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I wached Simple Ways episode. It was dramatic and cute. And this was cutest and funniest Rarity face at same time, what i ever meet!



Edited by Soobel
  • Brohoof 9

high octane nightmare fuel

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I just finished playing through the first 3 Phoenix Wright games...I bet Rarity would make a good attorney. attachicon.gifpost-25189-0-68484800-1405868630.png


Ooo, those are some of my favorite games :D




And I think she would too :please: She's a very sharp thinker who is not afraid to step outside of the box and is also exceedingly charismatic and easy to listen to :D She would be a great attorney :please:

  • Brohoof 11


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Yussssss. I would give anything to hugsnuggle her :( SHE IS SO PRETTY AND CUTE and soft and cuddly :wub: Just overall, bestest pony EVAH :D




Reverse image failed me. Must know who that artist is. 8YpnywA.png


Also we have not seen much of this in a bit. Some Raritrix for you guys. 



  • Brohoof 12



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Well, here's a beautiful Rarity picture I found :rarity:


  • Brohoof 9



copyright-Pin Point-2014


"All my friends, are my best friends."- Pin Point


Thanks to DJSpacer for my avatar!


Now a RisingChaos shipper


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Sorry I haven't been on that much today. I've been... undecorating...

Haven't been as active as i should have been too, im kinda down lately... Ah well...


Some sweet watercolour Raritu!post-25189-0-19552400-1405868640.png






The way the colours flow into each other look almost ethereal, like a vision of the most gorgeous dream, fading away into the depths of ones memory. Fitting, as Rarity is so impossibly beautiful like the kind of dream one never wants to end.

  • Brohoof 8
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Haven't been as active as i should have been too, im kinda down lately... Ah well...


Some sweet watercolour Raritu!






The way the colours flow into each other look almost ethereal, like a vision of the most gorgeous dream, fading away into the depths of ones memory. Fitting, as Rarity is so impossibly beautiful like the kind of dream one never wants to end.

Damn! You and ghost are on a roll with the unique art styles today. Watercolors are very relaxing and dreamlike to me. Add the fact that white and purple hues are calming makes that little gift a slice of what the doctor ordered.


Just had a weird thought that Rarity would have a jasmine or lavender scented mane in that pic.




Jeric needs sleep. :please:

  • Brohoof 7



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Haven't been as active as i should have been too, im kinda down lately... Ah well...


Some sweet watercolour Raritu!






The way the colours flow into each other look almost ethereal, like a vision of the most gorgeous dream, fading away into the depths of ones memory. Fitting, as Rarity is so impossibly beautiful like the kind of dream one never wants to end.

Sweet mother of Celestia that's gorgeous.


Watercolor art can be so...entrancing sometimes.


  • Brohoof 3


^full sized avatar picture there

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Just wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone. <3 I've loved all the pictures that have been posted.

  • Brohoof 5

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique."

(Avatar & Signature set by Arini <3)



The Queen is: Offline

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im loving the fabulous rarity artwork and i hope to see more. Maybe more with her defeating greed and ugliness with her elegance and beauty. nothing can match her in these 2 areas. NOONE!

  • Brohoof 3


Credit to Rainbowdash72 for sig :D credit to Ivory for the amazing avatar :D credit to couleur for the wallpaper
if your in hell keep going

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Haven't been as active as i should have been too, im kinda down lately... Ah well...


Some sweet watercolour Raritu!






The way the colours flow into each other look almost ethereal, like a vision of the most gorgeous dream, fading away into the depths of ones memory. Fitting, as Rarity is so impossibly beautiful like the kind of dream one never wants to end.

I'm pretty down right now. Maybe because it's the end of the holiday season.


  • Brohoof 9

Sig by Sparklefan1234

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Been a while since I was last on this forum.


Have you ever loved Rarity so much that you've changed your personality in a way that was similar to her's?


Example: Speaking like her, Acting like her.




I seriously hope this picture hasn't been shared with this thread yet. There's 822 pages I'm not gonna look through all of them.



