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Every time I come to post. You guys just keep on writing the feels. Keep on doing what ever you are doing guys.




We do get a little smarmy in this Fan Club, don't we?


Kinda like Rarity ... emotions out in the open ... feels for all to see. Oh, and snuggles.





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I've always said from the moment I first saw her that Rarity was truly the most well rounded and balanced character of the show. And quite possibly the best out of many other shows of the same caliber.


She truly is a rarity among gems

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Why do I like this gif of Rarity grinding her teeth so much?img-2997760-1-giphy.gif

Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh! That episode! That gif! That's why she had to see Colgate! Mystery solved! Getting ready for work; but will check in on lunch!

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They're all intelligent "in their way", while Twilight knows a lot about magic, Rarity knows a lot about dressing and arts, Fluttershy knows a lot about animals etc.

I don't see the point in comparing them.... They're too different.

Edited by Blobulle
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It looks really fabulous! One could get lost forever in those eyes. :pout:


What i don't get though is what species Rares is supposed to be here? :confused:  That strange tail and the cloven hooves?



And yeah, Applepie are best sisters...post-25189-0-34198200-1406310453.png








Unpopular opinion inbound!


Rarity was the best big sister in Sleepless in Ponyville!


Not only did she again something she dislikes for her little sister, but apart from the cart pulling thing, that Sweets was completely willing and happy to do and that she deserved a little bit even, she also had the most tender and heartwarming scenes with her tiny Belle. How often do Rainbow and Applejack things they hate just to make their little sisters happy anyway? 

Their hugging at the campfire, Rares reassuring Sweets that she will be safe with her in their tent, THE FRIKKIN RACE AT THE END...post-25189-0-46513000-1405868575.png

THAT is THE scene of that episode for me. Again something Rares dislikes that she does for her sister. I love that scene...post-25189-0-84775000-1405868619.png


Rarity gets so much flak for her role in that episode, people take the cart think, inflate it, and completely forget everything good that happens.




The often praised Rainbow Dash i found pretty neglectful of chicken even. Telling a scary story that she HERSELF was scared from as a filly, and not comforting Scoots whatsoever after that?

The only heartwarming stuff between them happened after deus ex machina rescue for me...


But then again... not a big fan of the Rainbow and Scoots relationship is the first place... Call me biased. :muffins:


Please tell me what YOU think of that episode dear reader. It's actually important to get feedback on my opinion.

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 Their hugging at the campfire, Rares reassuring Sweets that she will be safe with her in their tent, THE FRIKKIN RACE AT THE END...

THAT is THE scene of that episode for me. Again something Rares dislikes that she does for her sister. I love that scene...

:blink: :blink: Totally forgot this moment, I love it!

Actually Sleepless in Ponyville is my 3rd favorite episode of the show, not because of Rarity and Sweetie Belle I'm afraid.

Edited by Blobulle
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:blink: :blink: Totally forgot this moment, I love it!

Actually Sleepless in Ponyville is my 3rd favorite episode of the show, not because of Rarity and Sweetie Belle I'm afraid.

It's such a great scene!post-25189-0-19552400-1405868640.png


I also really like her outfit in this episode... Well, at first i did not like it at all, but it grew on me big time.post-25189-0-79425100-1406301242.png












The yellow and pink quite suit her. And she looks ador- and huggable.post-25189-0-36361500-1405868601.png


Also: Short skirt.post-25189-0-78166600-1406373714.png

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When I saw this line Obsidian

Unpopular opinion inbound!

I thought, 'Oh shit'. We did weather two discussions yesterday that had a potential to get tense. :D


But I read your post and smiled a little. Regarding that Episode -- I shall reverse Shakespeare and say this, 'I come not to bury Caesar, but to praise him.' SIP is usually pretty high on my list of episodes. It freaking features my favorite three Ponies!


