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Hey everypony, Yet another "Top three" I'm doing today. This time the topic will be about.

What are three things that anger you the most?


Don't forget to EXPLAIN why these things anger you!


Anger can be a problem for most ponies. A discussion everypony can join in on, and hopefully help you vent your frustrations and other pessimistic problems! I guess I'll go ahead and list mine off. Give it a hoof-bump if you guys enjoy the topic! ^ w^/) Anyway! Here we go!



1. Squeakers: Don't know what a "Squeaker" is? It is a term often used in gaming to describe someone as with a very high pitched voice. [Around the ages of children of 5-10] Who SCREAM in the mic about non-game related content. Even if you have your volume turned down way low, they still put a spear into your ear drum. On side note of this, The reason I find it annoying is because it's not a child's fault. More so the moronic parent who buys their child a rated M game. Sure, it hurts my ears. What also hurts to know is that parents don't care about what their children are exposed to in an online community. Such as trolls and haters, which can be very... Influential.

2. "Repeaters": Through my youth I've found it highly nerve racking when I'd be concentrating on a task. For example...

Dad: Move the pole down the hole slowly.
Me: Alright.


Beyond anything, This highly irritates me. I know exactly what I'm doing 80% of the time, and he screams, panics, and otherwise makes anypony in this situation. VERY uncomfortable. Especially when I'm driving too... I guess you could say this has been somewhat traumatized into my brain.

Since this is in the same subject, I also hate "Repeating" Myself. I tend to raise my voice in frustration if I constantly have to repeat something over and over. Mainly this concept only happens when dealing with other people say like... My Managers... =_=

Manager: Claudia!
Me? Yes sir?
Manager: Claudia!

Me: Yes...?
Manager: Claudia!
Manager: That's very rude.
Me: ...

True story too. >_> He was a jerk. Anyways... moving on!

3. Morons: Before we get into this subject, I want to make it perfectly clear that I'm not talking about anypony with mental/physical disabilities. A lot of people get touchy on a subject like this when it's not stated correctly. Main reason I say I dislike "Morons" Is because people with a brain don't bother to use their common sense.  Most times when I have to walk places in my town, I'm constantly almost getting hit by idiots driving. NO one uses their turn signals, They constantly speed, They even roll down windows to yell rude phrases at me. I dislike them because people in the world have more sense and more capability to be what they are.


Not only anger, but it also saddens me that most of the population of where I live is full of jerks.
Just walking up here today! I was almost hit by an idiot who was turning from an intersection with a "No left turn" sign. He did it anyway! =.=


I Digress... Anyway, I hope to read all of your interesting replies soon to come.

Claudia~ <3

Edited by Claudia
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Oh dear mother... I guess i'll start from the worst...


1. Discord x Celestia. - Celestia means alot to me, even though she's fictional. So seeing "That" Really doesn't put me on a good mood...


2. Annoying classmates - Even the thought, about having to go to the same class with them, for a few years, is brain bashing...


3. Copyers - It's not only when someone copies your work, but copies your life style, copies your qoutes, copies interests! Urgh! It happened to many times to me, so i can easily say, these were not coincidences...

Edited by Concord
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Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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1. Irrationality - I mean people who are SO caught up in their own ass/ego that they are too stupid to be rational. Or just people who don't like listening to reason even when it smacks them in the face screaming "YOU ARE AN IDIOT".

I.E. haters, or at least most haters.


2. Uncooperative people - people who just won't listen to others when they want to help them, or when they need them to help in an ultimate unified goal that requires both to achieve. 

I.E. people at the DMV


3. Jerks - you know the type, too much money and class, not enough brain? Yeah, despise that.

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Oh, you hate squeakers, do you? I have the perfect video to brighten your day. Watch this XBox Live player infuriate one of these squeakers by imitating him. (warning: explicit language)



Anyway, I don't really have many things that infuriate me. I guess for my lead aggravation, I'll go with injustice. That's a pretty broad term, so I'll explain what I mean - when generally horrible or arrogant people have many fortunate things happen to them, or when friendly and positive people end up with loads of bad luck. Undeserved credit falls under "injustice" as well - when someone passes off another's work as their own, that's mega maddening - time and effort that someone puts into a piece of work or a story, and then some random bum claims it's their own piece of work and receives accolades. I hate that.

