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What's going to happen when the fandom dies down?


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Lets face it. It's inevitable. All good things come to an end, and ponies are no exception. :( I know that content will still be produced, (fanfics, music, artwork, etc) but doesn't the thought bother you? In five years, the brony fandom, will have lost many of it's members. They grow out of it, people's viewpoints change, not the same anymore, etc.


Flux sucks, but we all know it's going to happen. Obviously, the best thing to do right now is enjoy the time as each day goes by. But, why enjoy it, if we know it's going to end? It's like enjoying your last day on Earth before the world ends. Why do it? It won't change anything. It's still going to happen. It'll be as if bronies never existed.


I'm wondering how you deal with these nagging thoughts. Personally, it saddens me to know that in ten years or less, the bronies will just be a memory.



  • Brohoof 1

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Then it will be the best memory I've ever had!!!

If you think like that, why do you live now? You will die someday right? We all will die, so why living? Your statement is likely like that. What's the most important thing in this life? To get an infinitive profit in life? To live forever? Nah. It's happiness. To be happy in your life. That's what important. Once I've ever heard this :

"The trick isn't to live forever, but how to live with yourself forever"

That's the point. Savvy?
I'm happy now in this community. I'm happy now with ponies and its great arts, musics, fanfics, roleplays, etc. That's what important. I'm happy NOW. Who knows? Maybe I will die tomorrow or three hours later. Who knows that? It might be happen right? And when the time comes, I have nothing to regret since I've enjoyed a lot of things in this community. Great experience. Awesome got to say, and I've experienced it! I have no regret when the time comes. Many people hadn't enjoyed ponies before they died, but I have! Imagine how awesome is that?

By the way, I've once asked the community about what will they do after the show ends. They will stay! Many of us will stay! Many will leaves, but many will stay and that's enough! :lol:

The Bronies will lasts for a very long time. Trust me. ;)

Edited by Sky Warden
  • Brohoof 14



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Then it will be the best memory I've ever had!!!


If you think like that, why do you live now? You will die someday right? We all will die, so why living? Your statement is likely like that. What's the most important thing in this life? To get an infinitive profit in life? To live forever? Nah. It's happiness. To be happy in your life. That's what important. Once I've ever heard this :


"The trick isn't to live forever, but how to live with yourself forever"


That's the point. Savvy?

I'm happy now in this community. I'm happy now with ponies and its great arts, musics, fanfics, roleplays, etc. That's what important. I'm happy NOW. Who knows? Maybe I will die tomorrow or three hours later. Who knows that? It might be happen right? And when the time comes, I have nothing to regret since I've enjoyed a lot of things in this community. Great experience. Awesome got to say, and I've experienced it! I have no regret when the time comes. Many people hadn't enjoyed ponies before they died, but I have! Imagine how awesome is that?


By the way, I've once asked the community about what will they do after the show ends. They will stay! Many of us will stay! Many will leaves, but many will stay and that's enough! :lol:


The Bronies will last for a very long time. Trust me. ;)

He's right. it's not important that it will ends someday. we've already enjoyed it now. this fandom won't die easily after all. even if so, I will stay. :)


I think I know that quote Sky. from a movie right? I forget what movie is it.

Edited by Earth Saphina
  • Brohoof 2

My Ponysona

Earth Saphina : http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/earth-saphina-r2097


"Saphina" stands for "Subphoena" which is the synonym of "call", so her name means "Call of The Earth"

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you know have many others hoppes and live

form my



Dr ,Who

lots of other TV show

Comicbook (not DC or Marvel)



will there many things


but you know if G.I.Joe and transformers can keep on even after these bad movies

we will do great

Star wars keep doing good even after it end and even after these new bad 3 films

indiana jones

back to the future

bugs bunny and the loonytoons

just think of all that great things that still hold on and beloved


one day when we old we will tell our grandkids about G4 when thy watch G9 so B+

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I disagree. Some movements are so strong and powerful they just remain. I'll be one of those bronies that are still hanging around long after its popularity is gone. When its no longer cool to be a brony, I'll still keep it close to my heart. The fandom is now a community and as long as people continue to live inthe community, it never dies.