Edited by Clumsi Poni
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So question, what would Rarity's ultimate sacrifice be. Something she hold so dear but would have to give up for whatever reasn. What would that be.


Just a thought that came to mind for some reason. I

Rarity is well known for her Generosity. She would sacrifice any object in a pinch if it meant better results no matter the situation. 

Of course a soul is no object.

I think the ultimate sacrifice would involve losing someone she really cares about. Or it can also be something like a dream.


Imagine Rarity having the choice between her friends and her dream, which one do you think she would choose?

Well she would probably choose her friends. Because I think that is what she holds dear to her.



Santa Rarity.. I assume?? Those presents tho :o

That's a pretty revealing outfit for the winter.


Scratch that, they may not get cold winters.

Edited by Clumsi Poni
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so everyone I'm thinking of sending this valentine to my bf what do you guys think? :3



Looks gorgeous! I for one would be overjoyed to get that valentines card, it really is beautiful!post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png

I basically would look like this after getting it!


I love that picture.



Imagine Rarity having the choice between her friends and her dream, which one do you think she would choose?

Well she would probably choose her friends. Because I think that is what she holds dear to her.

Thing is, she already did that multiple times, sacrifice the chance to come closer to her ultimate dreams because she would leave her friends behind.


Rarity dreams of being famous, being a pony everypony should know, getting big. Lets see how often she sacrificed chances at getting there for others.


She did it in Green isn't your Colour, when she even though she was jaelous of Fluttershys fame she did nothing to try to get Photo Finishs favour again, and instead at letting Flutters career crash at the end, she helped her to save face, because Rarity thought that modeling was something she really liked.


In Suited for Success, she made gorgeous dresses for her friends, and made a fashion show for them, put all her love and passion into both. She even did the same after she knew that Hoity Toity would visit the show.

And, to be honest, its almost a miracle that her career and her reputation was not totally ruined after the show, people in her line of work life of a good reputation, if one loses that, one loses ones career. Hell, seeing that only Hoity was at the second fashion show, and not the rest of Ponyville like at the first, id say her reputation in Ponyville DID get damaged, seeing that the other ponies never learned the truth about her costumes.

So she was willing to risk that an important fashion guru and the whole of Ponyville would thing she had no talent, just to make her friends happy and to fulfill their wishes. Canceling the show would have been the less damageing option for her, yet she did it anyway, because it would have surely damaged her friendship with the mane6.


Then we have Sweet and Elite, in which Wawtus dreams basically became true. The WAS the belle of the ball, She WAS the pony everyone WANTED to know, and in the most prestigeous city of whole Equestria no less. She was a goddess of high society. Ponies of power clinged to her lips, admired her, worshipped her... Like she deserves...

Yet, and the end, she was willing to throw all that away. The celebrations, the balls, the recognition, the business chances... She threw it away, for her friends, for a little village in the middle of nowhere, a little uncouth village that gave her nothing of the things Banterlot gave her, but for one thing, her friends, her friends that she truly and serency loves.

If she would be less of a pony, she would have denied even knowing the rest of the mane6, she would have send them away when they suddenly stood in front of her door. Luckily, Rarity is as sweet and lovely as she is gorgeous and talented, so after a while trying to balance her friends and dreams, she chose her friends.

Think about it, if Fancy Pants would have been more like Jet Set and Upper Crust, who entirely dismissed Rarity after they knew she was from unimportant, uncouth Ponyville, what would have happened?

Would Rarity have ever gotten work from Canterlot again, one of the most important markets for her, THE most important market for her? A place that is the epitome of fancy and prestige? Just how damaging would it have been for her career and social life if it would have been known that she was expelled from the high halls of Canterlot, from Fancy Pants no less?

The only thing that saved her was that Fancy Pants was indeed sweet and elite, and not a stuck up douchebag like Jet and Upper, and you can bet your cutie mark that both of those would have turned the crowd against Rarity if not for Fancy.

