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S03:E11 - Just for Sidekicks



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Honestly, I was the dispoint. Spike is usually so smart and quick on the uptake. He usually knows what's happening before Twi does but she gets on a roll and he never has a chance to speak until she figures it out for herself. Yet, it takes him the ENTIRE episode to learn his lesson? This seems like nothing more than an attempt to sell pet-toys to me but maybe that's just me being jaded. 

So I got to thinking, the element of generosity, Rarity, gave Spike the smallest jewel of all. But then, I noticed it bought a huge industrial dryer! I guess the tiny gem was valuable after all. :D


And where is Derpy? I can't find her. Closest thing I find is Cloudkicker getting off the train at the end. Where is wonderful Derpy?? :(


From what I understand Hasbro has said Derpy won't be appearing, ever, because of the contravercy. Which is kinda stupid. Hopefully its just a runor.

Edited by Plowplot
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You know what I really, really, really want to see? For this episode to be made part of an arc. First Secrets of My Excess established the problems that come along with Spike's dragon nature. Then this episode shows that it will be a long lasting problem for Spike, that he can't just overcome the problem by recognizing it's existence and that he'll suffer relapses such as this one. Next episodes in the arc will show him confronting and struggling with the problem. Finally, he'll come to terms with it. He'll never be completely free of the issue but at least he'll have it under control. If this doesn't happen- if something doesn't happen to return Spike to having redeeming qualities, all these complaints about Spike having become unlikeable will be right. It's about balance, for the moment let's give this episode the benefit of the doubt and assume future depictions of Spike will return balance to his character. If that doesn't happen, I might even turn against this episode myself.

Edited by ByTheTides
  • Brohoof 1
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You know what I really, really, really want to see? For this episode to be made part of an arc. First Secrets of My Excess established the problems that come along with Spike's dragon nature. Then this episode shows that it will be a long lasting problem for Spike, that he can't just overcome the problem by recognizing it's existence and that he'll suffer relapses such as this one. Next episodes in the arc will show him confronting and struggling with the problem. Finally, he'll come to terms with it. He'll never be completely free of the issue but at least he'll have it under control. If this doesn't happen- if something doesn't happen to return Spike to having redeeming qualities, all these complaints about Spike having become unlikeable will be right. It's about balance, for the moment let's give this episode the benefit of the doubt and assume future depictions of Spike will return balance to his character. If that doesn't happen, I might even turn against this episode myself.


You know what will really help Spike's character? To have an episode that depicts dragons in a positive way... because lets face it, Spike will never find a balance in himself if all he does is repress his dragon instincts because all he knows about dragons is how evil they are.

Edited by dreaper
  • Brohoof 3
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So episode 12 aired before episode 11? I'm slightly confused.


Pretty sure this happened a couple other times in the season, too.  Seems to me that for most episodes, production/initially "planned" order doesn't always translate into the actual airing order.


Then again, ya can hardly blame them - most of MLP is slice-of-life, after all.  As long as they don't start airing part 2's before part 1's, I'm good biggrin.png.



Also, just now realizing what happened with Peewee.


A non-speaking character, who received perhaps three seconds of screen time, in an episode a whole season ago, has returned to its natural environment.




Pull yourself together, Harlequin.  Don't...  Don't--


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Then again, ya can hardly blame them - most of MLP is slice-of-life, after all.  As long as they don't start airing part 2's before part 1's, I'm good img-1133099-1-biggrin.png.


That would be very Discord of the Hub 

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Overall, while I always enjoy a Spike episode, I didn't quite enjoy this one as much as the likes of "Secret of my excess" or "dragon quest" (though that could be because the morals were very relevant to his character and species in those episodes) (also I guess because unlike this episode, we got some very nice rairty x spike moments in those past episodes). However, this episode was still very enjoyable and funny, and spike did actually learn a lot of lessons throughout the episode. He learns quickly that the pet's require more responsibility, and he clearly does show that he cares for them, otherwise he wouldn't take the pets back from the CMC after hearing what they were doing ,and he does become a very organised and strict leader when they try and get angel back, showing that spike can focus effectively on a task when he is required to do it. He may have lost all his gems, but at least he learned to admit that he did need to give them away when he needed to. I mean, he didn't try to argue a way out of not giving away the gems each time, nor did he try to steal the gems back, and as the episode progressed, he just gave them away without anyone even saying anything, showing that he does realise that the pets were more important than his gems. I wouldn't really call Spike greedy, he was simply providing a service for his friends in exchange for ....well, snacks.... the other ponies know that spike wanted the gems to eat, so really, they weren't even really paying him....just giving him snacks.....not really a bad deal.....

Yes spike does learn in the end, that he should have focused more on what he was asked to do, but at least in the end, after all he had been through, he learnt his lesson, the pets forgave him, and as a reward, he was praised for looking after them. He certainly isn't incompetent, as there is evidence that he can look after pets well, it's just that that wasn't his main focus. 

Still a very good and enjoyable episode all around, with actually quite a few lessons learnt by spike along the way, though in future, I think we'd all like a bit more Rarity and Spike interaction :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Screw Loose cameo officially makes this the best episode ever, and she wasnt barking this time.


oh. and dawwww Carrot Top was nuzzling somepony near the end. so cute. 

