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gaming Dota2 Vs LoL

That Guy


35 users have voted

  1. 1. witch one do you prefer?

    • Dota 2
    • League of Legends

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I feel like one of the few people who prefers League... Now I didn't play a ton of Dota 2, but from what I can tell League is the more casual game, and Dota 2 is the more competitive game.


And I'm not the most competitive person so... Yeah, I prefer League. (And it's a lot less confusing than Dota)


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I personally disagree with the guy that says DotA is better balanced. In League of Legends, the most OP champs are debatable. The most UP even. In DotA, I can tell you they make Bloodseeker and Meepo ridiculously overpowered. Under? Hell, Tidehunter can't do shit unless in the hands of an experienced player. Neither can Vengeful Spirit. And 300 AD BOOST ON AN ITEM. WHY.


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Honestly I can't stand either because of the top-down POV


They tried altering the point of view in Smite to a over the shoulder perspective but it is far from ideal.  It is far easier to judge range and distance with and overhead camera, as well as keep track of teammates, which with MOBAs being a team game is immensely important.




I find the variety of items much more fun, the heroes all feel different, and the game does not have a stale "meta", like LoL has. You can pretty much win with almost every team composition, unless you pick too many carries, of course.


I feel the whole "meta" thing is grossly overhyped and overvalued by far too many LoL players.  When my friends and I get together we just throw the meta out the window.  Two champions top, no carry, no tank, doesn't matter we still win fine.  You can use your own judgement in picking a team that works together and if you play as a team you will usually do well.  Of course if you are randomly matched up with other teammates you will inevitably be paired up with that guy who absolutely insists you follow that meta to the letter (that guy is invariable also an instant lane call and an instant lock-in as well).  Just ignore that guy and play the champion you want to play, he is just a control freak pretending he understands strategy. 




And I'm not the most competitive person so... Yeah, I prefer League. (And it's a lot less confusing than Dota)


People often talk about playing at a competitive level, but honestly how many people play that way?  I think most of us just want to play the game in our spare time or when we get together with friends, yet I always hear talk about how the game plays on this nebulous competitive level.  I think for the vast majority of us any particulars associated with playing the game at a competitive level can be ignored. 

Edited by Twilight Dirac
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They tried altering the point of view in Smite to a over the shoulder perspective but it is far from ideal.  It is far easier to judge range and distance with and overhead camera, as well as keep track of teammates, which with MOBAs being a team game is immensely important.

Maybe that's why I sucked, still it's too awkward for me to play with the top-down view.


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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I've merged your thread with an already existing one. In the future please remember to do a search before creating a new topic to make sure you aren't creating a duplicate one. Thanks!


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Both I've ran into overly stubborn, hostile teenagers that rage at every thing that doesn't go their way. A lot. It wasn't even at me either, just spamming the chat at each other.  It's rather amazing actually, I've seen quite a decline of hostility on FPSs (not including CoD) since the MOBAs uprising. 


That said, I have more time on LoL. Not that Dota isn't (more) unenjoyable, but that I already sunk time in LoL and don't feel like having to invest all over again on Dota. 

  • Brohoof 2


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My first MOBA has been Heroes of Newerth, which was intended to be DotA2 before DotA2 was even announced (Most of the items, and even some heroes, were copied and pasted from the original DotA), so I obviously switched to DotA2 when it was released. I even got in its closed beta back when invites were still rare.


However I also tried to play LoL for a while, but I've decided to stick with DotA for good (at least I did untill I ultimately quit MOBAs due to the extremely toxic community they all have. Hell, at least in games like CoD you can just mute everyone and keep doing whatever. But in MOBAs you need to know what the others are saying, even if 99% of it is thrash talk).


Compared to LoL, DotA has:

- All heroes unlocked, so newbies are not aready disadvantaged by having a smaller hero pool (remember: In a moba, picking the right hero can mean the difference between a win or a loss. In LoL, you might not be able too because you might not have bought the champion you need, so that's a disadvantage)


- Flexible heroes. In LoL, it looks like each champion has his standard role, lane and item build, which might change a bit depending on the team composition. In DotA, the meta is FAR mor flexible. It's not uncommon, especially in high level play, to see carry heroes being efficiently played as supports. This allows for much more variety


- No runes or masteries. As stated before, newbies start weaker than a more experienced player even if their skill level is equal. That kills the competitiveness of the game simply because someone's bound to have an advantage over the others that doesn't come from their performance in that match.


