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THE worst pain you have ever experienced

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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When a toothpick went straight through my finger (don't ask me how), just to the side of my bone. And I had to pull it out by myself because I was on my own. Damn that hurt like hell. Took like 15 minutes to pull it out. Almost passed out in the progress.

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Hm...worst pain? Probably after my mottorcycle accident(Slide sideways on pavement) or one of my mountain bike crashes (hitting a tree).Or getting electrocuted.


never bad enough for surgery though.

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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Peeling the nail off of my toe because I stubbed it...


Stubbing your toe is worst than hitting a brick wall with your head, it stings. ;~; And I not only stubbed it, but peeled my nail off... D:

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When I went to Mexico I got sick from eating cheese mixed in the beans. Lets just say I had to shit everywhere on a trip from the middle of nowhere to another place in the middle of nowhere while it is 115 degrees, we barely have any water, and I was extremely dehydrated. If I remember correctly I was going through mild heat stroke and it was killer pain. There was confusion, diarrhea, weakness, and unconsciousness. I remember knocking out in the car and waking up back to where we were staying at, confused and hungry.

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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I've snapped my arm in half when a van caused me to fall off a push bike, my left hand was hanging off, the bone sticking out of my arm... 'twas not fun. The paramedic told me there was a good chance they would have to amputate my left hand as they feared gravel getting into my bone marrow, fortunately it wasn't amputated but it still causes me problems, getting it too cold hurts because f the mental plates hiding it together.

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I can't recall much very painful moments that were really painful, but I remember one that was kind of painful, when I was new to frying meat on a pan. I put too much oil, and when I flipped the beef with my spatula, it got on some of my skin. It was really painful, but I got to the sink fast.

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The worst pain I've ever experienced was when my pet died.




Her name was Eliza. She was my bowling ball.




(She died in my arms...which caused me to go "eww, dead ball!" and I dropped her on my foot.)

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Probably seeing my grandfather get buried. That was actually the first time I ever saw someone close to me pass away. It may sound corny, but you truly can't appreciate what you have until you lose it. I still can't explain it for the life of me, but it was only at the moment that they began burying my grandfather that I was sincerely crying uncontrollably. At some point later I realized that as a large figure in our families' lives, I regretted not having the opportunity to actually know the man better what with our few times together. My other grandfather on my mom's side passed away years ago before I was even born.


Emotions can be strange like that.


Physical pain? Well there was an instance when I was much younger in the UK were a loose metal bedframe in our hotel cut deep into my leg, practically to the bone I think. Friggin hospital care would have taken over 2 hours in the waiting room, so we had to settle for cheapass bandaids. Damn European healthcare system.

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I've never broken a bone or so much as twisted an ankle. I haven't even fallen hard enough to knock the wind out of me.


The worst pain I have been through is when I stepped on a wasp. It only stung me once though (because it died when I stepped on it), so it wasn't even that bad. Infact, it was just about as painful as when I flex my foot and get a cramp/kink thing.

Edited by D1SC0RD


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(Warning: Gore)


When i was on holiday in Costa D'Amalfi. My family and me went on a walk round Pompeii. At the end of the walk, we were walking up these stairs to get to the hire car. On the way there, for reasons unknown, the skin on my big right toe (and I think a bit of flesh) got cut off. It was hanging from the top of the toe. Luckly, the injury was comical enough for me to laugh the pain away as I was helped back to the car.


After a few weeks, the area grew back. So I guess it wasn't that bad.



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Oh my gooood. So many things I can choose from.


I don't remember this (I was nearly 2 years old). A hawk crashed through the windshield of my dad's semitruck (I was in my mom's lap in the passenger seat) and it sliced my cheek and part of my lip open.

I still got the scars on my left cheek and on the corner of my lip.


My brother breaking my nose with a croquet mallet. If it wasn't for my glasses taking some of the damage, I would be blind in my left eye.


Crashing a motorbike on a gravel road at 50 MPH. Still got a scar on my left forearm.


Oh, and to add to the dentist stories.


Getting ALL FOUR wisdom teeth removed.

Luckily, I opted for sedation. Didn't feel a thing.


