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Have I missed the golden days of the fandom?


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If anything, we are in the golden era of the fandom right now or soon will be. The fanom is larger than it ever has been, and sure, it's attracted and brought about some negative types of people/behavior, but I believe it's better than it ever has been. Think of the massive amount of fan art, fiction, websites, and merchandise that's created daily. 


However, after the show and fandom have both simmered down, I think people will look back to the days when the show's content was at its peak. These will be remembered as the golden days.


  • Brohoof 1

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Doesn't matter what you are a fan of. Be it Harry Potter, Star Wars, SOnic The Hedge hog or wrestling. There will always be those type of people who wish that things could go back to the way things were. Fans come and they go. But, we have no danger of the golden days coming to an end. The Brony community is going very strong and getting stronger as the days go by. We have plenty of talented artists who create some of the best art be it Music, Drawing or Fanfics. Don't worry we are still going strong and probably continue to go strong for quite some time.

  • Brohoof 2

Facebook: Josh B.

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I became a fan in the summer before Season 2. I definitely wasn't one of the early bronies (not even close compared to people like Doctor-Whooves here), but I suppose I count as a separate class from the bronies who joined mid Season 2 or afterwards. 


There were hardly any big animation projects like there are now, definitely. Some of the truly innovative stuff I see now wasn't around then. Fanfics were scattered around; no FIMfiction. At the start of Season 2, we had to wait for days to get anything other than 480p uploads on youtube. The fact that Xyro could get out the premiere in 720p (no 1080p yet) in a matter of hours was OMG THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER. There was a lot of concern when Lesson Zero came out that without Lauren Faust, the show would just be shallow slapstick pandering to the fans. I wasn't one of the people who thought it was the end of the world, but it took until Sisterhooves Social for that to calm down, and until about mid season for people to recognize it for the great episode that it was. The stream broke when the Find A Pet song began. It was roughly equivalent to Gak in the amount of chat spam when that happened.


I'm not sure if the fandom was better or worse back then. To be honest, I think it may have been just a teeny tiny bit worse.

Edited by Stellafera
  • Brohoof 1

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Well, the "golden days" aren't exactly over nor have begun. Yea yea, ya missed some bits here and there but those things are still out there, I mean, you missed out on things like the creation of cupcakes, the 4chan fiasco, when MLD just got released, the whole beyond her garden madness, rainbow factory. But ya can still look 'm up! Doesn't mean they have to be less "spectacular!" just because their hype is gone, well, perhaps a bit.


And hey! There is stiil SO MUCH to look forward to! The MLD movies that'll come out, the games that will be released in some time, the prime-time of artists, musicians and writers, Rainbow N Rooted, the ending of many many great fanfics, like Last of the Dragonlords, the conclusion of the Encyclopedia, Season 3's episodes and finale, perhaps even more seasons, the end of the series itself where we pick up what we have and fiddle around with it, conventions, interviews, streams! I mean, endless amounts of heaps of fun for you to discover!


So it is far from over, we've only just begun. Just look at other fandoms that have survived time itself, check out the start treck fandom, the DC & Marvel fandoms, Doctor Who, you name it! We are far from our "golden era", if we even have one, since the beginning of the fandom this whole time and even now has been a golden era for us, we still thrive, revolutionalize, invent! Don't worry mate! There's still loads of stuff to come!

  • Brohoof 2
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Thank you elder members of the fandom.  I saw this topic and was afraid that you would confirm these fears and tell us that we were too late for the good parts.  Instead, you've filled me with hope at what's to come.  I now fully expect us to continue our manufacturing of several-hundred-ton bricks of solidified awesome (and perhaps, one day, I can join in this work).  Again, thank you.

  • Brohoof 3

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


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Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Well, the "golden days" aren't exactly over nor have begun. Yea yea, ya missed some bits here and there but those things are still out there, I mean, you missed out on things like the creation of cupcakes, the 4chan fiasco, when MLD just got released, the whole beyond her garden madness, rainbow factory. But ya can still look 'm up! Doesn't mean they have to be less "spectacular!" just because their hype is gone, well, perhaps a bit.


