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The Mane 6 and their nationalities

The Soldier

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Using EARTH'S countries, where do you think each of the Mane 6's nationality?


I think Fluttershy would be Japanese, Rarity would be French, Rainbow's American, Applejack American too (specifically, a Texan), Pinkie Pie and Twilight... I'm thinking about that.

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Rainbow is from the US. You guys are competetive, right?


Rarity is from somewhere in Asia.


AJ is somewhere near the equator.


Pinkie is from mars. :V


Twilight is from... I dunno.


Flutters is from Canada... :P

  • Brohoof 4



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I actually think Rarity would be from Japan. I watched a PMV of "It Sucks To Be Me" where she played the Japanese therapist. It worked really, really well...


Twilight Sparkle would be Chinese, they're very academically competitive. Suits her square.


I'm not sure about Pinkie Pie. Part of me thinks Cuba because they're the biggest exporter of sugar, suits her perfectly. Then again the world's happiest country is (apparently) Norway, so she could be from there as well. Part of me thinks Russia, people generally associate the Russians with doing totally random things - that's Pinkie through and through :)


I think Rainbow Dash would be Russian. It... just fits. Russians are generally known for fortitude and and crazy overconfidence, and they've got some good athletes as well.


Applejack's definitely American. Texas. Not much else to be said, amirite?


I can actually see Fluttershy coming from Peru. It feels right - Peru's a serene place, it's got tons of forest and different types of wildlife, and the Garua seems really relaxing. Fits her really well.

Edited by Flipturn
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beau is convinced that pinkie is hispanic....


AJ likely texan, though they arent big on apple growin' 

twilight i think would be filipino 


rarity-- thats tough. :/  i can see japan, just by features..or some priss raised in "SoCal" ugh...but im leaning towards somewhere in the UK.. 


fluttershy... probably canadian xD maybe swedish?


rainbowdash - maybe irish.. she is /fierce/ :3




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I think it's no use trying to find anything but "South American" and "Texan" for Applejack, it seems to be a consensus here. ^_^


We should take their pasts into account, I think.

Like, the two pegasi both lived in Cloudsdale as fillies. So, in the real world, it should be someplace where both types are known to be found.


Anyway, I'm not really good at this, as I don't know what each nationality is known for. Also I'm gonna be a hypocrite and ignore the ponies' pasts.


Twi: Korean or Chinese, being studious, though they're way more open about it while Twilight is kinda scared to boast.

Pie: Norwegian or Swedish, whichever are more insane XD


(leaving for breakfast, will Finnish later)

Edited by Feather Spiral
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I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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I think it's no use trying to find anything but "South American" and "Texan" for Applejack, it seems to be a consensus here. ^_^


We should take their pasts into account, I think.

Like, the two pegasi both lived in Cloudsdale as fillies. So, in the real world, it should be someplace where both types are known to be found.


Anyway, I'm not really good at this, as I don't know what each nationality is known for. Also I'm gonna be a hypocrite and ignore the ponies' pasts.


Twi: Korean or Chinese, being studious, though they're way more open about it while Twilight is kinda scared to boast.

Pie: Norwegian or Swedish, whichever are more insane XD


(leaving for breakfast, will Finnish later)


Swedes and Norwegians are more shy than crazy and Sweden got a lot of forest's and wildlife, so I would say Fluttershy is from Sweden (plus, she's yellow :P)

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Twilight subscribes to the German sense of order. Seriously, its an entire culture where everything must be NEAT UND TIDY.

Rarity is definitely akin to French haute couture and sophistication, or British national sensibility.

Applejack is American, pure and true.

Rainbow Dash is whatever culture gave birth to the 80s. Whatever, maybe Newfoundland.

Fluttershy is some sweet and quiet culture, perhaps Tibetian, or some variety Swedes.

Pinkie Pie is obviously Irish.

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Twilight subscribes to the German sense of order. Seriously, its an entire culture where everything must be NEAT UND TIDY.


I agree entirely on this.


Applejack - if I recall correctly I read that her accent is meant to be a Tennessee accent, where apparently a lot of apples are grown.


Rainbow Dash - I reckon she'd be a fiery Mediterranean, but most likely Greek. Quite possibly even of Spartan descent.


