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mega thread Everypony's Religion And Why?


What is your religion?  

66 users have voted

  1. 1. What is your religion?

    • Catholic
    • Orthodox
    • Protestant
    • Lutheran
    • Anglican
    • Methodist
    • Baptists
    • Unitarian/ Universalist
    • Christian (other, or general)
    • Islam
    • Hindu
    • Buddhist
    • Agnostic
    • Atheist
    • Satanist
    • Reform
    • Judaism (other, or general)
    • Equestreism (or don't care)
    • Electic Pagan (added at request)
    • Wicca (added at request)
    • Jehovah's Witness (added at request)
    • Spiritual (added at request)
    • Other (quote the OP and I'll try to add it ASAP)

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A bit of a read..Smile_popcorn1.gif


I was, for quite some time Lutheran ,as were my parents, but after we stopped going to church about 6-7 years ago, it just kinda faded. My parents were never ones to really make me pay attention in church or study religious text and what have you, so one could attribute that to religion not having a greater influence on me. A short while after that I just sorta defaulted to atheism for a while, occasionally pondering the greater questions of life. 


I must admit, becoming a Brony actually had some impact, no I did not adopt the sisters as new gods . but becoming a Brony helped me open my mind to new ideas and areas of thought.

I would not call myself a close minded person before, but I would say that it perhaps multiplied the rate at which my thought process matured/evolved. It's rather hard to explain, but I had a much greater viewpoint from philosophical standpoint after. That in turn led to many mid evening walks under the stars just deep in thought ( something I would like to start doing again).

After many said walks I came to the conclusion that it was not in my best interest to ponder or concern myself with such for the time being and focus on more pressing issues like schoolwork (That being said, it did not interfere with or otherwise hinder schoolwork). Anyways, at this point it time I retain that standpoint and I try to focus on other things in life, but I feel like I should make a return to such soon. 


TL:DR I don't associate with any belief at the moment, not even atheism. I am a "Fuckist" as in "I don't give a fuck" (For the time being).







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Simple. Just post in your religion. If its not included, quote this post and tell me what it is. I'll add it.


Someone has already recommended Pastafarin and it is still not up there. I know a lot of people have some misconceptions about it, but FSMism is a real religion. Put it up there please, your disrespecting my religion. :okiedokielokie:


Made by MiniKirby123

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Someone has already recommended Pastafarin and it is still not up there. I know a lot of people have some misconceptions about it, but FSMism is a real religion. Put it up there please, your disrespecting my religion. :okiedokielokie:

The user doesn't add anything to the poll anymore. I've asked before. I'm tempted to make a new poll, but I'd hate to go against the policy of not duplicating topics.

Roller Coaster Count: 143
Favorite Roller Coaster: Tatsu
Best Pony: Starlight Glimmer (Background Pony: Saffron Masala)
Best Episode: Twilight's Kingdom (Single Episode: All Bottled Up)

"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens" -Bahá'u'lláh

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  • 1 month later...

I'm a Seventh-day Adventist (a Protestant Christian Denomination).


Why? Mainly these reasons, I truly believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour who has died on the cross for my sins as well as for everyone else's (doesn't matter whether they existed from the past, present or the future), I believe in the Bible to the core (it's the main source of doctrine for me), I believe there is truth to the Bible (the Second Coming of Jesus's prophesies are an example) and I truly believe that the Second Coming of Jesus will come soon.


As for the Seventh-day part, I truly believe that Saturday is the Sabbath (day of rest), not Sunday (as the Catholics claimed themselves). The Bible clearly states that the Seventh-day is Saturday, not Sunday, period.

Edited by Jonny Music
  • Brohoof 2
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  • 1 month later...

I'm a Seventh-Day Adventist (a Christian Denomination).


Why? Mainly these reasons, I truly believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour who has died on the cross for my sins as well as for everypony else's (doesn't matter whether they existed from the past, present or the future), I believe in the Bible to the core (it's the main source of doctrine for me), I believe there is truth to the Bible (the Second Coming of Jesus's prophesies are an example) and I truly believe that the Second Coming of Jesus will come soon.


As for the Seventh-Day part, I truly believe that Saturday is the Sabbath (day of rest), not Sunday (as the Catholics claimed themselves). The Bible clearly states that the Seventh-Day is Saturday, not Sunday, period.

