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S03:E13 - Magical Mystery Cure



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It has officially been said the Twilight will not outlive her friends, through such I feel it can be said she is not immortal.

Kayy Kayy.. Who knows.. No one confirmed she is or isn't immortal because I never saw anything... or maybe I did... actually I don't know  :lol:


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I can't be the only one slowly going insane waiting for season 4


Like really a movie is great and all but I'm really want to see season 4

  • Brohoof 1


Amazing signature by Lunia

lightning twirl: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-twirl-r5694

Sugar blossom: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sugar-blossom-r5952

I should really do my homework.... OH look a notification

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I dunno, did Apples suspect anything while Pinkie lived with them instead of Applejack. And what did Celestia mean while she said, that Twilight still can suspect on her support? another orders about Equestria's resque, cause i can't remember any different kinds of her help.

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The vibe of this episode felt way off from the whole series. It just didn't flow like the other episodes. Reminded me of like I was watching Nadia Secret of the Blue Water movie which was bad and off the vibe.

  • Brohoof 2
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Let me just come by and say, that I loved the episode despite all the weird and minor plot fails it had. I really liked it for the music it had and I also loved Twilight's speech towards the end.


It was really beautiful and touching to see her thank her friends for all the help and support they had provided for her. :P


I honestly doubt Twilicorn wouldn't have came to be if it weren't for her friend's being there by her side all the way through. :)


And overall, this song has become my favorite.  ;)


Edited by Sanderspie
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I personally didn't really like this episode. It was another problem solved by a random hunch and an easy spell. Return of the Harmony, anyone?

This awesome signature was made by the amazing, Rainbow Skywalker!!!!


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I think it's the best episode in the entire series, I'm fine with Twilight becoming an Alicorn, I think it was done extremely well... But if they dare do it to any of the other mane 6 without a very good reason... FAN-FICTIONS WILL BURN!

  • Brohoof 2
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The problem wasn't so big as the solution was a simple rehabilitation to get them doing what they would normally do. This just shows that Twilight wasn't capable of thinking outside the box. Really shows that without the Mane 5 and Spike doing it, Twilight needs someone else to think unconventionally.

  • Brohoof 1
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A lot of us (including myself) are probably asking the question of "Why didn't anyone else notice anything about the cutie mark switch?" That is a very good question, but I believe I have the answer. I believe that the spell not only affected the Mane Six (excluding Twilight), but all of Equestria. Everyone was affected by the cutie mark switch so that, even though they might have noticed that something was wrong, nopony would think of the cutie marks since the spell would have made them think that the mane six all had their own cutie marks. But now someone else is going to ask "But why was Twilight not affected by the spell?" That is a very simple answer. It pretty much has the same reasoning as her spell in Lesson Zero. The spell affects everyone except for the user of said spell. So, with all that out of the way, there is still one problem that arises. Why is Spike not affected? To that, I have no truly logical answer, so I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that only ponies are affected, not any other species, such as dragons. Thanks for reading!!  :)

  • Brohoof 2
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A lot of us (including myself) are probably asking the question of "Why didn't anyone else notice anything about the cutie mark switch?" That is a very good question, but I believe I have the answer. I believe that the spell not only affected the Mane Six (excluding Twilight), but all of Equestria. Everyone was affected by the cutie mark switch so that, even though they might have noticed that something was wrong, nopony would think of the cutie marks since the spell would have made them think that the mane six all had their own cutie marks. But now someone else is going to ask "But why was Twilight not affected by the spell?" That is a very simple answer. It pretty much has the same reasoning as her spell in Lesson Zero. The spell affects everyone except for the user of said spell. So, with all that out of the way, there is still one problem that arises. Why is Spike not affected? To that, I have no truly logical answer, so I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that only ponies are affected, not any other species, such as dragons. Thanks for reading!!  :)


The spell Twilight used rewritten the Mane 5 destiny by switching their Cutie Marks. Cutie Marks are exclusive to Ponies and it affected those that lived in the vicinity.


Twilight not affected being the caster. Spike would also be unaffected. Otherwise, Twilight may have placed magical protections around her home since Discord ate her books.


The spell caused a memory loss to the Mane 5 because they didn't know what they were doing. It wasn't powerful enough to rewrite history. So the other ponies may have also suffered some memory loss.

Edited by Singe
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The spell Twilight used rewritten the Mane 5 destiny by switching their Cutie Marks. Cutie Marks are exclusive to Ponies and it affected those that lived in the vicinity.