By siding with her friends, she risked utter social destruction, she may have been only a small, shunned provincial seamstress after that, and it was only by chance that she did not lose all her dreams forever.


We also cannot forget Takes Manehatten for sure! Where Rarity, after she realised that the betrayal of Satan Suri had made her behave horrible to her friends, just runs out of the competition that meant the world for her. But her friends mean the universe for the little fashion pony...

To make up for her errs, she risked to lose her reputation on yet another grand place of fashion, and seeing how unforgiving as the competition seemed at first, it suprised me that she wasnt disqualified. She did care not in that moment though, she just ran out, leaving all the important ponies in the audience, and the possibility of first place behind, to make up for her failings.

Fashionponewhosenameiforgot was so impressed by Raritys work that she gave her the first place anyway, but Rarity could not know that, nor did she care. All that was important in this moment, were her friends. Not reputations, not money, not fashion, not glamour, not the competition. All of that meant nothing to her, and she was willing to, again, throw it all away. And again, only by chance she did not lose it all.


A pony as willing as she is to throw her deepest desires and dreams away, just for her friends in rural Ponyville, surely deserves the Element of Generosity.

Edited by Obsidian Sky
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Loving the artwork of our fabulous rarity and wow obsidian that certainty describes what she sacrifices, damn. :D

  • Brohoof 3


Credit to Rainbowdash72 for sig :D credit to Ivory for the amazing avatar :D credit to couleur for the wallpaper
if your in hell keep going

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Loving the artwork of our fabulous rarity and wow obsidian that certainty describes what she sacrifices, damn. :D

Well, that may only be my opinion, but i also think she brings a sacrifice every single day she stays in Ponyville.


Think about it: Rarity has now, after all those problems and obstacles, a very healthy amount of famous clients, so she is bound to make some good money. Rarity also has very good connections now, even though she had to fight for every one of them. Fight to get Photo Finishs, Hoity Toitys, Fancy Pants and Sapphire shores approval and respect. She is well known in Canterlot and Manehatten now.


But she still stays in Ponyville.


She has the money and influence to move to those big cities, she could have all that she had in Sweet and Elite, the admiration, the worship, the fancy parties and friends all the time just by moving her home and business to Canterlot or Manehatten.

She would have to leave Ponyville, she would have to see her friends less often, maybe even sever ties completely, but she would have what she always wanted, what she deserves. She could be the pony everone should know, everyone looks up to, the pony that stallions desire and mares envy... Well, don't know if it is even possible for her to be more desired than she already is, its like trying to make the ocean more wet,, but you get my point.


She could have all that and more. She could be a princess of high society. She could regulary meet important and interesting personalities not only from Equestria, but the whole world. her influence and her fashion would reach wide. She has all it would take to be the shining star of Equestria, that no one ever will forget. She has limitless potentional... She could be ANYTHING she chooses... the world would be warm wax in her slender hooves...




She stays in Ponyville. Little, boring and provincial Ponyville. Why does she stay? Why does she limit herself artifically? Dont get me wrong, she managed to be very successful even though she still lives in that tiny town, something that shows her intelligence and business savvyness.

But she could have it so much easier.


She chose the hard way. By staying in Ponyville she goes the bumpy path, instead of the fast highway that would be living in Canterlot or Manehatten.


She does this for her friends... For Applejack... For Twilight... For little Spike... For Pinkie Pie... For Rainbow Dash... For Fluttershy... She does this for her Familiy. For her partens and her little sister... Because she loves all of them more than her perseonal success.


This is her generosity. That she limits herself... She, who could be so much more... She would could be anything she wanted, have everything she desires and more.


The thing she wants the most, desires the most, is to make her friends happy, which in turn makes her more happy than any fancy feasts or prestigous party could.


She just has the most beautiful and selfless heart imagineable... She is gorgeous in every way.

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Good morning everypony.



Finished undecorating yesterday... *sigh*



And donut be sad! Have a wittle Wawity!






Look at the knowing face she makes! Its almost like she know what part of her my gaze wandered at first!post-25189-0-54776600-1413723885.png

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