Fluttershy - Somewhere in Eastern Europe, I reckon. People from Eastern Europe seem to be very introverted, and they're often pale skinned, which suits Fluttershy to a tee.


Rarity - Italian, I reckon (another fiery Mediterranean). Their culture is perhaps the most romantic I can think of, and whilst she's not as fiery as Rainbow Dash, she's anything but submissive.


Pinkie Pie - Dunno. Personally, I reckon she's been through a previous MLP generation, who somehow developed special powers to move generation. Putting that aside - Scottish? A load of barbarians from the other side of Hadrian's wall? That may work.

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I agree with OP, Rarity would probably be French (haute couture and all that), although her accent is rather that of a posh British. 

I was going to say that Rainbow was American because of competivity and such but Russia does suit her well too...




Japanese Fluttershy sounds pretty spot on, as for Pinkie I have no idea... Brazilian maybe lol? They are super festive people. 

Applejack is pretty clearly a Texan although apple-bucking isn't really their thing.


Finally, Twilight... Apart from her study hard character trait which would fit in well in China I'd probably say british. She kind of reminds me of Hermione!

Edited by Malakili



Thanks a lot to ShyForever for the great signature!

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Rainbow Dash is from Kenya

Applejack is from America

Rarity is a wannabe french hipster American

Fluttershy is a druid from Brazil

Pinky Pie is from Greece since they've partied themselves into bankrupcy

and Twilight is Japanese 

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RD is essentially Greek. Sports(Olympic Games) person from a tribe based on the greeks(twice over, I might add- both in Hearth's Warming Eve, and in that she's a pegasus).


AJ is a southern U.S.A. stereotype.

Edited by RWB
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"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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I hate to say it but I already beat you to this topic idea a few months back, you can see if here.




I wish I would have thought of Rainbow Dash as Kenya, it is one of those things that just stares right at you in the face.

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Rainbow is from somewhere in the US, probably California;

Rarity is from a European country like France or Britain;

Twilight is from Japan (you know, because the are the only people on Earth who care about education);

Fluttershy is from Canada obviously;

Pinkie is from some sort of alien planet in the next solar system;

Applejack is from Texas (yes it is a country).


Fluttershy - Somewhere in Eastern Europe, I reckon. People from Eastern Europe seem to be very introverted, and they're often pale skinned, which suits Fluttershy to a tee.

Don't you mean *shades* a tree!

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I say that Fluttershy is Bhutan. An isolated country up in the Himalayas that keeps to itself and has lots of wildlife. ALSO HAS A FREAKING DRAGON FLAG THAT LOOKS WAY COOLER THAN WALES'. 

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They're all Canadian, I mean, just look at where the show was made.


lol jk, realistically speaking

I think both Rainbow Dash and Applejack would be from the US, with AJ being from Texas obviously, and with Dash being from Cali(she just strikes me as someone from Cali)

Twilight would also be from the US, but probably as a German-American or Japanese-American

Fluttershy would be from Canada, Rarity would be from some European country, probably France or England.

And Pinkie Pie? I actually have no idea.....Ireland

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twilight i think would be japanese

and fluttershy french or american

pinkiepie would be  amish american or from the 4 deminsion gallopfreyan :P

rarity britsh or american(she looks japanese but only with her fake eyelashes)

applejack american


rainbowdash greek/ american

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Personally, I think a lot of folks should be using their imaginations a bit more, and not put two of the mane six in the same country. In saying that, this does look pretty fun. . .


Twilight - Indian

Highly driven when it comes to her education, caste orientated (call it what you will, but she raised Spike to be her slave). Strong faith balanced by logic and a scientific attitude.


Applejack - American

There is no way around this. She may be of Scottish ancestry, but she is American through and through.


Rarity - English

I know a lot of people think of Rarity as French, but based on what my French friend has told me, this is inaccurate. Although most people confuse Rarity with stuck-up upper-class bitches, her personality is more compassionate and giving. My friend is living in England, and insists that the rich and trendy of Paris are the nastiest and most self-centered bitches you can ever meet (she claims she knows that because she was one herself). Since relocating to England, she is amazed by how friendly everyone can be.


