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Cutest Mane 6 filly?

Mister Jack

Who was the cutest Mane 6 filly?  

276 users have voted

  1. 1. Who was the cutest Mane 6 filly?

    • Rarity
    • Applejack
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Fluttershy

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I'm more fond of Apple Bloom. That accent is adorable, and the bow is too. Also, she is always trying, never giving up.

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Weeel, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Applebloom, or Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo is best CMC, but not cutest...



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This topic exists like, four times for the Mane 6. Not sure if the fact this is generic 'any' filly makes it different, hmmm...


Anyway, Dash wins. Her frizzy mane is adorable.


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She's sooooo adorable :wub:


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Also, Granny Smith.

And, of course (she is best pony after all!)

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  • Brohoof 1
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We already had a thread for discussing cutest fillies, so I merged this one with yours. Use the search function next time to avoid making duplicate threads. :)


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After seeing the Canterlot Wedding episode and getting a look into Twilights past, I would have to say Twilight is the cutest. After her it would be Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie. then Rainbow Dash.


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Edited by pinkiefan1287
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If we're going purely looks then Pinkie-filly after her hair puffed up, or Twilight Sparkle. If we're going personality I have to say Rarity because



I voted for Applejack though because I love her little voice, plus she's cute-looking, plus her cutie mark story was super touching and made me go Posted Image.

Edited by Pinkie Shy
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I feel like if I tried to hug filly Fluttershy, I might break her bones or something. :( But Fluttershy is overall cute, but rather very skinny.

Rarity was adorable with her "I KNEW IT WAS MY DESTINY!" thingy.

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Too ... hard... my heart... :wub:


Anyhow..., I simply adore Applejack, but Fluttershy's different filly design is great too :D

It's just... difficult, they're all so filly. But those are probably at my top if I got to be honest.

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  • 1 month later...

Fluttershy! I think other than rainbow dash fluttershy is best pony. But when it comes to the filly forms of them and the downright cuteness I think fluttershy wins with her cute little legs and her cute emo-ver hair style.


DAWWWWWW just look at that, I am getting diabetus just looking at it.

Edited by Bronynonymous
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Filly Twilight is cutest pony. Really, need I say more? The sheer adorableness of Filly Twilight is powerful enough to melt the sun. Buuut I don't think Celestia would be too happy about that.

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Rarity... Definitely Rarity... Just the way her face looks when her horn is taking her to the rock... Gets me every time... Then comes her reaction to the rock. (Just D'Awww)

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I don't actually think filly fluttershy looks weird. I actually really like her. Maybe I'm just really obssesed with fluttershy but I like her filly alot its just so cute :D

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Its just so cute <3 Sorry but the other fillys don't cut it for me :) They're all very cute but... Its fluttershy and I'm just ever so slighly obssesed with her and all.....

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ts just so cute <3 Sorry but the other fillys don't cut it for me :) They're all very cute but... Its fluttershy and I'm just ever so slighly obssesed with her and all.....

Im right there with ya pal.......Honestly Filly Fluttershy should be illegal because i almost pass out from the cuteness all the time. All the other Mare's were cute as fillies too but Fluttershy takes the cake for me.

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