No, it's not a perfect episode, and yes there is a moment that makes most Rarifans roll their eyes a little (but I'm actually a little forgiving of the cart scene personally). SIP actually does a decent job in moving the needle on all the sibling relationships, which I suspect was the goal all along for this ep. In Rarity's case, you see how she is now being more empathic in her relationship with her kid sister. Consistency ho! I see that first scene as a subtle nod to Sisterhooves Social, and how these two have continued to bond. That race at the end also freaking underscores a ... imma say it again ... realistic sibling bond. That fun, but gentle poking is when sibling relationships become part friend/part family. Also, after Ghostie's grandma headcanon reference yesterday, I wonder about Rarity's 50's style outfit. That is what Lucy Ball (and my grandma) wore on travel adventures. It does cast that outfit in a new light.


However, these are not the scenes that anchor the episode for me, or why this is one of the few episodes that made me well up. You know what I mean.


I'll go sit in the corner now.



Good Morning Rarity Fan Club.



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When I saw this line Obsidian


I thought, 'Oh shit'. We did weather two discussions yesterday that had a potential to get tense. :D


But I read your post and smiled a little. Regarding that Episode -- I shall reverse Shakespeare and say this, 'I come not to bury Caesar, but to praise him.' SIP is usually pretty high on my list of episodes. It freaking features my favorite three Ponies!


No, it's not a perfect episode, and yes there is a moment that makes most Rarifans roll their eyes a little (but I'm actually a little forgiving of the cart scene personally). SIP actually does a decent job in moving the needle on all the sibling relationships, which I suspect was the goal all along for this ep. In Rarity's case, you see how she is now being more empathic in her relationship with her kid sister. Consistency ho! I see that first scene as a subtle nod to Sisterhooves Social, and how these two have continued to bond. That race at the end also freaking underscores a ... imma say it again ... realistic sibling bond. That fun, but gentle poking is when sibling relationships become part friend/part family. Also, after Ghostie's grandma headcanon reference yesterday, I wonder about Rarity's 50's style outfit. That is what Lucy Ball (and my grandma) wore on travel adventures. It does cast that outfit in a new light.


However, these are not the scenes that anchor the episode for me, or why this is one of the few episodes that made me well up. You know what I mean.


I'll go sit in the corner now.



Good Morning Rarity Fan Club.


Morning! :pout:



And yeah, Rares and Sweeties relationship has something organic about it, it constantly gows and gets stronger and stronger. Rares was not as close to her little sister as for example Applejack to hers, no wonder, seeing that Jack is basically Blooms surrogate mother, but i feel both marshmallow ponies are in the process of forming a bond that never will break apart once its fully formed. A bond of adimiration, love and respect.


Their struggle to sometimes understand each other, their realistic bickering and the fact that they still would do everything for each other regardless makes their relationship so great.



















Applepie indeed.


Apples and pastry. Two things that are very different, delicious on their own, and truly divine when together.


I don't know what kind of metaphor that was... :muffins:

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It looks really fabulous! One could get lost forever in those eyes. :pout:


What i don't get though is what species Rares is supposed to be here? :confused: That strange tail and the cloven hooves?



And yeah, Applepie are best sisters...








Unpopular opinion inbound!


Rarity was the best big sister in Sleepless in Ponyville!


Not only did she again something she dislikes for her little sister, but apart from the cart pulling thing, that Sweets was completely willing and happy to do and that she deserved a little bit even, she also had the most tender and heartwarming scenes with her tiny Belle. How often do Rainbow and Applejack things they hate just to make their little sisters happy anyway?

Their hugging at the campfire, Rares reassuring Sweets that she will be safe with her in their tent, THE FRIKKIN RACE AT THE END...

THAT is THE scene of that episode for me. Again something Rares dislikes that she does for her sister. I love that scene...


Rarity gets so much flak for her role in that episode, people take the cart think, inflate it, and completely forget everything good that happens.