I always found it strange how Christians worshiped on Sundays, and not Saturdays. I mean, I get that Jewish laws were abrogated by the coming of Jesus, but it just seems unnecessary. Then again, most Christians I know don't really treat it as a "day of rest" anyway, so I guess it's a moot point?


What's your opinion? Do you abstain from work on Saturdays? Are there other Jewish laws that Seventh-Day Adventists still follow?

  • Brohoof 2

Roller Coaster Count: 143
Favorite Roller Coaster: Tatsu
Best Pony: Starlight Glimmer (Background Pony: Saffron Masala)
Best Episode: Twilight's Kingdom (Single Episode: All Bottled Up)

"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens" -Bahá'u'lláh

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  • 5 weeks later...

I always found it strange how Christians worshiped on Sundays, and not Saturdays. I mean, I get that Jewish laws were abrogated by the coming of Jesus, but it just seems unnecessary. Then again, most Christians I know don't really treat it as a "day of rest" anyway, so I guess it's a moot point?


What's your opinion? Do you abstain from work on Saturdays? Are there other Jewish laws that Seventh-Day Adventists still follow?

Sorry for the late reply. :(


Yes, I would abstain from work on Saturdays (or more specifically, Friday sundown to Saturday sundown). We still use our cars and other vehicles to get to church service (there is Sabbath School and Divine Service in the morning. And depending on specific church buildings, there is afternoon service as well (the frequency will vary per church building)).There is no restriction as to how far we can travel on the Sabbath.


We do follow the health laws in the book of Leviticus. However, since we are also a Christian denomination, we (obviously) do not need to act on the Jewish festivals and holidays. Because we believe that Jesus Christ is not only the Son of God, but also the Lamb of God. Jesus was the "Lamb" who was sacrificed on the cross in order to die for our sins for our redemption. Therefore, ever since Jesus' death on the cross, the Jewish festivals and holidays were then considered unnecessary to this day. :)


Also, on the sabbath, we are not restricted from socializing with anyone. We can still socialize with anyone on the sabbath.

Edited by Jonny Music
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I am a Reconstructionist Jew.  I was raised as a Reconstructionist Jew.  I kind of have my own interpretation of the religion.


Care to elaborate? I love hearing people's different interpretations of their own faith.  :)


(For clarification, I'm Roman Catholic.)

I was an atheist until I read up on LaVeyan Satanism and personally found that it fit me better. After reading "The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey, I felt that it just seemed like the religion for me, even though it basically is atheism, lol. 


So, yeah, I'm a LaVeyan Satanist but religion doesn't typically impact my life any and I certainly don't go around starting debates about it, it's just 'meh' at this point. 


I think you'll find most people who are seriously religious don't let it impact their daily lives either. They carry it with them, and it does guide an outlook, but there's a difference between holding one's religion in high regards and blind zealotry.


Despite being Catholic myself, I know it's not for everyone and I'm glad you were able to find a faith that fit you.  :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 




I do admit, it does make me sad to see that the bar marked "atheist" is so high when compared to any others. Ask anyone who knows me here and they can tell you I have an immense respect for atheism and atheists. As I said on another thread about the subject. "It's just another perspective." Not my perspective but not everything has to be one way or the other.


It makes me a bit sad only because when asked to talk about this particular subject, I feel harshly outnumbered. 


I can safely say that being a brony has been an immensely religious experience for me. So to see so few share the thought or misunderstand what "religion" is due to backward idiots, fills me with sadness.


Anyway, I would describe myself truthfully as a Syncretic Catholic. I go to mass, believe Jesus Christ was the Messiah, and recognize the Pope as my highest mortal authority. (Doesn't mean I can't question him though.) However, I don't think the Divine appears or talks to everyone in the same way. All religions contain some degree of truth, however great or small.

  • Brohoof 4
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does american baptist count on these parts? i am an american baptist mare basically. i just feel like accepting others being selfless and learning things about the bible is the way these hooves go faithwise. im not a fan of ponies who pressure beliefs on other ponies in order to convert them. if a pony is curious about it to me they'll ask and be happy to explain. if not it will not be mentioned. this is just me though. ive seen it so many times this happens that it makes me cringe a bit or am i the only pony who feels this way with that?

