Kamarat 103 February 6, 2013 Share February 6, 2013 Well it depends. For example some lessons really doesn't need any homework and it is completely needless. But I understand why my English teacher makes homework bombardments. (I study English as a foreign language)Ok it is necessary but still, I can't do it because of ponies. Darn ponies, darn. It is a pain I usually don't do it. My teacher clearly states that my future will be ruined if I keep this way. Still I'm not sure I will do the ones I have right now.Also whoever says that homeworks are easy clearly didn't have much. Now excuse me while I note all the words that I don't know from 500 hundred pages and note all of them one by one and write the meaning too. Simple isn't it? Not. This isn't even the full form of it I need to review everything and solve 5 magazines of test and complete like 70 pages of reading questions. No really, too much. Oh I also have German homework but too bad I didn't have money to copy those. Damn school is fucked up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 February 6, 2013 Share February 6, 2013 Homework for the sake of homework is retarded. Homework is perfectly fine when it's expanding the lesson beyond what's capable of being done in class, that's it. Not as something to throw on people just for the hell of it. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Concord 1,982 February 6, 2013 Share February 6, 2013 Hello! Any person that knows what they're talking about, will say that homework is important. It doesn't matter, if you're a know it all. You still need to do your homework. It really helps lock in the information you learned in class. Once you get used to doing homework, it isn't that much of a pain, and sometimes, it's even fun. Whenever i'm to lazy to do anything, i look up to Twilight Sparkle as inspiration . That's one of the reasons that i like about the show. The characters inspire you. Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheSupremeLeaderOfChaos 1,210 February 6, 2013 Share February 6, 2013 Okay, let me begin my rant. At my old school, we would, on a daily basis, have at least one assignment in almost every subject. Which means, that at the age of 8, I had to stay up till 1:00 in the freaking morning to finish my homework! That, I think is unacceptable. Maybe, once a month we could have that much homework, but not every night like I used to! However, two years ago, I switched schools. Now, my homework, at most, takes 3-4 hours. I haven't had stay-up-till-1'oclock-in-the-morning homework in a few years. Since then, I have begun to realize that homework is good for you, in small amounts. It allows you to retain the information you already learned in school. Most subjects, I really didn't need homework to learn the material, but in Algebra 1, well, I'm glad for the extra practice! Signature made by- Kyoshi Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Creamy Arty 6,252 February 6, 2013 Share February 6, 2013 Funny how both the student and the teacher's perspectives on homework change from "regular" school to college. The purpose of homework is to reinforce what's being covered in class. Even if everyone in class understands the material, they're likely to forget it unless given more opportunities to use it than when it's introduced. It doesn't matter how quickly they managed to grasp it. Teachers know that most kids aren't going to bother with it or study unless they make the homework count for some part of their grade. Few of my instructors in college ever graded homework as it was there solely for our benefit. Do it and improve your knowledge or don't and get by as best you can; that was their thoughts on the matter. In school I hated homework because it counted for something. As soon as I got to college and nobody was checking to see if I had done it, I didn't mind. Everything was done at my own pace and I was free to disregard homework for things I easily mastered and focus on the things causing me the most difficulty. Homework was really beneficial and there were even times when we would ask for more in order to get more practice. Looking back on my school days there are many things that I wish I had put more effort into doing, homework being one of them. But you know, there are limits. Sometimes teachers do overburden their students with homework. Whether they're college students who have jobs and families to attend to or they're school kids with nothing but free time on their hands after school, homework shouldn't occupy every other waking moment. Teachers who assign homework like they're the only ones who do need to cut back. That was actually something parents in my county complained about when I was in middle school. Kids were getting saddled with so much homework that even the brightest students had to begin as soon as they got home and work nonstop in order to finish it by 11 that night. Then we'd go to school by 7:30 the next morning and start all over again. It made the news for a week. To make matters worse, Virginia is a bit more stringent than most states, making anything below a 70 an F. Kyoshi made this ^^ Come join us on Equestria.tv on Fridays at 6 PM Eastern for our weekly movie nights! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lomk 20,663 February 6, 2013 Share February 6, 2013 I know when I was in high school, I hated homework. Of course, my school (pre-k through 12th) was composed, in its entirety, of 200 kids. I graduated with 15 in my class. There were 8 in the class before us and 13 in the class after us. 20 was considered large and anything greater than that just didn't happen unless you were in band, which was all the students from 9th-12th grades. Being so small, our teachers rarely stayed long. Most of them didn't really care to teach the class. I kid you not, in my typing class, we spent about 20 minutes doing actual work on the computer. Our teacher didn't really teach. When we were finished, we'd just go to Addicting Games and spent the other 40 minutes on that. For some reason, my class was pretty gifted for the most part. Three of my classmates scored at least a 32 on the ACT. One of my best friends scored a 34 and got a full 4 year scholarship to Oklahoma State and another friend of mine scored a perfect 36 on the reading portion of the test with a 33 overall. Those guys studied a lot for their tests. Me? I didn't study at all and I scored a 24 on the test. Had I studied and been ready, I'm sure I could have been one of those who got a 32+. But I hated homework in high school. Actually, my whole class did, including those guys who scored 32+ on their ACT's. Most of us slept in class anyway. There wasn't much for us to learn there anyway. Not all of us were so well to do. One of my classmates is constantly in between boyfriends. 2 others got pregnant before 20. Another got pregnant and married before she was 19. Another one had already been married, divorced, and was engaged again before we even graduated! haha! Anyway, I'm rambling at this point, so to continue, about 5 or 6 of us went to college, myself included. When I got to college, no thanks to my lackluster teachers, I was kind of screwed. We were given homework all the time. Hard homework. Stuff I had never seen before but my college professors were teaching it like we all should have known the material already. Unfortunately, I didn't. But I actually liked that. It was scary. I'm now paying to go to school and I can't do the work. If I flunk out, I lose all the money I've invested in it. But I got the hang of it. Eventually, I started to like homework. When I took my first accounting class, I hated it. I couldn't understand anything and I thought about dropping the class for the first few weeks I was there. With the encouragement from my mom, however, I stayed in the class. Finally, the light bulb up there came on and I was instantly good at accounting. We'd get homework and I'd have it done the second I got home. I love accounting! So for me, homework isn't pointless. Some of the best college professors I've had will get your hands dirty in class and send you home to get some practice on your own. When you're doing something because you have to, I agree: it sucks. When you're doing it for something you love, everything changes. All of a sudden, the homework for that class is the only thing you ever want to do. You find a little bit of a Twilight Sparkle in you and you do your homework...and some extra. You pour your heart and soul into your homework because you want to do well at something you're passionate about. So what's my view on homework? Homework is good, whether you love it or hate it. To know how to do something you need to know outside of class is pretty useful. I agree that there are classes I take that I wonder what I'm ever going to need to know some of the stuff in real life for but when you get to your junior year in college and you have all your required classes (Biology, Chem, English Comp I & II, etc) out of the way, it starts getting fun. All you have to take are classes relevant to your major and some electives. This semester, I'm taking five classes that are all business classes and there are four of them that I just can't get enough of. My advice to you is to stay in school. I know, it's a drag. There are many aspects of it that aren't really fun. Like buying books, tuition fees, rent, and so forth. Then you just go to a class and get lectured for an hour. And you wonder why you're just shelling out $4,500 a semester for it when there are plenty of more fun things to do. Trust me, stay with it long enough and it can get pretty interesting--especially when you find that special talent of yours. I refuse to let go until you're impressed. I refuse to let go until I'm depressed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sam 30 February 6, 2013 Share February 6, 2013 It highly depends on how you learn, although for me I remember most things instantly, and so homework doesn't really help me much. Most of my work nowadays though is less about remembering things, and more about working things out (I'm doing an Electronic Engineering degree). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mutemutt 773 February 6, 2013 Share February 6, 2013 Purpose of homework is to make sure that you actually study the material presented in class. I find that homework for classes in which you have to work out problems, such as in math and physics, is more useful than in classes where you have memorize things such as history. While I can understand its purpose, homework is pretty forceful approach since it gives additional deadlines and you're penalized if you don't do it. Still, I find that it has a good purpose and that it's generally agreeable. I don't have that many problems with homework as long as it deals with working out problems because I'd have to do that at home anyway; now I'm just getting more credit for it. Now having to study and not get immediate credit for it, that sucks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gigachip 148 February 6, 2013 Share February 6, 2013 I find it a very important thing to do. Being in college I find its a necessary evil. Of course some classes are easy enough to where you don't need homework (basics). But once you get higher up in courses homework really help cement the course work and help with a better grade. I'd recommend to anyone to take homework serious, even if it sounds dumb. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phaeston-e12 173 February 6, 2013 Share February 6, 2013 (edited) I'm a physics/astronomy major in the Junior year at the University of Arizona. Let me tell you this, it's infuriating and blood-boiling to do a homework where you spend at least 3 days trying to derive things like the Schrodinger's equation and electron probability distribution equations of different states. I've spent at least 20 hours on writing through 11~12 pages worth of homework up to 3 am yesterday starting last Friday. But regardless of how annoying and bothersome it is, you can't gain anything without an ounce of pain. There's a clear difference between learning the concepts and learning how that concepts can be applied and at the university level, homework gives you an opportunity to figure out how the concepts you learn from the lectures can be applied to various different problems. The professors won't generally hand feed you and learning that process is a responsibility of being a college level student. (Of course there are professors who gives you an absurd amount of homework that's nothing but BS busywork.) And also, take heed. Thinking that you are too smart or too good for those kind of thing is nothing but you deluding yourself while everyone else is going ahead of you. I've seen brilliant people during my years at the University of Illinois and I will tell you this. The people who are actually 'too good' for college, they show a ridiculous level of success even before they get anywhere near their goal and people around them tries to do everything they can to provide resource necessary for those kind people to do their job. Edited February 6, 2013 by Phaeston-e12 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Replicant 113 February 6, 2013 Share February 6, 2013 I would say that homework is probably most useful in University when you don't have classes everyday to help you keep up with the information. In high school though, I find most homework to be very time wasting.My school day is one of the longest school days in the country. I start at 7:45 and get out at 3:10. However, almost everyday I don't get home until 6:00, because I have activities after school. For the most part though homework in high school is just to keep us busy. This post. In college, many of the classes you're taking will apply to your major. Your major is something you need to understand totally; ie, it's important. Homework usually consists of huge analysis essays and not as much busy work, so the finished product is something that you actually need to know as thoroughly as you've researched it. It's entirely up to you how much you read and study, whereas in high school you probably were told exactly what to study and how long it should take you. In grade school, homework is usually excessive and meant to make the teacher look productive. A teacher who doesn't have a certain number of assignments with grades on them could actually get in trouble. Don't blame the teachers, blame the administration above them... -_- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stalliongrad 982 February 6, 2013 Share February 6, 2013 Homework that doesn't have anything to do with what you were learning in class is pointless. Which is what most of it seems to be these days. I think that test's and applying what you learn is more important. I still remember a lot of stuff from High School but the longer you go without applying what you learn the more you forget. ~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~ http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-star-r1439 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soundgarden 2,758 February 6, 2013 Share February 6, 2013 Homework is basically school work... at home. Just keep the dam schoolmaterial in SCHOOL and let me enjoy the little ammount of freedom I have 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost 1,410 February 7, 2013 Share February 7, 2013 I don't really have homework, as I'm doings university course we're expected to o work in our own time but how we do it is up to us, asking as we meet deadlines and pass exams all is good. Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life. Check out my YouTube here Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide here Check out my Motovlogging Trailer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Dash 1,472 February 7, 2013 Share February 7, 2013 depends on what grade. K-6th its useful since thats when the brain soaks everything up like a sponge 7-8th its useless since when you get to high school, 9th-12th, they basically tell you everything you learned fro k-8th is wrong. the truth is 11th and on up its useless to assign homework since you can learn more doing your own research at home. The hardest homework i had was in a college class a year ago. i had to explain the sociological profile of a common criminal compared to a law abiding citizen and explain why that is. R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yourmomsponies 444 February 7, 2013 Share February 7, 2013 Homework is good in small amounts, it can help you get a tough concept faster. But giving student large amounts of homework just burns them out. Same with studying a little here and there, but cramming the night before an exam just stresses you out and dosent really help with recollection of the material. For me at least, Homework is a waste of time. I almost never do it because at my school its only 5% of the grade. (unless its something I really suck at) I just remember everything I need to. My memory is mostly auditory and semantic. I have always tested well so I just go into class do my work and leave. I never study because its pointless for me to stress myself out when I already know that I'm going to get at least a C on the test. "It's either Blue Cheese with wings or go fuck your mother!"