As for the rest of what you said, its like brushing your teeth. Why do it when you know they will get dirty again? Why take care of yourself when you know you will just get dirty or sick or injured again in the future? We do these things so we can live in the now. We do them so we can be at our best. Its the same thing here. Yes, the community will lose members as others move away, but man the memories of it all...."It is better to have love and lost then never to have loved at all"


Enjoy things while you can. Memories are very strong things. 5 years from now I hope yu remember al the good times you had with your fellow ponies rather then mourning those times are no longer there. Help keep what you love alive. Keep the community in your heart and it will never die.


Oh and if my spelling or sentence structure is off, its because I'm high on pain killers. I had oral surgery today. Sorry.

  • Brohoof 4

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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I'm pretty sure bronies will keep on going long after G4, I can just say that as long as the MLP franchise is still going on, bronies will still exist.


And then there's the Internet, we'll be put into the book of fandoms.


And, as many others have said before me, we number in the MILLIONS, so it will be pretty hard trying to forget us.

  • Brohoof 1

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I agree with what people have said above. The fandom will shrink at some point, surely, but it won't die. With the massive amount of fan-content that's on the web, the day this fandom will be forgotten is the day that people don't remember what the internet used to be. There's probably not a person on the web who hasn't run across a pony picture at some point. I think that in 50 years or so, there's going to be a lot of people who can't help but smile upon hearing the My Little Pony tune somewhere.

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I don't really want to think that the fandom will "Die". There will always be some people that are interested in the show and will play a part in the community... But, seeing as the topic is asking a question of what i would do if it "Did" dissapear. I'd probably just move on with great memories, and hope that one day it would spark life again.

Edited by Concord


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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Hopefully it will have a long time ahead of it. I would probably end up being what happens to a lot of cartoon people will remember them (like ren and stimpy) but as for the fandom it will die out but no time soon.

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Aren't there already five other threads about this? :huh:


The MLP fandom will not die completely.  An internet search will reveal that a fanbase exists for even the most obscure and forgotten cartoons.  Instead of agonizing over an inevitable decline in fans and interest, we should be embracing MLP:FiM while it's in its prime with many more successful years to come. 

  • Brohoof 1
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In five years, the brony fandom, will have lost many of it's members. They grow out of it, people's viewpoints change, not the same anymore, etc.


Development and change are important. Sure, its always sad to see a community shrink and eventually die, but the important part is, that those who enjoyed it and were a part of it in general, cherish the memories and the time they spent there.


Eventually we all are going our own ways. The artists, the talkative people, those in need of advice, the gamers, the hardworking bros, trolls and all the other people posting here still share a time where they were together and shared a common liking or hating towards one sole thing.


Even if all the sites shut down, we still share the memories and are bound together through it. We walk under the same sky and on the same earth. We just happen to live a bit far away from one another.

  • Brohoof 1
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I try to be a positive force with what I do with my time on the internet. I aim to make people happy by giving my friendship to anyone who's willing to have it. 


I've hurt myself once or twice doing this, but overall it's been worth it so far. Thanks to the show I finally joined an online community, and it's been an amazing experience so far. The friends I made... I don't think they'll simply go away, I think we might lose a bit of contact, but adding people on skype, talking to various members of the community, offering my advice where needed.. I feel that I have a strong influence over the lives of several people with my simple reaching out through the medium of text on the internet.


If the fandom were to dissipate tomorrow, I would have no regrets, and as I'm sure it will stay strong for a long time, I know that I'll continue to make my impacts, small as they are, and find my sense of worth among my fellow bronies. I know that what I do has meaning, despite some nagging that for some people I can't do enough, but I always offer my support to those who need it, and am grateful for the friendships it's brought to me. 

  • Brohoof 2

Tell me of your sorrows, tell me everything from the start...

I'd like to do my part to help a friend in need, I said you could come to me...

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I'm not sure if anyone has realized but bronies are born almost every day. It's not like we're the last of our kind. Yes maybe one day the fandom won't be as popular as it is now but it's not going to die. 


You're never too old to be a fan of anything. If you lose interest in something that's on you not the thing you lost interest on. As for me even if I stop watching the show, drawing ponies, writing fanfictions, listening to PMV, reading the comics, and so on I'll still be a fan at heart.


As long as MLP is in your heart it will never trully die.

