made creation used as a way to deal with life's one truth: we are all going to die. However, I am fascinated by other people's faith, because I don't understand it, I've never experienced it and it is a concept I cannot stand. In fact, I was getting a masters of theology (I dropped out after a year due to mental health reasons), specifically examining the impact religion has on society.


To this day I have no interest in faith, it is not something I agree with and as a result religion is repulsive to me (I know I spent time at a seminary, but that still did not stop my feelings for religion). But I understand there are a lot of people who would disagree with me and that is fine, my beliefs are mine and I have no problem with other people's religious beliefs, I just dislike people trying to force their faith (or lack of faith) on other people. We should all be allowed to believe what we want to believe without persecution.


That is about it.


Sig by Midnightive

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Atheism, because it just doesn't seem very legit that there would be anything that cares about us when the universe is so large.

Would you care for humans if you just created everything?


Wait, so why would you be an atheist? Why not agnostic? What if there is a God and it doesn't care about us?


Also, if you were a God and had infinite time, wouldn't it be fun to create an intelligent species and watch it grow, and see the empires rise and fall? I think that would be incredible.


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Wait, so why would you be an atheist? Why not agnostic? What if there is a God and it doesn't care about us?


Also, if you were a God and had infinite time, wouldn't it be fun to create an intelligent species and watch it grow, and see the empires rise and fall? I think that would be incredible.


It would be amusing, but I would feel bad mutilating lab rats in various ways for my amusement.

Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain


Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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Wait, so why would you be an atheist? Why not agnostic? What if there is a God and it doesn't care about us?


Also, if you were a God and had infinite time, wouldn't it be fun to create an intelligent species and watch it grow, and see the empires rise and fall? I think that would be incredible.


I doubt that. Also, I doubt that even if a god existed we couldn't exactly find out what's fun. I mean God Mode sucks a lot. It's fun at first but then there is nothing else after that. And to pile it on, when you have the walkthrough to life, that would be the most boring game ever. So I don't think that even if there is a God


1) He wouldn't care for our existence

2) He wouldn't care for enjoyment, he would simply exist.


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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It would be amusing, but I would feel bad mutilating lab rats in various ways for my amusement.


If you gave them eternal joy afterwards like the less dickish Gods of human mythology, then it's all good.


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I voted Lutheranism, evenso i should probably have voted atheist as i do not believe in a "god". I am only a member because i believe that lutheranism is containing good morals, a good definition of how a family and society is builded up. I also do believe that my country is christian and should remain that, however People are allowed to practice their own religion, if the level does not affect the rest of society.


I respect that others have their religions, let me make this perfectly clear, but that Christianity is still the values ​​and morals we build our community up of. (With we, I mean my country)

Edited by Nickli
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I'm atheistic agnostic. I don't believe in any gods but I also don't believe that the existence or non-existence of gods has been substantiated one way or another.


Also, if it hasn't already been said, "agnostic" alone is only a partial description of one's religious views.

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Isn't that a bit cruel? It could cause flame wars :/


Isn't what a bit cruel?

There's 734 posts here. You may wanna quote the one you're referring to. :P

  • Brohoof 1



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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Oops. Well theres no way I'm going to find that again... :wacko:


No problem. We all make mistakes. ^_^


There hasn't been a flame war in this thread for a short while, so whatever you saw probably wont start a flame war unless people bring back old drama.

  • Brohoof 2



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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No problem. We all make mistakes. ^_^


There hasn't been a flame war in this thread for a short while, so whatever you saw probably wont start a flame war unless people bring back old drama.


Thanks for the niceness! :)
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I used to be straight up atheist in high school, but pretty much immediately after I graduated I started believing in the mormon faith after I read the bible and then the book of mormon again, this time with a much more open mind. My parents have put me in it since birth, and even though I've told them I don't believe in it they have refused to actually take me out of it, and even though a few months ago I would have let loose a giant rant about how bad it is that I can't choose my own religion I'm actually pretty glad that they kept me in it.

  • Brohoof 1

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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Atheism isn't really a religion, but that's the option for me. :huh:


You're right, it's not even remotely a religion. However, you can't just make an poll asking everyone's religious beliefs and leave Atheism out. I'm certain that's where the TC was going with including it instead of saying that Atheism is a religion.


If it was absent we'd all be complaining!


Anyway, the poll is currently at 115 Christians and 109 Atheists. If only it were more even like that IRL.


(EDIT: Don't know why I had "110". Guess I automatically round up in my mind for some reason)

Edited by Envy
  • Brohoof 2

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I be an atheist.

I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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Simple. Just post in your religion. If its not included, quote this post and tell me what it is. I'll add it.




Yes, it really is a religion. Just think about it.

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I vote to not include science. I firmly believe that putting science there would have no votes as people will think it's a joke and an insult to their particular religion. Also science isn't a religion. == Geez Strife.


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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I vote to not include science. I firmly believe that putting science there would have no votes as people will think it's a joke and an insult to their particular religion. Also science isn't a religion. == Geez Strife.


I second this, science is not a religion.

  • Brohoof 1


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Science requires you to put faith in certain claims which can never be established as fact.


Not including it as a religion would be extremely insulting, as that's simply saying

"what I believe in is more valid that what you believe in"

Edited by Strife
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Science requires you to put faith in certain claims which can never be established as fact.


Not including it as a religion would be extremely insulting, as that's simply saying

"what I believe in is more valid that what you believe in"


You will have to enlighten us about these claims which you firmly believe to be unproveable and impossible to observe as human being for which all of science is built up. Although the larger theories usually are more difficult to experiment on, we still have the math. And anyone can do math.

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Science requires you to put faith in certain claims which can never be established as fact.


Not including it as a religion would be extremely insulting, as that's simply saying

"what I believe in is more valid that what you believe in"


Not publicly recognized as religion, not tax exempt, never applied for either.

In your face :lol::P

  • Brohoof 1


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Oh Tich. You probably want to read out huge discussion on it.



He's a fictionalist. You don't want to argue math with him. He doesn't believe in math. It's useful but doesn't believe it exists.


Actually you know what? Let's make science a religion and get all the free stuff Christianity gets XD.


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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