I remember that. I saw it on Equestria Daily, and went, "Hmm, doesn't look too interesting. I wonder what other fanfics got released today."


Nostradamus, I am not.

Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship


"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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Thank you elder members of the fandom.  I saw this topic and was afraid that you would confirm these fears and tell us that we were too late for the good parts.  Instead, you've filled me with hope at what's to come.  I now fully expect us to continue our manufacturing of several-hundred-ton bricks of solidified awesome (and perhaps, one day, I can join in this work).  Again, thank you.


Yes, it's really gotten good. For reference, My Little Dashie wasn't written for about a year after I joined. And just look at all the new stuff coming. We're just getting started.


Thanks to all the people who acknowledged me. You make it sound like I'm a war hero or something.

  • Brohoof 3


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I don't think there's really any 'Golden Days' to the fandom, because the fandom has dropped in neither activity or general quality of output. If the fandom were to suddenly crash and burn, or at least drop significantly, then you could call the time when things were pathetically active, 'Golden Days', but as it is, everything is good, so there's no real distinction.


What you can say is, 'Have I missed the time when bronydom hit it's peak for becoming known throughout the world, and evolved from a fanbase into a movement as well.' I think the answer to that is yes. Throughout all of 2012 and probably some of 2011 was really when the fandom and the show spread across the world to a point where it become more than just an internet phenomenon. Before that, it was just a popular show that caused pony memes, art and fanfics to become viral. But in the last two years we've gone far beyond that.


But hey, there's nothing to be sad about in missing the peak; you're in the wonderful aftermath ;)

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 4


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Yes, it's really gotten good. For reference, My Little Dashie wasn't written for about a year after I joined. And just look at all the new stuff coming. We're just getting started.


Thanks to all the people who acknowledged me. You make it sound like I'm a war hero or something.

But of course! You fought in the great 4chan war of early 2011. We should commission a medal to honor all you who saved the fandom.


(I'm only half-joking, you know. The early Bronies were and still are the only group to have not been crushed by 4chan in a troll war. Salute.)

Edited by Starswirl the Goateed



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I quote my sig: don't sweat the fandom, Concord. If there are any "golden days" of it, we're having them right now. Presently. These are them. We have more bronies now than ever and the number is only growing. We have more artists, musicians and writers than ever before and they're working up a storm. The show is on and it's doing great.


It is WAY too early for anyone to be talking about the golden days of the fandom.

  • Brohoof 2

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I mean to me, I think the fandom is still growing and is doing jus fine! I mean yes there are going to be others who do not like certain aspects of the show as of now... But honestly the creators of the show have done an excellent job since season 1! I think this show has a bright future :D

  • Brohoof 1



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Ah, the 4chan wars. I remember those. I got banned from 4chan, actually, for posting ponies when the mods were asleep. Lots of us did.


Am I the only one here who feels like a little kid listening in awe as their grandfather tells their old war stories?  I salute you Doctor-Whooves.  Had it not been for the strength and determination of you and your friends, the lives of many people (including my own) would be very different today.  You may say that you're not a war hero, but a newbie such as I would beg to differ.  You survived our birth in the fires of Hell Tartarus the Abyss 4chan.  That alone is deserving of some sort of honor.

  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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There's people that refuse to acknowledge season 2 happened, so it's been going on since the beginning. You just have to ignore the drama and busy yourself with the good parts of the fandom.    

Come to think of it, there really was a ton of drama throughout Season 2. Pretty sure the fandom spiked in terms of growth, but I don't really think there's anything the OP's missed. How exactly were things supposed to be better in the past?


And as for people "leaving the fandom", I can assure you that there's no justifiable reason for that, other than attention-whoring.

  • Brohoof 2
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Come to think of it, there really was a ton of drama throughout Season 2. Pretty sure the fandom spiked in terms of growth, but I don't really think there's anything the OP's missed. How exactly were things supposed to be better in the past?

I wasn't around during season 1(I came in November of '11), but from what I heard there was drama over "Feeling Pinkie Keen" and "Over a Barrel", so it goes way back.