Edited by Twisted-Bone
  • Brohoof 1
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I don't think we will, The MLP fanbase(yes, even the men) existed long before we came along, we simply enlarged it, not created it. I can  find crossover fanfic and pictures from as far back and 2001(and that's only because there's not much on FF.net further back then that, I could find even older stuff if I looked.)


Heck, I found a old fansite that's from the AOL days. 

Edited by Shoboni



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I have been into TMNT sense the original cartoon came out in the 80s, and I know people who have been fans longer who started on the B&W comics. There hasn't been a time when my love for that franchise has died. Many a dry spell has hit that franchise but it always comes back and I'm right there waiting. I think you under estimate the love that people have for this. Will it always be the exact same as FiM, probably not, but MLP will continue on.


I look at this as the defining moment of the franchise. The moment it all came together and Hadbro realized what made it popular and a cultural phenomenon. Like GI Joe, MLP has been around before. GI Joe of my brothers day is not what it became or what is popular. However it is the GI Joe that was made popular in the 80s that have staying power. I believe that this will happen for this version of MLP. In future gens we will see slight tweaks here and there but overall we will see something resembling Gen 4 at the heart.

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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

My signature broke


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Kind of negative, don't you think? Yes. the fandom will "die down" eventually, but we will be far from gone. The thing that's different about our fandom is that we've set a new standard for society; we've tried to change the opinion of what's "manly" and what's "girly", and, from what I can see at least, we've mostly succeeded.


That said, yes it does disturb me as well that the fandom will die eventually, but I'm willing to believe that something will remain. People will still watch the show (even if the show discontinues), the fandom will be remembered positively, etc (that's what I hope happens, at least).

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the show can end permantly but it wont stop the fandom people wont leave because there show ends there going to continue talking about it, making animations, share memories, make fan art and just enjoy the show.

  • Brohoof 1

what do you mean my old signature was rubbish?

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We've all been united by these ponies...


*epic music plays*


As time goes on, our numbers may dwindle, but our bonds will never break! We may fade from memory, but we will never be truly covered by the sands of time! The world will not forget the things we have done! The charities we've donated to. The trials and adversity we've bested! The gender roles we've demolished! The sheer amount of awesome things we've made! While we may eventually become "old news", we will never disappear; not completely, and we most certainly will never forget what Equestria means to us:


Sanctuary. Reprive. Inspiration. Unity. Compassion. Brotherhood. Guidance. Courage. Diversity. Love. Tolerance. Friendship.


What is a pony, you might ask? Well my friend, the answer is simple:



A magnificent little pile of hope.

  • Brohoof 1

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What will happen? WHAT WILL HAPPEN!?





The Earth will keep spinning on it's axis, and rotating around the sun. Although new episodes will make interest dwindle, and our numbers much less, there will still be a fanbase around it, no matter how small it may be. All I know is that it's not the end of the world, and hopefully I will still be a Brony. I don't know how involved I'll be with the forums and Equestria Daily, but I will still be a Brony. As for the others, I don't know. But keep come and Brony on, fellas.




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First of all it better not die down anytime soon, I just got here. :(


With that said, I don't think the fandom will die any time soon, we are still in a period of growth, and on top of that, we are also in a period that I can only call an artistic renaissance. In addition to the normal gigs of art, literature, and music created on a daily basis, there's also a fan made episode in the works, Fighting Is Magic is on it's way to EVO2013 (which, in itself, will lead to even more people becoming bronies), a MLD movie is in the works, etc. (and there's a lot of other big projects in that "etc"). We're still on the way up, why should we tie ourselves in knots worrying about the way down?


With that said though, I think we're here for the long run. Lots of fandoms come and go, but I have a feeling MLP is going to be one with a lot of staying power, if not a level of staying power never seen before. We've already changed the game in so many ways (in fact, bronyism seems a lot like a movement as well as a fandom), I think we have a good chance of being here a lot longer than most fandoms do.


Call it a hunch, but I think it's a right hunch.

  • Brohoof 1


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with the new way mlp is being written and animated there will always be a new episode to stop it from dying and just before it does there will probably be a new generation of ponies round the corner hopefully ready to entertain us 

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I am pretty sure many of us will keep it alive. Like, there are many talented voice actors and animator. Maybe the fandom will run the show. I mean, it seems like the show will run for a long time

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