If you've read my (only) blog post, you'll know how much I also detest the Kim family of North Korea. I don't feel like re-typing all the reasons, but it's essentially how they're running a country where millions are starving, and they spend all their money on their dysfunctional military and a useless space program.


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1. Petty tyrants: These people seriously have no life, they are everything from the suck up that wanted to be class president, the crooked cop letting the power go to their head to the bureacrat hassling people just because they can.


2. Whiners: There are plenty of legitimate things to complain about so why waste your time with the petty stuff? A good example of a whiner are the angry parents who called for Derpy's head, it is one thing to have concerns about something and it is an entirely different manner to declare war over what was an unfortunate misunderstanding without bothering to actually calm down and actually see if things are really as bad as they appear.


3. People who judge what they don't understand: a good example of this is brony haters, it is one thing to not understand something when I first found out about bronies I was pretty confused myself but I didn't automatically condemn them as alot of other people do and actually was curious as to why so many teenagers and adults especially men liked a show about cartoon ponies. 

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I can't be the only one who cracked up when they read Morons in bold. By the way the thing about walking around and almost getting hit gets right at me because I don't have a license and every time I walk around there's always someone who almost smashes right into me.


Anyhoo, it takes a lot to actually get me angry. I'm gonna try my best, though.


Failure: I just can't stand it at all. If I'm actually going to try something and I either fail or don't do it well I get kind of anxious and angry. I understand that it's natural and actually human to fail sometimes, and that most of my friends think I'm lying when I say this because I graduated at the lowest of my class in high school, but lately I've grown to try to be a perfectionist.


Humans are evil blah blah blah: My issue with this is that humans as a whole just aren't evil. Furthermore, what the hell does evil even mean? There are bad people out there but I am a firm believer that most people aren't like that. I am also a firm believer that the world could easily be made into a utopia and if I have to spend my entire life making this come true then so be it. Besides, anyone who goes out to complain about how humans are corrupt and everything is also insulting themselves and could easily change that.


My latest ex girlfriend: This sounds really weird, but when we were together she'd do nothing but insult me and treated me as if I was some tool (plus I'm kind of sure that she was cheating on me). After I broke up with her she would do nothing but call me up one second begging to get back together and then the next second call me up and do nothing but swear at me. She is the only person I have blocked on my phone, but even now she still keeps at it and occasionally tries to get on facebook and spread lies about me to my friends. Yeaaaaah I don't like her.

  • Brohoof 6

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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Drama queens and people who are overdramatic in general. Ffs. You aren't an anime character. You don't need to try and act suspenseful, your life is not that interesting at all. Go do something better with yourself instead, and maybe your life will be worth talking about after you accomplish something.


Those who interrupt me. This one seriously makes me want to tweak. It gives off an "I have a bigger voice than you and my opinion is more important" signal. I hate it when people act big and tough. Americans have a problem with this, it seems. So much competition to be better than someone else and whatnot.


People who tell me how to think and act. I always hate it when people tell me to be nicer or something like that. They aren't the boss of me, so they shouldn't act like it. It's one thing to give advice, but the people I'm referring to are the ones that tell me how to do everything. As if they're perfect or something. Again, arrogance and such.


I'm gonna cheat and add another: people who get offended easily. Why on Earth would people care what I say? If they really have time to worry about my opinion, they must have a sad, sad life.

  • Brohoof 1


You'll be entranced by me ♥

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yeah, I guess that is it... I can nearly ignore everything, but trolling (includes bullying of any kind) is against my ideals, I experienced enough of that myself, and nobody, not even my worst enemies (even the guys who bullied me) deserve that.

It´s a trend nowadays, but it´s a trend I dislike, a lot.


