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gaming PC gaming or console gaming?

Quill The Pony.

PC or console?  

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    • PC
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Well I did first start playing consoles at a young age, I started playing Rollercoaster Tycoon on PC pretty much I played with PS1 and PS2 really did enjoy my childhood. I prefer PC for modding and open world games also to get better graphics. I only prefer console to get better handy-eye coordination with a controller.

Plus, you can play on a PC with a Xbox or PS3 controller if you don't feel comfortable with playing with a keyboard and mouse.

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For a couple of reasons, I prefer PC

1. Cheaper in the long run. (aka steam sales and most non-major games are 50< on launch)


2. Mods SO MANY MODS for games that could have already been a lot of fun.


3. Greater access to free/indie games


4.A more mature gaming community (aka FAR less 5-10yr olds)


5. PC's are multi-purpose, I could go from playing Far Cry 3 to making a PMV.


6. Mouse and key board is better for 90% of all the games I've played. 


7. If you have a good enough laptop, you can play any game, anywhere without much effort.


8. A decent PC can play the near-next gen games seamlessly while the consoles almost always are sub-par in processing and graphics (do consoles use graphic cards?) witch is why they need to be upgraded every so often


All notes aside, console is good beacuse it's easier to learn and handle (why a lot of kids play consoles) and consoles are also better for in the same room co-op. Well that's all I have also: tumblr_m2vvq8NHXe1rtckc6o1_500.jpg

Edited by TheFlowerPoison
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I acknowledge both the pros and problems of PCs and consoles, I am simply a bona fide PC gamer. The PC is the very definition of a practical piece of technology. There is simply so much that can be done with it outside of gaming itself - what you have here is not simply a console, but a multi-functional system with games being one of many conveniences - and even then it can give you a very smoothly running, powerfully displayed and generally (for me anyway) more satisfying games platform. Almost all games you get on the PC can be easily modded because computers already apply them so well - meaning you can enhance the game even further or simply customise it to your own choices. With a console, you have to take your game as it is. PCs can also be upgraded over time, so you can progress to more exhilarating graphics. Of course, I realise some of PC's cons, such as exorbitant prices for the most powerful systems and the fact you can't bring a friend round for splitscreen.


The poster above me reminded me of another great advantage - those that realise the potential of PCs will be those who are tech-savvy. I don't want to sound hipster at all, but in general society PCs are very under-recognised - when you talk to most people about gaming they'll start talking about consoles. The result is that in the PC gaming community people will be generally very knowledgeable about gaming and about computers. It's much more attractive than a more widely accessed console community.


Of course, some things on consoles you can't get on the PC. That's why I have an XBox 360 as well. I can hook that up through the back of my monitor and play that at my desk with a buddy. Plus there are some games on the XBox that you can't get on the PC, and they are damn good games - Halo 4 and Dragon's Dogma are two of my favourites. Consoles are also made specifically for gaming, so they can focus all of their processing power on running your game without having to manage background processes like the PC does. That's why you get a cheaper deal on your XBox 360.


Still, I've already explained why I prefer the PC. Remember, this is all a personal perspective. I won't be looking down on anypony if they have an Xbox 360... that'd be stupid :P

Edited by Flipturn
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While I prefer the PC, it's not like I don't like consoles. I also have the PS3 and the Wii, and I've loved every moment I've had them. I even had a 360 for a while, but got rid of it later on. I just prefer the Steam interface over Live and PSN. And the fact that Steam is free and far less buggy is nice. Plus, the games I run on my PC look (and play) much better than their console counterparts. But as much as I love my PC, I will concede that the best gaming experience is getting a few few friends over and playing on the same console until 3 in the morning. I can't tell you how many hours me and my friends wasted playing the original Goldeneye and Perfect Dark back in the day.