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If you're wondering which part of agnostic I would identify as, I honestly don't even know. 


You know how agnostics are stereotyped as not being able to make up their mind? Well, I can't make up my mind if I'm more agnostic theist or agnostic atheist. I only really go to church at my dad's house when I'm forced to, so I'd say more agnostic atheist but I don't have an extreme bitter hatred against religion, just an "I don't care" attitude about it.



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does american baptist count on these parts? i am an american baptist mare basically. i just feel like accepting others being selfless and learning things about the bible is the way these hooves go faithwise. im not a fan of ponies who pressure beliefs on other ponies in order to convert them. if a pony is curious about it to me they'll ask and be happy to explain. if not it will not be mentioned. this is just me though. ive seen it so many times this happens that it makes me cringe a bit or am i the only pony who feels this way with that?


No, you are not my lady.


If faith is used as a bludgeon, it will only leave an impact akin to scars and bruises. Those that use it like a switch to beat a child are no truer to Christ than those who cried.


"Give us Barabbas!"

If you're wondering which part of agnostic I would identify as, I honestly don't even know. 


You know how agnostics are stereotyped as not being able to make up their mind? Well, I can't make up my mind if I'm more agnostic theist or agnostic atheist. I only really go to church at my dad's house when I'm forced to, so I'd say more agnostic atheist but I don't have an extreme bitter hatred against religion, just an "I don't care" attitude about it.


That's yet another stereotype I'm not aware of. I'm honestly starting to believe my head is in some kind of bullshit deflection bubble for all the apparently obvious stereotypes that I'm not privy to.


To me, agnostic just means someone who admits the possibility of a Higher Power, but is searching for actual faith or the disproof thereof.

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To me, agnostic just means someone who admits the possibility of a Higher Power, but is searching for actual faith or the disproof thereof.
My attitude towards stuff like that is, yeah the whole God creating the universe thing could have happened, but there's also the possibly that it couldn't have happen. There is no exact explanation since none of us were there, and the debate has been brought on how reliable of a historic source the bible really is, so it could have been anything.
  • Brohoof 1



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Simple. Just post in your religion. If its not included, quote this post and tell me what it is. I'll add it.


Discussion Time Everypony!


Fandoms are my faith


I'm an eclectic wiccan, also I noticed that you didn't have wicca on the list.


EDIT: too late, you've added it.


why I'm wiccan...... I did a lot of research on religions before I decided on wicca.

I believed it and I liked it's teachings and beliefs.


so I did a year and a day and did a self dedication ritual.

been wiccan ever since, and I haven't regretted it.



Wicca is an earth based religion that worships the goddess and god.


also know as mother moon and father sun.

though this is more of a goddess religion, even if the god has some pretty big roles.


a lot of people think wicca is nothing but spells, but in wicca, most spells are more like elaborate prayers, though they are a different thing. wow, it's pretty hard to describe my religion, there's too much to say xD


but the same could be said for most religions.

Edited by Lucky Star
  • Brohoof 1


*OC Lucky Star*


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100% Catholic. Have been since I was a kid, will be by the time I die. Religion's a major factor in my moral code, so although I don't dig too deep into it I like to think I follow it well enough. I mean, my karma's pretty good and I don't have any enemies, so I must be doing something right.

  • Brohoof 1

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Agnostic - Cause I believe if there were a god/higher power, We as a species couldn't even begin to fathom what it would want nor the purpose for creating us, my evidence? The fact that so many religions have come and gone and the amount of religions that are still here.

  • Brohoof 1


My pony OC

If you would like to Roleplay please Private message me, I only like one on one Roleplays cause groups get overwhelming and becoming attention contests, I like to rp with people equally.

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Fandoms are my faith


I'm an eclectic wiccan, also I noticed that you didn't have wicca on the list.


EDIT: too late, you've added it.


why I'm wiccan...... I did a lot of research on religions before I decided on wicca.

I believed it and I liked it's teachings and beliefs.


so I did a year and a day and did a self dedication ritual.

been wiccan ever since, and I haven't regretted it.