It´s just 100% not cool, and it might be the only thing that makes me real angry, love and tolerance is my philosophy, but some people need to be shown borders.

Edited by Your Friend
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Signature made by the amazing ~Harmonic Dreams~

I always pictured you as a cross between Demoman and Pinkie Pie for some reason.
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1. Discrimination against the disabled. Apparently, if you have to use crutches or a wheelchair, are on disability benefits and don't work, you are nothing more than a faker who should get a job. If I had £1 for every time I've heard that in person or on the internet, I wouldn't need to be on disability. So on one hand you have these clueless idiots who think that even if you are legitimately disabled you should be working and stop being "lazy" (it's ironic as the injury that caused my condition happened at work due to me working 70 hour weeks because my lazy work mates couldn't be bothered to show up, and then not being allowed time off to get seen to as I was the only one that actually showed up for work), and then you have the government screwing us over by making it harder for legitimately disabled people to get on benefits that they need to survive. I'd happily go back to work if it were physically possible, even if I had to go back to working 10 hours a day. However, I physically can't. Being disabled is hard enough without a bunch of clueless bucktards giving out abuse.

2. Closed minded people. I honestly don't mind if you're straight, gay, bisexual, transsexual, asexual, pan-sexual, black, white, Asian, Indian, Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Pagan, tall, short or a cheese burger. As long as you aren't hurting anyone and you're happy with who you are, that's what's important. But you have these people who try to change you or condemn you for who and what you are. And those are the people I'd like to attack with a frying pan. 

3. Public transport. Where to begin? Screaming kids with mothers who ignore them. Parents with pushchairs that give you abuse for using the wheelchair section of the bus for, you know, being in a wheelchair, stopping them from having a place to put their hellspawn. The kids playing their crappy pop music at full volume. Unhelpful and rude drivers. I truly despise going anywhere on a bus. 

Edited by Jymm
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  • 1. Assumptions, especially wrong ones that are made too fast, aka prejudice

2. Hypocrites, most of my classmates where hypocrites, nearly unbearable

3. Intolerant people who tend to argue based on assumptions what makes it even worse, mostly they are hypocrites too

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Not lack of intellect, Some people just aren't sharp and they cant help that. Its lack of common sense that gets me.


2.Close mindedness 

People that dismiss any idea without hearing another person out pisses me off to no end.


3. Bullying.

I cannot and will not put up with that shit! My brand of humor has been mistaken for bullying. (which I won't lie I could se that happening) I mess with everyone. And people know I dont mean it. 

  • Brohoof 2

"It's either Blue Cheese with wings or go fuck your mother!"- Joey"CoCo"Diaz

"I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f*ck with me, I'll kill you all." - Gen James 'MadDog' Mattis USMC




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1- Laziness/ procrastination

its really frequent for me, as id commit to doing somthing productive (and i easily can, as i have the programs and equipment to do so :P) only to laze around till the next day. on that day, id look back nd get so pissed off, and just feel like a talentless slob when i look at other people who got shit done. like the many talented bronies out there :P please motivate me XD


2, as mentioned above- uncooperative people.

The sole reason why i would prefer to work alone in most/all situations


hmm jeed somthing pony related here.

3- AliTwi

Others may like/not mind the idea, but i hate it. Its like shes transcending above the mane6, like shes better then them now. I mean, each race and pony has their own strengths and weaknesses, her going all super saiyan and immortal does not flow right with me. I guess its just my love for the mane6 as a whole rather than just twilight.

  • Brohoof 1


"Colorful Rainbows catch my eye, as i see you fly across the sky.

You're like a drug that calms the mind."

Recycled sig from one of my test anims. Pay no heed.

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Rebels: People who decide they won't follow rules just for kicks. It annoys me greatly, especially when they face no consequences. I've always been the type to do what I've been told, no matter what. These people like to push the limits and thinks it makes them special. 


I'm Holier Than Thou: People who think that their belief system is the only way and that no matter what you're talking about, they are always right because of their belief/religion. They don't care about whether or not they're obligated to shove their beliefs down their throats, they'll do it anyway. They're trapped in a perpetual state of saying "I'm right and you're wrong". I know a few people like this.