  • Brohoof 1

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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This episode made me really like Spike.  I mean, he personality was consistent with previous episodes (which is always good), but something about this episode made me really like Spike.  He's a typical dragon who is naturally greedy, so you can't judge him for that.  But deep down, he's really caring and respects others' feelings.  Anyone else agree?


YOLO = You Oughta Look Out

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Omg angel actually showed how he loves fluttershy? 10/10 really just for that.


on a side note, I can't wait to see what the other ponies were doing in the crystal empire

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Was there no episode today?  I rely on Equestria Daily posting the relevant links since I cannot watch on linear television.  I've noticed they seem to be behind these days.

"Exit signs - they're on the way out aren't they?"

"Velcro.  What a rip-off!"

"I went into an Italian restaurant and ordered dessert and they gave me tiramisu and a blindfolded horse and I said, 'No, I said mascarpone'."

Tim Vine


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Was there no episode today?  I rely on Equestria Daily posting the relevant links since I cannot watch on linear television.  I've noticed they seem to be behind these days.

No new episode.  Hasbro wants to maximize profit and only produce 13 episodes this season.  That means there will be weeks where they play reruns.


YOLO = You Oughta Look Out

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Lots of Spike and AJ love this season, which is good because they're the most under appreciated characters. I thought it was very sweet how much Screw Loose seemed in this one. Haha, besides that, loved the various animal antics. Reminded me of my own petsitting endeavors.

  • Brohoof 3


no rest for the wizardly.

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Oooooooooookay, so this shouldn't have taken me so long to write. Stupid procrastination...... oh well, I'm writing this anyway!


So, this is the next episode of Corey Powell.................................. Miss Powell if you dare to leave this show, I swear to Celestia and Luna I'll bring you back with a damn rope! :P This was a marvelous chapter! :D Great combination of story, visual gags and character development and hell great cameos even! Corey gets another A+ as new writer for me. :mellow:


Now, as for this episode. I'll first talk about Spike and then the rest, because there's a lot of things with Spike's personality that have been addressed that I'd like to address too.


So, first things first, we get a mouthful of Spike's singing.............. is it me or did Cathy Weseluck, his VA, wanted to sing more in this season? ^_^ Not that I mind. Cathy sings very, very well in my opinion. Kind of would work for a musical. YUS! :D


And then we pass from Spike's singing to his greed and, like somepony else said, gluttony. The first thing I want to say is, look at how Spike gave away first the gem Rarity had given him. THAT indicates just how far his greed and gluttony goes. Spike normally wouldn't even let somepony else take the gem Rarity gave him. And yet... there he goes, using it first. I like to believe that that shows us, how quickly Spike's feelings over something can change.


And then there's that. His feelings and personality. Now, I believe there IS one reason why his character has been not exactly the most consistent throughout the show. And that's because, as a kid, his malleable. And being probably close to being what we would consider a teenager... well... should we really be surprised? Someone in Spike's age would probably have lots of changes in their personality, and they are bound to sometimes be taken away by those changing feelings, or rather, go to extreme with them. Spike is ALL of the things that have been mentioned. Greedy, possessive, kind, caring, sarcastic, sardonic, loyal, helping.. he's ALL of this things. I'm pretty sure that also, as a dragon, his greedy or gluttony with gems can become quite a problem in the end, as he wouldn probably be able to control it less, but I don't really know on this one. Regardless, as a kid, he can also learn the lessons he should learn most of the time, but can also be very thick-headed. So, I honestly didn't have much trouble with it.


Then, we have the "archrivalry" of Spike with Angel................... if no one does some sort of song or art representing something similar, I'm gonna be very disappointed. ^_^


And then, all of his visual gags, especially his faces. Seriously. Look at his anger faces. And I thought the passage from mad to "okay" had been mastered by Rarity. She's not the only one apparently. :lol:



Okay, now for the rest. I honestly didn't expect the CMC, but it was a really hilarious nice touch. Of course, industrial-sized pet blow-dryer, Owlicious (CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME HIS CORRECT, OFFICIAL SPELLING PLEASE?!) getting sticked to the wall (somehow), Scootaloo saying "Where's his head?!" or similar, which I'M SURE must be a reference to something, and of course the skydiving cutie mark, which after I rewatched the episode was rather cute how jumping from a very low bridge would net that cutie mark for them... well... needless to say, hilariousness assured! And also, the return of Squeaky Belle........ starting to net too much cute points... argh. :wub:


And then, the pets. I don't think I can add much to what was said. They were friggin awesome, Angel turns out is not a spawn of Satan in the end, and also now I know why Tank got his name. Plus cute moments. Those are ALWAYS a plus. :wub: But winning phrase still is "You only want to get hit by a flying turtle in the head... once" Lost it right then and there. :lol:


Then there is the gem system. Perhaps it is true that each values different as it would make sense but... just how much in the end? Damn the writers for not letting us know that...


