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As a creative I really identify with Rarity. I have also been known to be dramatic or try to be theatrical in particular situations (mostly for my own coping and to help lighten the mood of others). Unfortunately I have lost friends for doing this and have often wondered if I would have to hide this part of myself from society if I were to ever have friends who would stick around and not simply tolerate my behaviour and roll their eyes when I'm not looking.

I feel such a connection to Rarity in how she works hard with her inspirations but they also show that it can be exhausting work and time. 

Also her squeaky geek outs! I would most definitely do the exact same for the things that excite me. (CHRYSTAL PONIES!?!?!)

I also have a long time fascination with precious gems and jewelery (I would own more if it wasn't for the slave trade funding most of the industry). 

  • Brohoof 6
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As a creative I really identify with Rarity. I have also been known to be dramatic or try to be theatrical in particular situations (mostly for my own coping and to help lighten the mood of others). Unfortunately I have lost friends for doing this and have often wondered if I would have to hide this part of myself from society if I were to ever have friends who would stick around and not simply tolerate my behaviour and roll their eyes when I'm not looking.

I feel such a connection to Rarity in how she works hard with her inspirations but they also show that it can be exhausting work and time. 

Also her squeaky geek outs! I would most definitely do the exact same for the things that excite me. (CHRYSTAL PONIES!?!?!)

I also have a long time fascination with precious gems and jewelery (I would own more if it wasn't for the slave trade funding most of the industry). 

I do that all the time, and I, too, have lost many friends from that. I am also what people call a creative genius. :D We are gonna be the best of friends, you and I!

Gah the ammount of images per page is insane, i keep getting shot up the page when a image loads gahhh

Tell be about it... But you can never have too many Rarity pictures. *purchases 100 USB drives for the sake of having a lot of Rarity pictures*

  • Brohoof 6


Rarity Fan Club

My Ponysona

My Drawing of Rarity

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Hmm so i'm milling over y two oneshot ideas, i'm not sure how to make a fic abut Rarity pampering Applejack after a day of work into a lenght of about 1.5K words, i mean maybe a massage, but what else coudl rarity do to help aj relax.  i suppose i could expand the idea to freinds bonding and chatting out something maybe link it with talking about thier sisters.

then my bowling one which i'm not sure how to even play out, i mean had the punch line being rarity faks being bad at it until she make a bet and then wipes the floor with aj and Dash during the game but i'm not sure that rarity personality.

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Hmm so i'm milling over y two oneshot ideas, i'm not sure how to make a fic abut Rarity pampering Applejack after a day of work into a lenght of about 1.5K words, i mean maybe a massage, but what else coudl rarity do to help aj relax.  i suppose i could expand the idea to freinds bonding and chatting out something maybe link it with talking about thier sisters.


then my bowling one which i'm not sure how to even play out, i mean had the punch line being rarity faks being bad at it until she make a bet and then wipes the floor with aj and Dash during the game but i'm not sure that rarity personality.

I'm sure you will be great. I don't have any tips because I have that same problem. 

Edited by RarityFan01
  • Brohoof 4


Rarity Fan Club

My Ponysona

My Drawing of Rarity

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As a creative I really identify with Rarity. I have also been known to be dramatic or try to be theatrical in particular situations (mostly for my own coping and to help lighten the mood of others). Unfortunately I have lost friends for doing this and have often wondered if I would have to hide this part of myself from society if I were to ever have friends who would stick around and not simply tolerate my behaviour and roll their eyes when I'm not looking.

I feel such a connection to Rarity in how she works hard with her inspirations but they also show that it can be exhausting work and time. 

Also her squeaky geek outs! I would most definitely do the exact same for the things that excite me. (CHRYSTAL PONIES!?!?!)

I also have a long time fascination with precious gems and jewelery (I would own more if it wasn't for the slave trade funding most of the industry). 