- Potentially free cosmetics. In LoL, every cosmetic item (excluding a few promotional ones) is locked behind a paywall and are fairly expensive, not to mention LoL uses a "buy more than you actually need" premium currency model. DotA2 cosmetics are not only cheaper, but can also be obtained for free at the end of a match. Play long enough and you'll have more items than you actually need. Yes, I said items, because the "skins" in dota2 are actually items (such as weapon/armor reskins) you can mix and match to your liking. Oh, did I mention you can also sell items you don't need for actual money on the steam market? I bought several steam games just by selling some rare things I didn't need. I literally made money playing dota, in a way.


- Heroes have much more personality. They have a voice line for pretty much everything, from killing a hero to purchasing an item. Rival heroes have exclusive lines that play when they kill each other. Beside, I find them to have much, MUCH more personality in general than LoL's champions.


And those are the only "objective" things that make DotA2 a superior game in my opinion. The rest are up to personal preference. 

Hello everyone  :grin:

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  • 1 month later...

Well it's been a couple months, so I'll just do another.


LoL vs DoTA 2


- Maps and Game-modes: LoL has a total of 4 different maps, each with their own little gimmick. DoTA 2 has one map total and it's quite large in comparison (but really its the same thing stop bragging about it DoTA lovers .__.) DoTA 2 wins in terms of game-modes, as they have plenty to choose from and they're all permanent, while LoL game-modes are mostly temporary and only last for about 2-3 weeks. The LoL game-modes, while they are temporary, are so much more fun to play for example: LoL released a mode not too long ago called Nemesis Draft where the enemy picks out your character for you. DoTA 2 has one similar called Reverse Draft, but you pick from a handful that the enemy chooses.


- Heroes and Champions: There are 110 available Heroes right off the bat in DoTA 2. Most of them have some sort of unique mechanic to them from being able to mix Quas, Wex and Exort on the Invoker to make spells, or playing Spectre and walking over the terrain with your "Q" as if there was nothing there. LoL has 123 Champions with the 124th available within the next 2 weeks. LoL's champion pool, while larger, doesn't add much "uniqueness" between the Champions on the same level of DoTA 2. The Champions have uniqueness, but it's just not as "game-breaking" if you catch my drift. LoL also requires you to pay for each champion with a champion rotation every week. Most people seem to not like this idea, but I find it very good for players to be forced to play between a select few Champions and learn what they can do with them. Eventually you just handpick which ones you like and buy the others whenever you feel like it.


- Cosmetics: DoTA 2 rewards players at the end of each match by giving them items and other various loots. Also each player starts with a box that can be opened at multiple levels that gives items and tips on what to do with it. All of DoTA 2's cosmetics can be ought for irl currency and can be sold on the market. LoL has its own currency system in the form of RP (riot points). You can purchase RP in various amounts and receive a little more per dollar the more you buy (very sneaky Riot). Most skins in LoL will run you around $7.50-$10.00 with the occasional Legendary and Ultimate skin that will cost significantly more. The price for the quality of the skin in each game is generally the same with maybe one or two dollars more occasionally. I do believe that Riot puts a little bit more time with their skins, especially with their big ones. DoTA 2 recently released a skin called "Frost Avalanche". It is selling for $35.00 dollars on the store and ~$31 on the market. This would be the equivalent to an Ultimate skin price in LoL. You may compare them the skins yourself, but DJ Sona just seems so much more fun. Also DoTA 2 lets you customize your Hero with the different parts of each skin, which adds a bit of diversity to making your hero.


- Gameplay: This is fairly simple. LoL has always had very fast and bursty gameplay, also, and this might be just me, but LoL just feels a lot less clunky. DoTA 2 moves at a much slower pace due to: Larger map, slower Hero movement speed, longer cast times, and temporary turrent indestructibility. This causes a lot more time and effort to make each play right the first time as DoTA 2 is much more punishing than LoL. So if you enjoy a slow and punishing game then DoTA 2 might the game you're looking for. If you like a fast, and somewhat forgiving game, then LoL will be a good choice.