Moving on, we have the fact the conductor let Spike and pets in with the help of the CMC............. I'm still asking myself how does that work. Because unless it was because of the amount of people going in then... how DOES that work? :blink:


Next, the dramatism of Spike's screams coupled with the background music. I think this is the episode where I payed most attention to the BGM, and I can honestly say it was wonderful. William Anderson and co. really do know how to create the ambience for the music. Great job guys! :D


Also, you can really see how much Spike knows how to do the "girl" stuff, as continuity you could say from Dragon Quest. As a non-native English speaker, I found myself wondering what all that "Trim, highlight" stuff when chasing Angel in the train station was about, then realized it's normally about the hair and stuff. Spike's really any girl's dreams when you put it like that. :lol:


Then, I noticed that the animation in some parts REALLY flowed. I can swear that sometimes it looked as if the hair was more wave-y like and less up and down. That was really cool.


And lastly, Winona howling in tone with Spike's "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?"  at the end of the episode. Awesome. Just... pure and simple awesome. B)


This episode will probably go in my top 5 of favorites for sure. While I also enjoyed the fact Spike would get another episode (one of my fav characters), I also wanted to see an episode with the pets. I was not disappointed in the slightest. Great episode for me. Very, very great. :mellow:

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Oh, I hadn't considered the child factor about Spike. Now it makes more sense that he changes so much from one episode to another.

Though I'm not sure the same might apply to inconsistencies for older characters that have been pointed out in the past.




Yep, Winona and Owlowiscious most definitely win the best pet award here; both are loyal and helpful (Win assists AJ with farm work, Owl helps Twi and watches over Spike). Tank most certainly deserves it too, knowing how Dash decided to take him in the first place, despite having navigational problems with his rotor. All three are very kind creatures, as well.

And Gummy isn't that bad, he's pretty good, idk. I don't recall a lot of scenes where he stood out, unlike his owner.

Angel and Opal, however... D:<

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok MLP. You got me.



I thought the rollers in Angel's tail were tiny sticks of DYNOMITE!!


Then at the end....when he said he was going to fluff Angels tail....



:o -whuh!?



I mean, red cylinders. The Spike hating Angel thing, Lauren Faust....you got me.

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  • 1 month later...

Awesome episode because along with spike being a jerk just wanting the jewels for his cake I thought it was awesome because its funny watching spike trying to look after all of the animals just by himself


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  • 1 month later...

Another Spike episode everypony!

My favorite Spike episode, by FAR, and one of my all time favorites.

It would for sure be my favorite if they switched the order with the next one.





Profile pic and signature by: darryshan

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  • 1 month later...



Overall, while I always enjoy a Spike episode, I didn't quite enjoy this one as much as the likes of "Secret of my excess" or "dragon quest" (though that could be because the morals were very relevant to his character and species in those episodes) (also I guess because unlike this episode, we got some very nice rairty x spike moments in those past episodes).

Funnily, that's exactly why I like this one. It's nice to see Spike in a role other than 'the dragon with a crush on Rarity', there's more to his personality than that.

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Funnily, that's exactly why I like this one. It's nice to see Spike in a role other than 'the dragon with a crush on Rarity', there's more to his personality than that.


While that is true, as revealed by "just for sidekicks" a lot of the new areas that are explored within his character aren't quite as enjoyable to me personally, because I don't find spike as likeable when he is either acting very consistently selfish or just having bad things being done to him for the sake of comedy. These things are fun to watch with spike in small doses, but not as much for a full episode. I became attached to spike through his open-ness of feelings towards his friends and how he strives to be as helpful as he can, and he how loves just being twilights assistant and friend, but his areas for exploration are his naivety and sensitivity, and how he can over-react to events. It's also interesting to see him be independent and thrust into positions he has never been in before (like believing that twilight didn't love him anymore), but when that happens, I personally find it more enjoyable to see him overcome his struggle positively rather than making mistake after mistake in a comedy of errors style plot, where he only learns lessons that he technically learnt before. I did enjoy the episode, but I don't think it's my favourite spike story. Sorry, but's thats just me.

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when he is either acting very consistently selfish or just having bad things being done to him for the sake of comedy.


Well, the 'bad things for comedy' is pretty much a given in any episode, the writers will drop a piano on Twilight or leave Rarity and Pinkie in the desert if they think it'll get a laugh. Every character gets crap thrown at them on a regular basis. TV Tropes' Rule of Funny definitely applies to this show.


As for the selfishness, that's always going to be part of Spike. He's a dragon.


Season 3 begun taking Spike from 'the assistant' up to the level of the rest of the cast. But JfS is the only episode where he learns a lesson. Carrying the Crystal Heart and saving Applejack, that's just action. He didn't really learn anything. I think the point of JfS was to show that he's changing, becoming more competent as a leader instead of just following orders or passing off his problems. YMMV on whether they succeeded on doing that.


(Personally, I think it would've been better if they made JfS and GPP into a proper two-part episode, cut out most of the slapstick, and showed more of Spike and Twilight's character development. It would've been a good place to end Spike's character arc and prepare Twilight for the finale. It seems that's what they were aiming for, but it's hard to tell under all the gags.)

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