And as others have mentioned. The PC can do so much more. You literally have the entire world at your fingertips AND you can game on it. It's a total won-win...until you have to buy a console exclusive game that is  :lol:

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I for one, find both to be great for gaming, it all just depends on your gaming style and preference. Games like SSX are amazing to play on console, and I just don't see a simulator or a keyboard + mouse to be that fun. But, talking games like BF3, Pc is the better. Though PC has mods, they also tend to have a lot more hackers. :/

Edited by Retro✮Derpy
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Hmm. There's a ton of Indie games I love to play on PC, which could never be ported onto a console. (Not that I know of.) But, I grew up on console games, and they still hold a lot of nostalgia in my heart. Overall, I chose consoles, mostly because the games seem a little more professional.


And, to answer your real question, I don't like to play games made for a console on PC, mostly because I'd have to buy a whole new gaming PC, because I only have 4 gigs of RAM, half of which is already used for other stuff.

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I used to be a console gamer but after buying a gaming laptop slowly made the transition to PC Gaming. The only thing i still play on console is Halo 4.

  1. After you get used to using the mouse it is undeniably easier to aim with than a thumbstick. 
  2. I know you console kids don't want to hear it but PC games do looks better.
  3. I'd say that in terms of screen size. If you work out how much of a monitor takes up of your FOV it would be greater (larger) than  a TV
  4. My seat is damn comfortable, i could game in it for hours upon hours.
  5. I can ALT+TAB out of a game in an instant if i have anything i need to check on.
  6. The amount of MODS you can find for games can in most cases more than double the play time you'd get from playing it vanilla.
  7. Sure you have to spend a lot of money for a good PC but you can do so much more than just game on it. 

The only plus side to gaming on a console is that you can lay down on a couch or kick your feet up and still play comfortable. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I use my beloved PC for everything but Nintendo games. I can't play first-person shooters without a mouse and keyboard, and Steam has a HUGE selection of games to play. Plus, computers are much more flexible and upgradeable than consoles. I still own a lot of Nintendo consoles, though, because they've got a lot of great IPs. Currently have the 3DS and Wii U, and they're both great! But if something comes out on both Steam and the Wii U, I'm definitely going for the former.

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It really depends on what type of games I play. For the most part my PC is mostly used for playing RTS, RPGs, and shooters while my consoles are used for everything else. I guess my vote goes to consoles

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PC has more hackers.  One less thing to worry about for console gamers.


This is debateable. You see, on alot of PC games we have this wonderful thing called "dedicated servers" and on most titles with dedicated servers people can rent servers (unsure about owning) where there are admins who moderate their servers fairly often to ensure cheating doesn't take place.


However, some games offer dedicated servers but not the ability for people to rent and admin on them, making cheating poissible (all tho they're easily detected and eventually banned).


While on console you're stuck with the hackers, illegal modders, and so on.

Edited by Ahri
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My plans to troll pc gamers was a success... You see, though I'm still a console gamer, I made dumb points about pc gamers in an attempt to rustle gimmies. It was a success.


Lol, sure.  Cute how you say this in hindsight, once your points have been shot to pieces and the arguments supporting your statements have been invalidated.

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Lol, sure.  Cute how you say this in hindsight, once your points have been shot to pieces and the arguments supporting your statements have been invalidated.

 Well considering the fact that you asked if I was joking, and that I don't think I've ever made any irrational thoughts such as the "arguments" I presented, it would be illogical to admit defeat in a hasty matter.

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Depends more on the internet connection really. At least then you don't have to worry about a disc, losing the disc or scratching the disk or damaging the disk drive. My laptop doesn't even have one.


I'm one of those who prefer to actually own the license to their game rather than have an arbitrary person decide whether or not I am allowed to use my license.  Needless to say you can and are legally entitled to make a single backup of your PC gaming software (whereas Nintendo does not allow that obviously).

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Well, I guess that counts as console. :P Seriously though, been playing consoles all my life and they've always been all I need, plus the more popular genres on PC(FPS, RTS, MMO) have never really been my favorite(save for an occasional good FPS once in a while), so console for me. :)

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I say PC primarily because all I have is a PC. I don't have any consoles (except a Wii but that doesn't count). I'm sure there are lots of advantages to both but I have a really nice PC to play games on so I have no need for a console anyways. Although with all the online stuff consoles have these days the main difference seems to be the controls. 