- Items: I'm not sure on the exact number of items in either game, but DoTA 2 certainly wins in quantity. There are so many items to pick from, it's unbelievable. There is even a bank called the "Stash" that allows you to hold a few more items in. Each item is unique and interesting, and if you can actually get the gold to buy a full inventory with, you'll feel like a god (also DoTA 2 has couriers to deliver items). LoL's shop is about as generic and simple as it gets. There are unique items that do some pretty neat stuff, but they aren't nearly as game-breaking as some DoTA 2 items, which causes you to fall on the mechanics of your Champion a little bit more.


- Meta: LoL and DoTA 2 have very different takes on meta. LoL's meta relies on a few different variables like so: Champion with good numbers + can build good items + can combo with other good Champions that can control their own lane/jungle = win. There is also player skill and knowledge on how to use the Champion, so that also goes into affect, but this is as if everyone has the same skill level. DoTA 2 says "you can do anything anywhere as long as you have someone to absorb some enemy damage". I'm not sure if this is because no one seems to care who has the highest base damage or most health at level 25, but there doesn't seem to be a flavor of the month pick like LoL. Some would argue that it's because LoL isn't balanced, but I think it's because the amount of unique mechanics put into 1 Hero from DoTA 2 outweighs the damage that another Hero has.


- Coffee Break


- Out-of-game-content: LoL has created so much content ouside the game including: a metal album called "Smite and Ignite" by their band of Champions known as "Pentakill"(there are even Pentakill skins), Several animations featuring different Champions, three songs by DJ Sona, a Riot merch store to buy statues, figurines, T-shirts, and plushies, and one song in collaboration with Imagine Dragons. DoTA 2 made a swaggin Introduction video.


- Final Verdict: I'm not gonna out-right say "LOL IS TEH BESTEST GAME EVAR", because it's not. Every game has its flaws, but I feel LoL makes up for its few flaws in everything else it does. DoTA 2 is great as well, but I can't enjoy something where everytime I die it actually makes me want to quit, because I know how difficult it is to defeat an enemy that has 2 kills up on me. That sense of losing before the game is actually over really sucks and I do get it in LoL, but I far more knowledge about the game so making that comeback seems more realistic to me.


- To whomever reads this take into account everything I said, and pick ONE game and stick with it. Play both if you want for about 3 games each to get an understanding of what I mean, but pick ONE in the end. There are a few things that I didn't mention, but they are minor such as: the DoTA 2 secret shops (not that secret), the community of both games, no mic chat in LoL.


- Gl (Good luck) and Hf (Have fun) choosing which side you pick. ;D


Edit: Whenever someone else put's in a review for this, please be as non-biased as possible. Come from a point of view that has not been affected by the actual experience of the games. Only FACTS.

Edited by Dark Rider
  • Brohoof 1


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Depends on the circumstances.


Ranked- Definitely DotA. The LoL ranked scene is really, REALLY CRUDDY. Plus, I actually find skilled players in DotA ranked.

Regular- LoL. The casual LoL community is pretty good considering the game's popularity.


Smite opinion- I don't know what to say. It's good and bad. Hard to get used to after playing DotA and LoL so long...The balance is not that good, that I can say.


I play LoL the most, DotA the second most, and Smite the least of the three.


Pretty close, but I'd actually say that DotA is the best of them now.



Here's my comparing:


Ranked Community- DotA >>>> LoL 

Regular Community- LoL >>>>> DotA

Cosmetics- DotA >>> LoL

Balance- DotA >>> LoL

Items- LoL >>>>>>> DotA

Meta- DotA >>>>>> LoL

Character Selection- DotA >>>>> LoL

Gameplay LoL >>>>>> DotA

Matchmaking LoL >> DotA

DotA barely comes out on top. Counting the greater-than signs, it's 22-20, all 42 greater-than signs accounted for.

Edited by TwillyFSniper


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