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Cutest Mane 6 filly?

Mister Jack

Who was the cutest Mane 6 filly?  

276 users have voted

  1. 1. Who was the cutest Mane 6 filly?

    • Rarity
    • Applejack
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Fluttershy

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Hard decisions! :o


I have to say that AJ is the cutest out of the Mane 6 when they were fillies but, Pinkie Pie looks so adorable as a filly. It is pretty hard to decide when all 6 of them are equally cute.

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I'd actually have to go with Applejack. :) She's my favorite of the Mane 6 anyway, and seeing her as a filly was just awesome. All of them were really cute though. My second favorite is probably Fluttershy or Twily.

  • Brohoof 1
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Wow this is actually a hard choice. All of the mane 6 ponies were cute as hell. Let me just look over them. I really think that Pinkie Pie was cute with her poofy hair as a filly xD. But, on the other hand I really like how Rainbow Dash looks. Rarity looked beautiful. Omg I don't know. I think I would either pick Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash. I think I would go for Rainbow Dash because, she's my favorite mane 6 pony and when she has that little grin on her face it just makes me blush.



Edited by Dopey Hooves
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i have to go for applejack. i've always been a huge AJ fan but this just makes my heart 'DAAAWWW' :P 

anyway, twilight definately pulls a close second, but she needed to be so cute to get enough background story for the show, so i think i'll go for rainbow dash as a second

  • Brohoof 1
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It was kinda a hard decision cause theyre all so cute! But fluttershy got my vote because her shyness when she was a filly was too CUTE!


Top 6


1. Fluttershy

2. Twilight

3. Rarity

4. Pinkie

5. Rainbow Dash

6. Applejack

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As the title says which one of the mane six was the cutest as a filly.


Honestly I think Its a Tie between Fluttershy and Twilight.img-1613857-2-wub.png


As it so happens, your thread, 'Who was the cutest Mane Six as Fillies' already exists :3 It's been merged with 'Who was the cutest filly of the Mane Six'.

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Seeing any of them makes me go DAWWWWWwwwwwwwWWWWw...ALL of them together makes my head explode with rainbows, stars, butterflies, gems, apples, and balloons!!!wub.png

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While im a fan of hers, who isnt really, but not my most beloved gal of the mane six. I must say without a second thought. Applejack.


I am sorry but "Moar frittaass?" just about made me DWAAAAAAH!! As hard as i ever have to anything.



  • Brohoof 1
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Well, I personally think Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle are the cutest fillies equally. But if I had to choose, I would pick Twilight Sparkle. Her eyes...so cute!




But let's not forget how adorable Rainbow Dash is.



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They're all adorable to an extent. :3


- So many votes for Twilight, even though she looks the exact same as she always has, just smaller. I don't understand all the rage, but whatever. =)

- Pinkie Pie wasn't all that cute because of her mane.

- Fluttershy's freakishly long legs are her only downside.

- Rarity is cute. I like how she looks without her false eyelashes.

- Rainbow Dash is an obvious pick for cutest. It's her extra spiky mane that wins her points. She's a close second for me.


But seriously, not enough love for filly Applejack. I mean, come on, how can you not find THIS freckled face adorable?




Poor Applejack just never gets enough love. Oh well, she gets my not so biased vote. <3

Edited by Sugar Cube
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Rarity. No words. Don't even get me started on her voice. So high.pictched and confident. Well, not when she was throwing a tantrum. I just loved her :3

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They are all adorable in their own ways but I am going to have to go with Applejack, for me it was a tough call between her and Twilight but I think this is a pretty god tie breaker.




I would have voted AJ anyway because she seriously needs some more love, how can you say no to such an adorable face?



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I picked Pinkie Pie. She was adorable as a little depressed filly I just wanted to hug her and when her mane went all puffy it was even cuter. Applejack came a close second; I love that adorable freckled face!wub.png

Edited by Pinkie4eeeever
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I thought Fluttershy was very cute, and I don't agree that she was scarily skinny. Lots of kids AND horses go through an awkward stage like tat.

I also thought Rarity was cute.

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I agree with some of you, Fluttershy looked too big-headed and skinny as a filly. Pinkie for me is the cutest. Her mane is down forst and she looks so sad and then when her hair poofs up it looks so ADORABLE!! Second cutest is definitely Dashie and then Twi!

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