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1: The majority of people I know have 2 comps. 1 for work and the other for gaming.

2: Graphics are better. But as I said, what good does graphics do?

3:You can do the same for console games. Atleast in my experiences

4: I find the keyboard and mouse combo VERY uncomfortable. I tries using the two on Mega Man 8-bit deathmatch and failed. Meanwhile though, I used a standard controller and got the most kills.

5: Well, you're playing console games, just on a computer. Nothing different.


I have 3 PCs and 2 laptop and 1 server and there all for play. Well the server I suppose is a big 12TB Torrent box to hold all my pc games.


work on a pc..LMFAO, what Office? excel? PhotoShop? Video Rendering,? or software coding? that belongs in a office not at home.lol


pc all the way


pc hardware kills console hardware. that sad looking xbox or ps3 has nothing when its sits next to my $3000+ gaming rig. 


I have my PC hooked into a 3DHD-TV and yes 6 of us can sit around a pc with controls and enjoy better games at higher frame rates will mind blowing Texture sizes


Dedicated server support!!!!!! you hear or see a 7-13y online, a simple kick/banned command and there gone forever. Do not have to put of with kids talking like they own the place.. Instead we put them in there place.




NO AA,AF TXAA, antialising is Must FOR GAMES. how can any one play a game and not notice jagged lines ever were... shadows are the worst for this! it just looks ugly



Console have no native mouse/keyboard support. Argue with me all you want but FPS and RTS require Mouse and keyboards. NO!!! call of duty can not be played with 2 thumb sticks.. ask any one that has a pc and plays online with a xbox controller  Vs  people online that use a keyboard and mouse. 


Xbox Live and PSN are full of 7-13y old mouthing off like they own the place  that you jsut want to hit them really hard in the face


NO DEDICATED SERVER, Console connections are all P2P connection (Peer2Peer) (not once in Black Ops1 did I ever see Migrating Host...instead I looked up the server list and pick the best server that has the lowest ping/ms)


photos example of Console Vs PC for antialiasing


(need for speed photos)

I bet with out me having to point out, which one is the PS3 (top) and which on is the PC (bottom two) verison. (PS even with way higher graphics the PC version runs at way higher Framerates)








Edited by MadDoggyca
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1. Consoles can have some very cool ideas that a PC can't. The Wii U shows that a console can be different than a computer.


2. WASD controls are not that nice and I find my self hitting the space bar by accident a lot. Though with Xbox I sometimes hit the triggers by accident.


3. A PC a lot of the time has much better graphics because you can get a better computer unlike consoles unless its like a whole new generation.


4. I find that consoles have more exclusives that are made by big people like Ni No Kuni on the PS3.


I think it is a draw though if I have to choose one I would choose Console.

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you never see what a Wii-mote can do on a pc have u.. Also Wii U Tablet Controller? hmm we have something  called Tablets PC for, Xbox Glass For tablets ring a bell?


also Razors Gaming tablet will have a few up on the Wii U

The only thing that a Console has (going to have) that is one up on pc's is something Called "Xbox Go Big"


Need Kinect, and a rear Prejector. Im sure this will hit pc soon as well



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PC gaming is far superior, and that's coming from someone who was a console gamer all my life til very recently.


First things first is the community. Steam is a far better (I don't know what to call it) distributor than Microsoft or PSNwith all the deals they have, the user-created content, and just how Valve interacts with the community a lot better than Microsoft does.


Which brings me onto mods. PC gamers have tons of user created content, from mods to texture packs etc that consoles can never have. And of course the ability to download games and DLC for *free* is always there. Not condoning it, just putting it out there. I personally dislike people who pirate games.


You can play it like a console. For me, a person who has been a console gamer all my life for the past 16 years, jumping straight to a mouse & keyboard isn't an easy option, so I use a Microsoft controller with a Microsoft chatpad to use for extra keys needed in games like GMOD and such. Of course you could say why don't you just play on console, but I don't want all the restrictions and the terrible community.