- Joey"CoCo"Diaz "I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f*ck with me, I'll kill you all." - Gen James 'MadDog' Mattis USMC Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metemponychosis 1,262 February 7, 2013 Share February 7, 2013 Homework is interesting when done right. Most teachers I know just give their students something to do for the sake of it. This is downright stupid. The idea would be stimulating the students to take a bit of their time outside of school to study the themes of the day. This is an awesome way of "fixating" the information because it makes you think about it, and write, forces you to focus on it. But it has to be something that makes students THINK! Not just look up some piece of info in the internet or textbooks and write an answer just so that the teacher can see. https://www.fimfiction.net/user/32864/Metemponychosis For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out. And I'm just getting started. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Genepool 224 February 7, 2013 Share February 7, 2013 I think Homework serves its purpose because it helps to show if students learned the material. The main problem I find with homework however, devil's advocate, is the fact some teachers aren't educated in its proper use. I've been out of the public education system for some time since I graduated in 2002, but I met some teachers who didn't care about homework. They only issued it to shut the kids up and give them something to do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 February 7, 2013 Share February 7, 2013 Homework is not pointless though many people think it is. I used to think it was pointless, but then highschool came up and I realized just how important it is. Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Virulence 254 February 8, 2013 Share February 8, 2013 This is my view. I'm currently a senior in high school and homework is so pointless. Not unless it's something you really want to put your mind to. But as of right now, I could care less. Once you get into college, that's when homework will come in handy and do you more good, than general crap. Signature by: http://mlpforums.com/user/17005-littlerawr/ My OC's: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/virulence-r4617 http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/euphony-r4536 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Sugar Sprinkles~ 638 February 8, 2013 Share February 8, 2013 It never helps me with anything. I am VERY forgetful and even when I study sometimes, it never usually helps. I have a teacher that helps me with my memory. But, really, it's a waste for me because it don't help me. It maybe is useful to someone else. It just depends on who you are I guess....then again, I get my homework done in my study halls...so it's never really homework for me x3 just study hall work!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nothing&NoOne 695 February 8, 2013 Share February 8, 2013 I don't have the dedication to do my homework. "I should probably do my math homework....ah screw it. I'm going on Reddit." And that's my life. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Broccoli 127 February 8, 2013 Share February 8, 2013 Usually, the purpose of homework is extra practice of the knowledge you learned in class. In my school, homework does not count in the final grades, although you still have to do it. If homework assignments are incomplete, you get sent to this thing called the 'second chance room'. Just a prettier way of saying detention . I've never been sent there. Yes thats right, I do my homework. The worst homework I usually have is math, because I'm a pretty bad logical thinker, and cannot keep numbers in my head for very long. -"My little pony, not yours!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sard Shift 21 February 8, 2013 Share February 8, 2013 For me, it depends on what kind of homework it is. If you mean the traditional 'sit behind a desk for hours and fill some questions' homework, then I hate it, although I do make it. If you mean the kind of homework where you actually have to go out and do something, I actually find it fun. Things like lectures and presentations are the things in school I find most enjoyable, purely because you can make it as fun as you'd like (and I do so)! I almost always ask for a practical thing to do at home, rather then doing the boring theoretical stuff. Right now, I'm preparing a debat, which kinda accompanies both theory and non-theory. So far, I find it quite alright, but it could be better. Still have to prepare a couple of pages of text, which is the boring stuff, but I already done all the looking up, which I enjoy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cupcake Ice Cream 436 February 8, 2013 Share February 8, 2013 don't go to grad school...homework load gets insane...but yes I do see its worth. It helps to galvanize everything you've gone over in class. But when they add it to 500 pages of reading a week (no joke...I can show you my syllabi) it gets downright painful but necessary... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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