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Make Your Own Spinoff


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Many of us have expressed some skepticism about the rumored "Equestria Girls" spinoff where humanized versions of the Mane 6 go to high school. I hope to Celestia they can come up with something better than that, but until we know for sure, all we have is our imaginations.


So let's use them! B) Let's say you have to create your own My Little Pony spinoff. What would it be about? Who stars in it? Would the art style be the same? Throw your own ideas in here.


I would make my spinoff about Lyra and her research on humans. One of the Mane 6 appears occasionally, but it's mainly about her and Bon Bon and some other background ponies. The art/animation style and voices are all the same.

  • Brohoof 2

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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Something about Derpy! The Adventures of Derpy! Who wouldn't wanna watch that?! And she would have 2 more companions... Screwball and Screw Loose! They go on adventures to stop Discord stealing Muffins! They would go on adventures and follow the Mane 6 sometimes and eat Muffins! They stop some villains too.  :P  ^_^  :lol:



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well i and see more of luna for one but also trixie


so maybe a show half is about luna where see luna's past and what she was doing the after the mane 6 defeated nightmare moon 


and the other half is about tixies's life and adventure before and after boast buster and

so maybe 11 luna episodes and 11 trixie ones

and throw 2 filler that has no connection to the story where there a lunar rebellion against the solar empire

then 2 filler where luna is the ruler and celestia was the banished one so a flip the the first 2 episodes of season one and the mane 6 are now trixie(magic), derpy(kindness), lyra(laughter),bonbon(generosity), carrottop(honesty), Cloudchaser(loyalty)  

Edited by AzureFlames

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Equestria Idol with Vinyl Scratch, Octavia and Sweetie Belle as judges.


A version of "Three's Company" where Big Mac moves into an apartment with Rarity and Pinkie Pie.


Equestria's Got Talent with Spike, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash as judges.

  • Brohoof 2

"Mr. The Dragon!" - Ms. Harshwhinny

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Two ideas here



A series where it has Celestia's and Luna's past events. It has their adventures and how they came tk be who they are. It all leads to the final which is Luna becoming Nightmare Moon



A series where the mane characters are the more famous background ponies. To deside who is more popular we hold a contest to see who would be the cast. The background ponies (now the main vast for this series) will have their own adventures or they can show their side of what happend on more memorable or huge events.

  • Brohoof 2
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well.... luna and celestia as fillys celestia as the bossy pranky one and luna as the shy more emotinal canterlot voice one :P that live in everfree forest before they became royals

Edited by pinkieshyrose

Pinkie Pie : "And that's how Equestria was made!"

Pinkie Pie : "who turned off the moon? dont go near that cake theif! stop theif! oh are you ok theif"?

http://pinkeshyrose.deviantart.com/ my da account

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1) Two and a Half Men ripoff starring Celestia, Luna, and Cadence

2) Pokemon ripoff starring Pinkie and 649 different shades of Parasprite

3) House M.D. ripoff starring Nurse Redheart.

4 (actually serious) Something exploring the Royal Sisters' past, as well as the lands beyond Equestria.


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You know what I want?


The Adventures of Daring Do! It would be about, well, Daring Do! And her many journeys and quests to recieve legendary treasures, and fight monsters and creatures beyond your wildest dreams!

  • Brohoof 5

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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What about a spinoff for the Cutie Mark Crusaders? The setting could be in Manehattan, but I have no idea what it woud directly be about besides finding their cutie marks.


Nonetheless, it's a thought.

  • Brohoof 1



Your breath stinks.

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Am I allowed MLP Noir?


We move from a land of colourful, pastel ponies to a grey-ish and rainy world where a group of 6 police mares with differing ideologies must work together to solve mysteries woven by Al Capone-esque crime bosses, corrupt politicians and the occasional edlritch abomination a la Cthulhu.


Alternatively, as has been mentioned above, a high fantasy setting where the Mane 6 take on the characteristics of Dungeons & Dragons archetypes and go on epic journeys in service of Equestria.

  • Brohoof 2

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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There are quite a few things I would have loved to see in a spin-off series.