So yes I definitely prefer PC gaming,and in time I know I'll be using the M&K setup like most others, but I'm happy playing like this for now. :)


​(wow, a post that was way over the 100 minimum mark...)

Edited by Vengeance
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I have to go with console gaming (specifically the PS3). It's kind of hard for me to have a gaming PC while in college. When I was a kid, I preferred playing games on a computer but when most of the games that I played were no longer made for the PC, I had to shift to console gaming.

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What is in my post is only my opinion, opinions may vary


My vote is for the PC.

Mainly because for shooters and MMOs, the keyboard mouse (I feel are better at that purpose)

I hate how now systems like the xbox/ps3 are downloading, unpacking, installing updates like a computer. And require you to install software from games to get the most out of it. (optional) With that in mind, I figure I might as well play PC if I can't just pop and play.

I also love the ability to just upgrade my system to current day specs, and be able to play newest release games at good frame rate.

Hate how loud a xbox or ps3 can get compared to a PC

The systems don't allow for multi-monitor gaming (forza excluded but I recall needing 3 360s for that)

Load times on systems stink.

Its false that I can't use a high end PC while on a couch, I do it all the time when I just want to relax.

Though I do give the systems something, exclusives, ease of knowing when you buy the game its going to run, and being small form.

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I know I'm treading into flame war territory but I wanna know your opinion. Do you prefer PC or console gaming? I prefer console gaming for multiple reasons.


One reason is you don't have to spend a lot of money for a PC.

Two: A controller is far better than a mouse and keyboard regardless of the game.

Three: For a PC, you need to worry about the specs of your PC. You need to have so and so OS, need X amount of memory, this specific program and it just goes on.

Four: You need to install the game, which, depending on your PC, can take a while. Meanwhile, on a console, you put the game in and play it.

Five: Viruses. Nuff said

Six: Playing on a tiny screen on a tiny desk is uncomfortable.


Now, you could hook the pc up to a tv and a controller to the pc. But, when doing that, you're essentially playing a fucking console. Also, consoles get more and usually better games. When the PC gets it, it's either too late or a bad port.


The only advantage a PC has is games can run at a higher resolution. But honestly, who cares about the resolution?


Yes. Dance my pretties. Rustling jimmies is really fun if you rustle pc gamers. Also, yeah I'm joking. Though I prefer console gaming.

I actually like both, i like being able to just sit down and pick up the controller, but still pc gaming, it is a little bit different experience. Also, i just want to point a few things out, consoles today are more and more connected to the internet, you can probably get a virus on your ps3 or xbox, even though you won't see it, only difference is you have a virus protection your pc, but instead there are a lot more viruses that are made for pc, then for a ps3, but it's all about how you use your computer. Also, your screen size, since you sit closer to a pc, it feels bigger. I for one don't have a pc, but a laptop, that happens to be powerfull enough to do some gaming, or at least it runs skyrim pretty well. But i have simply always liked consoles, i look at them not only as a gaming system, but as collectibles. It's fun to own a old nintendo or something like that. Since i have nothing against either sides im just going to leave it at that.

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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Both! :D


I started out with PC gaming: Lands of Lore, MechWarrior II and other classics. But eventually my parents got tired of us tying up the computer and got us a console (NES) instead. I loved that too. I still have an FC Twin, Genesis, Dreamcast, PS2 and GameCube with way more games than I need. xD


I have no interest in any PC vs. console debate, I think they're both fun. I miss the days when there was a real difference between them. -_-

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I say console gaming because I prefer a controller over a mouse and keyboard any day. Not only that but the majority of Triple A titles that come out for PC are also available on console. Which version is better is debatable.


You could also chalk it up to the fact that I play a lot of first party games as I am very partial to Nintendo. That and I play a lot of Japanese role playing games. So really, outside of emulation, you can't really get what I like on PC.


The only PC specific game I really enjoy is Starcraft 1/2.


So it's just a personaly preference. I'm not going to say one is superior to the other though, but I do believe that consoles get more games that interest me.


So of the two, I prefer console gaming. Overall though, I think portable gaming is better than both of them. And again, in that realm I prefer the DS or PSP.

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