I completely agree with you on this part. I only use "all of Equestria" because there is no proof that anypony outside of Ponyville was or was not affected by the spell.



Twilight not affected being the caster. Spike would also be unaffected. Otherwise, Twilight may have placed magical protections around her home since Discord ate her books.

I just cannot agree to the "magical protections" part for three reasons. First, if Twilight put magical protections on her home to protect her from outside threats, how would they protect her from a spell inside her home. Second, even if the protections did protect her from the inside, I doubt it would protect her from her own spells. Three, how would Twilight be able to protect herself from a spell she didn't even know existed and how it worked (and if she did know about it, why would she use the spell in the first place)?

Side note: If Twilight wanted to put protection around her home, I would assume she would do it long before the SECOND appearance of Discord.



The spell caused a memory loss to the Mane 5 because they didn't know what they were doing. It wasn't powerful enough to rewrite history. So the other ponies may have also suffered some memory loss.

There are a couple things I must address in this statement. First, the ponies did not suffer from a memory "loss", but instead a kind of memory "change." No one lost the memories they had before, but instead the memories were altered to go with their cutie marks. And I never said it rewrote history. If it did rewrite history, then the Mane Six would be perfecty fine with their new talents and nopony, not even Twilight, would notice.

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The way that Twilight is vaporized and then reappears in a different form reminds me of Dr. Manhattan in "Watchmen."  I would like to see an animation that takes the pony characters and mimics those scenes from "Watchmen."  That would be pretty cool.  I wish I had the ability to animate, so that I could do it. 

  • Brohoof 1

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I have mixed feeling about this episode,..i think it was rushed (how original of me), but yes i do think that, probably it was originaly meant as a two parter,...

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I didn't really like the episode. Why? Well, it had the potential to be great. If three quarters of it wasn't song! Of course, some songs in it were great like "What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me". But there were some not so great ones like the "Good Morning Ponyville" song (I'm not sure if I got that title right... Sorry.). And I also thought that making Twilight an alicorn in such an early season wasn't right. They could, but they should have waited.

  • Brohoof 2
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I liked the episode but some things I did notice were that when Twilight is becoming an alicorn it's not Celestia's magic around her, it's purple magic, and yeah that's probably stating the obvious, also I wonder what would of happened if Rainbow got Rarity, Pinkie or Applejack's job, as well as Fluttershy getting AJ's Rarity's or Rainbow's, AJ getting Pinkie's, Rainbow's or Fluttershy's, Pinkie getting Rarity's, Fluttershy's or Rainbow's and Rarity getting AJ's, Fluttershy's or Pinkie's, that would of been cool to see.

  • Brohoof 1


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At best, the problem of the Cutie Mark switch would have been good for a comic arc run.


The idea was completely wasted in this episode by just having them be complete failures rather than they have some way to make it but just aren't into it fully. 


Rainbow Dash only takes care of flying animals while the others are neglected.


Applejack runs a clothing store and sells brands. She doesn't create outfits and only does adequate repair jobs.

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Guest DJ Hydrolicious

I don't know what is up with all the hate with this episode. This episode is a personal favorite of mine, and I just don't see why there's so much negativity about it.

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The episode was very strange, but in a good way. I think people criticize it so much because they are looking at it as a normal mlp episode. But obviously, this one was not. It was an episode that ended a season only halfway through it, it was a one parter that felt as if it sholduld have a second part, there were songs all through out the episode. So obviously this was not intended to be viewed as a normal episode, I think it was building up to a 2nd part in season 4. Also, because of the rushed feel of the episode, I don't think twilight is going t stay an alicorn.

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I really enjoyed season 3 even tho it wasnt as long as the other seasons and the song 'a true true friend' in this episode is just so darn good and from what i can see by the season 4 preview the songs in S4 will be just as good! this is the first time ive been really excited for a new season of a television show ( became a brony when season 3 was out). 


I dont mind Twilight being an Alicorn i just hope the ''royal duties'' doesnt keep her from experiencing the magic of friendship with the others, obviously i think there are going to be episodes with her trying to do her duties as a princess and i think Cadence will help her.

Edited by SveciaDash




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It looked as if the story was a bit rushed and the spell incantation could be easily guessed. Not to mention the songs, I'm no expert thought, yet I could just feel it that it doesn't rhyme that well compared to the other songs in the previous episodes.


OC              "I live for the story."              dA

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