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Ooh Raritu  !








You are royal pony .post-28950-0-19044900-1413056494.png


Royal but still generous and kind hearted pony who doesn't forget that there are other ponies in need. 


She could be one of those Canterlot high class ponies, but she has chosen her friends in Ponyville :D and she helps everyone by working hard.


She is always there for her friends  when they need her =)














I'm so buying 4de Rares when she comes available post-28950-0-46282100-1413056515.png ?

Edited by ooBrony
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That's Princess Platinum, you know. She isn't a queen. :P

Why, of course she isn't.


Rarity is though...post-25189-0-84775000-1405868619.png


A gorgeous and benevolent ruler... A generous regent that will do everything to make sure her realms prosper, and the citizens of her lands are fabulous and happy...


Noble and elegant... desired by many, loved by all...post-25189-0-84775000-1405868619.png


We are the loyal subjects of Queen Rarity; the First; the Fair... May her reign last forever...post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png

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Why, of course she isn't.


Rarity is though...


A gorgeous and benevolent ruler... A generous regent that will do everything to make sure her realms prosper, and the citizens of her lands are fabulous and happy...


Noble and elegant... desired by many, loved by all...


We are the loyal subjects of Queen Rarity; the First; the Fair... May her reign last forever...

Yes, all hail Queen Rarity! :D


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Yes, all hail Queen Rarity! :D


Who would not want Rarity as their queen? Gorgeous, alluring, noble, generous, brave, strong-willed, smart. What more does a queen need? Rarity has everything a truly grand monarch needs!


I for one would love to change places with Twi here...






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Hey, today is my 1st Bronyversary! Can't believe it's been a year I started watching a show about pastel ponies and friendship.  :please:


It will consist mostly in watching mlp all day. I already have Too many Pinkies (my 1st episode ever) and Pinkie Pride (Bronyversary anniversary duh) in my aim. What else should I watch?

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Queens are born into the position. Rarity is where she is because she works for it. I know which I find to be more admirable.


Im just fantasizing... Whats so horrible about that...? :confused:


Rarity is an example that true nobility is not in the blood, and that everyone can be a queen if one acts like one. Rarity is a noble and elegant mare with a big heart, and that makes her a queen for me...

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I say go back to your origins and watch the ep that brought you to the fandome. whatever it may be, watch it, laugh a little more, and just think "if I had said no to watching this episode, I might not be here right now with this view on life, and with these friends. personally, the first EQG movie was what did it and I don't know what would've been going through my mind right now if my sister hadn't babysat that little girl.

In all cases of anything, HAPPY ANNAVERSARY!!! from pinke pie


(meant to have attached pics of Rarity and Pinkie but the computer that im on doesn't run the best. sorry. cant even paste links or URLS.  UG!)

Edited by Steelstallion
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Just in case you weren't aware that I have no life, here is my current ride in GTA Online:




Note license plate number "WRSTPSBL"

It also has blue headlights and when I burn rubber I get blue tire smoke. :D


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