Welcome in the folds of the Sanctuary of Fabulosity, HoneyShimmer! (Really adorable OC, by the way.)post-25189-0-68306400-1423918016.png


I tend to be dramatic a lot too... Mostly when it comes to overeacting to mildly bad news... Its a shame you lost friends because of that, but ill be honest, if they did not want to be your friend anymore just because of something like that, they did not deserve you in the first place. True friends stick together no matter what, in days of rain and sunshine. And a person that will stand with you in the heaviest hailstorm, that is a true friend.

Like Rarity really. She always has been incredibly forgiving and never held a grudge. She is a pony one can go with through the thick and thin. She is caring and empathic. A friend anyone would be proud of having.


I really love her gigglesqueek moments too! Its the most adorable thing ever! Probably the biggest reason i consider her to be the most cute and endearing character in the show.



Its just so sincere... True and honest bliss. She is just exciteable like a little filly and i love it.post-25189-0-34406200-1426155180.png


Oh and... I always had a thing for gems and precious metals too. Another thing that connects me to Rarity. Unlike her i would probably just hoard it in a giant vault, and admire the beauty of my treasure, maybe take a bath in it...

Maybe im just part dragon... :muffins:


Well, like i said, welcome! Hope you have much fun with us together! :rarity:

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Dont look into this spoiler if you dont want to be completely enthralled and enchanted by Raritys lovely jewel-eyes...


Naaaah, of course you want to...post-25189-0-34406200-1426155180.png








If one looks into those deep and mesmerizing almond pools of sapphire spakles, you just cannot help but to blissfully smile and be infinitely thankful that you of all people were choosen to behold such delicate loveliness. Beauty that never will find its equal... for who can seriously hope to compete with such divinity?

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Rarity asks herself if somone could give her a gentle and thoughly cuddle!






With big and hopeful eyes she patiently waits for the hero that will fulfill her well deserved need for snugglewubs.


The average waiting time in the line seems to be around three days by now... and counting...  But it will be well worth the wait! For Rarihuggles are best and most silken huggles!

I for one already set up camp!

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Freinds are hard for me to keep close conections too. I never had very close click with any particual group, even in highschool i was moslt ya loner.

IN some ways the show makes me feel jelous, look at those freinds how they bond, they have hardship but also family and such.

i know nothing abouy rarity but I do have a tendcy to over react

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Oh Diamond Butt, you don't need to ask.


You're the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on. O///O

She truly is... If she ever would ask me something like that, i would be all like...


...And then i would cover her everything with gentle kisses.post-25189-0-50649600-1410604071.png


She is just beauty incarnate. More lovely than the sweetest nymph. More alluring than the most sensual goddess of love. She radiates beauty... Is imbued with it... Crafted from it... From the tip of her slender horn to the end of her silken tail. Perfection in every inch... In the smallest, purple hair. In every flawless curve of her supple body.


How can a mere mortal hope to resist the one creature that is desire made flesh?






How can one hope to resist sweet Rarity? Why would one even want to?


That would be crazy...

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Raritu is ready for her journey! :proud:



Journey across Equestria to make everypony feel more fabulous and beautiful just like the queen herself is, beautiful from the outside so their inner flame can ignite from the generous spark of love that she gives  :grin2:  :rarity:

  • Brohoof 13
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Freinds are hard for me to keep close conections too. I never had very close click with any particual group, even in highschool i was moslt ya loner.


IN some ways the show makes me feel jelous, look at those freinds how they bond, they have hardship but also family and such.


i know nothing abouy rarity but I do have a tendcy to over react

Rarity is a fashionista and seamstress from Ponyville. She is a unicorn and represents the element of generosity, one of the six elements of harmony. She also owns a dress shop called The Carousel Boutique where she also lives. She has a little sister, Sweetie Belle, who is a Cutie Mark Crusader. Rarity speaks in a transatlantic accent and often uses terms like "fabulous" or "darling." She will occasionally make dresses for her friends. She has the ability to find gems with her horns, and instead of keeping all those gems to herself, she decorates her dresses with them. She may be lady like, but she has proven to be tough. She was able to control the Diamond Dogs after they captured and enslaved her. She even escaped with lots of gems. She loves the high society, but when given the choice, she would rather be with her friends. She appreciates the beauty of ponies and things. She will often use her charm, but usually to benefit another pony, not herself. She has an eye for detail. She can't stand to get dirty, but she will if it's important. She may have her melodramatic moments, but she's proven to be very mature when the situation calls for it. 