And as for people "leaving the fandom", I can assure you that there's no justifiable reason for that, other than attention-whoring.

Agreed, I've seen people do this and 9/10 the person leaving is the one being a plothole. 

Edited by Shoboni
  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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To anyone here who still thinks "The Golden Age" (still hate that term...so defeatist about the future) of being a brony was in the past, take a look at this.



For Celestia's sake, our community is making our own full length episode. We could theoretically be 100% self-sustaining one day. Not to mention that a My Little Dashie movie is in production. We are only beginning to do things that other fandoms can only dreams of.


DON'T mistake a feeling of quaintness and nostalgia for the past for feelings that those were the Golden Days, which I feel is happening here.  Because think about it, how can the best days be behind us if we are on the cusp of a fan renaissance?


Our best days will always be in front of us if we put our hearts and minds to it.


And again, this is coming from a guy whose been a brony for a month.

Edited by StratoPegasus
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Interesting, from the looks of things i became a bronie before season 3 began or was really given true certainty but after season 2 was over...i wonder where that puts me.


In awesomeville thats where dang it.


But srysly I'm just glad the show and this forum exists.  The fan service, no matter how much is actually in the show, is great, idc what peeps say, it keeps living up to my expectations, season 1 was like WOW so THIS is MLP:FiM, season two had a different approach that if you look closely could be seen, and season three seems to be taking a middle ground between the two, i love it all.


(I'm having sooo much more fun than i expected here!)

  • Brohoof 1
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Golden Age of the fandom? Over? Missin' out on somthin'? ...Hahaha! Now what the livin' hell would make ya think that?


If anythng boy... Your Living the Golden age.

Hell, some might call this better than a Golden age. Maybe a Platnium Age. Or perhaps a Diamond age...  Other maybe a Silver age... or maybe a Bronze age or would it be an Iron Age?... Uranium Age? ...Nah.


Anyway, point is, you havn't missed out on a thing boy. and I'm pretty sure evryone here has said that already.

Been here since September. Of 2011. Ah i barely knew the fandom then. But once i started to know it all i've seen it gettein' bigger... and better. Art, music, stories, videos all the way up to animations and who knows what. All the way threw Season 2. I've seen a lot this passed year boy and I'll tell ya what: This fandom, this amazing, wonderful, talented bunch of people... plus others... they will never, oh and i mean Never, gonna cease to surprise you.


You are gonna see some great things my friend. And trust me, it aint gonna end anytime soon. Decline? Pfft. What a laugh. If anything this fandom is going UP. Sure we have our ups and downs, somedays better than others, but we are not in some downfall here. They maybe people complaining and whining and leaving and people argueing and fightin' and drama, OH the drama, But thats the same with the rest of this God forsaken world. Always ups and down with everything my friend. But don't let that worry you. Its only getter get better from here man.

  • Brohoof 2
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I don't mind fan service as long as it does not interfere with any of the major elements of the show. The golden time of the fandom is just beginning. It may have wobbled a bit in season two but it is still upon us. 

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I've been a brony for over a year now. Since October of 2011, EVEN THOUGH, I had noticed the pics of FIm since July of that year, but didn't get curious enough to watch until October ^_^ . Not exactly old, but not recent as well. I honestly didn't really realize the full growth of the whole fandom until I started writing fanfics, back in March this year. That's when through pages like EQD and such I was more directed too.


Holy mother of the growing fans.


I did NOT expect myself getting 3/4 of my cell phone's music to be pony, to write pony fanfics, to speak with other bronies, etc, etc. And all I see now is growth, growth, and more growth. Let's look at some of the highlights shall we?


-Summer BroNYcon got more than 4000 attendees. Biggest ponycon so far, without mentioning other big ones like EQLA, Everfree Northwest, Canterlot Gardens, and small ones like Midwestria, Trotcon, etc.


-Next year will have even MORE ponycons than this year, the number capping at 33...so far.


-Archie V, one of the famous brony musicians if I'm not mistaken, got a label for his music.


-Mandopony, another of the famous brony musicians GOT HIRED BY THE FIM CREW THEMSELVES.