The often praised Rainbow Dash i found pretty neglectful of chicken even. Telling a scary story that she HERSELF was scared from as a filly, and not comforting Scoots whatsoever after that?

The only heartwarming stuff between them happened after deus ex machina rescue for me...


But then again... not a big fan of the Rainbow and Scoots relationship is the first place... Call me biased. :muffins:


Please tell me what YOU think of that episode dear reader. It's actually important to get feedback on my opinion.

While I'm not usually a defender of Rainbow Dash the only thing a can say on the "Deus Ex" rescue would be in that Luna must have warned her in her dream.

*at least that's my head canon*


Other then that I loved the episode more as a Rarity/SB *and yes Luna* episode then I did RD/Scoots

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While I'm not usually a defender of Rainbow Dash the only thing a can say on the "Deus Ex" rescue would be in that Luna must have warned her in her dream.

*at least that's my head canon*


Other then that I loved the episode more as a Rarity/SB *and yes Luna* episode then I did RD/Scoots

That would be possible i guess.


But it fits the the term deus ex machina even better, seeing that Luna is basically a living goddess... :muffins:


And yeah, liked the episode because of the Applepie moments... Thats just how i roll... :please:  Im marshmellow focused.


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While I'm not usually a defender of Rainbow Dash the only thing a can say on the "Deus Ex" rescue would be in that Luna must have warned her in her dream. *at least that's my head canon*


Could also be part of her ability to perceive environments around her at the subconscious level, as seen in Testing 1,2,3. But yeah the Luna idea fits the canon of the show a little better.  


Back on track, besides my personal filter I also see Rarity and Sweetie Belle in the same mold as Ramoa and Beezus when the relationship is shown through Sweetie Belle's eyes like in FWTSBT (which is another amazing episode in general) As you have all said, it's comes at the whole relationship from the opposite angle)



Love this pic of that episode by the way.



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Eh, i just post more Raripictures, no reason to post unpopular opinions that make me even more disliked in this club than im already am.














Looks a little bit like a collage. Simple and elegant.

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Eh, i just post more Raripictures, no reason to post unpopular opinions that make me even more disliked in this club than im already am.



I'm *pretty* sure that's far from the case, my  man :D



Anyway, good morning, fan club! :D


I know we deemed Rarity to drink tea casually and to drink coffee while working, but what about after she wakes up every morning? I don't know if people drink tea when they wake up, but I can see Rares enjoying a cup with 4 cremes and 4 packets of sugar or something each morning :D
Also, found this on Derpibooru, thought it was neat :D


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I'm *pretty* sure that's far from the case, my  man :D



Anyway, good morning, fan club! :D


I know we deemed Rarity to drink tea casually and to drink coffee while working, but what about after she wakes up every morning? I don't know if people drink tea when they wake up, but I can see Rares enjoying a cup with 4 cremes and 4 packets of sugar or something each morning :D
Also, found this on Derpibooru, thought it was neat :D




If I were to see that IRL, it would cause a feedback loop in my brain.


I can't drink this ... its too beautiful.

I must drink this ... it's caffeine.



I can't drink this ... its too beautiful.

I must drink this ... it's caffeine.



I can't drink this ... its too beautiful.

I must drink this ... it's caffeine.



I can't drink this ... its too beautiful.

I must drink this ... it's caffeine.


jeric.exe has had a fatal error

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If I were to see that IRL, it would cause a feedback loop in my brain.


I can't drink this ... its too beautiful.

I must drink this ... it's caffeine.



I can't drink this ... its too beautiful.

I must drink this ... it's caffeine.



I can't drink this ... its too beautiful.

I must drink this ... it's caffeine.



I can't drink this ... its too beautiful.

I must drink this ... it's caffeine.


jeric.exe has had a fatal error

I probably wouldn't drink it :wub: I'd just sit and stare at it because I'm weird like that :D


Rarity :wub:


Also, bathtime! Pinkie, wat r u doin


Pinkie stahp




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