1. Daring Do. Her adventures certainly seem more than worthy of a new series, and maybe they could even have each story arc begin with Twilight or Rainbow beginning the new book.


2. Something centered around Celestia and Luna before Luna's transformation. It would answer a lot of questions about what happened all those years ago, and how they took on Discord and Sombra. Who knows, maybe Sombra will get a personality this time.


3. CMC spin-off, but focusing on the Manehattan branch. Since the Ponyville CMC will still get episodes in the main show, why not show what Babs is doing with her new friends? Plus, we'd finally get to see more of Manehattan!

  • Brohoof 2

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It's like the writers use a mad lib to write spin-offs on so many series.



________  goes to _______ and finds ______ which pisses off ________ fans.

Character                 Place                     Noun                              Adjective

  • Brohoof 1


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my ideas for a spinoff


pinkie's adventures with the 4th wall


celestia and luna as fillies


CMC grown up


mane 6 as fillies


background ponies adventures


mane 6 with a continuous story line

Edited by STVB


Come to my xat http://xat.com/fyrestone

PSN/Wii U - STVH1295

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Make it like Equestria Girls but instead of some random High School tween bullcrap, make it more like Power Rangers where they travel to and fro around the world and learn some kind of ancient, mystical martial arts. Then, they start beating the crap out of bad guys. They still teach friendship, only this time, it's through their fists.

  • Brohoof 1


"Sending some assholes your way to the death dimension!" -Lelouch (Code MENT)


"Kenpachi Ramasama, why didn't you do your math homework?" "Oh, I'm sorry. My toast wouldn't cook and then I had to go and become a sailor scout. RONIN WARRIORS!" -Matt and Pat (Two Best Friends Play)

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How about a series In which it's like that pokemon chronicles series, it' explores the Backstories of otehr characters like Discord or  Cadence 



And how about a series like Batman and Robin except its Lyra and Bon Bon!.

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                                                       ~ siggy by Me~

                                                                    Saxophonist|PW:AA fan|Bass Guitar Enthusiast |K-On! fan

                                                                                                 ~Ema Skye is my Waifu~

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I'd really like a Discord origins story (done well), starting when he was just Starswirl the Bearded for a season and then have him slowly descend into madness. After failing to become an alicorn, he decides to transform himself into a Draconequus, countless seasons of Discord wreaking Chaos in Equestria ensues. Celestia and Luna would constantly attempt to stop him and, in the last episode, finally succeed and trap him into stone. 

  • Brohoof 1



Thanks a lot to ShyForever for the great signature!

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its called My Little Pony Dracula X


its a g 3.5 spin off where Rainbow Dash gets corrupted by this weird Sombre like smoke and becomes, well like what I felt Sombre was supposed to be like, though I don't call him Sombre, in this world g3.5 was more fleshed out and had a point

and the 6 others (Pinkie Pie, Toola Roola, Starsong, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Cheerilee) have to go into her castle and save her

Can't visit Ponyville? Show up and say you can't!


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I have come up with the logical choice for a new spin off series from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". It's time we had "The Rainbow Dash Show"! Look, I even found some concept artwork for it!





























  • Brohoof 5


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I have quite a few ideas.


1. The Cutie Mark Crusaders Show

Just what the Cutie Mark Crusaders do when they get an episode, but now it's separate from MLP:FiM, so they'd get more episodes.

2.The Background Ponies

A spin-off dedicated to six of our favorite background ponies! There's only one I'd know for sure, and that's Derpy Hooves.

3. Pinkie Pie and The Masters of The Fourth Wall

Nuff' Said.

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Well, the easiest one for me to do would probably be one based on my Magical Girl Fic, where the mane 6 end up on Earth and have to find human partners to help them save their world from the Nightmare Queen.

A Winner Is You!!!
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The Princess Power Hour. Staring Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight. Spike would be a regular, The Mane Six would guest star from time to time. But the main thing would be a lot of face time for Luna.


and SpiderMare. Octavia would be Dr Octopus. Derpy would be Electro. Gummy would be The Lizard.

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