-Fighting is Magic, probably the most expected pony games out there, got famous enough to get their own section in the Indie part of EVO 2012, the biggest tournament of fighting games of ALL USA, and actually succeeded in getting lots of people to play it and is also ongoing on getting completed.


-Plans for Double Rainboom, the first fan-made episode of FIM, have been created and are ongoing.


-Plans for the Bronycon documentary (now renamed by the way) were made and funded with MORE THAN ENOUGH money that they expanded themselves and will be showed at actual movie prize receivers, like Cannes and similar next year.


-Plans for the My Little Dashie movie have been made and are ongoing.


-Some of the PMV's and ponified trailers have been recognized by the very creators of the ponified things, greatest examples being, for example, Top Gear and a ponified parody of a certain episode, and the creator of Shaun of the Dead and it's ponified trailer.


-Let's not forget all the fancontent that was recognized by the FIM crew themselves. Daniel Ingram, main song composer for FIM has recognized several songs, for example.


-Past Sins and Fallout: Equestria, two of the most knwon pony fanfictions out there, got their oen versions as BOOKS. Tabitha St. Germain, Voice Actor for Rarity, Princess Luna, Granny Smith, and others, got a copy of Fallout: Equestria herself.


And I'm probably forgetting many others.


Plus, whether you like or not Season 3 is up to subjective opinion. But I don't think there are a lot who say "IT'S GETTING WORSE OMG WHY?!". Just that they didn't like it or similar. But honestly? I think they have improved in a lot of aspects. Whether you like or not...that's a completely different thing. :)




Missing the golden days? Nah, I think that it is TOO soon to start speaking about the golden days. Right now, the fandom is going through it's biggest stage of growth.... so far. The early days involved 4chan, as far as I know, and even though I never went there, I haven't exactly heard good things of the stuff that happened on that site. So...yeah...I don't think you missed anything pal.


The game is just beginning. ;)

Edited by Arcanel
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I can assure you that you have not missed the golden days.  I've been a Brony for a year and I have never once seen anything that looks like the fandom is declining.  Hardly.  I think that the best has yet to come and I'm looking forward to seeing where things go in both official pony content and what we the community create in response. 

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I don't think you've missed anything so you don't have to worry about that. Sure, this show is two years old, but I can see it continuing for another three or four years. Hell, Dr. Who took a giant hiatus from TV but they started airing it again. That fanbase has been around for over thirty years.


To me, I do feel that some people are leaving the fandom. Maybe because they got bored with it, while others might be ashamed if people found out that they enjoy it. True bronies don't care what other people think and just be themselves.


We're still in a new age of the fandom. Sure, it's not the Golden Age like it was when it first began, but we're still as strong as ever.

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I've been in the fandom since shortly after season 1 finished, and I can say with certainty that nobody here has missed the boat.

Was it different in the beginning? Of course it was. Fans seemed closer to each other, as there were fewer of us to go 'round. Artists were hardly popular, and I can remember following quite a few rather obscure artists who became rather successful via their pony music. Those kinds of things made me giddy with joy.

Today, there are plenty of fans, and a sizable amount of artwork to go with it. Heck, just shout "(Fill in the blank) is best pony!" during a college class, and watch as people either 1) agree with you, 2) disagree with you, or 3) stare awkwardly. There will be at least one other person in the class that knows about MLP.

On the down side, the sudden spike (Spike?) of fans has sparked a tsunami of fan art - a neat phenomena, but the activity becomes so rushed that it sometimes becomes a bit of a pain to find the "diamonds in the rough" so to speak, especially when it comes to fanfics. It also might have pushed the show creators a tiny bit further away from us as fans, as things become less and less personal as they have to keep track of a larger and larger fandom. (Though it could be argued that the larger pool of consumers gave them more of an incentive to listen to feedback and respond accordingly.)

Anyhow, that's my two cents. All in all, it's been wonderful to watch the fandom expand. Sure, we get enough fan works to drown eleven guys plus the neighbor's dog, but it also means that you don't have to go as far to find something enjoyable. (And in my opinion, it makes finding a masterfully crafted work is that much more memorable.)

Edited by CloudFyre
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