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Once I finish with a Mane-iac drawing I'm doing, I want to take yet another crack at a Dashie drawing lol.  I just don't feel I've even come close to doing her justice (her and her awesomeness).  This time I plan to use a screen shot as a reference; probably something where she's flying.  This one's a potential candidate:


Though if anyone has any suggestions as to what screen shot I should work from, I'm open to them.  Mainly looking for Dashie in flight, and I wouldn't be opposed to something with an unusual perspective.


  • Brohoof 2
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Once I finish with a Mane-iac drawing I'm doing, I want to take yet another crack at a Dashie drawing lol.  I just don't feel I've even come close to doing her justice (her and her awesomeness).  This time I plan to use a screen shot as a reference; probably something where she's flying.  This one's a potential candidate:


Though if anyone has any suggestions as to what screen shot I should work from, I'm open to them.  Mainly looking for Dashie in flight, and I wouldn't be opposed to something with an unusual perspective.

Hmm, I like that flying pose, you could make it work ;)

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I love this picture. Sexy Dash coming through :wub: sexy_rainbow_dash_by_windbird404-d5dttp3


Ahh I could watch Dashie do this all day XD


I also found this little cutie :wub:



This needs an "I've done nothing productive all day" caption.

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Enthusiastic Dash is adorable




For some reason the forums hate this pic...

Edited by Megas75
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I made this video and composed the awful music in it lol.  I made it in Jeskola Buzz using recorded voice samples of RD.  Enjoy?


I'm so proud of how bad this is. xD


Your choice of picture for that video is very amusing.


As for the music, not really my thing, but hey, it's a start! Anything that features the voice of Rainbow Dash already has a head start in the awesome department!

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It's amazing how quickly this page accelerated. It took FOREVER to reach 1000 posts, but since then, we're now just barely shy of 2000! You guys have been very busy here! haha


Rock it!









C'mon, you mean you guys don't want to see Princess Rainbow Dash?



How about Nightmare Dash?






Oh oh oh! How about PE Dash?!?!




The mane and tail could use some adjustment, but hey, I did that in like 20 seconds! haha

Edited by PE Brony
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