Demoralizers: People who make it their job to make sure you know the worst case scenario, even if it's practically impossible for it to happen. They make sure that people don't get things done by making sure everyone has a paranoid fear like they do.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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I'd put a spoiler tag on that last one... :x I don't think everypony has read that topic.. Dx I'd hate to see everypony start to evolve into rapidash.



I'd put a spoiler tag on that last one... :x I don't think everypony has read that topic.. Dx I'd hate to see everypony start to evolve into rapidash.

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Not lack of intellect, Some people just aren't sharp and they cant help that. Its lack of common sense that gets me.


2.Close mindedness 

People that dismiss any idea without hearing another person out pisses me off to no end.


3. Bullying.

I cannot and will not put up with that shit! My brand of humor has been mistaken for bullying. (which I won't lie I could se that happening) I mess with everyone. And people know I dont mean it. 

I agree, especially on the last one. There is a level where it crosses the line between joking/teasing and harrassment and some people need to learn not to cross it.

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***WARNING long post be ready to read***

as a youth everything pretty much made me rage. even the little things. now that i have matured the three things that get me in an agro destroy everything mode are

1. Bad Drivers- I was so happy when i first started to drive. feeling the engine roar and purr was enough to make me get that euphoric feeling. as soon as i got experienced i noticed people follow their own rules when driving. I am a perfect driver but i rage when i see people disobeying the rules of the road.

2. Anybody who isnt patriotic- Coming from America i show my patriotism everyday. I vote,wave the red white and blue, and even support our troops. Of course, there are people out their who hate America. These are Americans also which makes it even more aggravating to me. if they hate america so much then why dont they just leave?

3.People- yes it's an obvious one but i still find myself counting to ten when i meet with the mass public. They contradict themselves everyday and cant stick to their own moral codes. now i could break this up or narrow it down but i fear i may be cut off so i will describe types of people who bug me the most
   3a. People who think they are political activists.- yes i get it you saw V for Vendetta and you know how to take black and white photos but you're not a political activist. these people generally age from 12-24 and arent that knowledgeable about the economy or laws but they boast that they do, saying "i would indulge more on this but i get the sense you dont know what im talking about." please you dont know what youre talking about.
 3b. Kids who play M rated multiplayer games- youre parents dont care what you watch but please stop singing or screaming into the mic. I dont care that you're from the UK and know about Americans and their stereotypical mannerisms.

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R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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These aren't in any particular order, just as they came to me:


1) Jocks - It really irritates me when someone who is more physically apt than me decides to rub it in and be a dick. The fact that they have no applicable life skills other than hauling their weight around and hurting others sickens me, although I comfort myself with the idea that one day I'l have a job and they'll live in a box.


2) Benefit "thieves" - These are the parasites that are at least partially responsible for the deficit here in the UK. They get money from the government for doing nothing but sitting on their arsr all day and occasionally applying for a job to continue to claim benefits. I have nothing against people on benefits, it's just the people who don't even try to get jobs that anger me.


3) Hypocritical leaders - People like our beloved Prime Minister, who claimed he wasn't going to cut money to the NHS. He then proceeds to cut money to the NHS. I also hate it when politcians claim "Oh, we invaded to bring democracy." Yeah, convenient that every country we invaded in the 21st century had an oil deposit sitting under it, amirite? Of you want to spread democracy, try attacking smeone big like North Korea and make a difference. Oh, but of course, they have a standing army so we couldn't possibly do such a thing despite being such fervent supporters of democracy. Fucking plebs, how do they work?


Anyways, rant over, that's my top three berserk buttons.

Edited by Archi
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"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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1: People who refuse to learn about technology. 

I understand and respect that not everyone is tech savvy, but in today's world, you need to at least learn the basics of computing. The whole "Well back in my day, we didn't need all this tech stuff" argument is pointless because computers are now (for better or worse) an important and integral part of daily life and to refuse to learn how to use the damn things is just you being an idiot. And then when you mess it up, you call someone who DOES know now to fix it and now they have to waste time undoing your mistake. 