Althought having to change the gauze was the worst possible thing I have ever felt. Oh my god. I was crying and sobbing in pain as I had to slowly work my jaw to get the bloodied gauze out. sad.pngsad.pngsad.pngsad.png

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My first Hemorrhoid surgery last year in November. I can guarantee you right now that the pain I felt from all the injuries that happened in my life paled in comparison to this. At first when the surgery was over, it wasn't bad. I had a bag in my bum. It was awkward, but not bad. Later that night, the pain intensified greatly and I couldn't sleep at all.sad.png  I was up the whole night in agony. Around five in the morning I was able to get the bag out, but that was even more painful. In the end though, it helped lessen the pain. Not by much, but it was better than nothing. After that, I couldn't sit down for a few weeks until my butt healed.


Worst pain of my life.



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Well keep in mind, i like pain alot soo.... im gonna call this my "Best Pain Ever"


Easily the time i fell into a pile of thankfully rust-free needles. 47 puncture wounds at once (All the way through, and several hit bone) brought me to pain nirvana. Sorry if this scares you folks lolz.

  • Brohoof 1
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well...when i was in Kindergarten, i tripped over someone, landed face first in the gravel and and split my lip, then when i was little, i scraped my knees pretty bad, then a couple years ago i had to have surgery on my shoulder and in my mouth because of a full grown tooth and shifted over to the front of my mouth (the result of the face plant in gravel in Kindergarten), and right now because my left foot and some of the toes are swollen while my right foot hurts from most likely from leaning on it a lot but both hurt like heck!!!




Yeah...ok sorry if this is to much info, but my cramps will get horrible and sometimes I vomit and just sit there and cry. Like it feels like all the muscles in your stomach just twist tight and are ready to EXPLODE. Whenever I feel them come in, I take 2 Menstrual meds, but sometimes they still get bad. They're hard to beat. I know some people who never get them or just get them minor....lucky girls <.<


i hear you girl i get such bad cramps during my time of the month that unless i take advil i will throw up, sometimes if i take them too late i'll still throw up, i used to take menstrual tylenol pills but i think i got immune to them somehow cause they stopped working for me, but then good ol' advil became my best medical friend :3


and boys....consider yourselves lucky dry.png  

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One time I kind of botched this wrestling move real bad and it felt like my spine was being completely compressed. I felt this horrible crunch in several places. Hasn't stopped me, but next time I'm definitely going to a professional school.

Well, that's physical pain anyway. I also had an uncle go to gaol. That was horrible. Completely horrible. Just when I learned what he did was a crazy moment for me.

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The most pain I have felt was when I was around to punch som1 out of anger. However he dodged and sods luck there was one those really rough sandpaper type walls. So when I punched it the skin on my knuckle and the lower part got really grazed and  some skin on my finger joints got teared off my skin. I am still scarred a bit on my finger joints and that was just less than a decade ago :P

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The worst pain I had was when I was a kid. Testicular torsion, or when one or both twist enough to cut off the blood supply which as you may imagine is very painful and it takes a few days to not be like that provided you're lucky enough. That's when I found out what an ultrasound is.

Edited by A Blithering Div

I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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Hands down, torn ACL in my right leg. I was walking home from school and slid down a hill twisting my knee a weird way. I should have rested it but the very next day I was back to football practice. A week later I jumped and as soon as I came down on I felt it and just fell over freaking out. I thought I'd broke it lol some friends helped me to a bench and I iced it till I got a ride to the hospital.

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The time I did about eighty sit-ups and then immediately got stabbed in the stomach by a broken piece of excercise equipment was probably some of the worst pain I have ever experienced. (It happened quite recently)

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Having stomach flu at 12:00 in the morning.


Its not like normal liquid vomit, its vomit that's part liquid/part chunk. After that has ceased, you bastically have this feeling of heat,stomach ache, and cramp that makes you want to sleep.


I have a large member....

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Lost my leg to a 3 breaks and a compound fracture just below the knee the bone had to be reset and cauterized or i would bleed to death. my arm also broke from the impact my shoulder socket was cracked and i blacked out, i later woke up 3 day's later in the emergancy care center having a tube down my nose and all that jazz


6 month's in physical therapy and an amputation and i was good to go.

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I would say the worst pain I ever felt would be the migraines I get. How do I say this. Well I have broken many bones and stepped on a nail, but none come close to how I feel when I get a migraine. I basically feel like my head is exploding and all sound and lights become extremely painful to me. Uh the pain is so severe that I start to vomit continuously. I am usually regarded as a tough guy to my friends, but yet they never seen me having one of these things. I usually brake down and want to die. I legitly want to die when I get one of these. Also, best part is that I get them once every month. It really sucks. You see I have this scaring in my brain and thats the reason why there so severe. No medication really helps with me. I just have to wait if out which takes a couple of hours, but those hours are the most painful part of my life. 

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