Wicca is an earth based religion that worships the goddess and god.


also know as mother moon and father sun.

though this is more of a goddess religion, even if the god has some pretty big roles.


a lot of people think wicca is nothing but spells, but in wicca, most spells are just elaborate prayers, though they are a different thing. wow, it's pretty hard to describe my religion, there's too much to say xD


but the same could be said for most religions.


My former (not ex!) girlfriend is also a Wiccan. She shared much of her faith with me and mine with with her. It's one of those things that helped us connect on a deep and spiritual level.

Agnostic - Cause I believe if there were a god/higher power, We as a species couldn't even begin to fathom what it would want nor the purpose for creating us, my evidence? The fact that so many religions have come and gone and the amount of religions that are still here.


I agree completely, the Divine would be (or is) an intelligence so far beyond our comprehension that It's true designs would simply be too vast and complex for us to even begin to understand.


That being said, I do believe such a grand design is a benevolent one. Life and my experience living it has not given me a reason to doubt that faith.

100% Catholic. Have been since I was a kid, will be by the time I die. Religion's a major factor in my moral code, so although I don't dig too deep into it I like to think I follow it well enough. I mean, my karma's pretty good and I don't have any enemies, so I must be doing something right.


Likewise Catholic. Wow, we are a rare breed on this site aren't we?  :lol:


Also likewise religion is a strong part of my identity and moral code.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm not religious, but I'm not an atheist. I just like to assume that every religion is right in some way or another.

I don't really think about religion, to be honest. However, my family are Catholics.

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't really think about religion, to be honest.


I'm with you up to this part. Not because I think you're wrong but because I do think of religions. Quite a lot actually. Theology and inter-religious studies is something of a hobby of mine. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Christianity. Because it teaches what's right and to be good to other people. And because it is the only real religion. All other religions and beliefs are false. But that does not mean that I do not respect it if people believe differently than I do.

I have to say that it saddens me to see how many people picked Atheist though...

  • Brohoof 4

The White Shinigami

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Christianity. Because it teaches what's right and to be good to other people. And because it is the only real religion. All other religions and beliefs are false. But that does not mean that I do not respect it if people believe differently than I do.


I have to say that it saddens me to see how many people picked Atheist though...


Right, me too, I know how you feel, but you don't think that comes off as basically giving the atheists just more evidence that they are right?

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I'm agnostic. I was raised in a Pentecostal Christian family, but wound up becoming a scientist, and so I tend to appreciate logic & the physically observable rather than the Bible which was edited, altered and compiled in a subjective and somewhat arbitrary manner. Just as there is little physical proof supporting Christianity, I cannot provide definitive evidence of no God, and so do not identify as atheist. If there is a god, I most certainly believe it is beyond our comprehension. 


On an emotional level, religion has only ever been a point of alienation and division for me. Both of my parents are pastors, and they spend all their time lecturing and fighting with me, rather than taking a legitimate interest in my wellbeing and life. The fundamentalism they preach is essentially hatred and intolerance under the guise of 'following Christ', and I'd rather have nothing to do with it. 


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Man, us Anglicans have no love here. I guess we'll hang out with the rest of the No Members' Club with the Hindus and Satanists.



I'm bad because I listen to music with swears.

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On an emotional level, religion has only ever been a point of alienation and division for me. Both of my parents are pastors, and they spend all their time lecturing and fighting with me, rather than taking a legitimate interest in my wellbeing and life.

I can definitely sympathize with that. Understand that when they lecture you, it's evidence that you are loved and they care for you. Perhaps you can request certain times to specifically discuss religion/your objections to it, and request that the rest of your time with them be spent on something else. Hopefully, they'll understand! /)

Roller Coaster Count: 143
Favorite Roller Coaster: Tatsu
Best Pony: Starlight Glimmer (Background Pony: Saffron Masala)
Best Episode: Twilight's Kingdom (Single Episode: All Bottled Up)

"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens" -Bahá'u'lláh

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Man, us Anglicans have no love here. I guess we'll hang out with the rest of the No Members' Club with the Hindus and Satanists.




Hey, I'd gladly embrace all three of you as friends as long as we could respect one another's religious beliefs. In my experience, those of different faiths actually get along better than one of any faith and an atheist.


Just my experience though.

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