2: Reality Television 

No, I'm not an elitist when it comes to what I watch, but I find the entire concept of "reality" television is just beyond idiotic. The ONLY reason this genre is successful is that the production costs are so low and because the networks refuse to spend the money and hire competent writers. And they wonder why there's been a ratings drop the last few years, right...


3: The Video Game Industry. 

I love video games, and have been a gamer since I was able to hold a controller. But the current state of the industry is just depressing. We do get a few gems every now and then, but most modern games are just...well, bad. Worse still, it seems that every other game is just a copy of another one. And the over saturation of cover-based FPS games is sad. I like FPS games, but when that the only genre being pushed, it gets annoying. It's gotten to the point that I've become unable to tell most FPS games apart, which is terrible game design. There's literally no limit to what a game can look like, so there's NO excuse to make a game that look just like so many others. 


And DLC is crap too. Yes, it can be done well, but most DLC just unlocks something on the disk, so you're literally paying extra to access what's on the disk you just bought. Bethesda is the only company to do it right. As their DLC is usually huge (Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls series come to mind) but most companies follow the EA model, which is "HAHA! Thanks for money suckers! Enjoy your extra generic crap!" 

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Here's one thing that makes me mad:


Okay, so I'm driving home from school, right? I park in front of the school, because that way I don't have to wait for all of the buses to leave and get stuck driving behind them. I'm already about 5 mins away from the school. It's about 32 degrees out, and my friend calls me and asks for a ride.


I didn't want to turn around to pick him up, because I knew that if I did I'd be stuck behind all of those buses. But a part of me was saying: "You should be nice. What would you do if you were him right now? Would you want to walk home a mile in the cold?" So I go: "Fine, normally I wouldn't turn around in the middle of an intersection, but I'll be a nice guy because I don't want him to walk home in the cold." So I turn around and drive back.


I pull into the parking lot and he calls me saying: "Oh, I'm already on the bus."


Are you serious? I drove 5 mins back to pick you up, and now I have to be stuck behind the buses for the entire 10 minute trip back home? For what? Nothing. Because you call me asking for a ride, just so you can tell me that you're on the bus, and I did all of that crap for nothing. Really?

Edited by Urdnot Pinkie Pie
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1. Bullies - People that have the lack of intelligence but, have no right to bully anyone.


2. Ongoers - People who just keep going on in an argument and they don't realize they lost already.


3. People that ''use'' someone just to get what they want. I just think its sad when, someone you knew for so long manipulates you, but you don't get what you want.

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Hm. Alot of things tick me off, I'll just try to name a few.


1. People who don't listen: I'm not talking about just to me, I'm talking about when people are constantly not following orders. I really hate to have to see someone who doesn't be quiet so we can hear the teacher. Or during band when we're at set and people are talking.. Annoys me. Call me a goody two shoes or to teacher like or something, but It really does annoy me sometimes..


2. Bullies/Insults to people I care for: I don't see many bullies luckily, but if I did I might not be able to have a good day after that, the very thought of bullies angers me, of course i don't think I'd ever be able to take much action, its even worse if its someone insulting someone I care about. I really just want to tell them to just shut up >_>. Of course I'm normally pretty shy so I don't normally ever work up the courage even when I hear stuff.


3. Failure: I really don't like to fail to be honest, when I do something wrong or mess something up it really makes me angry, but in a different way. Normally its just directed at myself, but sometimes if someone does something to provoke me at all I may accidentally lash it out at them. I'm kinda perfectionist in a sense(Not as much as my mom, but still.) And I don't really have a whole lot of self confidence, which is why I don't like to fail at something at all.

  • Brohoof 3


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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2) Benefit "thieves" - These are the parasites that are at least partially responsible for the deficit here in the UK. They get money from the government for doing nothing but sitting on their arsr all day and occasionally applying for a job to continue to claim benefits. I have nothing against people on benefits, it's just the people who don't even try to get jobs that anger me.

