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MLP Forums Brony Music Playlist!

Count Paradox

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2Xz8ByceWkThe forums needs a playlist.
No, not some dinky little thing with eight or nine songs that play repetitively, day in and day out, I mean a long playlist with thousands of songs. Songs that everyone on the forums suggests.
I'm here to say and suggest that we make a personal forums playlist. Everyone on the forums could suggest one song to add to the list so that we could have so much variety, it would make someone's head explode.
The only rules and/or guidelines:
1. You may only suggest fandom or show songs.
2. You may only suggest one song at a time, if you have one in the playlist, and suggest another, the old one will be removed and replaced with the newer, and be sure to add in "I want my song changed to this!".
3. If you see someone has suggested a song that you would have suggested, please don't post "HEY, I WAS GONNA ADD THAT!!11!1", and instead just suggest another song for the list.
4. If I miss your post, just go ahead and PM me or do something to directly get my attention.
I will be making a special section on my Youtube account to add everyone's songs to a que so that they may be listened to any time. (I know it will be a hassel, but it's the only way that I could think to do this.)
Just have fun and enjoy the music, everyone!


Here's the link to the playlist!!! MLP Forums Brony Music Playlist!


Also the first song that will be added is this!



@Oddgob's selection:




's selection:




's selection:




@angels_gal's selection:




's selection:




@Brosparkles's selection:




@YesIAmTori's selection:




's Selection:




@hailPhantom's selection:




@Sagitta's selection:




's selection:




's selection:




@Sks_Burns's selection:





Edited by TGAP Count Paradox
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but...but...I've got soooooooooo many songs I could add to this playlist...only one? I've DJed before and I have over 300 pony songs on my IPhone...

sorry, there's, like, over 7,000 people on the forums. I doubt EVERYONE will add a song, but quite a few might, and I don't think we need THAT many songs... Just pick your fave one, and I'll add it! :)

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 I hope that this is safe to put here...but still think about my idea, I have a whole playlist already done...All I hafta do is organise it.

i think that that song will be fine, but it would be nice for everyone to be in on this. I think that it would bring everyone a little bit closer together.

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I might change my mind ^^ like I said, I have about 300 songs...maybe even more than that and I want to make sure I choose one that everyone else is ok with...

alright, like I said, you can change it if you want. Oh, and i almost forgot, the link to the playlist is in the firts post now, so go ahead and check out the 4 songs we have so far. XD

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Okay,  guess i'll bite.  and submit this song sung and composed by the wonderful and very talented Forest Rain.    I have posted  this link various times around the forum  but i think this piece deserves a little more attention.   The story behind this song is  he went to rony con and  ended up finding a left plain white envelope beside his table it had a  simple note inside that read "it's great to be different.  love, Derpy"


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This playlist needs more Pinkeh Pie.


I suggest Smile Smile Smile. Because that song is awesome, and it would be awesome if it could be added to this playlist.


i knew you (or someone, at least) would add that song. I'm not suprised, anyways, because it seems everyone likes it soooooooooo much!

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wait... were you wanting to change yours already? cus i can if you want this one to be the one you want in the list... is it the one you want to change it to?

no, I just wanted to say that song is a better example of Coconeru's talent, and we need more wubs...and somepony get rid of that 100 char thing!

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no, I just wanted to say that song is a better example of Coconeru's talent, and we need more wubs...and somepony get rid of that 100 char thing!

ah, ok. not that i wouldn't mind that vid in there, jus fer derpy. XD i feel so bad for octavia there, she just is sooo pissed and doesn't know what to do.

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There's so many good brony songs out there, I can't pick just one! Oh, but I guess if I have to. :P



Here's a nice little instrumental beat by the Replacer.





Something a bit relaxing anyone?



Absolutely love that song, it sends shivers down my back and reminds me of better days and well...summer!

I've never heard of the Replacer so once I get back from work I'll check him out...also really guys, what about the wubs? I know rexaxing is important but...wubs?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF8M5kLyIcY&list=PL78A0AC67C61ED2D8&index=180


I'll be leaving for work later today in about 10-20 minutes so...

Edited by JTAC
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 really enjoy Makkon's work (his music and other art) but I especially like this particular piece. Mayhaps you guys will like it as well. 

  Edited by Sagitta
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Huh, I guess I shall add one song in here. Not sure how often I'll change it though...

This guy needs to be known more! He's gotten really freaking good at his music, but doesn't quite have the audience for some reason. :/

Anyway, add this BA mofo to dat playlist!




Also, his name is Valeriy Tafiy on these forums here. Should you like it, why not drop him a comment letting him know? :)

Edited by TGAP Haven
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