She wanted to be a fashionista since she was a filly. She designed the costumes for a show that her classmates where putting on. The night before the show, she didn't like the costumes and thought that she would never be a fashionista. Suddenly, her horn glowed and dragged her to a giant rock. After some disappointment, an explosion caused the rock to break and half revealing gems which Rarity used to decorate the costume. That earned her her cutie mark, three diamonds. 


Rarity is also a singer. Her songs are some of the best songs in the series, and she is a member of the Pony Tones. Her singing voice, just like her speaking voice, is beautiful! I think we would all be devastated if Rarity didn't get a song in season 5. 


Rarity is the most beautiful pony to ever exist. Her beautiful appearance along with her beautiful heart earn her the title as the best pony. :D 

  • Brohoof 9


Rarity Fan Club

My Ponysona

My Drawing of Rarity

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If it's difficult for you to read: 

The reason Rarity still thanked Twilight and allowed her to carry Tom even being under Discord's spell was because Generosity is the union of all the other virtues , so not even Discord managed to neutralize her element completely. Rarity has the most powerful Element of the Harmony. 


(I wrote it word for word even with grammar mistakes. Sorry.)

  • Brohoof 8


Rarity Fan Club

My Ponysona

My Drawing of Rarity

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Welcome in the folds of the Sanctuary of Fabulosity, HoneyShimmer! (Really adorable OC, by the way.)


I tend to be dramatic a lot too... Mostly when it comes to overeacting to mildly bad news... Its a shame you lost friends because of that, but ill be honest, if they did not want to be your friend anymore just because of something like that, they did not deserve you in the first place. True friends stick together no matter what, in days of rain and sunshine. And a person that will stand with you in the heaviest hailstorm, that is a true friend.

Like Rarity really. She always has been incredibly forgiving and never held a grudge. She is a pony one can go with through the thick and thin. She is caring and empathic. A friend anyone would be proud of having.


I really love her gigglesqueek moments too! Its the most adorable thing ever! Probably the biggest reason i consider her to be the most cute and endearing character in the show.



Its just so sincere... True and honest bliss. She is just exciteable like a little filly and i love it.


Oh and... I always had a thing for gems and precious metals too. Another thing that connects me to Rarity. Unlike her i would probably just hoard it in a giant vault, and admire the beauty of my treasure, maybe take a bath in it...

Maybe im just part dragon... :muffins:


Well, like i said, welcome! Hope you have much fun with us together! :rarity:

Thanks :D 

I'm so glad I'm not alone in my actions.

(in regards to OC)Thank you I'm currently constructing her backstory/bio (may take a while)

Good morning everypony.



*Insert caption here*


Caption: "I wonder if I left the kettle on"

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Happy Saint Patrick's Day Rarity Fan Club! I've got a couple of pictures that fit the holiday well:


Rarity just woke up on Saint Patrick's Day only to find her sister wearing a leprechaun hat, which she doesn't seem to think it's fabulous, yet at the same time, her sister is making her mane green. :blink:



On another Saint Patrick's Day, Rarity runs into a group of human girls. Here's how they treat her:


  • Brohoof 8

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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So... after joining the Rarity fandom and posting for a little while, I kind of disappeared from these forums. For a long time. For so long, I wouldn't be surprised if all of the regulars have forgotten I was ever here. If anyone wonders why, well, short story: work. Long story: more work.


But with season 5 right around the corner, it's time I returned. Last season Rarity shot up my favorite characters list at light speed, and I look forward to seeing what's in store for her this spring.  :D

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