This is a bit of a slippery slope towards my berserk button.


I do agree with you that benefit thieves are scum. Anyone who lies and cheats to get what they do not need are scum. No arguments from me about that. I don't know much about the fraudulent claim figures for Jobseekers (which is the benefit I'm guessing you're talking about in regards to the "occasionally applying for a job" part), but I know that even according to the Department of Work and Pensions, the fraudulent claims figures for Disability Living Allowance are much lower than you'd think. 0.5%. The problem lies with the increase of claimants due to people living longer and more disabled children surviving and the government trying to save money. The government uses the story of benefits cheats to crack down on payments for the people who need it, whilst the media jumps all over it, making out everyone on disability to be a benefits cheat. (I'm looking at you, Daily Mail.) The irony being, that whilst the government are trying to cut down on disability payments to save money, MPs are pushing to have a 32% pay rise. I'm not sure what's more sick, the MPs thinking they should get £80,000+ a year wages whilst making everyone else suffer, or the fact that over 1000 that were deemed fit to work have ended up dying because of it. 


We're all in this together? My arse.


(For the record, I'm not saying that your views are wrong. As I said, I agree with you that benefits cheats are scum, but it's been blown out of all proportion how many people are actually cheating the disability side of the system. I just tired of the amount of abuse the disabled get from people who believe that every benefit claimant is a cheat.)




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1.People who some how got a drivers licence but dont seem to know how to drive :

I hate driving and seeing people using their mobile phones, Putting on make-up, texting things like that. Also why the hell can nobody use a turn signal ever Its a small lever to the left or right of the steering wheel you press it to let people know where you are going so you dont drive into them its not hard and tailgaters I will be driving along in the left lane (im in england so thats the slow lane) then some dick in an audi will come bombing up behind me at 100mph and get right up to my bumper when Im not doing anything wrong and he cant be arsed to change to the fast lane that happens all the time.


2.people who let their children mess about or scream while in a shop.

People who let their kids run riot are the most selfish people on earth I only want to get some shopping I dont want to have to listen to your stupid child screaming at the top of its lungs while your texting someone you gave birth to it you deal with it dont make other people suffer when your child is being naughty.



People suck. I am reminded every single day that people are selfish and crewl and I am reminded more and more why I want to leave here and go to Equestria instead.

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2. Anybody who isnt patriotic- Coming from America i show my patriotism everyday. I vote,wave the red white and blue, and even support our troops. Of course, there are people out their who hate America. These are Americans also which makes it even more aggravating to me. if they hate america so much then why dont they just leave?

I am not patriotic, I don't hate America. Infact almost my entire family has been in the military. My father served for nineteen years and my brother served for seven years. He moved and got a job working in the government.


I don't hate America, I hate the corrupt government and corrupt rich who don't care about the well being of the lower class. America has a lot of problems and ignoring or denying their existence is just naive. 


I'll be a patriot when the debt is gone. I'll be a patriot when we don't kill innocent people in the Middle East. I'll be a patriot when I can wake up and now that we're not in some god damned war because George Bush thought he was the emperor of the planet or whatever and decided that all the oil and money should be his.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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I am not patriotic, I don't hate America. Infact almost my entire family has been in the military. My father served for nineteen years and my brother served for seven years. He moved and got a job working in the government.


I don't hate America, I hate the corrupt government and corrupt rich who don't care about the well being of the lower class. America has a lot of problems and ignoring or denying their existence is just naive. 


I'll be a patriot when the debt is gone. I'll be a patriot when we don't kill innocent people in the Middle East. I'll be a patriot when I can wake up and now that we're not in some god damned war because George Bush thought he was the emperor of the planet or whatever and decided that all the oil and money should be his.

youre special though. i am forbidden to hate anybody who is in the military or has family in the military. I agree with you about our government being corrupt but i like to think that we the people have more control than we know. Without people to screw over there would be no government. at least thats how i see it anyways

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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