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Dear Princess Celestia


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Write silly and non-important to Celestia about everyday life!

E.g "  Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned that true love is breaking your television screen and inviting the TV repair colt over...then romancing the colt and having three foals with him..however if the repair colt cheats on you, you can then do what black widows do and hire another one to come and replace it." your

faithful widow, 



  • Brohoof 1
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Dear Princess Celestia,

Here's what I learned today, some ponies will try and kill you. And that's just not okay. But fear not my princess, for I am here to stay.


Sincerely, Your favorite pastry kleptomaniac, MT.

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Dear Princess Luna,

Did you give permission to this loyal cult group of devote followers to set up shop in town? They call themselves the New Luna Republic and littered my mail box with propaganda. Please deal with them.

-Your faithful citizen


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Dear Princess Celestia,


Today, I learned that the most important lesson of all is to never put a potato in a microwave without poking holes in it first.  I'm ever so sorry for the mess in the Great Hall.  I promise I'll have that cleaned up right away.


Some random shmoe on the street, Harvan.

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Dear Princess Celestia,


Today, I learned that people always overreact and sometimes when they overreact they jump out the window like a madman. They usually take things way too far in life.


The Self-Proclaimed Best in The World ©,

~Chaotic Lightning~

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Dear Princess Celestia,


Today I learned that certain Japanese producers in the video game industry make people want to sell their body for money to buy their

that is going to be released soon.I also learned that it hurts to take it up the butt.


Your newly ex-virgin/male prostitute,


Edited by CaptainBlue808
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Dear Princess Celestia,


Today I learned that sometimes violence is the anwer to everyone. Especially when dealing with pissed off seniors on the bus, old coot had it coming :)


Your everyday guy


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Dear Princess Celestia,


Today I learned that if you have a pistol with a tactical knife in Black Ops 2, and you use the knife while crouching and looking down, it looks like your digging or slamming your fists into the ground.


Your favorite brand of luxury car,

Rolls Royce.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned that Halo has the best soundtrack of any game ever, and anyone who says otherwise is wrong. 

(That toaster won't stop taunting me D:<)


Love, your faithful paranoid schizophrenic, Harmonic Revelations

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Dera Pwircess Dyslerixa
My frenids and I larneed an irmoantpt lossen tihs week: neevr jgude a book by its cover. Soonmee may look uusunal, or funny, or sacry, but you hvae to look psat that and lrean who they are iisdne. Rael fnireds don’t crae waht your cveor is, it’s the centnots of a pnoy that cnuot. And a good frined, lkie a good book, is shomtneig taht wlil lsat feevorr.

Yuor fauthfil snuedtt, Tilihgwt Slkprae.

Edited by GolgoXIII
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Princess Celestia:


If I keep watching documentaries with British narrators, sooner or later, I might end up talking in a British accent. It's already too late for my mind.


 - Ganaram Inukshuk

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Dear Princess Celestia,

I got into a knife fight with a hobo over a pop can and now he's dead..can you lend me the omicron for the weekend? Thanks

Your faithful student.


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Deer Prints S. Sells T A,


Today eye learned that dick tating you're letters thru a dragging is knot always the bess idea. Wile E may spell moss of it core erectly, ewe half know whey to tell if it well make NE scents wend he sands it. Problemmy breast two just right it yours elf.


Yore faithless stew dent, Why Light Spackle.

  • Brohoof 1
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