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gaming Set of games you play?


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I see so many good threads! I want to post in all of them.But i'm kind of a shy pony and i'm a big gamer! So i was wondering what kinda of games do you play? ^_^


I like abit minecraft, Pokemon tower deffence, Amnesia the dark desent and old school sypro <3.


I guess i'm kind of awkward about talking to people so i'm guessing founding out about what games people play is a great way to make friends?!

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Final Fantasy 7-9,Valkyria chronicles,Command and Conquer:Ra2,King of Fighters


Mainly anything with a bit of strategy to it.

Edited by SrFrog
  • Brohoof 1

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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Mmm, I like anything rts-ish. Starcraft was excellent, Civilization, Age of Empires was too, though I didn't like AoE3 that much. Just recently got hooked on Total War. It's brilliant, just what I've been looking for in a game ^^


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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GAH! I play too many games,

I've been gaming for as long as I've been able to read!


So needles to say, it would take me too long to post all the games I've played,


I'm currently playing skyrim, got over 50 hours on that :P ~

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On two? Hmm... Killzone 3, I've only played that game on Multiplayer since I bought it. I havent even completed the story on that game.

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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It looks like it's up to me to step up and represent again! Video/computer games...Bah, Humbug!









Once when I was a kid, me, my dad, and my brother played Risk until like five in the morning. My mom got mad and made me stay home from school because I never actually went to bed, and I was so tired I couldn't walk straight!




                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I love pretty much all kinds of video games, but I usually play RTS/TBS games. The total war series, and Europa Universalis III are my favorite strategies. Dead Space 1-2, TF2, Half-Life series, Portal 1-2, and Gmod are my favorite FPS games. For action games I like Assasin's Creed and Stuntman Ignition. To top it off the Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Fable series are my favorite RPGs.


I love board games too, but I couldn't even begin listing all of those so I won't. :lol:

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It looks like it's up to me to step up and represent again! Video/computer games...Bah, Humbug!









Once when I was a kid, me, my dad, and my brother played Risk until like five in the morning. My mom got mad and made me stay home from school because I never actually went to bed, and I was so tired I couldn't walk straight!




LOL i do love a good game of pictanary ^_^ and is life the ones with the cards?

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Am mostly only interested in JRPGs. I play Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. Also, Pokemon. I'd probably like the Zelda series though, so I'm going to play that whenever money appears.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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I love video games; Pokemon, Dragon Ball, (Z and GT included) almost all RPG's, and I am particularly fond of the Langrisser series, and other Strategy RPG's. I am not obsessed with Halo or 007, but I play those as well. I love classics...There are precious few NES/SNES games I would not play.

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I haven't played anything in like a week actually!


Though now that the weekends coming around I'll have some free time.


My Plan:


Get on Xbox LIVE

Join Xbox Live Party Char

Ignore all invites to play Halo: Reach

Disregard Xbox and Play Wii while speaking to Xbox Live Party! :P


Not sure which Wii game I'll play either No More Heroes or Zelda Majora's Mask!

[New siggy in progress!]

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I really enjoy games that make you think. Actually, I've been playing through the Pheonix Wright games again, still very, very good IMO.


Other than that, action adventure games, and Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, and Disgaea. All good games. Oh, and Portal, I have Still Alive on 360, and am going to pickup another copy of 2, I never finished co-op.

"No, I am not going to run, I am not going to hide, I am going to take a stand and fight!"

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I used to be pretty heavy on RPGs, but with the newer consoles not having any ones worth an apple my interest has kind of faded. Don't get me wrong though, I could easily sit and play myself a nice oldschool, turnbased SNES RPG anyday. RPGs will always have a place in my heart, that feeling of rising from rags to the most powerful living being on the face of the planet at the end just can't be beaten. It also helps when the story is really good and the characters are very likable.


That said, for series I love Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Gears of War, Mass Effect, Castlevania, and of course Pokemon (not so much the newer ones, the new Pokemon just look like... well, crap)


Also, Digimon World (1) is and will always be the best monster breeding game ever made by ponykind.


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I have really diverse taste in games. I play everything from Katamari to Gears of War but I especially love fighting games. I've been playing Mortal Kombat since before I could read. Right now, the games I play the most are Gears of War 3, Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3, Skyrim, Battlefield 3, and Tekken 6.

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Minecraft, All the Pony games!!!!! MW3, MW2, COD4, CODBO, Civilization 4, MAG, TF2. basically i'm one of the biggest gamers here lol.


Lol no you're not. No offense, but that's a fairly short list, and over half of it is CoD, which might as well all be the same game with a few different weapons and maps.



Anyway, right now I'm replaying KOTOR and Half Life 2. Beating my way through another game of Morrowind as a nord with an axe. I'm always playing TF2, binding of Isaac and minecraft off and on. I just started Odin sphere, I'm steadily making progress in persona 3. I still need to beat the final boss on Castlevania curse of darkness, but I've taken a break from playing that for awhile. On the DS, I'm playing final fantasy tactics A2, disgaea, and shin megami tensei: devil survivor.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Lol no you're not. No offense, but that's a fairly short list, and over half of it is CoD, which might as well all be the same game with a few different weapons and maps.



Anyway, right now I'm replaying KOTOR and Half Life 2. Beating my way through another game of Morrowind as a nord with an axe. I'm always playing TF2, binding of Isaac and minecraft off and on. I just started Odin sphere, I'm steadily making progress in persona 3. I still need to beat the final boss on Castlevania curse of darkness, but I've taken a break from playing that for awhile. On the DS, I'm playing final fantasy tactics A2, disgaea, and shin megami tensei: devil survivor.


Dang Evilshy! i wouldn't want to pull out every game i've played and liked.

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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