Fluttershy - Norwegian

Lives beside the Celestia-forsaken Everfree forest. Norway is beside the God-forsaken frozen wasteland. Rather polite and shy, but with terrible and terrifying anger? Norway is unfailing civil and well mannered, but is also the nation that gave us Black Metal.


Pinkie Pie - Polish

If you know anyone from Poland, then you know of people who live life like everyday is a party!


Rainbow Dash - Italian

Insanely talented athlete? Check.

Strong sense of fashion that is well hidden? Check.

Massive self belief? Check.

Pride the size of a small solar system? Double check.

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There's a problem here.

I thought we were finding nationalities matching their personalities, but AJ is ALWAYS associated with South America based ON HER DIALECT ONLY.
Twilight is compared to Asian people for being studious. But aren't they also physically hard-working (enough to steal jobs from Western workers)? Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack could be Chinese in that regard.

Following the same logic you guys do with AJ, every single one of the mane 6 would be from an English-speaking country. Particularly on the North American continent, except MAYBE Rarity.
In fact, save from a few characters like Photo Finish, Zecora and Gustave, you NEVER get to see ANYONE from ANYWHERE else.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but relying on accent alone, the great majority of characters we've seen are from the US or Canadian.

If this is about personalities and not accents, why systematically make Applejack South-American?
If accents are being taken into consideration, why even ponder what nationality they may be?

Moving on, to finish what ponies I can.

Personally, taking into account their pasts, I believe the pegasi could both be Turkish.
I bet none of you ever considered that nation because we're not known for our qualities. And I'm pretty sure some "lies" will spawn a lot of hate, especially towards the end.
But please hear me out here.

1- They stand for each other, as Dash defended Flutters against bullies with enough willpower for a Sonic Rainboom, and silenced her pride to protect Pinkie when Gilda went over the top; whereas Flutters can get over her shyness to defend her friends, standing up against complete strangers like dragons or Iron Will.
It was all over French news when a Turkish ship full of civilian activists, Mavi Marmara, was attacked. Tt was claimed they had been "intending to kill", carrying metal bars and knives, but they received bullets and grenades from helicopters.
Not the only example of Turks coming to help people or standing up unarmed against attack, either. When I lived in Istanbul, we were pretty much used to news of terrorist attacks every other week. They would be done by communities Westerns consider "peaceful victims" of Turks' "well-known hostility".

Which brings me to

2- Fluttershy tends to get picked on, as a filly but also in adulthood, by other ponies.
You'll probably call me a patriot and a martyr here, but think about it. You can find readily available proof of both the good and bad sides of the Turkish nation, but how often are the former taught at schools and shown in public media?
While Turks try to learn from past mistakes and moving on, the other nations have a tendency to stay stuck up and hate on us because of past "horrors"... forgetting how many their own people killed and enslaved. The most likely reason is that they continue to be enemies, keep feeding civilians propaganda and censored info to keep them docile and ignorant. That is, by all means, living in the past.

And speaking of killing and enslaving

3- Fluttershy protects creatures most ponies find horrible or even monstrous, like snakes and manticores and hellhounds - even Discord she had once called a "big dumb meanie".
Have you heard of the Spanish Inquisition? One extreme among many examples of Europe's discrimination and intolerance at the time?
You probably knew of Jews and Protestants who fled the Western world because of this. But I bet none of you knew where they stopped by and decided to stay.

And perhaps the most important part

4- They live in the clouds, which allows for better perspective for a global view of things in Equestria.
This is a combination of #2 and #3, which both show how much the Turkish nation likes to look ahead. Historical evidence: you probably knew the Ottomans conquered nearly half of Asia, just as Romans spread their influence to the whole European mainland. But have you noticed that Asian cultures are still pretty varied, with various religions and histories... while European countries look almost like carbon copies with occasional differences to me.

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"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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My theory:


Twilight Sparkle: England

Fluttershy: Ireland (Because it has lots of nature)

Applejack: Texas

Rarity: France

Rainbow Dash: Somewhere in America

Pinkie Pie: ???


Hope it helps!

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Rarity - French


Twilight - Japanese


Applejack - American, specifically Texan


Rainbow Dash - American, specifically New Jerseyan


Fluttershy - Canadian


Pinkie Pie - American, specifically Californian

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